View Full Version : A little kindness can go a long way

12-11-2007, 01:35 AM
Tonight at work some lady I work with didnt have a car and asked if I could give her a ride. Granted she isnt the most like at work and she is about 30 years older than me and crankier. But I said I would and as we walked to my car she noticed my three Ron Paul stickers on my car. "Ron Paul huh, why do you like him?"

I told her his stance on the war, the economy, the IRS (she loved that one) and she chimed in that she was apart of the local Republican group. I had no idea and had asked her if they had brought up Ron Paul and she said they had but very little. So I asked her in exchange for the ride home could you bring up Ron Paul to the other 135 members! She said she would and that she might even considering voting for him herself! I was so happy and made a new friend when it comes to talking politics, and Ron Paul.

12-11-2007, 01:36 AM
Why don't you go and join her group?

Ron Paul Fan
12-11-2007, 01:37 AM
It's like me and Ron Paul always say, the freedom message brings us together it doesn't divide us. You made a new friend. Your new friend is going to spread the freedom message and bring more people together. No army can stop an idea whose time has come.

12-11-2007, 01:38 AM
Its a special interest group that only meets once every month. By the time I filed to join and the next meeting came across the primaries would be over. But I did the second best thing right?

12-11-2007, 01:39 AM
do the first best thing :-

sounds like a hot date

Don't underestimate the MILFS they are the FUTURE POWA OF AMERICAAAA!


so yea.. did you get her number? howsabouta little couchy cuddle?