View Full Version : What The Alt-Right Really Is & Really Thinks About Libertarians, Part I

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 10:16 PM

In a Mirror Darkly: Marxism and Libertarianism

If you are like me and you have spent more time than is probably healthy in libertarian political and intellectual circles you have probably taken note of various irritating and often ironic trends peculiar to the milieu. One such trend is the tendency of libertarian activists and fellow travelers to be converts from the left. They didn’t start as libertarians and they likely will not die libertarians. Some people stay libertarian for their entire political lives, but considering the intellectual dead end of libertarian ethical constructs like the NAP (http://therightstuff.biz/2012/12/01/you-down-with-nap/), these types inevitably become pedantic, tedious bores that perseverate on the same dumbed down talking points while hawking cheap, kitschy merchandise to the latest class of noobs as they roll in. Most libertarians came to the movement from some other radical community. They are usually more than happy to share the story of their ideological journey into the light if you ask them nicely. Most of these stories, mine included, start with Marxism.

This may surprise some people, but it really should not. Just because the two ideologies seem to be polar opposites in terms of doctrine and goals does not mean they do not attract essentially the same personality types. I have rarely met a libertarian that claims to have never been involved with the radical left at any point in his life. This actually makes perfect sense. I would be surprised if it were any other way. You may shake your head and come back with the rather cliched claim that libertarianism is the political expression of individualism, capitalism and freedom while Marxism is the intellectual grandfather of tyranny, totalitarian socialism and collectivism. What gives? Are not these two ideologies in direct opposition to each other? Sure they are. In theory they are bitterly opposed. But that is exactly why there is so much crossover.

Marxism and Libertarianism are essentially perverted mirror images of each other. Both are uncompromising, totalitarian, Utopian and reject the status quo as morally intolerable according to their own esoteric philosophical constructs. These qualities are more likely to be attractive to a certain type of person than any particular point of dogma. Both ideologies promote what are essentially unfalsifiable narratives and back them up with rhetorical techniques that guarantee a “win” in any political debate.

For Marxists they run with the unfalsifiable narrative that the “material forces of production” are inevitably guiding history in the direction of communism. If you object to this notion in debate, rather than addressing your point the Marxist will claim that “class determines consciousness” and thus your bourgeois nature prevents you from seeing this truth. The Marxist himself is also a bourgeois of course, but he has somehow managed to see through this fog and grasp the truth. If you are in fact from the working class, then the Marxist need only point out that you have been brainwashed by bourgeois society to have a “false consciousness” that betrays your true class interests. If you then point to the results of various Marxist/socialist/communist regimes in history, you will inevitably be hit with a variation on the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. Marxism, you see, is social science. Yet any attempt to actually examine it will be declared off limits and “unscientific” by its intellectual defenders a priori. So as you can see there is no way out of this trap. This is a perfect ideology for a poorly read yet intellectually arrogant college student to grasp hold of in an attempt to feel smart and important.

Libertarianism also offers such narratives for those that become fed up with Marxism or those that actually take a look at history and see what a disaster Marxism has created when put into political practice. For libertarians the unfalsifiable narrative from which all their conclusions flow is the “Action axiom”. This axiom states that all man acts, and in so doing he must choose his most highly valued end and the best means, as he sees it, to achieve this end. This actually is pretty straightforward and axiomatic. The libertarian will then attempt to iterate off this axiom to logically derive the rest of libertarian theory. The rhetorical corollary to the action axiom is “argumentation ethics”. This is an argumentative tactic in which the libertarian claims that simply by engaging in the act of political argumentation his interlocutor agrees a priori with universal libertarian ethical theories like the NAP and libertarian property norms. The problem here is that there is no way to universalize the preference that is displayed by the act of arguing into an ethic for all people. The trick also depends on someone actually arguing in the first place. It says nothing about the ethics of a person that actually kills or steals without arguing about it. In a political debate though this is an insidious trap and the perfect tactic to use if you simply want to “win” all arguments. Libertarianism has the added bonus that no libertarian society has ever actually existed, so there is no empirical test to which it can be subjected. You can see why arrogant and absolutist personality types would be drawn to this.

Utopian ideologues are going to be attracted to revolutionary ideologies regardless of what turn out to be in reality rather minor differences in doctrine. It’s really just a matter of who gets to them first. Given the leftist nature of our culture, it will likely be the Marxists that make first contact. My early life in radical politics started with a brief stint in Chomsky style left-anarchism (http://therightstuff.biz/2012/12/15/anarchism-is-retarded/), though even as a naive young fool I could see how ridiculous and unworkable that was. I soon moved on from that and got involved in sectarian Marxism. I was initially attracted to this genre because of their convincing pretense of intellectualism combined with facile one size fits all answers to every social issue. These tiny radical Marxist parties usually have no more than 10 members and no chance at ever being the revolutionary vanguard. Yet they endlessly bicker with each other over arcane points of doctrine and the proper interpretation of various texts by the great masters of old. Pay no attention to the direct parallels with religion here. They are just coincidental and mean nothing. Really.

I felt compelled to ragequit this leftist bizarro world when one Saturday afternoon I found myself in a run down YMCA in Brooklyn with a group of middle-aged Jewish public school teachers. They were discussing what the party line should be on radical Islam. On the one hand they found it to be a repugnant ideology, but on the other hand the muslims were more effective at fighting US imperialism than any current socialist alternatives. And they were all taking it dead seriously as if it was anything other than a circle fap of epic proportions. I realized I had gone beyond full retard. An overwhelming sense of loathing washed over me like an awesome wave. The people I was around suddenly seemed twisted and horrible. A revelatory religious experience is the closest thing I can compare this experience to. I quietly got up, walked out and never had contact with any of those people again. I sometimes wonder how much thought they put in to the question of my abrupt disappearance. I suspect not much. Such desertions are no doubt commonplace for these sorts of groups.

But I did not just leave the radical leftist world, I actively embraced the direct opposite. And I did so precisely because it was, or rather it seemed to be, the direct opposite. I had already known of Rothbard, Mises and Rand as the hated enemy. I had been instructed by one “comrade” to not read such material because it was dangerous. So I got my hands on as much Rothbard as I could and went through it like madman. I tore through Mises’s tome “Socialism” in about a week. And every one of those words rang true like was written in my soul. The world seemed suddenly so fresh and new where before it had been dreary and oppressive. Before every social interaction was another example of exploitation or hierarchy. There was hidden evil everywhere, and only myself and a few enlightened others could see it. Libertarianism was nothing like this. At first.

But of course the emotional high I was riding from the break with the left wore off. I started meeting the exact same kinds of people in the libertarian milieu that I encountered in the Marxist world. They tended to be younger and were therefore slightly less depressing, but many of them were well on their way to being the guy that holds meetings in the run down YMCA in Brooklyn and wears an out of style tweed jacket that smells vaguely of mothballs. I soon found that many libertarians still embraced the notion human equality. In the libertarian world you see, we are all special individuals, but we are also morally equal. Every individual could be a successful businessperson if not for the state and regulations. I know this and I am qualified to comment on this topic because of my experience selling hemp jewelry on craigslist and spending the proceeds on meth and high quality streaming porn.

The same old narratives of oppression came back, just with the cast of characters shifted around a bit to suit a slightly different set of prejudices. The world really was the same dreary place after all. Oppression really was everywhere, it was just coming from a different direction. In this new world the workers are exploiting the capitalists rather than vice versa. Everyone really is equal, but in this narrative equality is never realized because of the state rather than corporations. Or maybe it really is corporations after all. Eh, whatever works. The evil rich unfairly rely on government protection and subsidy, unlike in the Marxist world where of course the evil rich unfairly rely on government protection and subsidy. Oops. Looks like Marx beat you to that one bro. Libertarianism essentially takes all the basic assumptions of the radical leftist narrative and inverts the role of good guys and bad guys. Nothing new under the sun.

08-13-2017, 10:19 PM

08-13-2017, 10:23 PM

The evil rich unfairly rely on government protection and subsidy, unlike in the Marxist world where of course the evil rich unfairly rely on government protection and subsidy. Oops. Looks like Marx beat you to that one bro. Libertarianism essentially takes all the basic assumptions of the radical leftist narrative and inverts the role of good guys and bad guys. Nothing new under the sun.

Uh, the fact that we agree with the left on that is what keeps some of us believing that if we talk to them enough they'll see things out way, which is to say that the solution to these problems is NOT more government protection and subsidies.

Nothing new under the sun, indeed.

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 10:26 PM
@angelatc (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?u=198)

It doesn't occur to you that the person who wrote this drivel is a general moron and never understood libertarianism in the first place?

See, it seems to me, that said moron began and ended as a Marxist, self-hating, evidently.

08-13-2017, 10:27 PM

It doesn't occur to you that the person who wrote this drivel is a general moron and never understood libertarianism in the first place?

What about the moron who posted this piece?

08-13-2017, 10:28 PM

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 10:41 PM
Did you know libertarianism (or, economics generally, I suppose) is a Jewish conspiracy?

Well, tune in to these mouthbreathing peasants for some edumacation.

Originally published on The Right Stuff, Nov. 2015, since deleted (I wonder why?), now available on Stormfront.

...which I refuse to link, Google if you like.

Our civilization is facing a gradually intensifying disaster in the form of mass immigration from the third world, cultural disintegration by the mass media, social collapse by feminism and general decline of moral integrity. And while the outlook seemed bleak for quite some time, there is a clear current of resistance mounting world-wide.

In Europe, those who reject the modern paradigm typically take up the mantle of nationalism and socialism, inspired by the fascist movements of the 20th century. Golden Dawn and CasaPound come to mind.

But there is a uniquely American phenomenon and ideology which is perhaps the main current of thought in North American resistance movements, which is “libertarianism”. For Americans, libertarianism is a logical extension of the conservative or republican mindset. It appeals to “traditional” American values like liberty, self-reliance, small (or no) government, free enterprise, and so on, which explains in part its popularity with former conservatives.

However, libertarianism is a false opposition. It’s my contention that Marxism and libertarianism are two sides of the same liberal coin. Bear with me here; I’ll explain.

The central underlying assumption of Marxism (and by extension, of all the SJW nonsense that is plaguing us today) is the notion that humans are fundamentally equal in their abilities (talent, potential, intelligence, etc). This is the logic behind the uplifting of Third World primitives to our level, the abolishing of gender roles, and all the other ills of the modern experience.

However, in the realm of moral quality, Marxists do not believe in equality at all. Old-school Communists would classify people as being bourgeois (evil, corrupt), workers (fundamentally good or neutral) and Communists (saintly, selfless people). Today, we’re all equal, but Whites are evil and greedy, men are pigs and exploiters, while women and non-Whites are various shades of innocent victims or blessings upon mankind. We’re all aware of the SJW “hierarchy of victimhood”, where different people have higher or lower moral authority depending on their level of “oppression”.

Libertarianism, on the other hand, is based on the notion that men are morally equal, which is to say that all men are selfish and self-interested. Thus giving any man power over others will lead to corruption, as he uses this power for selfish ends. But the ideology does recognize that there is a wide difference in abilities between men. From this dichotomy we get ideas like abolishing governments, or preventing state monopolies.

Marxism and Libertarianism, when presented this way, seem diametrically opposed; one believes in equality of ability but a moral hierarchy, while the other believes in moral equality but a hierarchy of ability. But both are still based on the liberal lie of equality—they just apply it differently. To the weak-minded emotional thinker, it is easier to accept the victim mentality that comes with Marxism, while to the rugged individualist it’s easier to accept the idea that everyone is selfish and that all authority is evil.

The problem, of course, is that there is no such thing as equality in this world. I don’t need to press this point to this audience; we all know that some people are smart, some are stupid, some are strong, some are weak, and so on. But the concept that there is a moral hierarchy as well will seem blasphemous to many. It shouldn’t be.

Humans are social animals. Our individual survival depends on the group. No human can survive and prosper alone in the forest. For social animals like us (and others like ants and bees), survival of the fittest means first and foremost the survival and welfare of the group, not of the individual. And like other social animals, we have instincts for self-sacrifice in cases where the group benefits. However, those instincts are not as powerful in everyone. And whether those instincts kick in in a group depends primarily on genetic similarity, which is to say family and nation.

Thus reality does have a moral hierarchy, but a very different one from the one concocted by Marxist ideologues. Even if you adopt a cynical attitude, you can still distinguish that some people are more likely to help you if you’re in need, while others are more likely to steal from you. Moral value (at least from a social standpoint) is based around someone’s solidarity on family and ethnic lines.

So what’s the problem with libertarianism? The problem is that if you put two groups one against another, the one who is best able to work together will overcome the group of individualists. And the group governed by the best and brightest will overcome the group where the best and brightest do their own thing.

It follows that no one concerned with the survival and fitness of his group will benefit from promoting a libertarian attitude… at least, not within his own group.

The point that libertarianism is Jewish in origin has already been discussed extensively before, and I won’t rehash that here. Needless to say, ethnic minorities who occupy White countries (like the Jews) do not adopt a libertarian ethic, but quite the opposite. Ethnic favoritism is at the core of their success.

Ultimately, the state is a tool. Whether it is good or bad depends on who is using it and for what purpose. The American government isn’t evil because it’s big and bloated. Imagine what this monstrously large institution could do in the hands of good men who care about the future of White people. Practically all of our ills could be cured in record time.

Individualism is a loser’s strategy in life’s game of survival of the fittest. Even for a cynical observer, it is indisputable that teamwork (and thus cooperation and empathy) are superior to individual effort: if might makes right, two men with sticks are mightier than one man alone.

The enemies of our people want us weak. With Marxism, they make us weak individually so that it matters not if we unite our forces. Through libertarianism, they insure that the strong among us stay isolated rather than uniting their powers and posing a threat.

We must abandon foolish notions of “objectivity” if those lead to our destruction. “Freedom” is no different from “tolerance”. We all understand now that tolerance is not a virtue if the thing being tolerated is evil (bad for our people and against the natural order). Likewise, freedom to commit evil cannot be considered desirable. All that matters is freedom to do good. Today, we are not free to do good, because all laws are inverted by our enemies. Wishful thinkers long for freedom, thinking ‘well, if we were totally free at least I could do the right thing’. This is a compromise. Instead, we should long for total victory, where the only freedom is freedom to do good (meaning, what is good for our people). Our enemies certainly don’t cheer for the freedom to do what they don’t like, and neither should we.

Libertarianism, even if it is designed to appeal to the strong-minded conservative type, is still a product of liberal values like equality (‘equality of opportunity’ and ‘don’t tread on me’), liberty (freedom of speech for your enemies) and universalism (‘judge the individual, rather than his race’). We can’t get bogged down with this old ideological baggage. Liberalism must be purged from every crevice of our minds and souls before we are free and empowered to be truly just—which is to say, to dedicate ourselves fully to protecting our family, our nation and our race.

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 11:03 PM

That doesn't look good.

You should see your gynecologist.

08-13-2017, 11:42 PM
@angelatc (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?u=198)

It doesn't occur to you that the person who wrote this drivel is a general moron and never understood libertarianism in the first place?

See, it seems to me, that said moron began and ended as a Marxist, self-hating, evidently.

Ended as an anarchist.

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 11:49 PM
Some more insightful dialogue from those fine mortal enemies allies of ours...


You Down With NAP?

Who’s down with NAP? All my homies!Who would not be down with NAP? After all the NAP (Non Aggression Principle for noobs) is the final word. It is the answer to philosophy. It is the biggest thing in metaphysics since the number 42. It is the absolute, axiomatic ethical truth that unlocks the secret of all human behavior! Though an abstract concept, the NAP naturally inherits the properties of a universal physical law. The NAP is a law of nature unto itself. Isn’t it? To break this fundamental universal moral axiom (as I have strictly defined it within a limited context) is to betray your nature as a rational being and sin against… against… something. Right?

Right. So if you want to intellectually hamstring yourself, become a boring drone, publicly display symptoms of mild-to-severe Asperger’s syndrome, or just be a supercilious prick while intentionally alienating friends, family and colleagues, then by all means keep going down this route. And enjoy spending your weekends raging at the statist douchebags on r/Politics.

Those of you who have spent time in libertarian and various anarcho-assbackwardist circles already know that the NAP is an ethical theory on which a variety of so-called “anti-statist” ideologies base themselves. Adherents of these sects, taking their cues from various guru style intellectuals, usually claim the NAP as a universal moral truth and from there attempt to use deductive reasoning to prove that that the rest of their prejudices are irrefutable and axiomatic. Individuals violate their nature as a human beings if they engage in “aggression” against other individuals. “Aggression” of course as defined by whichever variation of the principle is being invoked. It all depends on the starting point and how far you are willing to stretch the already thin logic.

As you would expect when delving into the bizarre and macabre nether realm of anarchist ideology, the various sects cannot agree on exactly what constitutes aggression. In fact they are directly odds with each other on precisely this question. The libertarian/capitalist types define aggression as the initiation of force or threats against people or property. The pinko/commie types define aggression as systems of structured hierarchy (private property being one such system) and the denial of basic human needs. The idea being that individuals only ever submit themselves to hierarchy out of fear of the denial of these needs. Not only are these two definitions in direct contradiction, but both are supposed to lay the foundation of universal objective morality for all humans. Given this irreconcilable schism over what are basically religious doctrines we would expect these two groups of social malcontents to be perpetually engaged with each other in some sort of dramatic, Manichean struggle for the survival of humanity. If the correct interpretation of the NAP is really as fundamental to the future of human society as is claimed, then neither side can compromise. Ever. Victory must be total.

But this will never happen because as we know the issue is not the moral betterment of society. The issue is constructing an oppression narrative for alienated and resentful intellectual types to wield as a cudgel against their perceived oppressors, meaning everyone else in society. In internet chat groups and forums this plays out as a passive aggressive attempt to assert superiority through the back door by catching other people in pre-scripted semantic and logical traps until they give up and quit the debate in exasperation. At this point the anarchist can smugly declare victory in the game of internet anarchy police.

How is the “right” to property that the libertarian axiom depends on established? Since we are basing an absolute moral rule for all human behavior around this concept, it had better be airtight. It has to be axiomatic in itself, or else you cannot derive an absolute moral truth from it. Another issue is that force is often justified, even with in the libertarian paradigm. So how do we know at any time whether this or that use of force is justified? It all depends on property claims, and if there is a conflict, who has the right to step in and settle it? And how did they justly acquire this right under the rule?

For libertarians taxes are defined as a violation of individual property rights. But the state regards them as a just collection of payments due, and they reserve the right to take them by force if they are not offered voluntarily. In another context libertarians would agree that force is justified in the case of a breach of contract. So then what constitutes a valid contract must also be defined, and must also be axiomatic. The whole thing soon spirals into a problem that libertarians theoretically want to avoid, that is too many goddamn rules. But even worse, each rule must be a universal axiom or else it violates the very rule it is trying to prove valid. So it falls into a self-detonating, turtles all the way down problem. The libertarian has a lot of homework to do here if he is going to resolve these thorny issues rather than just paper them over.

For the pinko/commie type anarchist the issue is hierarchy. What is a hierarchy? People telling each other what to do? Someone giving someone else money in exchange for the performance of some tasks? And why is this sort of hierarchy to be opposed? People submit to this sort of hierarchy all the time by choice. People report to an employer because they want to get paid. It is worth it to them to do this. In fact, if prevented from doing this, people will actively seek out another opportunity to do it again. It’s true that they do so because they want to make a living, so they do not have absolute free choice. But no one does. Unless the pinko wants to claim (he does) that not getting your needs met by society is an act of aggression. But where is the actual aggression here? It is the real laws of nature that are actually to blame. So in this case the actual laws of nature are in conflict with the conceptual “natural” law that everyone deserves to get free stuff from everyone else.

How could hierarchy in human relationships ever be prevented without resorting to a hierarchical anti-hierarchy police agency of some sort? It’s the same issue as above. The rule violates itself. And what is need? Where is the line between needs and wants? What material goods make the cut? Is everyone in the universe that does not put food on my plate now committing an act of aggression against me? Don’t answer that.
Rather than setting you free, dedication to the NAP as the endpoint of your ideology traps you in a prison of words and arcane concepts that don’t relate in any meaningful way to actual human relationships. It is incredibly intellectually limiting. And it is boring as hell. If you have ever dealt with NAP disciples you have no doubt noticed that they have not only dedicated themselves to this arbitrary religious concept, they have signed away their ability to have any subjective opinions or preferences whatsoever outside the rule. “As long as it is voluntary” is the familiar incantation. If you display a preference against any behavior that does not violate your “rights” as defined by the NAP, you will likely be chastised for it. So it appears that to many anarchists there is at least one non-NAP violating behavior worthy of criticism, and that is criticism of non-NAP violating behavior! AAArrrgghhhhh………

Obviously in a human society we need rules so that we can have social order, peace and prosperity. I prefer that these rules uphold the subjective right of the individual to own property, keep the fruits of his labor, invest, buy capital assets, gain wealth and have that wealth be secure. This policy has a proven track record of allowing the greatest human societies in history to prosper, and violating this policy has a proven track record of poverty and failure. But these societies emerged out of centuries of human experience, trial and error, organic growth, cooperation, conflict and struggle. They did not come out of the box with an instruction manual. They did not start with some robotic, mathematical formula handed to them out of the world of Platonic forms where ideal concepts exist floating in a void of eternal perfection.

Once I abandoned the NAP as the end all and be all of my personal and political philosophy I found that new intellectual horizons opened up for me. I was able to express ideas that I dared not utter before. I no longer had to play anarchy police with every new person I met. I made new friends and started to actually have interesting intellectual discussions again. I started to actually have… fun. I invite you to join me. Is your body ready?

r3volution 3.0
08-13-2017, 11:57 PM
Ended as an anarchist.

What? If you're saying he ended as an anarchist (in the libertarian sense), no, I suggest you reread it.

He ended with total contempt and hatred for libertarianism.

The whole point of this article is to get ill-educated "libertarians" on the fence to jump ship for NAZIsm.

08-14-2017, 12:40 AM
One thread was not enough?:confused:

Natural Citizen
08-14-2017, 02:11 AM
Well, we all understand that the right to property is the principal support for the very rights to Individual Life and Liberty. Or we should.

The problem I have with the author is that he seems to be defining Man himself as his own primary foundation for moral code. Of course, we know that Man's nature is a mixture of good and evil and not perfectible in that regard. Given that Man's weakness in his nature is not perfectible, it must be recognized that the need for safeguards must exist.

There's much to say about that. Government will always exist in some form as a consequence. And subsequently aggression. It's late, though. Perhaps tomorrow.

08-14-2017, 03:21 AM
Well, tune in to these mouthbreathing peasants for some edumacation.

Speaking of mouthbreathers, tune into these peace loving, tolerant liberals, as they attack the protest organizer doing a press conference:


08-14-2017, 04:21 AM

08-14-2017, 08:03 AM
What? If you're saying he ended as an anarchist (in the libertarian sense), no, I suggest you reread it.

He ended with total contempt and hatred for libertarianism.

The whole point of this article is to get ill-educated "libertarians" on the fence to jump ship for NAZIsm.

I based my conclusion on the fact that he runs an anarchist site, and writes about anarchy.

08-14-2017, 08:11 AM
I based my conclusion on the fact that he runs an anarchist site, and writes about anarchy.

So anarchists praise people like David Duke as "European civil rights activists?" :confused:


08-14-2017, 08:22 AM
So anarchists praise people like David Duke as "European civil rights activists?" :confused:


Ohhhh - I see. Different author / site. The op broke the link so I Googled the title and ended up on a different site without noticing. https://attackthesystem.com/2014/03/02/in-a-mirror-darkly-marxism-and-libertarianism/

Now I am sorry I responded. There are lots of people out there who used to be Libertarian.

08-14-2017, 09:39 AM
I'm still not clear what exactly is "alt-right" and how do they differ from "alt-left" ?

Does anyone here know where alt-right stands on contemporary things like Trump, founding father of ISIS, Henry Kissinger, taxpayers funded freedom/racial-equality spreading projects in Syria, Iraq etc ?

08-14-2017, 12:04 PM
Does anyone here know where alt-right stands on contemporary things like Trump...

They dream of sucking his orange dick.

...founding father of ISIS...

They find him too curly and much too well tanned.

...Henry Kissinger...

They see some things to admire there, unless he really is a Jew after all.

taxpayers funded freedom/racial-equality spreading projects in Syria, Iraq etc ?

They can get paid to bomb brown people? Win!

r3volution 3.0
08-14-2017, 05:43 PM
I based my conclusion on the fact that he runs an anarchist site, and writes about anarchy.

Well, I think you may be reading the article far too generously...

...far more generously than he would read yours.

This is a recurrent theme in the internal strategy of the alt-righters/neo-NAZIs.

They rely on our good nature and intellectual honesty, which they think they can exploit, because they have none.

They think themselves lions and us deer.

08-14-2017, 05:50 PM
Well, I think you may be reading the article far too generously...

...far more generously than he would read yours.

This is a recurrent theme in the internal strategy of the alt-righters/neo-NAZIs.

They rely on our good nature and intellectual honesty, which they think they can exploit, because they have none.

They think themselves lions and us deer.

Thank you, Prometheus.


r3volution 3.0
08-14-2017, 07:19 PM
Ohhhh - I see. Different author / site. The op broke the link so I Googled the title and ended up on a different site without noticing. https://attackthesystem.com/2014/03/02/in-a-mirror-darkly-marxism-and-libertarianism/

Now I am sorry I responded. There are lots of people out there who used to be Libertarian.

Now, this makes more sense. I'm sorry I didn't see this before my own response (Mod thread merging had things something confused...).

I think we're on the same page.

I'm still not clear what exactly is "alt-right"

Alt-right is national socialism. The term was coined by Richard Spencer, NAZI, who was present at the recent rally.

and how do they differ from "alt-left" ?

In practice, they don't, both being socialist groups, but they believe themselves opposites, based on assorted feelz.

Does anyone here know where alt-right stands on contemporary things like Trump, founding father of ISIS, Henry Kissinger, taxpayers funded freedom/racial-equality spreading projects in Syria, Iraq etc ?

The alt-right has been pro-Trump, unquestioningly, since the day he called Mexicans rapists.

They don't know/care about anything outside their culture war paradigm.