View Full Version : North Dakota Officials Seek to Dupe Citizens on Common Core

10-19-2017, 07:14 PM
Apparently, North Dakota's education establishment thinks North Dakotans and their legislators are stupid, gullible, or both. But in fairness, they are not alone — state and federal officials all over America have been trying to dupe those they misrule into believing the toxic “Common Core” scheme was history. It's not. In fact, it is as firmly entrenched as ever.
Facing a grassroots uprising over the dumbed-down national “education” standards pushed on to states by bribes and bullying from the Obama administration, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and their cohorts simply decided to re-brand the scheme. Now, instead of “Common Core,” the state has adopted “new” “North Dakota” standards. Unfortunately, though, they are essentially indistinguishable.

More at: http://freedomproject.com/the-newman-report/373-north-dakota-officials-seek-to-dupe-citizens-on-common-core