View Full Version : CIA Jihaddis on Monthly Salary

07-24-2017, 06:54 AM
They're upset.


Syrian rebels alarmed by reports covert CIA aid will end (https://www.ft.com/content/a35244e6-6d2e-11e7-bfeb-33fe0c5b7eaa)

tod evans
07-24-2017, 07:00 AM
Pay wall.

07-24-2017, 07:08 AM
rand paul should start campaigning now , he would have a lot of things to run against before the next 3 1/2 yrs is over .

after bush/cheney -- obama/hillary -- trump and company rand could beat any clowns .

the country really needs rand paul , he should start now .

07-24-2017, 07:34 AM
Pay wall.

Here's the cached page (https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-y_p7-B0zCUJ:https://www.ft.com/content/a35244e6-6d2e-11e7-bfeb-33fe0c5b7eaa+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

07-24-2017, 07:41 AM
I'm sure this is just a coincidence.

Russian Military Notes 'Steady Decrease' in Syria Truce Violations (https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201707241055828436-russian-military-ceasefire/)

07-24-2017, 09:35 AM

07-24-2017, 10:49 AM
Weapons Ratline news getting legs...

Anonymous Bulgaria Leaks Massive 10GB Of Data: “Silk Way Airlines Helps Terrorists” (http://www.activistpost.com/2017/07/anonymous-bulgaria-leaks-documents-silkway-airlines-helps-terrorists.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ActivistPost+%28Activist+Post %29)


Anonymous Bulgaria has leaked 10 GBs of data that suggests Azerbaijani Silk Way Airlines
is involved in a billion dollar illegal weapons smuggling operation throughout the Middle East
for at least the past three years according to the leaked documents reported by Truthleaks.org.

Middle Eastern reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was the first known journalist to break the story for Trud.bg.

“350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorist,” her headline read.

It all started on June 27th, 2017 Anonymous Bulgaria Anon_bg tweeted out that the Azerbaijani Embassy in Bulgaria had been hacked.
A few hours later that day the group released the password “SilkWay Help Terrorists.”


07-24-2017, 11:17 AM
I read it hoping to see how much the monthly salary is . No dice . Then I noticed they actually listed a guys name. Hope he gets out of Dodge alive .

07-24-2017, 12:53 PM
Weapons Ratline news getting legs...

Anonymous Bulgaria Leaks Massive 10GB Of Data: “Silk Way Airlines Helps Terrorists” (http://www.activistpost.com/2017/07/anonymous-bulgaria-leaks-documents-silkway-airlines-helps-terrorists.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ActivistPost+%28Activist+Post %29)


Murder, Spies And Weapons - Three Fascinating 'Deep State' Stories (http://www.moonofalabama.org/2017/07/spies-and-weapons-three-interesting-deep-state-stories.html)