View Full Version : Ron Paul Can Win: BIG

12-10-2007, 10:14 PM
An article by Westmiller:

It is certainly true that Ron Paul represents a minority view in Congress. However, bear in mind that those who are elected to office actually represent a tiny percentage of the American public. Over the past decade, the majority of potential voters have been so sickened by the political norms that they have dropped out altogether. Almost 25% no longer associate themselves with political parties. Many party nominations are won with the support of less than 5% of party registrants. To win a general election, a candidate only needs a majority of those who vote, commonly for the lesser of two evils. At best, a winning candidate actually represents less than 20% of the citizens in their district. The impediments to ballot status and public attention, to say nothing of self-interested districting, have been institutionalized to preclude any electoral competition. A minority viewpoint in Congress could very well be an accurate representation of the opinions of an overwhelming majority of American citizens.

ARTICLE (http://www.nolanchart.com/article440.html)

12-11-2007, 06:16 AM

12-11-2007, 12:27 PM
Don't miss this article. It's has interesting links and offers great logic against the idea that Dr. Paul can't win this election. (link is in first post)

More important than any of the particular issues is the general theme of a campaign. Since few voters actually scrutinize every specific position of every candidate, the general theme is critical. The American electorate can be divided along many lines, slogans, inclinations, and themes. However, nearly 60% of voters describe themselves as "fiscally conservative and socially liberal," without knowing that that position is essentially libertarian and consistent with Ron Paul’s philosophy. If those "leave us alone" voters learn that Ron Paul shares their sentiments, Paul would win any general election contest.

The point here is to explain that Ron Paul can win, but there’s an interesting footnote. Since a fair number of voters simply want a winner, someone who can beat the other party’s candidate, it’s useful to take note of the fact that as things stand, it doesn’t matter who the GOP runs against Hillary Clinton. She gets 47-49% of the vote, no matter which Republican candidate is nominated. Not good news for the Democrats (although Barack Obama does better), but a very good reason to ignore the claims of any candidate about "electability." Even without knowing who Ron Paul is, he does just as well as Rudy Giuliani against the opposition.

In fact, there are many polls showing that Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain can’t win against either Hillary or Obama. And, there were lots of polls in past contests that made it obvious that Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush could not win at some point in their campaigns. Oddly: it was the passion and commitment of their supporters that made it happen. With a passionate commitment to liberty, unbridled enthusiasm, and a renewed "Hope for American", Ron Paul can win and he could win BIG.