View Full Version : Trump takes Rand golfing to discuss healthcare

Matt Collins
04-02-2017, 09:55 AM
President Trump brought Republican Sen. Rand Paul to Trump National Golf Club in Virginia on Sunday to play golf with him, a little more than a week after the party's healthcare bill failed.

"They're discussing a variety of topics, including healthcare," White House deputy press secretary Stephanie Grisham said.

Budget director Mick Mulvaney, a former leading House conservative, also joined the two.


04-02-2017, 10:27 AM
See how this tactic works as opposed to Amash's? There is an appropriate time to burn bridges, but Rand understands when that fateful time comes. Even Massie has been more mindful of the long game than Amash.

04-02-2017, 10:41 AM
http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah180/81501/golf02_zps8jbbmhh8.jpg (http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/81501/media/golf02_zps8jbbmhh8.jpg.html)

A Secret Service agent opens the door of the presidential vehicle for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky, left, on the South Lawn driveway at the White House in Washington, Sunday, April 2, 2017. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Matt Collins
04-02-2017, 11:05 AM
See how this tactic works as opposed to Amash's? There is an appropriate time to burn bridges, but Rand understands when that fateful time comes. Even Massie has been more mindful of the long game than Amash.
Yes and no.

There has to be some sort of constant right opposition when Trump screws up. And there also needs to be people who are willing to keep the lines of communication open. I see it as good cop/bad cop although I honestly don't know if they've thought it through that far.

I also think that when Trump does the right thing that Amash is intellectually honest enough to lay off for a bit.

Is this damaging Amash? I don't know, it depends on his district.

04-02-2017, 11:14 AM
See how this tactic works as opposed to Amash's? There is an appropriate time to burn bridges, but Rand understands when that fateful time comes. Even Massie has been more mindful of the long game than Amash.

Amash is playing the game well relative to the district he is in.

Anti Federalist
04-02-2017, 11:26 AM
Good, Rand still has his ear.

Here's hoping he's listening.

04-02-2017, 02:16 PM
"Art of the deal" multi-tasking is ongoing it appears despite Trump's unhappiness media/Congress over slow investigation of his 'wiretapping' by Obama:

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGBoYGBgXGBgeHxsYFxcaHRoXFx oYHSggGholGxgYITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0lICUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLy0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABEEAABAwIDBAcFBQYFAwUAAAABAAIRAyEEEjEFQVFhBhMicY GRoTJCscHRB1KCovAUFSOSsuFTYnLC8SQzQ2Nzg6PS/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIAAwQFBv/EADERAAICAQQBAwIEBAcAAAAAAAABAhEDBBIhMUEFEyJRcTJhk aEUgbHxFTNCwdHh8P/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AxI2w5 aAN8Sb20MfLknW7VOQNdBzRb58k5T2FTGjneY iFbZIJmXAxAIy uhWbdHwLbCfjHuaGve7KPZEmPJJbtio1jqbn 1AM3t8OF0VfA1Gy4Nz91junlNpWexwqzNRjm21i1ueisx2/ItE/EU2veO1mMeQB1/XNTaOCY/2cocIdeYygOkTxJy Sp9n43K8AgEG0ndPylTMLic4xMEgNo52juqU59CVHGQyJobNAv 95r rHCCzNu5hyVserkLalQSG3g8tNNBMcVD2XXBoPDjbrWXH/t1DJ8knH7QZkIY68enhopynQGrHcVtnEV5FXEHtAghvs5TugWI 15hWWDwzHCo0vnJSkOIyyZIY0C2ntXkkFY/rjG/l8581NxmIqdeMzoM09NBLWEehCvdgot8ZhbNz4kZS4jK0zlYIg 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x2ZaLDkW2Ub 5y/ptsr9myNDszamaSRHsxb1WSjgfD y032ldJGValOlRYajaeYuqN0zOjst 9AFzpJHBY0Y2mD2i5h/wAwI/slyZsuZ78jtmR4ceFuONUiS106JupRadwMa2FkYqB12uB7iltA kmPGfn9VVdEIxwNL7jUFKnkgjuf1Cd12ficPhoFWtRpng97Gn1 Mq6xWKZVw9U0ntf/DfBaQb5TwXkem4E6AknU3JKtNi7YqYaoH0Xmk7eWmzhva9ujm8 ltodFz0s2X1dHZ9cggVcI25mzw5xIHD2wY71A2o2oRS6pzgcva Fo5QZmdVoukVU4jYGFcDJw JfSLYG9rnNNt4YQPFRaDGuoFwHbYKbvwPL2nycGj8aSbpEZmm0 cTxI/EPkm6OHrZnAOgtiTmj2r2Pqrwm8j9a6IOcJPEkE8wAAPUFVLI eBStoYet2pdJiBJOsg UBbDoTtLIerdqN3JUDSCYjjfwKDH9W9lQcYMHduUknONF2ny7J 2dsoOFWk5k6tIPcRCz3RWgXOq9lwbShpYKjxLiSCbEQQBu4p/oxtC0HgtBhKFOj11W/a7bgOIbu749VmxSpuJ0NRG1uQyzo/h31KkM6w5G5g9zpIfnluvtQBrxVPi hGCLsmWrScbjK Qe7OHeSsugz31f2l5PbLmOB4HtQO6LLRva3ENgwKjTcHcR6wtV GPc4s5bjPs2rsqOdQqU6oLS0NeSwgG19xtwKttgdAsRHbqU6cG DBLjI5ADl7y3W1KmGpNzV3tbA3ugmOABknuXOMR07qMD2UAYL3 EPqkkhpiGwDqBbUqe3vVNEjqJQbaZuOj3QnD4YS6az5nM8WF5s 3TfqZK5J07wzW4uuxujXk dyPUhXNfp9ioORwYYvAkzx7UgeSx NxjqjnPeZc8lzjxLjJPmVqww2 KM XI59uzM7SZeVHqGysMUM2aPdaSq557KM2twIdCKRCcL CZpERdOFwXVwyuCMs1yNvcmypWGpBxurOlhKY90HvurFBy6K5Z VAu/sv2AK2Ia98Bt4nQNHtPPhI811jZz2Z34x7slFnYoDTf7XNxgnk O5c72M4sweIe0huYsos53zPaORaCO4rY4bpBTc6nh6rctLDMzV CDbOGA6HhJAGsghcbNJubv7G2FbU0bTZWLFV1J9ZpbVDHEbhlJ bLiNRNoB5rJbb6ZPdWqBjGdS0gMJmXRq47gJ05Adyh7V2240C4 F7aldzhA92iCLA8DcfzLMOqmw3zfu5rqen mwzY9 ZcPpHJ9Q9QyYpqGF012x7avT3ENJa3DsMb8xPoFi9rdLMVWcc7 8rf8MCGjwOvireuAXgT2wLjfEkfAKFVLSYc0GOImYXCz4oYM0o V02dTHqcmXGnJ9oqGbcqjXKe8fROfv129gPiVMqbPpn3PKRb4K PidiDVhI77x80l434IMv2hRd7VKDxb gnKddnuV3t5O09fqq pgKgMZZPK/oorgRqCE yL6YTQddU/xafl9Cgs9mQU9pf QTT9GcPTyBxAc5znN3gjsm1/8ALPK4TfSvZ9OmGPpw0klrmX3AEObO7ceZCoMHjH0jLeIMHiNE rHY99V2Z53QANABuAR2S33ZZaqjYdCtqNbTFOoTkGNw9Rw1mad UExy6seaRt7aHVYh/VwWP6xkDQtNYuaL6Xa3yWX2NiXMrMc1gqZTnLDMODLmctwIm4V jt/FCoWPDQ0PMhoJOWXkhsm5iYlO0KCltskf9q3HN/ZOft51yGY47iSeF4kW5p/G7ANNwy1SMwa8RpD2h0a7pI8Cmf2GqDIqGSABc6wCTrvg aqWzwKIw20qhzDqzIa4j2rkAwNFNoPL2doZSRMXtw1vwUehhq7 XTnBs6L 9lMTI4qVRLo7Xtb 9W4qb4FZquiW1Q7KPeFneC6BjcQ5tE1GiYEkct/lquN9G8VlxQbMZiR4wYK6/setmpwVz8sdmS0dvC/dxciuhG06Teud7IcW23SAZjzTfS/pRSa4fs5msPaeNAOB 8fgshtrFClUqUKYyNkEgHUlo8hB0VLUHNbIcnPyKmx7HY99R5f UcXOOpJUXDYepWqZKTC9x3NHqeA5lOYbCOqPZTZ2nvIaBzJsup bDezDMezI0BpygiATk7JJjWSC78atlk2op2bmc 2n0X/ZmVDXqgFrQWtaJzPdoyTGm8xosnVctX0/2v1tXICCG3JB947hyAWLqglPjk65EklfBEyEtqnl6Sq2r7KvqD AGP3TI9FS1W2bwkJL TDHoYxRghsRkGU98kk vokgg703UfJJOpJPmkStGLLsVPoWUbJuEqAHirek8HgqGjUaPa bPcSFY4WvR5t75PwXSwZovi0Y8 J90y8pERBuO/fx CPDYw9bUpf N4aXAgGXCXAmecHvTFJ1MR2t03tbj3WKj4LFBtao7cSAI5aAT3 KzVPE1C67X6GfAppyq n pohiiLAF27RNVtqkGMgaSYvHDgoNTaD3SBIHqfFGzDio0BwtYj vF5/XEptT6pS24f1/4Ewem292ZfyM1isS9zy9/tHeZGnDhCcZtOoN/ndXrsMC0g30JHzAVd 62uJAsRbkvNSzKbbkdZJJUiM3bDwdGnz qnU9vNIh7COYg6clDqbEfuIPootTZ1VurChtxyCXLNo0SfajvB TlKq0zJa69t/x/WizT6bhq0jvCIOU9peGQ0/7uom QeBj0CCzJeeJQU9qX1JQ0ToklGgrx0aLos0Z6RgT11O /Xip/2hsDcXVDQAG1qkACAIe6IjRBBKyMXsx5c0SSYNpM/rU av9oUmijhyGgEhskACew3VEgqP9IF0Vte3r/S5Qxqe75IIJ9KJIiUjGIbHFvyXYejyCCp1XZ19D Bmc6WNH7VUt93 kKmo6kbkEFdD8KMmX8TLDouYxMixFOoQeB6t1xwKqsQ4nUk96C CbyU CvqhRauhQQWiPRUxFMfwndx Cpcb7IRILPH8THj0ytRFGgrgCWlSsMjQSsZFjRcYN/djwBED1Pmm2Hszv67X8JQQSQHn0WuF/2lStnnTvPwQQWhlCG2OMG51chQ1Hcfg1BBcxijrNT3D4lCsLnu RIIDkal8/qkVaDSJLWnwHAIIJ49gRn6gujQQWgh//Z

Trump hits the links with Rand Paul, White House says

By Eli Watkins and Allie Malloy, CNN

Sun April 2, 2017

Story highlights

The White House says Trump is playing golf with Sen. Rand Paul and budget director Mick Mulvaney

The outing marks renewed attempts on health care

(CNN)As President Donald Trump continues to pillory House conservatives who derailed efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, he took a different tack Sunday with one of the Republican senators who had been loudly egging them on, inviting Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul to play golf at one of his eponymous courses.

White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham confirmed that Trump was playing golf with Paul as well as White House budget director Mick Mulvaney at Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Virginia. It was the President's 14th trip to one of his courses in just over 10 weeks since taking office in January.
Grisham added that health care would be a big focus at discussions during the outing.
The golf game with Paul came just more than a week after House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the American Health Care Act, a Trump-backed bill that would repeal and replace major parts of Obamacare, from consideration on the floor of the chamber. Paul was among the most outspoken opponents of the bill, which he derided as "Obamacare lite."



Trump tweets plea for Obama to be investigated, attacks NBC's "Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd" (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509271-Trump-tweets-plea-for-Obama-to-be-investigated-attacks-NBC-s-quot-Sleepy-Eyes-Chuck-Todd-quot&)

Rick Wiles: Obama Is ‘Hiding From Arrest’ In French Polynesia For Stealing Elections And Surveilling Trump

04-02-2017, 03:43 PM
Maybe Rand convinced him to stop the fucking twitter rants.

04-02-2017, 03:56 PM
It seems like Trump and Rand Paul are getting along great.

04-02-2017, 04:11 PM

04-02-2017, 04:53 PM
After golf with Trump, Paul says 'very optimistic' about ObamaCare repeal


04-02-2017, 04:55 PM
Donald simply needed a bit of pep talk to understand the situation. :cool:

04-02-2017, 04:56 PM
It seems like Trump and Rand Paul are getting along great.

Yes, seems that way.
And this also indicates that Trump has started to see reality of new political landscape and sees Rand's stature in GOP/US Politics.

Trump takes up health care with Rand Paul, on golf course

By catherine lucey, associated press

WASHINGTON — Apr 2, 2017, 5:20 PM ET

President Donald Trump brought Sen. Rand Paul to his Virginia golf course on Sunday to talk health policy with the outspoken critic of the failed plan to repeal and replace so-called Obamacare.
The outing to Trump National Golf Club came hours after Trump tweeted that talks on replacing the law have been going on and "will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck."
He added that anyone who thinks the effort is dead "does not know the love and strength in R Party!"

Trump golfed and discussed policy with Paul and budget director Mick Mulvaney, said White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham.
Paul came out strongly against the House GOP legislation, and its collapse humiliated Trump in the early days of his administration. After their golf excursion, Paul struck a positive tone, calling it a "great day" with the president.



http://www.ronpaulforums.com/images/misc/poll_posticon.gif Poll: Would you prefer to see Rand Paul, Freedom Caucus and President Trump join forces? (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509297-Would-you-prefer-to-see-Freedom-Caucus-and-President-Trump-join-forces&)

04-02-2017, 06:53 PM
I'm sure if Hillary won, she would be inviting Rand Paul over for some Spirit Cooking in order to find ways to make healthcare more affordable. /s

04-02-2017, 06:55 PM
This is a fantastic sign. Trump has major issues, but at least he is consulting with Rand Paul which would have been unthinkable had Hillary won.

04-02-2017, 07:14 PM
Yes, seems that way.
And this also indicates that Trump has started to see reality of new political landscape and sees Rand's stature in GOP/US Politics.

Trump takes up health care with Rand Paul, on golf course

By catherine lucey, associated press

WASHINGTON — Apr 2, 2017, 5:20 PM ET

President Donald Trump brought Sen. Rand Paul to his Virginia golf course on Sunday to talk health policy with the outspoken critic of the failed plan to repeal and replace so-called Obamacare.
The outing to Trump National Golf Club came hours after Trump tweeted that talks on replacing the law have been going on and "will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck."
He added that anyone who thinks the effort is dead "does not know the love and strength in R Party!"

Trump golfed and discussed policy with Paul and budget director Mick Mulvaney, said White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham.
Paul came out strongly against the House GOP legislation, and its collapse humiliated Trump in the early days of his administration. After their golf excursion, Paul struck a positive tone, calling it a "great day" with the president.



http://www.ronpaulforums.com/images/misc/poll_posticon.gif Poll: Would you prefer to see Rand Paul, Freedom Caucus and President Trump join forces? (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509297-Would-you-prefer-to-see-Freedom-Caucus-and-President-Trump-join-forces&)

Paul Ryan and McCain were paid by Soros to hurt Trump.

Rand Paul isn't trying to hurt Trump. Trump should be buddies with Rand Paul and the rest of the guys we like. It seems that's the case these days, and that's a good thing.

It's not like Trump has all these long lasting political allies, the deep state seems to really dislike him, GOP Rinos don't seem to like him all that much, with Rand and the Freedom Caucus, they'll like Trump to the extent that Trump does what they want, and they should be able to get that some of the time.

04-02-2017, 08:37 PM
Just 70 days in and Rand is already getting a lot of time with Trump (on the phone 2-3 times a week). Great start to an 8 year relationship.

If Rand pulls this off, his political capital will be valuable for tax reform as well.

I'm sure Mick Mulvaney is happy to have another conservative talking to Trump, makes his job easier.

04-02-2017, 09:40 PM
My glass is half full.

04-02-2017, 10:07 PM
Rand speaks from the links


04-02-2017, 10:35 PM
See how this tactic works as opposed to Amash's? There is an appropriate time to burn bridges, but Rand understands when that fateful time comes. Even Massie has been more mindful of the long game than Amash.

:rolleyes: You're clueless.

Yes and no.

There has to be some sort of constant right opposition when Trump screws up. And there also needs to be people who are willing to keep the lines of communication open. I see it as good cop/bad cop although I honestly don't know if they've thought it through that far.

I also think that when Trump does the right thing that Amash is intellectually honest enough to lay off for a bit.

Is this damaging Amash? I don't know, it depends on his district.

^This. Without Amash standing up to Trump's bullying Rand would not have gotten the invite.

04-02-2017, 10:40 PM
Maybe Rand convinced him to stop the fucking twitter rants.

Why do they bother you so much?


04-02-2017, 10:44 PM
Why do they bother you so much?


They don't.

04-02-2017, 10:47 PM
They don't.

I see...


04-03-2017, 01:14 AM
The photo of Rand in the blue polo shirt with Trump in the white polo shirt and red cap is from the 2014 golf match.

04-03-2017, 01:29 AM
What will Rand cave on?

04-03-2017, 01:58 AM
:rolleyes: You're clueless.

^This. Without Amash standing up to Trump's bullying Rand would not have gotten the invite.

:rolleyes: You're clueless. Rand and Trump had already been talking frequently.

Amash has been unprofessional since the guy he endorsed, Ted Cruz, lost the nomination.

04-03-2017, 02:05 AM
What will Rand cave on?

I doubt he will cave on anything, Rand has read The Art of the Deal tactics, and knows not to cave when Donald comes to him desperate for a win.

04-03-2017, 02:24 AM
Rand and Trump have been talking 2-3 times a week over the phone, according to Rand...

So this invite for golf is obviously the two men continuing their now normal talks in person, probably coming closer and closer to a deal.

Amash being feisty had nothing to do with this.

04-03-2017, 02:25 AM
If there's a shutdown on April 28, Trump is going to need Rand.

04-03-2017, 04:42 AM
Maybe Rand convinced him to stop the $#@!ing twitter rants.
They both prob typed out the tweets that day. Keep crying Hillary fan boy.

04-03-2017, 05:14 AM
They both prob typed out the tweets that day. Keep crying Hillary fan boy.

face it Rand made your man his bitch

04-03-2017, 06:30 AM
Happy they are developing a working relationship.

04-03-2017, 06:45 AM
:rolleyes: You're clueless. Rand and Trump had already been talking frequently.

Amash has been unprofessional since the guy he endorsed, Ted Cruz, lost the nomination.

Right. Because "grab em by the pussy" is soooo professional. :rolleyes: Get over your hatred of Ted Cruz and your butt kissing of Trump. Trump didn't just attack Amash. Trump attacked the entire freedom caucus.

04-03-2017, 06:47 AM
What will Rand cave on?

Absolutely nothing. Why would Rand cave on anything? TrumpRyanCare had a popularity rating of 17%. On all of the conservative talk shows the Freedom caucus was seen as the heros/winners in this face off with Trump.

04-03-2017, 06:50 AM
I don't know whether Trump just doesn't have the right clue or he is messing around either to stall or completely avoid having to do the right things.

What part of REPEAL does he not understand or like?

If basic medical care were returned to affordability, people would not need "insurance", which isn't insurance at all, but rather the socialization of costs.

04-03-2017, 06:53 AM
I doubt he will cave on anything, Rand has read The Art of the Deal tactics, and knows not to cave when Donald comes to him desperate for a win.

Interesting observation. But would Trump going to Rand out of desperation be consistent with The Art of the Deal tactics?

04-03-2017, 06:54 AM
I don't know whether Trump just doesn't have the right clue or he is messing around either to stall or completely avoid having to do the right things.

What part of REPEAL does he not understand or like?

If basic medical care were returned to affordability, people would not need "insurance", which isn't insurance at all, but rather the socialization of costs.

They might need insurance for catastrophic care.

04-03-2017, 06:56 AM
Why would Rand cave on anything?

Why play golf then? Why embarrass the President?

04-03-2017, 06:59 AM
People saying Rand shouldn't talk to Trump are akin to those that suggest we should not talk to our enemies in Foreign policy. Just bomb em' doesn't work either way.

04-03-2017, 07:12 AM
Interesting observation. But would Trump going to Rand out of desperation be consistent with The Art of the Deal tactics?

No, that's the interesting part. Donald is getting cucked by his own book.


04-03-2017, 07:13 AM
Rand had a good time and health care is gonna get tackled before tax reform . . . hope they discussed the Ryan "ouster" next move.

http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah180/81501/golf01_zpsdnvluhve.jpg (http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/81501/media/golf01_zpsdnvluhve.jpg.html)

04-03-2017, 07:15 AM
:rolleyes: You're clueless. Rand and Trump had already been talking frequently.

Amash has been unprofessional since the guy he endorsed, Ted Cruz, lost the nomination.

Didn't you used to support liberty? When did the statists buy you out? Amazing you keep popping up insulting real Liberty warriors, shilling for your boy who would have so quickly sold us down the river on healthcare if it wasn't for Rand and Justin cucking him like the little bitch he is. He is never going to build your wall, or keep any of the other promises you sold your soul to the devil for, very sad.

04-03-2017, 07:27 AM
Why play golf then? Why embarrass the President?

Why would Trump be embarrassed by taking Rand's advice? :confused: Trump said before all this started that he liked Rand's healthcare plan. But he decided to go with Ryan. Now, maybe, he's willing to go with Rand's plan. Trump is not an ideologue. He likes to win. Ryan lost. Trump is already embarrassed. If Rand can deliver the goods (a win), then Trump will be happy.

04-03-2017, 07:31 AM
Didn't you used to support liberty? When did the statists buy you out? Amazing you keep popping up insulting real Liberty warriors, shilling for your boy who would have so quickly sold us down the river on healthcare if it wasn't for Rand and Justin cucking him like the little bitch he is. He is never going to build your wall, or keep any of the other promises you sold your soul to the devil for, very sad.


It's interesting how quiet the Trumpsters got during the Trump/Freedom Caucus spat. Now that the Freedom Caucus has won they want to go back to taking pot shots at anyone who doesn't bow and scrape to Trump. I kind of expected that, but I didn't expect the attacks from people who used to be staunchly pro liberty against someone like Justin Amash. Sad really.

04-03-2017, 07:50 AM
Amash seems to be more popular in his district than Trump; Amash won 59% of his district while Trump only won 52% of MI-3. Trump is more popular in Kentucky than Rand though (63% vs. 57%).

04-03-2017, 09:05 AM
They might need insurance for catastrophic care.

Fine. I did specify BASIC care. If it is affordable, people don't need socialized commercial programs.

If you feel you want/need extra, just in case, then you are free to acquire it if you can manage. If not. tough shit. Life guarantees nothing.

04-03-2017, 09:11 AM
People saying Rand shouldn't talk to Trump are akin to those that suggest we should not talk to our enemies in Foreign policy. Just bomb em' doesn't work either way.

Yup. Makes no sense whatsoever. It's like yelling "you're a poopy-face" at someone and running away.

This reminds me of a post I saw recently, whether here or elsewhere I cannot recall, that painted Trump as guilty of being one of Themme because he is photo'd in the presence of the Clintons. It is an absurd suggestion that he is blowing Hillary and bending over for Bill because they attend the same social event. Even more absurd are the claims that because they are shaking hands or smiling that Trump is in bed with Satan and her husband. What would they suggest Trump do, curse them out and take out a knife? Hole up in his mansion and never be seen in public?

This special brand of stupidity tends to chap.

Galileo Galilei
04-03-2017, 10:52 AM
This whole healthcare deal is pretty much playing out as I expected. The lobbyists took it on the chin in round one, and now major concessions to the pro-Freedom caucus will be made before the bill passes. Paul Ryan is basically the guy on the fence.

04-03-2017, 10:54 AM
Why would Trump be embarrassed by taking Rand's advice? :confused: Trump said before all this started that he liked Rand's healthcare plan. But he decided to go with Ryan. Now, maybe, he's willing to go with Rand's plan. Trump is not an ideologue. He likes to win. Ryan lost. Trump is already embarrassed. If Rand can deliver the goods (a win), then Trump will be happy.

I think you are absolutely correct. For Trump its all about winning. He only cares about bragging and holding the trophy. Using that as a focal point for everything he did or will do makes sense. I am still hopeful Rand can pull this off with Obamacare. It would show he can get things done, where other couldn't. This could be Rand's big moment to make a difference.

04-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Back in 2012 I predicted this would go down exactly as it has. It is a little bit creepy how accurate I was.

Indy Vidual
04-03-2017, 11:04 AM
Oh, Rand is playing golf with the orange monster!

Have we stopped killing people overseas?
Is Hillary in jail?
Has the huge deficit been reduced?
Can you start a business without facing thousands of miles of red tape?
Can we buy old fashioned light bulbs?

r3volution 3.0
04-03-2017, 12:09 PM
What will Rand cave on?


He's going to try to get Trump's support for some smaller measure, apart from the main repeal/replace issue, IMO.

Amash seems to be more popular in his district than Trump; Amash won 59% of his district while Trump only won 52% of MI-3. Trump is more popular in Kentucky than Rand though (63% vs. 57%).

Rand's not concerned about reelection.

a. He's probably not going to run again.

b. By 2022, Trump Politics™ will have gone the way of Trump Steaks™.

face it Rand made your man his bitch


04-03-2017, 12:21 PM
Oh, Rand is playing golf with the orange monster!

Have we stopped killing people overseas?
Is Hillary in jail?
Has the huge deficit been reduced?
Can you start a business without facing thousands of miles of red tape?
Can we buy old fashioned light bulbs?

You mean, we are seventy days into his presidency and he hasn't solved world hunger and ended all wars? There is still corruption in government and the lines at the DMV aren't already shorter?

What a failure!

Forget about the fact that he discusses with Ron Paul's son matters of state, let's humiliate him for not having solved all the problems. He hasn't even cured cancer yet.

04-03-2017, 12:34 PM
Rand Paul had 'great time' golfing with Trump, 'getting closer' on healthcare (http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/326933-rand-paul-says-he-had-great-time-golfing-with-trump-we-are-getting-closer-to)
By Paulina Firozi - 04/02/17

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) tweeted that he had a productive meeting with President Trump, after the senator traveled with the president to his golf club in Virginia on Sunday.

"I had a great time today with @realDonaldTrump," Paul tweeted, "and believe we are getting closer to an agreement on health care!"

I had a great time today with @realDonaldTrump and believe we are getting closer to an agreement on health care!
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) April 2, 2017

Paul was spotted with Trump Sunday morning on the way to Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va., for a round of golf, during which the White House said the pair, along with White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney, would discuss a "variety of topics," including healthcare.

“We had a great day with the president," Paul told the White House press pool upon returning to the White House Sunday afternoon. "Played some golf, and we talked and we talked about a little bit of healthcare. I continue to be very optimistic that we are getting closer and closer to an agreement on repealing ObamaCare."

The president tweeted earlier Sunday that "talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, and have been, going on."

Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, and have been, going on, and will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 2, 2017

The Kentucky Republican clashed with the president over the Republicans' initial plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, which Republican leaders ultimately pulled in defeat before there was a vote. Paul was among the lawmakers adamant that the bill would not have enough support in the House or the Senate.
More: http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/326933-rand-paul-says-he-had-great-time-golfing-with-trump-we-are-getting-closer-to

The Rebel Poet
04-03-2017, 01:28 PM
face it Rand made your man his bitch
This. Rand said from the beginning that the real negotiation would start after we defeat Tryancare, and now that we did, we have leverage and Trump knows he must come to us. That is also why he threatened freedom caucus (as a bargaining tactic).

04-03-2017, 01:35 PM
That is also why he threatened freedom caucus (as a bargaining tactic).

A horrible and impotent bargaining tactic. No, actually, I think having this fail and then acting all upset about it and mad at those who caused it to fail is great theater for:

Making himself look weak and incompetent.

Which, seriously, he needed. Previous to this, the leftist viewpoint was that Mr. Trump was "literally Hitler." Big, scary, and dictatorial. All that is gone now. Now it's all about how he's incompetent and bumbling. Big step forward. Win for Trump.

The Rebel Poet
04-03-2017, 01:39 PM
Right. Because "grab em by the pussy" is soooo professional. :rolleyes: Get over your hatred of Ted Cruz and your butt kissing of Trump. Trump didn't just attack Amash. Trump attacked the entire freedom caucus.
Amash has been nothing but professional, but trumpflakes consider dissenting with their Guilded Progressive to be sacrilege.

04-03-2017, 01:39 PM
A horrible and impotent bargaining tactic. No, actually, I think having this fail and then acting all upset about it and mad at those who caused it to fail is great theater for:

Making himself look weak and incompetent.

Which, seriously, he needed. Previous to this, the leftist viewpoint was that Mr. Trump was "literally Hitler." Big, scary, and dictatorial. All that is gone now. Now it's all about how he's incompetent and bumbling. Big step forward. Win for Trump.

That's the point Scott Adams was making in his recent blog post.:cool:

04-03-2017, 01:40 PM
Oh, Rand is playing golf with the orange monster!

Have we stopped killing people overseas?
Is Hillary in jail?
Has the huge deficit been reduced?
Can you start a business without facing thousands of miles of red tape?
Can we buy old fashioned light bulbs?

How do you know he didn't discuss those things? How do you know those conversations might not come about?

04-03-2017, 02:19 PM
Amash seems to be more popular in his district than Trump; Amash won 59% of his district while Trump only won 52% of MI-3. Trump is more popular in Kentucky than Rand though (63% vs. 57%).

Good observation.

Anybody who saw Amash's Town Hall thread a couple months ago should be totally fine with him taking strong opposition to Trump (where appropriate, which can be subjective, but in general he is doing the right thing).

04-03-2017, 02:55 PM
Amash has been nothing but professional, but trumpflakes consider dissenting with their Guilded Progressive to be sacrilege.

The die hard Trump supporters have jumped the shark in their defense of Trump WRT the Freedom Caucus. About the only one with any credibility left in my book is Dannno. It's not that his arguments really made sense, but at least he wasn't an ass about it. Really I never expected anyone on these forums to attack Justin Amash and especially not over going criticism of Donald Trump.

04-03-2017, 03:01 PM
Amash seems to be more popular in his district than Trump; Amash won 59% of his district while Trump only won 52% of MI-3. Trump is more popular in Kentucky than Rand though (63% vs. 57%).

Good observation.

Anybody who saw Amash's Town Hall thread a couple months ago should be totally fine with him taking strong opposition to Trump (where appropriate, which can be subjective, but in general he is doing the right thing).

I'm a principle guy rather than a poll guy. When Donald Trump's administration increasing groping by the TSA, threatens pot growers and users in states where it is legal, attacks those who want a less socialist replacement to Obamacare, increases the militarization of the police, and says we're going to be in Iraq "for years", that is justification for strong opposition to Trump regardless of whether the polls of your voters reflect that to be the popular position. And yes, I know that you've convinced yourself that Trump little responsibility for what those under him do or say and even when Trump says it through twitter, you don't hold him responsible. And it's your right to interpret Trumpworld that way. The rest of us take it as we see it and react appropriately. And from the looks of the results it seems the backlash tactic worked just the way it should. So...the rest of us will keep the pressure on.

04-03-2017, 04:44 PM
attacks those who want a less socialist replacement to Obamacare

You mean, takes them golfing?

Where are the pot busts? Come on man, I grow and smoke herb, if anybody should be worried here it is me. I'm not. Yet. I could be wrong, I'm just not feelin it.

Putting pressure on Trump to not take out ISIS isn't going to work right now, sorry. In time, it will work, because you can be like, "hey man, you've had all this time and haven't made any progress, what's going on??" but right now I would mostly just be watching what is going on because there just isn't much you can do. The MIC isn't going to stop him, he was voted in to stop ISIS, we just don't have much of an argument in the short term other than we don't think it will work (I don't think it will work). In 6 months to a year depending on how things go, I would recommend ratcheting up the pressure on the military interventions, or sooner if he is doing anything that is CLEARLY outside of the scope of attacking ISIS.. and I don't mean Daniel McAdams theorizing about why we placed troops between ISIS and the Syrian army, maybe we were protecting them.. I'm not talking about an accidental or one time something or other - although I would be cataloging these incidents for later.

04-03-2017, 05:55 PM

04-03-2017, 06:19 PM

Oh hayuls yeah!

Indy Vidual
04-03-2017, 06:47 PM
You mean, we are seventy days into his presidency and he hasn't solved world hunger and ended all wars? There is still corruption in government and the lines at the DMV aren't already shorter?

What a failure!

Forget about the fact that he discusses with Ron Paul's son matters of state, let's humiliate him for not having solved all the problems. He hasn't even cured cancer yet.

How do you know he didn't discuss those things? How do you know those conversations might not come about?

Can you show me one single time when Trump has used the words "Individual Liberty"?

04-03-2017, 07:01 PM
Can you show me one single time when Trump has used the words "Individual Liberty"?

I don't recall him saying that, but I haven't read his book and I don't follow his speeches and interviews all that much. I'm simply happy that the HFC finally has a real seat at the table compared to what it's has had for as long as I can remember. I want to celebrate the small wins, especially when one considers how much worse it could be.

Indy Vidual
04-03-2017, 07:15 PM
I don't recall him saying that, but I haven't read his book and I don't follow his speeches and interviews all that much. I'm simply happy that the HFC finally has a real seat at the table compared to what it's has had for as long as I can remember. I want to celebrate the small wins, especially when one considers how much worse it could be.

Yes, it is good to remember to see the bright side.

04-04-2017, 06:02 AM
You mean, takes them golfing?

:rolleyes: He did that after Justin Amash et al busted his chops. Common Dannno. Doesn't carrying Trumps water ever get heavy?

Where are the pot busts? Come on man, I grow and smoke herb, if anybody should be worried here it is me. I'm not. Yet. I could be wrong, I'm just not feelin it.

And Obama never went house to house taking guns. The signals his administration put out were that he was anti gun. Thankfully there was enough push back to keep Obama at bay. There's been enough push back to keep drug warriors in the Trump administration at bay. Republican governors are signing pro pot legislation even it super red states like Alabama. The house how has a pro pot caucus.

Putting pressure on Trump to not take out ISIS isn't going to work right now, sorry. In time, it will work, because you can be like, "hey man, you've had all this time and haven't made any progress, what's going on??"

If Trump thinks that his generals announcing we are going to be in Iraq for years = taking out ISIS then sorry, he's dumber than I thought. ISIS was on the run during the last year of the Obama administration. And no, Obama can't take credit for it. It was Putin and Iran. Trump could get behind Tulsi Gabbard's effort to stop funding ISIS indirectly, push that through, and claim the victory over ISIS that's already happening. So....why isn't he doing that? I mean he did campaign on the idea that Obama and Hillary started ISIS. De-fund their brainchild and be done with it. But no, Trump is playing this just like the globalists want him too.

04-04-2017, 04:42 PM
Donald simply needed a bit of pep talk to understand the situation. :cool:

He needs to hear it from the right people. There's a lot of competition for Trump's ear right now.

If Trump fancies himself a revolutionary, then he should spend more time listening to people like Rand and less time listening to the dying yet desperately-clinging establishment old-guard.

04-04-2017, 05:35 PM
Yes, it is good to remember to see the bright side.



04-04-2017, 05:41 PM


CPUd, you think making fun of Christians is going to make you friends here?

You are either a paid troll or have a pathological mental disorder to post as often the things you post here, creating enemies every day. No sane or normal person would do it like you do it, and it is a dead give away.

Either way, I want the ones you are working for (whether human or demonic) to know that you can mock Christians all day and it does nothing but further reveal what your intentions are and who you work for.

04-04-2017, 05:43 PM
CPUd, you think making fun of Christians is going to make you friends here?

You are either a paid troll or have a pathological mental disorder to post as often the things you post here, creating enemies every day. No sane or normal person would do it like you do it, and it is a dead give away.

Either way, I want the ones you are working for (whether human or demonic) to know that you can mock Christians all day and it does nothing but further reveal what your intentions are and who you work for.

It's not making fun of Christians. Sorry if you don't understand it.

04-04-2017, 05:44 PM
It's not making fun of Christians. Sorry if you don't understand it.

And everyone knows it, troll

Indy Vidual
04-04-2017, 08:23 PM
Can we compromise on the "bright side" of golfing for health care?


The Rebel Poet
04-04-2017, 08:36 PM
CPUd, you think making fun of Christians is going to make you friends here?

You are either a paid troll or have a pathological mental disorder to post as often the things you post here, creating enemies every day. No sane or normal person would do it like you do it, and it is a dead give away.

Either way, I want the ones you are working for (whether human or demonic) to know that you can mock Christians all day and it does nothing but further reveal what your intentions are and who you work for.

And everyone knows it, troll
Jesus, Ter. I know some Trump supporters are snowflakes but you seem not your normal self today; chill out dude. I didn't take it as mocking Christians, and can you name one reason to think CPU'd is a troll other than he doesn't support Trump ('cause that's not a legit reason)?

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 09:04 PM
For some reason, I suspect TER has never seen Monty Python.

...that skit is mocking irrational optimism (such as yours w/ respect to Trump), not Christianity.

04-04-2017, 09:14 PM

04-04-2017, 09:29 PM
For some reason, I suspect TER has never seen Monty Python.

...that skit is mocking irrational optimism (such as yours w/ respect to Trump), not Christianity.

I am not sure if I am older than you, but I certainly know the movie well which is being referenced.

My problem is not the actual video, but the intent of the poster.

04-04-2017, 09:31 PM
I am not sure if I am older than you, but I certainly know the movie well which is being referenced.

My problem is not the actual video, but the intent of the poster.

who are you to judge your fellow man from words on the internet?

04-04-2017, 09:32 PM
who are you to judge your fellow man from words on the internet?

A couple of posts before CPUd posted the above movie clip, he was mocking Christians. By their fruits they will be judged...

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 09:34 PM
My problem is not the actual video, but the intent of the poster.

The intent of the poster was clearly to mock your optimism re Trump.

04-04-2017, 09:40 PM
A couple of posts before CPUd posted the above movie clip, he was mocking Christians. By their fruits they will be judged...

Exactly. Have you truly let Jesus into your heart?

The Rebel Poet
04-04-2017, 09:42 PM
A couple of posts before CPUd posted the above movie clip, he was mocking Christians. By their fruits they will be judged...
I just went through his post history (back to the 30th) to verify what I already knew: you have him mixed up with someone else, 'cause he did no such thing.

04-04-2017, 09:47 PM
Exactly. Have you truly let Jesus into your heart?

Only He knows that for sure. I don't presume to speak on behalf of the Lord or use my feelings or fallible experiences to be any standard. God knows..

In the meanwhile, I will fight to help my friends here from being led astray by those who care little to nothing about their name, those around them, or more importantly, the Name of Jesus Christ.

On account of my sins, I may have not allowed Christ in my heart. But the very least I can do is give the rest of myself to fight for His beloved.

04-04-2017, 09:49 PM
I just went through his post history (back to the 30th) to verify what I already knew: you have him mixed up with someone else, 'cause he did no such thing.


The Rebel Poet
04-04-2017, 09:56 PM
You cranky Ter. Take a nap or sumfin. That post is CLEARLY mocking our government's use of scare tactics to push their agenda, not Christians.

We have no choice. They are chopping off the heads of Christians and many others. President Donald will keep us safe.

04-04-2017, 09:57 PM
You cranky Ter. Take a nap or sumfin. That post is CLEARLY mocking our government's use of scare tactics to push their agenda, not Christians.

So you believe. I believe differently. Calm me cranky. I will call it as I see it.

04-04-2017, 10:00 PM
So you believe. I believe differently. Calm me cranky. I will call it as I see it.

It's not necessary. make your case and move on.

04-04-2017, 10:02 PM
It's not necessary. make your case and move on.

I do most days of the month, then I go away for a while, until the next time. Today was my day to vent. In a little while, I will be gone again, and then the propaganda machine can continue without my interference.

The Rebel Poet
04-04-2017, 10:04 PM
So you believe. I believe differently. Calm me cranky. I will call it as I see it.
You see it through orange-colored glasses. Take a step back and look at things dispassionately.

04-08-2017, 03:53 PM
The scuttlebutt is that elements within the WH were greatly angered when DJT went golfing with Rand Paul to discuss healthcare. I suspect it was Cohn/Kushner/Priebus because they were the ones pushing for Obamacare Lite. The healthcare bill was written by insurance lobbyists affiliated with John Boehner who passed it along the chain of command.