View Full Version : U.S. seizes ring of Chinese criminal pot-growing houses

04-04-2018, 11:05 PM
The U.S. has seized nearly 100 northern California homes used as marijuana farms for a Chinese crime organization, The Associated Press (https://apnews.com/60e9e35eeb81482b85acce911a582266/US-seizes-pot-growing-houses-tied-to-China-based-criminals) reports.
Federal and local law enforcement raids led to the seizure of more than 61,000 marijuana plants altogether weighing over 440 pounds, officials said.
A crime organization based in China's Fujian province purchased the nearly 100 homes through more than 100 separate wire transfers totaling $6.3 million, which they used to grow the massive quantities of marijuana for the black market.
Authorities have tracked shipments of the homes' products across the country, distributed through points in Atlanta, Chicago and New York.

More at: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/381730-us-seizes-ring-of-chinese-criminal-pot-growing-houses