View Full Version : Trump Campaign Promise Fulfilled - Killing lots of families

03-25-2017, 01:40 PM

Since January, alleged Coalition civilian casualty events have been outpacing those of Russia. Initial data for March provides further evidence that civilian casualty allegations are both becoming more common under President Trump, and are likely to outrun Coalition efforts to track and investigate them.

Here's some of this month's haul so far -


There's worse at the link at the top of the post if you care to see it.


03-25-2017, 04:04 PM

03-27-2017, 03:21 PM
Another one from 3/22. Thanks, trump for taking this 10-year old boy out before he could become a jihadist.


04-04-2017, 02:26 PM
America was first. Firas and Taiba here were second. They died in trump's March 17 holocaust in Al Jadida.


04-04-2017, 02:29 PM
This is coming from George Soros, am I correct?

04-04-2017, 02:34 PM
This is coming from George Soros, am I correct?

Good for him if so.

Munatha Jasim watched Iraqi civil defense workers in red suits scurry among the ruins of her neighbors’ homes Friday, extracting the dead and zipping them into blue body bags.

The massive explosion that tore through Baghdad Street last week killed nine of Jasim’s relatives, including son Firas, 7, and daughter Taiba, 4. “We recovered half his body,” she said of the 7-year-old. “The rest is still there.”


04-04-2017, 02:35 PM
This is coming from George Soros, am I correct?

Do you really think the U.S. government has bombs that only kill bad guys? There is no way civilians are getting killed right? Attack the messenger, disregard the message. You neo-cons have perfected that technique.

04-04-2017, 02:45 PM
This is coming from George Soros, am I correct?

This was worth a -rep. If you truly don't give a crap who dies as long as trump looks good, maybe reexamine your life.

You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

04-04-2017, 03:33 PM
This was worth a -rep. If you truly don't give a crap who dies as long as trump looks good, maybe reexamine your life.

You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

If you are onboard with a George Soros campaign, you are being deceived into something very evil with propaganda and misinformation. Additionally, you will lose credibility at least 90% of the forum who aren't shills. Do some fucking homework.

Give me as many -reps as you want, I don't give a shit, they mean nothing coming from someone who supports a George Soros campaign. It's really more like a badge of honor.

04-04-2017, 03:34 PM
Do you really think the U.S. government has bombs that only kill bad guys? There is no way civilians are getting killed right? Attack the messenger, disregard the message. You neo-cons have perfected that technique.

Totally irrelevant. And I am not a neocon, you are a neocon if you support George Soros.

04-04-2017, 03:36 PM
Totally irrelevant. And I am not a neocon, you are a neocon if you support George Soros.

Since you enjoy it when the government kills civilians, I would say you are the neocon. Nice try though. Kind of like how you say you don't support Trump then go all over the forums defending his honor. You are exactly what you say you aren't.

tod evans
04-04-2017, 03:40 PM
Did congress declare war?

Or is this just a continuation of Busch and Obamas killing spree?

Seems like a good way to 'drain the swamp' would be to hang all the people involved in waging undeclared war by the neck until they're dead.

And that includes those who have been involved in the past too........

04-04-2017, 03:45 PM
Since you enjoy it when the government kills civilians, I would say you are the neocon. Nice try though. Kind of like how you say you don't support Trump then go all over the forums defending his honor. You are exactly what you say you aren't.

So, you would support Satan if he complained about something he claimed that Donald Trump did? Because that is basically what you are doing. Ya, let's let Satan take over the world because after all of the MILLIONS of deaths our government has caused, Donald Trump caused a couple in trying to wind it all down.

04-04-2017, 03:48 PM
Donald Trump caused a couple

neocon disinformation at its finest. Sick.

04-04-2017, 03:51 PM
neocon disinformation at its finest. Sick.

George Soros supports neocons, neocons support George Soros. You are literally posting neocon propaganda. If you aren't being paid by George Soros, you should be.

If Ron Paul were President, George Soros would be putting out a bunch of false flag bullshit propaganda about how Ron Paul is killing babies too. The guy is fucking evil incarnate. GET OFF HIS TEAM NOW if you care about humanity.

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 04:01 PM
Donald Trump caused a couple in trying to wind it all down.

Trump's Drone Strikes Outpace Obama (http://blogs.cfr.org/zenko/2017/03/02/the-not-so-peaceful-transition-of-power/)

By at least one measure at this point in his presidency, Trump has been more interventionist than Obama: in authorizing drone strikes and special operations raids in non-battlefield settings (namely, in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia). During President Obama’s two terms in office, he approved 542 (http://blogs.cfr.org/zenko/2017/01/20/obamas-final-drone-strike-data/) such targeted strikes in 2,920 days—one every 5.4 days. From his inauguration through today, President Trump had approved at least 75 drone strikes or raids in 74 days—about one every day. These include three drone strikes in Yemen on January 20, 21, and 22 (http://www.centcom.mil/MEDIA/PRESS-RELEASES/Press-Release-View/Article/1059762/us-central-command-announces-3-recent-strikes-in-yemen/); the January 28 Navy SEAL raid in Yemen (https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/03/01/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-disgraceful-commander-in-chief/); more than seventy strikes in Yemen since February 28 (http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-yemen-strikes-idUKKBN1751XD?rpc=401&); and one reported strike in Pakistan on March 1 (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-pakistan-drones-idUSKBN16914P).

US Troop Presence In Syria At Its Highest Ever (http://time.com/4699178/us-troop-increase-presence-syria-raqqa-isis/)

The Trump Administration is intensifying America’s involvement in the ground war in Syria, having announced on March 9 that it is sending 400 more troops to join the fight against ISIS there. The new deployment of Army Rangers and a U.S. Marine artillery unit raises fresh questions about the scope and timeline of the U.S. mission in Syria, where the number of American troops is now approaching a high of around a thousand (http://www.npr.org/2017/03/10/519593261/trump-s-military-strategy-reflects-a-more-aggressive-stance) (Washington has not disclosed an exact number). The U.S. is also sending another 2,500 troops (https://www.armytimes.com/articles/82nd-airborne-syria-iraq-kuwait-islamic-state) to a staging base in Kuwait, awaiting possible deployment to Iraq or Syria.

Recent comments from U.S. officials suggest that the military is contemplating a deployment in Syria that extends far beyond the defeat of ISIS as a conventional armed force. In his testimony (https://www.stripes.com/news/votel-more-conventional-forces-could-be-used-to-stabilize-syria-1.457892#.WMV6kBKGNE4) to the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 9, Army General Joseph Votel, who leads the U.S. Central Command, said additional forces may be needed in the future to help with “stability and other aspects of the operations.” The Pentagon is also considering lifting a formal cap of roughly 500 U.S. troops permitted on the ground in Syria, a limitation imposed by former President Barack Obama, according to (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-plan-to-seize-raqqa-calls-for-significant-increase-in-us-participation/2017/03/04/d3205386-00f3-11e7-8f41-ea6ed597e4ca_story.html?utm_term=.edb09a2b8ffd) the Washington Post.

If you truly don't give a crap who dies as long as trump looks good, maybe reexamine your life.


04-04-2017, 04:07 PM
Trump's Drone Strikes Outpace Obama (http://blogs.cfr.org/zenko/2017/03/02/the-not-so-peaceful-transition-of-power/)

US Troop Presence In Syria At Its Highest Ever (http://time.com/4699178/us-troop-increase-presence-syria-raqqa-isis/)


Trump has been raising troops and attacks in all the countries we are currently at war with. And stirring things up more with ones we are not yet fighting- North Korea and Iran. His foreign policy team is staffed with generals.


Donald Trump warns China the US is ready to tackle North Korea

Donald Trump has warned that the US will take unilateral action to eliminate the nuclear threat from North Korea unless China increases pressure on the regime in Pyongyang.

In an interview with the Financial Times, the US president said he would discuss the growing threat from*Kim Jong Un’s nuclear programme with Xi Jinping when he hosts the Chinese president at his Florida resort this week, in their first meeting.

“China has great influence over North Korea. And China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t,” Mr Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they do, that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone.”

But he made clear that he would deal with North Korea with or without China’s help. Asked if he would consider a “grand bargain” — where China pressures Pyongyang in exchange for a guarantee that the US would later remove troops from the Korean peninsula — Mr Trump said: “Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.”

04-04-2017, 04:23 PM
George Soros supports neocons, neocons support George Soros. You are literally posting neocon propaganda. If you aren't being paid by George Soros, you should be.

If Ron Paul were President, George Soros would be putting out a bunch of false flag bull$#@! propaganda about how Ron Paul is killing babies too. The guy is $#@!ing evil incarnate. GET OFF HIS TEAM NOW if you care about humanity.

Here's your FIFY. Donald trump supports neocons, neocons support Donald trump. You are literally posting neocon propaganda. If you aren't being paid by Donald trump, you should be.

If Ron Paul were President, Donald trump would be putting out a bunch of false flag bull$#@! propaganda about how Ron Paul is killing babies too. The guy is $#@!ing evil incarnate. GET OFF HIS TEAM NOW if you care about humanity.

Right now, if Open Society's giving some funding to airwars.org is equivalent to "neocon propaganda," then the neocons in this case have the moral high ground. x1000, That's HOW BAD trump is.

04-04-2017, 04:27 PM
Here's your FIFY. Donald trump supports neocons, neocons support Donald trump. You are literally posting neocon propaganda. If you aren't being paid by Donald trump, you should be.

Uh, you are literally posting horse shit. Neocons do not like Donald Trump. I honestly have no idea what dimension you exist in if you think that.

If Ron Paul were President, Donald trump would be putting out a bunch of false flag bull$#@! propaganda about how Ron Paul is killing babies too. The guy is $#@!ing evil incarnate. GET OFF HIS TEAM NOW if you care about humanity.

Sorry, that is just retarded.

Right now, if Open Society's giving some funding to airwars.org is equivalent to "neocon propaganda," then the neocons in this case have the moral high ground. x1000, That's HOW BAD trump is.

LOL... you think that neocons care about killing babies? You think the neocons think that Donald Trump is being too rough on the Middle East???? That's pretty cute. You know if true, this literally would put you in "moron territory", right?

First you say the neocons are for Donald Trump, now you say the neocons have the moral high ground against Donald Trump.. why can't you get your propaganda straight?

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 04:28 PM
Trump has been raising troops and attacks in all the countries we are currently at war with. And stirring things up more with ones we are not yet fighting- North Korea and Iran.

I'm not convinced he'll actually attack N. Korea (one hopes his advisors aren't quite that insane), but he's certainly upping the hostile rhetoric.

For Iran, I could actually see a war breaking out, if he persists in escalating the war in Syria.

04-04-2017, 04:30 PM
GOP Takes Up Russia-Aligned Attack On Soros

A group of congressional Republicans is teaming up with Russia-backed politicians in Eastern Europe with the shared goal of stopping a common enemy: billionaire financier George Soros.

Led by Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, the conservative lawmakers have signed on to a volley of letters accusing Soros of using his philanthropic spending to project his liberal sensibilities onto European politics. As Lee and other senators put it in a March 14 letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Soros’ Open Society Foundations are trying “to push a progressive agenda and invigorate the political left.”

It’s an accusation that’s being fomented and championed by Moscow.

Soros, who survived the Nazi occupation of his native Hungary and fled after World War II when it was under Soviet control, has been long a bęte noire of the Kremlin, which sees his funding for civil society groups in former Soviet satellite states as part of a plot to install pro-Western governments.

For years, those complaints had generally fallen on deaf ears in Washington.

While Republicans have long regarded Soros as a mortal enemy when it comes to domestic politics (where he has spent tens of millions of dollars backing Democratic candidates and liberal causes), their politics were more aligned on the international stage. Soros’ efforts to boost democracy and root out corruption in former Eastern Bloc countries dovetailed with traditional Republican foreign policy objectives.

But things may have started changing after Donald Trump’s stunning victory in a presidential campaign during which he emphasized nationalist themes. Politicians with nationalist constituencies in several former Eastern Bloc states have become increasingly aggressive in seeking international support for their crusade against Soros, and they seem to have found at least some takers in the GOP.

The particular focus of the letters from Lee, Smith and their cohort is spending by Soros’ foundations in Macedonia, a former socialist republic in the throes of a two-year political crisis, and to a lesser extent in its neighbor to the west, Albania. In the former Communist country, which has struggled with allegations of corruption, one letter expressed concerns that “Soros-backed organizations” are pushing reforms “ultimately aimed to give the Prime Minister and left-of-center government full control over judiciary power.”

The letters, which ask the State Department and the Government Accountability Office for information about U.S. foreign aid funding for Soros groups in the Balkans, came after lobbying from the right-wing party clinging to power in Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE.

Chris Stone, president of the Open Society Foundations, suggested that autocratic regimes see Trump’s rise as giving them carte blanche to resist reforms, and to dismiss those proposing them.

“Authoritarians, branded today as ‘illiberals,’ have long opposed George Soros and the vision of an open society, but they have been emboldened by Trump's victory to go even further,” Stone told POLITICO.

So far, the Republican lobbying against Soros’ efforts in Macedonia has not resulted in much. But the involvement of several high-profile Republicans, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, is raising eyebrows within the U.S. foreign policy community, who see the baleful influence of Moscow making inroads on Capitol Hill.

Russia is trying to exploit the crisis in Macedonia to sow distrust of the U.S. and pull the right-wing party into its orbit, regional analysts say. And the Republican lawmakers’ concern — that the U.S. is, in the words of Lee’s letter to Tillerson, “fomenting political unrest, disrespecting national sovereignty and civil society” — handed Moscow a major propaganda coup, they warn.

Russia’s state-controlled English-language websites rushed to trumpet Lee’s and Smith’s letters, holding them up as proof that the U.S. is guilty of exactly what it accuses Russia of doing in 2016 — interfering in another country’s politics.

“Senators ask Tillerson to probe US ‘fomenting unrest’ in other countries,” RT blared.

Sputnik News reported on Lee’s letter under the headline “Tables Turned: Have Obama and Soros Hacked Foreign Elections?”

The claims have been echoed in right-wing U.S. outlets, from the conspiracy website Infowars to Fox News.

“It’s straight from the Russian playbook — the idea that some American NGO is fomenting the demonstrations is like ascribing to the CIA mystical powers that don’t exist,” said a policy analyst with knowledge of the Balkans. “The Russians have been using all tactics at their disposal, and it’s a very inexpensive way to stir the pot.”


04-04-2017, 04:30 PM
I'm not convinced he'll actually attack N. Korea (one hopes his advisors aren't quite that insane), but he's certainly upping the hostile rhetoric.

For Iran, I could actually see a war breaking out, if he persists in escalating the war in Syria.

Aside from military action, the US on its own has no leverage with North Korea. There aren't any economic ties to sever or sanctions we can impose (sanctions have an extensive record of failing anyways and not just with Korea- they have rarely worked anywhere in the world). But yeah, some think it may be part of a negotiation tactic ahead of the Chinese leader meeting with Trump this week.

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 04:43 PM
“It’s straight from the Russian playbook — the idea that some American NGO is fomenting the demonstrations is like ascribing to the CIA mystical powers that don’t exist,” said a policy analyst with knowledge of the Balkans. “The Russians have been using all tactics at their disposal, and it’s a very inexpensive way to stir the pot.”


American NGOs (national endowment for democracy, etc, etc) do foment pro-US demonstrations around the world, esp. in former Soviet space. And the Kremlin does the exact same thing, esp. in Europe. The US wants to break Ukraine et al away from Russia, Russia wants to break up NATO. "Pro-democracy" type movements are often a US government front, as "anti-globalist" type movements are often a Russian front. The only difference, really, is that the US does it better ($$$), at least so far.

04-04-2017, 04:44 PM
Soros, who survived the Nazi occupation of his native Hungary

....by confiscating Jewish property...

04-04-2017, 04:48 PM

04-04-2017, 04:58 PM
i don't blame Trump. I blame ignorant liberal voters, and the entire foreign policy that goes back to the 50's, and the MIC...

sure, blame Trump all you want. Doesn't change the fact he inherited the sins of the past.

Thats why i supported Ron Paul. Entangling Alliances with none, but i think it will take a few decades to end this bullshit.

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 05:10 PM
i don't blame Trump. I blame ignorant liberal voters, and the entire foreign policy that goes back to the 50's, and the MIC...

How about, all of the above?

Trump shouldn't get a pass for being a warmonger just because his predecessors were also warmongers.

04-04-2017, 05:12 PM
Or is this just a continuation of Busch and Obamas killing spree?

More than a continuation. He has increased the rate of bombings by 3x.

President Trump is looking far more interventionist than President Obama was, even though Trump promised the opposite during the campaign. During President Obama’s two terms in office, he approved 542 (http://blogs.cfr.org/zenko/2017/01/20/obamas-final-drone-strike-data/) targeted drone strikes over the course of 2,920 days, equalling one every 5.4 days. From his inauguration through today, President Trump had approved at least 37 drone strikes or Special Operations Forces raids in 68 days, or one every 1.8 days.


04-04-2017, 05:17 PM
How about, all of the above?

Trump shouldn't get a pass for being a warmonger just because his predecessors were also warmongers.

i know Ron said we could just 'pull out', but do you really think that can happen?...and what would the blow back be?..

04-04-2017, 05:18 PM

Here's some of this month's haul so far -

There's worse at the link at the top of the post if you care to see it.

your source is questionable at best and completely untrustworthy at the worst. How about that fake government gas attack in 2013?

It is important to note, however, that particularly in the context of Iraq and Syria, casualty monitoring presents significant challenges. We report information on alleged strikes and casualties in good faith, though are often unable to follow up or to further verify such claims.


04-04-2017, 05:20 PM
i know Ron said we could just 'pull out', but do you really think that can happen?...and what would the blow back be?..The blow back from not bombing them? Oh, it would be horrific. Maybe they would not bomb us in reply. Can you imagine? What would we do?

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 05:22 PM
i know Ron said we could just 'pull out', but do you really think that can happen?...and what would the blow back be?..

Trump isn't just not pulling out, he's escalating.

As for what I'd do, yea, I'd just pull out. The effect of that would be Assad winning the civil war, killing ISIS, and reestablishing order.

04-04-2017, 05:28 PM
The blow back from not bombing them? Oh, it would be horrific. Maybe they would not bomb us in reply. Can you imagine? What would we do?

not sure i buy into this 'logic' any longer.

ever watch that movie Apocalypse Now?...the scene on the river where they pull a boat over, and one of the guys on the patrol boat opens up on those people killing all but one?...Martin Sheen finally blows the survivor away shocking everyone, then says..''i told you not to stop''....

declare war and end this fucking nightmare, or we're going to be seeing this crap till the end of time.


04-04-2017, 05:38 PM
declare war and end this fucking nightmare, or we're going to be seeing this crap till the end of time.End what nightmare, exactly? The nightmare of Syrians killing other Syrians and Yemenis killing other Yemenis? The nightmare of civil wars and revolutions? Will you declare war on dissent, or maybe on ethic or religious violence? Can one declare war on the idea of violence as a whole?

04-04-2017, 05:47 PM
End what nightmare, exactly? The nightmare of Syrians killing other Syrians and Yemenis killing other Yemenis? The nightmare of civil wars and revolutions? Will you declare war on dissent, or maybe on ethic or religious violence? Can one declare war on the idea of violence as a whole?

your characterization of the problem over there is a new one. Next year it will be a different one, and the year after that and on and on...

the shit going on over there is getting worse, not better. Just 'pulling out' in my opinion is not doable any longer...Declare War, and perhaps save millions from the shit in the op.

04-04-2017, 05:51 PM
your characterization of the problem over there is a new one. Next year it will be a different one, and the year after that and on and on...

the shit going on over there is getting worse, not better. Just 'pulling out' in my opinion is not doable any longer...Declare War, and perhaps save millions from the shit in the op.What shit, then? What nightmare? What will our bloody total war end?

04-04-2017, 05:53 PM
your characterization of the problem over there is a new one. Next year it will be a different one, and the year after that and on and on...

the $#@! going on over there is getting worse, not better. Just 'pulling out' in my opinion is not doable any longer...Declare War, and perhaps save millions from the $#@! in the op.

We been doing that since 9/11. Take out one group, a new one rises- usually worse than the first. Saddam is looking pretty good right now.

04-04-2017, 05:55 PM
What shit, then? What nightmare? What will our bloody total war end?

you have a point. Seems rather peaceful over the now compared to WW2.

04-04-2017, 05:56 PM
We been doing that since 9/11. Take out one group, a new one rises- usually worse than the first. Saddam is looking pretty good right now.

all due to the fact we haven't declared war.

04-04-2017, 06:02 PM
not sure i buy into this 'logic' any longer.

ever watch that movie Apocalypse Now?...the scene on the river where they pull a boat over, and one of the guys on the patrol boat opens up on those people killing all but one?...Martin Sheen finally blows the survivor away shocking everyone, then says..''i told you not to stop''....

declare war and end this fucking nightmare, or we're going to be seeing this crap till the end of time.


If you want to isolate your theory to ISIS, like Donald Trump, it's not my first choice but I think it is a strategy that is workable. We created them, we help destroy them, then we leave. But how far do you go past that? You're not talking about turning the Middle East into a glass parking lot are you?

I mean, unfortunately there would likely be some amount of blowback for some time if we stopped attacking them, but I feel like if we keep attacking them that just creates more blowback, and the other alternative is to take out the entire middle east, which is really not a good option at all.

04-04-2017, 06:03 PM
you have a point. Seems rather peaceful over the now compared to WW2.

Based on US war dead, it has been very peaceful compared to WWII. There were single battles in that one with more US soldiers dead than all those killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

tod evans
04-04-2017, 06:04 PM
More than a continuation. He has increased the rate of bombings by 3x.

Could the word you're looking for possibly be escalation?

04-04-2017, 06:37 PM
your characterization of the problem over there is a new one. Next year it will be a different one, and the year after that and on and on...

the $#@! going on over there is getting worse, not better. Just 'pulling out' in my opinion is not doable any longer...Declare War, and perhaps save millions from the $#@! in the op.

Bombing for peace is like having sex for virginity. Obama dropped 26,000 bombs last year. You are saying 75,000 or 100,000 bombs will bring peace? I highly doubt that.

04-04-2017, 06:40 PM
I don't care.

I really don't.

Not one bit.

I am enjoying not being radioactive ash.

I still don't care.

04-04-2017, 06:41 PM
So, you would support Satan if he complained about something he claimed that Donald Trump did? Because that is basically what you are doing. Ya, let's let Satan take over the world because after all of the MILLIONS of deaths our government has caused, Donald Trump caused a couple in trying to wind it all down.

You like to make gigantic logical leaps in order to support your weak arguments. If Dick Cheney himself said, "hey, we are killing too many innocent people." I would have to agree with his statement. It doesn't absolve him of his crimes but to simply say he is wrong no matter what just because he is Dick Cheney is ignorant. You use the same arguments your fellow neocons like to use. You attack the messenger in order to dismiss the message. Trump killing civilians is wrong. Just because Trump is doing instead of Obama or George Bush or McCain doesn't suddenly make it okay.

04-04-2017, 06:47 PM
You like to make gigantic logical leaps in order to support your weak arguments. If Dick Cheney himself said, "hey, we are killing too many innocent people." I would have to agree with his statement. It doesn't absolve him of his crimes but to simply say he is wrong no matter what just because he is Dick Cheney is ignorant. You use the same arguments your fellow neocons like to use. You attack the messenger in order to dismiss the message. Trump killing civilians is wrong. Just because Trump is doing instead of Obama or George Bush or McCain doesn't suddenly make it okay.

Trump said we should not have invaded Iraq.

04-04-2017, 06:57 PM
Trump said we should not have invaded Iraq.

Monday morning quarterback.

04-04-2017, 07:46 PM
Trump said we should not have invaded Iraq.

I am aware of that. It's also the reason you let him touch your pu$$y right? #starstruck

04-04-2017, 08:37 PM
Trump said we should not have invaded Iraq.After the fact, sure.

04-04-2017, 09:02 PM
I am aware of that. It's also the reason you let him touch your pu$$y right? #starstruck

But he says what you agree with.

Also bears repeating. Trump was against Libiya and Iraq.

04-04-2017, 09:05 PM
I am aware of that. It's also the reason you let him touch your pu$$y right? #starstruck

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to twomp again.

r3volution 3.0
04-04-2017, 09:16 PM
Trump was against Libiya

Unless Libiya is a different country than Libya, no, he wasn't.


04-04-2017, 09:16 PM
If Dick Cheney himself said, "hey, we are killing too many innocent people." I would have to agree with his statement.

I would question his motivations as well as his information. Because he is evil. He doesn't care if people die, so if he is suddenly concerned about it then you should be asking "why?".

04-04-2017, 09:20 PM
Truth bombs hitting their targets all over this thread.

04-04-2017, 09:21 PM
Truth bombs hitting their targets all over this thread.

Hmmm borderline.. but be careful, you could earn a spot in my sig..

04-04-2017, 09:23 PM
Hmmm borderline.. but be careful, you could earn a spot in my sig..

Then I can live on in infamy?

04-04-2017, 09:23 PM
Hmmm borderline.. but be careful, you could earn a spot in my sig..

Does his credit rating go down?

04-04-2017, 09:24 PM
Then I can live on in infamy?

You want to live on in infamy as someone trusts George Soros, and doesn't trust Rand Paul? (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509337-Rand-Paul-on-Morning-Joe-4-4&p=6446462&viewfull=1#post6446462)

04-04-2017, 09:25 PM
Does his credit rating go down?

Actually, I was informed today already by the banks that my credit rating did go down.

04-04-2017, 09:25 PM
Does his credit rating go down?

No, just his credibility rating.

04-04-2017, 09:26 PM
You want to live on in infamy as someone trusts George Soros, and doesn't trust Rand Paul? (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509337-Rand-Paul-on-Morning-Joe-4-4&p=6446462&viewfull=1#post6446462)

Exactly! I mean you put those words in my mouth somewhere, but you must be telepathic.

04-04-2017, 09:27 PM
No, just his credibility rating.

Don't trust me, trust god.

04-04-2017, 09:45 PM
I would question his motivations as well as his information. Because he is evil. He doesn't care if people die, so if he is suddenly concerned about it then you should be asking "why?".

No actually, what you would do is go the opposite way and say that not enough innocent people are being killed because you disagree with Dick Cheney on everything. That would be more consistent with your logic.

04-04-2017, 09:51 PM
No, just his credibility rating.

I remember when you were concerned about my credibility. I'm hurt dannno, don't you care any more?

04-04-2017, 09:52 PM
No actually, what you would do is go the opposite way and say that not enough innocent people are being killed because you disagree with Dick Cheney on everything. That would be more consistent with your logic.

No, that is completely wrong. I am not evil, Dick Cheney and George Soros are evil. If you trust them and are championing what they are saying, then you should question why that is.

04-04-2017, 10:00 PM
Neocons do not like Donald Trump. I honestly have no idea what dimension you exist in if you think that.

Uh, the one in which Donald trump spent scads of money bankrolling an extensive roster of neocons. Which one do you exist in?

now you say the neocons have the moral high ground against Donald Trump.. why can't you get your propaganda straight?

You're the one who says a site exposing the murder of hundreds of innocent people by the American MIC is neocon propaganda. You're really bad about making my points for me. Did those two kids die at Mosul (along with 200-500 other innocent people) or not, dannno? The info doesn't come from airwars.org btw. airwars is a news aggregate. What about this don't you get? - “We recovered half his body,” she said of the 7-year-old. “The rest is still there.” (http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-mosul-civilians-airstrike-20170324-story.html)

You can keep stamping your feet saying "A journalist said it so it can't be true! Stef said so!"

trump isn't even killing the families of terrorists. He's just killing families. Whole families.

04-04-2017, 10:02 PM
Granted Trump/GOP Right is very anti ISIS and rightfully so but this kind of rhetoric is horrible. And far worse are recent blunders in Yemen , Iraq, Benghazi that led to deaths of innocent. Families are not responsible for crimes against humanity done by individuals.



04-04-2017, 10:04 PM
Uh, the one in which Donald trump spent scads of money bankrolling an extensive roster of neocons. Which one do you exist in?

What does that have to do with neocons not supporting Donald Trump??

You're the one who says a site exposing the murder of hundreds of innocent people by the American MIC is neocon propaganda. You're really bad about making my points for me. Did those two kids die at Mosul (along with 200-500 other innocent people) or not, dannno? The info doesn't come from airwars.org btw. airwars is a news aggregate. What about this don't you get? - “We recovered half his body,” she said of the 7-year-old. “The rest is still there.” (http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-mosul-civilians-airstrike-20170324-story.html)

You can keep stamping your feet saying "A journalist said it so it can't be true! Stef said so!"

trump isn't even killing the families of terrorists. He's just killing families. Whole families.

You are completely missing the point.

04-04-2017, 10:17 PM
You are completely missing the point.

And you and Stef thought trump didn't really mean he was going to kill the families of terrorists - http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?496124-Stefan-Molyneux-Defends-Trump-on-quot-Terrorist-families-quot-Remark-and-Others

Well you were both right in a sense. Any old Arab families will do.

Honestly, even I didn't think trump would be this bad. But I should have because of his longtime support of the bottom of the neocon scum barrel.

04-04-2017, 10:36 PM
And you and Stef thought trump didn't really mean he was going to kill the families of terrorists - http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?496124-Stefan-Molyneux-Defends-Trump-on-quot-Terrorist-families-quot-Remark-and-Others

Well you were both right in a sense. Any old Arab families will do.

Honestly, even I didn't think trump would be this bad. But I should have because of his longtime support of the bottom of the neocon scum barrel.

Trump is not trying to kill the families of terrorists.

04-04-2017, 10:45 PM
No, that is completely wrong. I am not evil, Dick Cheney and George Soros are evil. If you trust them and are championing what they are saying, then you should question why that is.

You do realize this news is being reported by other outlets right? There are multiple sources yet you choose to disregard the whole thing by throwing up the name George Soros.

04-04-2017, 10:45 PM
Trump is not trying to kill the families of terrorists.

Correct. He is killing regular families who have nothing to do with terrorists now too.

04-04-2017, 10:53 PM
You do realize this news is being reported by other outlets right? There are multiple sources yet you choose to disregard the whole thing by throwing up the name George Soros.

What are you talking about?

04-05-2017, 12:19 AM
You do realize this news is being reported by other outlets right? There are multiple sources yet you choose to disregard the whole thing by throwing up the name George Soros.

It is Soros Derangement Syndrome

04-05-2017, 07:43 AM
This was worth a -rep. If you truly don't give a crap who dies as long as trump looks good, maybe reexamine your life.

You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

While I understand the place from which I think this comes, and I could be mistaken, there remains the unpleasant reality and the question of how to extricate ourselves.

Simply stopping might work. Then again, it might not. Some people are so pissed off, whether at us, the "Coalition", the Russians, the Brits, the Jooz, or whomever, that I see a Balkan-style blood feud simmering. That means generation upon generation of retribution. Are we to live on edge the rest of our great-great-great grandchildren's lives?

There are SO many lessons we should have learned as a species from the grave errors of the past, and yet we keep on as if genocides and other atrocities have been no part of our history. It buggers my rational mind, the cognitive dissonance to which this truth gives rise. This fact, coupled with ever growing technological means of extinguishing life likely seals the species' fate in the longer term. I see no way that the ever more deeply infantilized population of humanity will avoid the temptation to carry forth a real "final solution", somewhere down the temporal road. Just look at the rage with which presumed adults now comport themselves on a daily basis. How can that possible end well when the truth walks with perhaps 100 million Americans, and possibly far more? And what of the rest of the world? Anger and fear are now staples of everyday life, rather than the extraordinary.

Theye must be aware of this. Theye must have known what was to happen in the wake of their programs for reducing the general population to the status of functional idiots. Therefore, Theye must have a plan in mind that will not involve their own destruction. This leads me to the possible sub rosa preparations being made pursuant to Agenda 21. Such a grand conspiracy becomes more plausible by the minute, given what we see happening in the world.

Theire virtually guaranteed safety lies in the fact that they have managed to convince people that such theories are the machinations of madmen.

Once again, hats off to the masters, for they have done their jobs well. I am truly impressed by the comprehensive nature and the utter resiliency Theye demonstrate in the face of potential setbacks. Theye have made more lemonade than anyone else upon whom my thoughts might rest.

04-05-2017, 09:00 AM
Trump said we should not have invaded Iraq.

At the risk of being obvious, this thread is largely about trump's invasion of Iraq. Mosul is in Iraq.


04-05-2017, 09:14 AM
What are you talking about?

You seem to think all the information is coming from airwars.org. Although the American MSM hasn't been covering trump's military exploits very much, there have been some like the LA Times that have done some more in-depth reporting. The story of the 4 & 7 year old kids is not from airwars.

That said, airwars is a very useful and valuable information resource right now. It aggregates reports from many sources to illuminate what mayhem is being caused by US coalition and Russian military operations.

Mosul really happened. We'll never know the names of all the dead. When 9/11 took place, there was an advanced structure and method for identifying the victims. In Mosul, trump destroyed buildings full of innocent people whose identities will be wiped from memory. trump is banking that nobody will ever care about who they were. He's of course tragically wrong in terms of blowback.

This little thread is a humble attempt at encouraging people on this vBulletin (which used to be fairly critical of war) to care.

04-05-2017, 09:19 AM
You seem to think all the information is coming from airwars.org. Although the American MSM hasn't been covering trump's military exploits very much, there have been some like the LA Times that have done some more in-depth reporting. The story of the 4 & 7 year old kids is not from airwars.

That said, airwars is a very useful and valuable information resource right now. It aggregates reports from many sources to illuminate what mayhem is being caused by US coalition and Russian military operations.

Mosul really happened. We'll never know the names of all the dead. When 9/11 took place, there was an advanced structure and method for identifying the victims. In Mosul, trump destroyed buildings full of innocent people whose identities will be wiped from memory. trump is banking that nobody will ever care about who they were. He's of course tragically wrong in terms of blowback.

This little thread is a humble attempt at encouraging people on this vBulletin (which used to be fairly critical of war) to care.

This is totally insane. The people who carried out the 9/11 attacks, then started a half a dozen wars (or in some cases dozens) and have murdered millions of people.... suddenly care about a few innocent deaths....and that doesn't make you question what is going on at all??

Vbulletin is meant for having thoughtful discussions. IF these kids died, and it was a result of something President Trump signed off on, then yes, of course that is horrible and of course that makes me sad. But call me skeptical.. the fact we are seeing this stuff coming from the very people who carried out all the last evil murderous regimes should raise strong flags as to their motivations.

04-05-2017, 09:36 AM
This is totally insane. The people who carried out the 9/11 attacks,

Okay, gotcha. Like Ron Paul, I still think the chief factor in 9/11 was blowback.

04-05-2017, 09:41 AM

04-05-2017, 09:46 AM

My President. I just cried watching that.

04-05-2017, 09:51 AM
Okay, gotcha. Like Ron Paul, I still think the chief factor in 9/11 was blowback.

That doesn't change my argument one iota, the fact that you think it does change my argument is also insane. You can't respond to the argument, so you pick one little piece that doesn't really change anything at all and pretend you defeated the argument. That is intellectually weak and dishonest. It also makes you ignorant about what happened on 9/11, and no I don't think Ron Paul is ignorant about what happened on 9/11 at all. The problem is you only listen to what some of Ron Paul has to say on the topic instead of everything he has said on the topic, and why he trajected his stance in the way he did.

Of course there were terrorists who hated us for attacking their lands who participated in the attack who came from Saudi Arabia like Ron Paul maintains, there isn't any question about that. The question is why they were allowed to fly in the air that long after it was well known they were being hijacked. The question is why it took so long for them to realize they were hijacked. The question is why Pentagon Policemen did independent video interviews and were 100% positive the plane flew to the west of the CITGO gas station, and definitely not the east, and how their story corroborates with about a dozen other witnesses in the area. The question is why WTC1, 2 and 3 all came down in their own footprint at near-free fall speed. The question is why John O'neill, who was the lead investigator for the FBI on Bin Laden was fired from his job, placed as head of security for the twin towers in the days before the attack, and was found dead in a closet before the towers fell. Why military grade nano-thermite was found in 6 different dust samples collected by random individuals.

Vbulletin, my friend, is for thinking. Not posting information from highly questionable sources and praising it.

04-05-2017, 01:39 PM
If you want to isolate your theory to ISIS, like Donald Trump, it's not my first choice but I think it is a strategy that is workable. We created them, we help destroy them, then we leave. But how far do you go past that? You're not talking about turning the Middle East into a glass parking lot are you?

I mean, unfortunately there would likely be some amount of blowback for some time if we stopped attacking them, but I feel like if we keep attacking them that just creates more blowback, and the other alternative is to take out the entire middle east, which is really not a good option at all.

whats not being discussed is the blowback for using sarin gas. Is this a nukable offense?...i'm thinking mad dog has an answer. Time will tell.

04-06-2017, 08:37 AM
Mariya, RIP sweet girl. From March 30 in Mansoura -


04-06-2017, 09:41 AM
At the risk of being obvious, this thread is largely about trump's invasion of Iraq. Mosul is in Iraq.


How do you know we are invading when we don't even disclose troop deployments anymore? Trump could of brought everyone home for all you know..

“In order to maintain tactical surprise, ensure operational security and force protection, the coalition will not routinely announce or confirm information about the capabilities, force numbers, locations, or movement of forces in or out of Iraq and Syria,” said Eric Pahon, a Pentagon spokesman.

H. E. Panqui
04-06-2017, 11:15 AM
osan: "Once again, hats off to the masters, for they have done their jobs well. I am truly impressed by the comprehensive nature and the utter resiliency Theye demonstrate in the face of potential setbacks. Theye have made more lemonade than anyone else upon whom my thoughts might rest."


...ummm...your true controller$ control 'the monetary fraud/abomination' under which we are enslaved and about which ?your favorite ?republican politicians won't/can't speak above their feeble breaths...

...yeah right, 'hats off' :rolleyes: to our impre$$ive master$ who control virtually ALL of the major microphone$ and have propped-up a bunch of goddamned fool republican and democrat monetary ignoramuse$, warmongering interventionists, etc. assorted peckerheads galore, who facilitate the $cheme$ of our monstrou$ ma$ter$...[and shame on ?your stinking ?republicans..]

04-06-2017, 12:21 PM
Trump is not trying to kill the families of terrorists.

It must come natural to him.

04-08-2017, 05:19 PM
At least 10 children in 1 day killed by trump. The Khan Shaykhun incident that inspired shock and awe bombing killed 11.


US Airstrikes Kill 21, Mostly Civilians, in Northern Syria
Attacks Targeted Internet Cafe, Boatload of Civilians
by Jason Ditz, April 08, 2017

While US “outrage” at civilian casualties from Syrian airstrikes is being used as a pretext for military intervention against the Syrian government, US forces continue their own airstrikes backing military operations in northeastern Syria, and are killing an increasing number of civilians in their own right.

Today, US airstrikes near Raqqa killed at least 21 people, mostly civilians, and while some of the strikes were near fighting between US-backed troops and ISIS, at least one of the strikes appears to have been a deliberate attack on a boatload of civilians attempting to cross the Euphrates River.

The boat was carrying about 40 people, and NGOs say that at least seven bodies, six of them children, have been recovered so far, with more missing. The US has dropped leaflets in the area urging civilians to flee toward the Euphrates, but apparently dropped a second leaflet warning them not to try to cross the river or they’d be attacked.

The airstrikes centered around the village of Hanida, which is along the Euphrates River west of Raqqa. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported a number of additional civilians killed in US strikes on the village. That the US is attacking the village is puzzling, because ISIS is not believed to have any presence in the village itself, and it appears to be at least some distance from the fight.

The biggest target in the Hanida strikes was an Internet cafe, with the US strike destroying the site, killing 14 people within, including four children. The US is so far not offering any justification for any of the attacks in the area.

04-08-2017, 05:26 PM
At least 10 children in 1 day killed by trump. The Khan Shaykhun incident that inspired shock and awe bombing killed 11.


dannos was saying that George Soros owns antiwar.com now so #fakenews. Actually Trump doesn't do anything bad so anything bad said about Trump is either his daughter's fault, his son-in-law's fault, his adviser who is now a registered foreign agent for Turkey, or his new adviser that replaced that adviser. It was all of their faults. And if anyone says anything otherwise, then they are a George Soros plant.

Wooden Indian
04-08-2017, 05:56 PM
dannos was saying that George Soros owns antiwar.com now so #fakenews. Actually Trump doesn't do anything bad so anything bad said about Trump is either his daughter's fault, his son-in-law's fault, his adviser who is now a registered foreign agent for Turkey, or his new adviser that replaced that adviser. It was all of their faults. And if anyone says anything otherwise, then they are a George Soros plant.

I'm starting to wonder if he may be the plant. No honest person possessing the intellect required to boot a computer could make these claims day in and day out.

The enemy is among us.

04-08-2017, 07:43 PM
whats not being discussed is the blowback for using sarin gas. Is this a nukable offense?...i'm thinking mad dog has an answer. Time will tell.

According to Seymour Hersch, Hillary worked to get Libyan Sarin over to her terrorist friends in Syria to commit a false flag sarin attack. So does that mean the USA should be nuked?

04-08-2017, 07:46 PM
dannos was saying that George Soros owns antiwar.com now so #fakenews. .

I think you meant airwars.org

04-11-2017, 03:55 PM
FYI, the propaganda outlet behind this story (airwars/white helmets) was found to be implicated in the false flag attack in Syria..


Like I said, when you are reading propaganda by people who like to slaughter people by the millions, you should be very wary.

04-11-2017, 04:21 PM
You can't respond to the argument, so you pick one little piece that doesn't really change anything at all and pretend you defeated the argument. That is intellectually weak and dishonest.

Sounds a lot like someone who began by saying, I think that link goes to a site possibly funded by George Soros, so whether the contents are factual or not, I declare it invalid and anyone who ever clicked it a neocon!

04-11-2017, 04:34 PM
Sounds a lot like someone who began by saying, I think that link goes to a site possibly funded by George Soros, so whether the contents are factual or not, I declare it invalid and anyone who ever clicked it a neocon!

Huh? No.

It IS funded by George Soros.

So whether the contents are factual or not, you SHOULD be wary of the facts, but mostly wary of narrative they are trying to set.

Or you can be a George Soros tool. There are a lot of those. You would be in bigly company.

04-11-2017, 04:53 PM
Huh? No.

It IS funded by George Soros.

So whether the contents are factual or not, you SHOULD be wary of the facts, but mostly wary of narrative they are trying to set.

Or you can be a George Soros tool. There are a lot of those. You would be in bigly company.

But you haven't refuted any of the claims.

You just pointed out who provides funding to the site (whether it's fully funded by him or just got three dollars from one of his organizations once you refuse to specify) and used that as a pretext to say, 'Look! Over there!'

Which was handy, as you were losing the debate. Badly.

And then you turn around in the same thread, and say that picking on one not-so-relevant detail and pretending that constitutes a meaningful response is 'intellectually weak and dishonest'.

Well, dannno, it's always intellectually weak and dishonest. Even when you do it.

04-11-2017, 04:57 PM
But you haven't refuted any of the claims.

You just pointed out who provides funding to the site (whether it's fully funded by him or just got three dollars from one of his organizations once you refuse to specify) and used that as a pretext to say, 'Look! Over there!'

Which was handy, as you were losing the debate. Badly.

And then you turn around in the same thread, and say that picking on one not-so-relevant detail and pretending that constitutes a meaningful response is 'intellectually weak and dishonest'.

Well, dannno, it's always intellectually weak and dishonest. Even when you do it.

I didn't refute it because it doesn't matter. If you want to read George Soros propaganda and follow that narrative, then you go ahead and be a George Soros toolbag.

The fact that George Soros is spending money to promote something says more about that thing than the actual contents of that thing.

Sorry, I'm not going to be a tool of George Soros. You can't convince me.

If he is successful and gets Trump out of office, millions more people will die as a result if history is any indication.

04-11-2017, 05:01 PM
Once again, you manage to get a rebuttal posted in under four minutes. And once again, it isn't a rebuttal at all. It doesn't address the issue, it says nothing of substance, it's a nitpick masquerading as a rebuttal, it says nothing, it does nothing, and it fits your own criteria for what is 'intellectually weak and dishonest.'


You aren't even being amusing, unlike the time you argued for days that women like their cervix slammed repeatedly. Therefore, you aren't worth the attention you're whoring for.

04-19-2017, 10:52 AM
trump's March 16 mosque droning in Al Jina looks worse and worse as days go by.


Report: US Attack on Syrian Mosque Full of Civilians ‘Likely Unlawful’
Pentagon Failed to Analyze Target Before Attack
by Jason Ditz, April 18, 2017

On March 16, US warplanes attacked a crowded mosque in Aleppo Province, killing at least 38 people during a religious lecture. Human Rights Watch (HRW), having conducted their own investigation into the matter, says the attack was “likely unlawful.”

The US has promised their own investigation into the matter but so far haven’t offered much of anything, jumping between conflicting claims that it was an al-Qaeda target, that it wasn’t a mosque at all, and speculating that the Syrian military might’ve coincidentally attacked the mosque during an active US airstrike, despite pieces of US munitions being found inside the mosque.

HRW attributed this to a lack of target analysis ahead of the attack, saying that officials were unaware that the site was a mosque and unaware that they attacked during the start of evening prayers, saying that even cursory analysis could’ve figured at least some of this out.

HRW went on to advise the US to “do its homework” before launching such strikes. The Pentagon, however, is always interested in being able to deny incidents, irrespective of the lack of credibility of such a denial, and claiming they didn’t know it was a mosque, because they didn’t check, might ultimately be enough for the Pentagon to keep the incident out of their official toll of civilians killed, despite killing a number of civilians in the process.

Over and over, the killer kills, pleads not guilty, and acquits himself.

04-19-2017, 11:43 AM
You aren't even being amusing, unlike the time you argued for days that women like their cervix slammed repeatedly. Therefore, you aren't worth the attention you're whoring for.

If you think it is wise to follow George Soros propaganda, go ahead, but it is funny how you are trying to school me on an argument clinic while being totally intellectually dishonest. Why don't you tell me why you think it is a good idea to follow the narrative of George Soros, no mind that he is known as a propaganda master, he is known for making shit up - in fact I posted a thread about how the white helmets were implicated in the sarin gas false flag.. they have also been caught fabricating numbers and deaths more recently. Give me one reason why I should trust his propaganda? Then give me another reason why I should follow his pro-NATO neocon narrative?


I mean, it looks like you can't be intellectually honest about any topic. I never said anything about slamming a woman's cervix, the person who was arguing with me was the one who brought up slamming their cervix. What I was saying was that contact with the cervix during intercourse creates a more pleasurable situation for a lot of women, many of whom report a more intense, different type of orgasm than they experience without that type of contact. It doesn't have to be slamming, although that may be pleasurable for some women I don't know, but I don't think that would be pleasurable for the guy either so I'm pretty sure the slamming thing is normally not an issue. But go ahead and keep telling everybody about how I thought slamming a woman's cervix was so great and something about holographic wings on missiles that I supposedly "spammed the forum with" when I don't even remember ever reading or watching anything about holographic wings on missiles, and I remember a lot of shit about my research on 9/11 and I am not one to post while blacked out on alcohol. So keep up the lies, keep up the slander, if you think that is the best way to get your point across, but I don't think it is. You would be better off using honest reasonable and persuasive arguments.

04-19-2017, 01:24 PM
If you think it is wise to follow George Soros propaganda, go ahead, but it is funny how you are trying to school me on an argument clinic while being totally intellectually dishonest. Why don't you tell me why you think it is a good idea to follow the narrative of George Soros, no mind that he is known as a propaganda master, he is known for making shit up - in fact I posted a thread about how the white helmets were implicated in the sarin gas false flag.. they have also been caught fabricating numbers and deaths more recently. Give me one reason why I should trust his propaganda? Then give me another reason why I should follow his pro-NATO neocon narrative?

Contrarianism is not logic, nor is it 'intellectually honest.' Facts do not cease to be facts just because they happen to be agreed upon by people you do not like.

04-19-2017, 01:25 PM

04-19-2017, 01:30 PM
Contrarianism is not logic, nor is it 'intellectually honest.' Facts do not cease to be facts just because they happen to be agreed upon by people you do not like.

No, what I'm saying is that George Soros is a known fabricator, the white helmets are known fabricators and whatever agenda George Soros has is BAD. So if you are going to follow his narrative, then you are going to be led down the wrong path.

I know George Soros is your little buddy, but I'm talking to people who don't like George Soros which is most people here.

04-19-2017, 01:31 PM

Why does George Soros all of sudden care about civilian casualties? Do you know his history?

04-19-2017, 01:50 PM

04-19-2017, 01:55 PM
No, what I'm saying is that George Soros is a known fabricator, the white helmets are known fabricators and whatever agenda George Soros has is BAD. So if you are going to follow his narrative, then you are going to be led down the wrong path.Which narrative are you going to choose to follow? The one created by fabricators, or the other one created by different fabricators?

Superfluous Man
04-19-2017, 02:45 PM
Totally irrelevant. And I am not a neocon, you are a neocon if you support George Soros.

So lets see here. Trump is not a neocon for murdering kids. You are not a neocon for supporting him murdering kids. Soros is a neocon for being against Trump murdering kids. And anyone who doesn't support Trump murdering kids is a neocon for agreeing with Soros about that.

Got it.

04-19-2017, 02:48 PM
So lets see here. Trump is not a neocon for murdering kids. You are not a neocon for supporting him murdering kids. Soros is a neocon for being against Trump murdering kids. And anyone who doesn't support Trump murdering kids is a neocon for agreeing with Soros about that.

Got it.
You should do some research before you embarrass yourself again.

Superfluous Man
04-19-2017, 02:50 PM
You should do some research before you embarrass yourself again.

Because those who do research discover that Trump hasn't actually murdered lots and lots of kids?

04-19-2017, 02:50 PM
If the White Helmets are really «neutral, impartial and humanitarian» and do «serve all the people of Syria», then why should they work only in areas controlled by the violent opposition and nowhere else? Why don’t they help Syrians who suffered from terrorists’ attacks in the government – controlled areas? The White Helmets claim to be unarmed but there are photos (https://www.google.ru/search?q=photos+white+helmets+carrying+arms&newwindow=1&biw=1056&bih=472&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwilptbuiP7QAhVJkCwKHeAWCk0QsAQIGQ#imgrc= mAgsPf2XjH_E3M%3A) which show their members carrying arms and celebrating terrorist (https://www.google.ru/search?q=white+helmets+carrying+arms+photos+videos&newwindow=1&sa=N&biw=1056&bih=472&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwif1uWwiv7QAhUCjywKHUPhB7w4ChCwBAgY#q=wh ite+helmets+carrying+arms+photos+videos&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CZgILD39l4x_1Iji5D5B_1Bi-_1jGuizkKwrOfAjUgGF_1f-kIMVyC9FYMfoa0qCxqQcqh2YlGo7ePrQq8-NqkZQoXrLgyoSCbkPkH8GL7-MEdB1YGHcXvHmKhIJa6LOQrCs58AR3mckRwyB0skqEgmNSAYX9 _16QgxGAoKR07M9zsioSCRXIL0Vgx-hrEVAk) group’s military successes.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity stated (https://www.rt.com/news/361938-white-helmets-syria-independant/) that that a major objective of SCD was to produce anti-President Assad commentary, on social media and elsewhere.

The organization has been accused by critics of fabricating reports and rescues. On 15 December, Russia Today (RT) interviewed (https://www.rt.com/news/370344-white-helmets-aleppo-residents/) residents, who had just left eastern Aleppo after it fell to government forces, claiming SCD operatives had stolen jewelry and only helped when cameras were present. Vanessa Beeley has published (http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/09/23/exclusive-the-real-syria-civil-defence-expose-natos-white-helmets-as-terrorist-linked-imposters/) her investigative stories to rip off the mask of the White Helmets, exposing it as a terrorist group. The journalist also exposed (https://thewallwillfall.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/white-helmets-war-by-way-of-deception/) Mosab Obeidat, one of the SCD leaders, as an arms trader personally involved (http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/16160) in the transactions to supply terrorists with arms and ammunition.

The White Helmets have posted (http://www.globalresearch.ca/white-helmets-ngo-a-rescue-and-assist-operation-under-guise-of-human-rights/5524928) fraudulent photos so as to blame the Syrian military for civilian casualties and intentional targeting of civilians. On November 30, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a detailed statement (http://www.mid.ru/en/press_service/spokesman/briefings/-/asset_publisher/D2wHaWMCU6Od/content/id/2540954#10) about the fake pictures provided by the group for press. In late October, the Russian Defense Ministry said the group had produced (https://www.rt.com/news/364454-russia-idlib-school-comment/) fabricated photos to blame the Russian military for what it had not done.

The organization had spread around (https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201509301027807644-ngo-caught-faking-syria-casualties-report/) the stories about the horrors of Russian air strikes before Russia’s parliament even granted President Putin the authority to use the Air Space Forces in Syria.

The UN conference (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebE3GJfGhfA) Against Propaganda and Regime Change, for Peace and National Sovereignty took place (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebE3GJfGhfA) in early December. Eva Bartlett, an independent Canadian journalist, said no international organizations operated in Syria to make media use such dubious sources of information as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights which is represented (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/10/world/middleeast/the-man-behind-the-casualty-figures-in-syria.html) by only one person!

Hailed as heroic rescuers rushing to the aid of injured civilians in terrorists-controlled parts of Syria, the White Helmets are nothing else but an elaborate deception. The group is nothing else but a tool used by Western spy agencies to denigrate Russia and everyone who does not support the terrorists in their effort to overthrow the Syria’s legitimate government. The organization is a good example of the fact that all is fair in propaganda wars waged by the Western intelligence agencies against Russia.


04-19-2017, 02:51 PM
Because those who do research discover that Trump hasn't actually murdered lots and lots of kids?

No, they discover that the globalists who are against Trump and are providing this information, which is often fraudulent, actually want to murder millions of times more children than Trump has (if any).

04-19-2017, 02:54 PM
...ummm...your true controller$ control 'the monetary fraud/abomination' under which we are enslaved

So why not free yourself? That is what I would recommend.



04-19-2017, 02:58 PM
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity stated that that a major objective of SCD was to produce anti-President Assad commentary, on social media and elsewhere.Literally no one is claiming that is not the case.

On 15 December, Russia Today (RT) interviewed residents, who had just left eastern Aleppo after it fell to government forces, claiming SCD operatives had stolen jewelry and only helped when cameras were present. Vanessa Beeley has published her investigative stories to rip off the mask of the White Helmets, exposing it as a terrorist group. The journalist also exposed Mosab Obeidat, one of the SCD leaders, as an arms trader personally involved in the transactions to supply terrorists with arms and ammunition.Using RT as a source to talk about the bias of another source is hilarious.

If a major objective of the white helmets is to produce anti-Assad commentary, what is a major objective of RT?

04-19-2017, 03:00 PM
Literally no one is claiming that is not the case.

So you are hoping for regime change? Because that is why the white helments were funded, and that is why they produce fraudulent information.

When Trump got elected, they were like, "oh shit, now the white helmets have another use for us, we can make Trump look bad too!"

It's like getting two birds stoned at once.

04-19-2017, 03:11 PM
So you are hoping for regime change?


Because that is why the white helments were funded, and that is why they produce fraudulent information.


When Trump got elected, they were like, "oh shit, now the white helmets have another use for us, we can make Trump look bad too!"


Is the number of people dying in Syria due to US involvement zero or more than zero?

In these specific airstrikes - has anyone died? Been wounded? Again - zero, or more than zero?

04-19-2017, 03:17 PM

George Soros wants regime change, he wants Trump out of office so the US has a President more friendly to regime change in Syria. This is painfully obvious and has been my contention since the beginning of the thread.


Uh, yes, sorry, but you are 100% wrong here, you need to go research George Soros before you embarrass yourself again.

Is the number of people dying in Syria due to US involvement zero or more than zero?

It could be more than zero, but it is impossible to tell when globalists control the scoreboard.

In these specific airstrikes - has anyone died? Been wounded? Again - zero, or more than zero?

Probably more than zero, but there is a bigger question. Why does George Soros suddenly care about civilian casualties? George Soros is responsible for millions of civilian casualties and always puts out propaganda for more war. So why are you paying attention to it?

04-19-2017, 03:24 PM
It could be more than zero, but it is impossible to tell when globalists control the scoreboard.Are you proposing that the United States is executing a campaign of airstrikes that is entirely without human cost?

04-19-2017, 03:26 PM

04-19-2017, 03:27 PM
Are you proposing that the United States is executing a campaign of airstrikes that is entirely without human cost?

Civilians? I would imagine so, yes.

But it doesn't matter, you don't get it. You aren't even trying to understand why it might be a mistake to listen to an organization funded by the globalists who have been caught fabricating deaths and atrocities multiple times. You are hopeless.

04-19-2017, 03:29 PM

These statistics are about as useful and accurate as the ones you posted to support Hillary Clinton becoming President.

04-19-2017, 03:30 PM

04-19-2017, 03:32 PM
Civilians? I would imagine so, yes.At what point would you say that you began to believe in the competency and infallibility of the American government?

04-19-2017, 03:33 PM

Human Rights Watch are shilling for the globalists, they want Trump gone so they can install a President more friendly to regime change in Syria, among other puppety things.

04-19-2017, 03:34 PM

04-19-2017, 03:34 PM
At what point would you say that you began to believe in the competency and infallibility of the American government?

Never have, although the office of the President is currently more competent than any we have had in decades or more.

04-19-2017, 03:35 PM

Wow, Trump was President 6 months ago?!

Go George Soros!! George Soros 2020, right??

04-19-2017, 03:36 PM

04-19-2017, 03:37 PM
Never have, although the office of the President is currently more competent than any we have had in decades or more.You don't believe that the government is competent or infallible, but you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians?

04-19-2017, 03:43 PM
you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians?

I would imagine so, yes. But you are missing the bigger picture. You are helping to work to get Trump out of office so they can put a President more friendly to regime change and neocon boondoggle wars into office, so that they can murder millions of people. That is the goal of the people whose propaganda you are defending. Please stop, for the children.

04-19-2017, 03:49 PM
I would imagine so, yes.Do you believe that the Syrian government is a Soros mouthpiece?

The US strike on Shayrat Airbase in Syria killed 14 people including nine innocent civilians, the governor of Homs told RT.

Speaking to RT Arabic, Talal al-Barazi said the majority of victims of the missile strike carried out by the United States on Friday morning had been local villagers.

“Undoubtedly, the American attack on the Shayrat air force base was aimed at supporting terrorist groups and weakening the fighting capacity of the army of the Syrian Army, which is fighting the terrorists,” Barazi told RT. “According to recent reports, the attack resulted in the deaths of five soldiers and nine civilians and the wounding of thirteen women and children who were in the nearby Shayrat village.”

This aggression towards Syria is not the first and is unlikely to be the last.”

Syria’s official SANA news agency earlier on Friday reported that "an American missile also hit the village of Al-Hamrat, which killed four civilians including a child."

"Another seven civilians were wounded when a missile hit homes in Al-Manzul, 4 kilometres (two and a half miles) away from the Shayrat air base," it added, citing sources.

Maybe Russian diplomats are also getting paid by Soros?

Vladimir Safronkov, Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN, criticized the reaction to the Syrian airstrike, as well as the general double standards used when talking about alleged crimes committed by the Syrian government, versus those of the Americans and their allies.

“The attack in Syria is an attempt to distract attention from the many victims among the peaceful population of Iraq and Syria caused by unilateral actions,” Safronkov said before a meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday. “Where’s your principle of assuming innocence? Why don’t your capitals recall this? In the Middle East and other regions, why do you forget the presumption of innocence in these cases?”


I suppose that the Syrian government and the Russian government both support regime change.

04-19-2017, 04:09 PM
Campaign slogan for 2020:

trump - Killing Kids So Soros Won't

04-19-2017, 04:15 PM
Campaign slogan for 2020:

trump - Killing Kids So Soros Won't

More like Trump - accidentally killing a few children in the fight against Islamic extremism so Soros doesn't murder thousands of children and millions of people and create far more Islamic extremism.

04-19-2017, 04:47 PM
More like Trump - accidentally killing a few children in the fight against Islamic extremism so Soros doesn't murder thousands of children and millions of people and create far more Islamic extremism.

What fight against Islamic extremism? Do you really buy into that lingo?

04-19-2017, 04:50 PM
Trump - accidentally killing a few children25 minutes from 'no civilian casualties' to 'only a few children.'

04-19-2017, 04:51 PM
What fight against Islamic extremism? Do you really buy into that lingo?

Well there are actually Islamic extremists, and it is possible to fight against them, but I imagine it will only serve to create more Islamic extremists.. which is why I've said like 300 or 400 times in the last few days, I'm opposed to it.

But I have a preference for a short-lived battle against ISIS Islamic extremists vs. a neocon regime change military boondoggle that lasts years and kills hundreds of thousands of people, and creates far more Islamic extremists.

04-19-2017, 04:53 PM
25 minutes from 'no civilian casualties' to 'only a few children.'

See, this is one of those posts that I would ban someone for if I had a forum. Posting blatant lies about other members is really unbecoming.

The purpose of discussion is to have intellectual discourse, not to lie and manipulate people.

04-19-2017, 05:22 PM
Well there are actually Islamic extremists, and it is possible to fight against them, but I imagine it will only serve to create more Islamic extremists.. which is why I've said like 300 or 400 times in the last few days, I'm opposed to it.

But I have a preference for a short-lived battle against ISIS Islamic extremists vs. a neocon regime change military boondoggle that lasts years and kills hundreds of thousands of people, and creates far more Islamic extremists.

But dannno, dude, you did say there were no casualties at the Syrian strike- that it was a ruse.

The preference is NO CHILDREN killed- not that it's OK to kill a few here and there so you can get the bad guys now and then.

04-19-2017, 05:28 PM
But dannno, dude, you did say there were no casualties at the Syrian strike- that it was a ruse.

I absolutely did NOT say that. I said that the evidence for such should not be trusted because it comes from a group who has been known to fabricate these types of things in order to create a narrative that a US led NATO military regime change force should come in and remove Assad. Now they are using the same group to make Trump look bad so they can replace him with a President more friendly to regime change.

Why the FUCK would I claim that nobody died if I am like 4,000 miles away?

The preference is NO CHILDREN killed-

No shnit, Sherlock, unfortunately that is not a realistic option at the moment. The neocons want Trump out so they can put some tool like Hillary or Jeb or Rubio in.

If Rand runs in 2020, I will support him in his attempt to primary Trump. But I will NOT support getting rid of Trump to make way for some neocon like you are.

04-19-2017, 07:02 PM
trump exported some liberty to Deir al-Zor on Monday. Six families killed. America is safer -


Air strikes, thought to be by planes from a U.S.-led military coalition, killed at least 30 people in the eastern Syrian province of Deir al-Zor on Monday, including women and children, residents and activists said.

Coalition spokesman U.S. Air Force Colonel John Dorrian confirmed that the U.S.-led coalition had conducted strikes in the vicinity of the town of al-Bukamal, but said he could not "confirm the veracity of allegations of civilian casualties".

He told Reuters the coalition tried to avoid civilian deaths in its bombing campaign against Islamic State militants in Syria and neighboring Iraq.

The border town has been a haven in recent years for thousands of displaced Syrians from Aleppo and from other areas, including Iraq, where its residents have strong tribal ties across the border.

An activist in touch with relatives in al-Bukamal said at least three homes had been flattened in the residential Hay al Masriya district of the town and at least 30 people, mostly women and children from six families, had been killed.

A second former resident of the town gave a similar figure and said it was likely to rise, with several critical cases among the scores of people injured.

Amaq news agency, which is affiliated to the militants, released a video that it said showed extensive damage to a whole string of houses inside the city with rescuers treating children.

There were other casualties in raids on several villages near al-Bukamal.

Earlier the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that jets "believed to belong to the international coalition" had struck al-Bukamal on Monday, killing three militants and 13 civilians including children.

The monitor said strikes also killed seven civilians in the town of al-Husainiyah further north along the Euphrates river.

Islamic State militants control most of Deir al-Zor province, which links territory they hold in Syria and Iraq, and parts of the provincial capital, which has the same name.

The Syrian government still controls some parts of Deir al-Zor city, including a nearby military air base, where Islamic State has besieged about 200,000 people lacking food and medicine for around two years.

Syrian government forces and their allies, backed by Russian air power, have been fighting back against Islamic State assaults in the area.

The U.S.-led coalition has in recent months stepped up targeted raids on the province to rupture the militants' supply lines across Iraq and Syria.

r3volution 3.0
04-19-2017, 07:04 PM
But I will NOT support getting rid of Trump to make way for some neocon like you are.

What would a neocon be doing which Trump is not presently doing?

04-19-2017, 07:10 PM
I absolutely did NOT say that. I said that the evidence for such should not be trusted because it comes from a group who has been known to fabricate these types of things in order to create a narrative that a US led NATO military regime change force should come in and remove Assad. Now they are using the same group to make Trump look bad so they can replace him with a President more friendly to regime change.

Why the $#@! would I claim that nobody died if I am like 4,000 miles away?

No shnit, Sherlock, unfortunately that is not a realistic option at the moment. The neocons want Trump out so they can put some tool like Hillary or Jeb or Rubio in.

If Rand runs in 2020, I will support him in his attempt to primary Trump. But I will NOT support getting rid of Trump to make way for some neocon like you are.

But it doesn't matter, you don't get it. You aren't even trying to understand why it might be a mistake to listen to an organization funded by the globalists who have been caught fabricating deaths and atrocities multiple times. You are hopeless.


I never said whether it was justified or not, I'm just pointing out the massive amount of benefit he received from doing it and that maybe it was about more than starting some neocon quagmire which you guys seem convinced is going to happen. I don't think it will. If you prefer a globalist neocon quagmire to a 15 minute attack on an empty airbase, then I'm sorry but we will have to disagree.

We were in Syria for a whole 15 minutes 'fighting Assad', by bombing a small empty airbase.. and that bombing did not hurt Assad very much, yet it got us miles ahead of the game with Russia, China, North Korea and the entire world. It got the globalists off Trump's back for 5 seconds about him being a Russian agent. It achieved massive amounts of political capital for Trump.

Originally Posted by TheCount
Are you proposing that the United States is executing a campaign of airstrikes that is entirely without human cost?

Civilians? I would imagine so, yes.

Originally Posted by TheCount
you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians?

I would imagine so, yes. But you are missing the bigger picture. You are helping to work to get Trump out of office so they can put a President more friendly to regime change and neocon boondoggle wars into office, so that they can murder millions of people. That is the goal of the people whose propaganda you are defending. Please stop, for the children.

Originally Posted by undergroundrr
Campaign slogan for 2020:

trump - Killing Kids So Soros Won't

More like Trump - accidentally killing a few children in the fight against Islamic extremism so Soros doesn't murder thousands of children and millions of people and create far more Islamic extremism.

But I'M hopeless.:rolleyes:

r3volution 3.0
04-19-2017, 07:58 PM
Never have, although the office of the President is currently more competent than any we have had in decades or more.


04-19-2017, 08:42 PM
See, this is one of those posts that I would ban someone for if I had a forum. Posting blatant lies about other members is really unbecoming.

The purpose of discussion is to have intellectual discourse, not to lie and manipulate people.

Welcome to the world of chicanery. No one like this is getting banned. The nonsense will go unchecked. The remedy however, is right there at your fingertips.


04-19-2017, 09:04 PM

Clearly, I was saying "Civilians? I imagine so, yes" I was imagining that yes, there were likely civilian casualties, but I don't trust the sources that are providing the information so I don't know to what extent that is true if at all. It was a conversational tone and didn't translate well to text but I thought it was pretty clear that is what was meant.

04-19-2017, 09:36 PM
Clearly, I was saying "Civilians? I imagine so, yes" I was imagining that yes, there were likely civilian casualties, but I don't trust the sources that are providing the information so I don't know to what extent that is true if at all. It was a conversational tone and didn't translate well to text but I thought it was pretty clear that is what was meant.

Airwars is a news aggregator. Yes, they give their executive summary of what they think happened, but there's a panoply of sources and they tell you when the reporting is weak and single source. Here are the sources for one report whose Quality of Reporting they cited as "Fair."

Sources: Alaraby [Arabic], [Archived], Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently [RBSS] [Arabic], [Archived], RBSS (2) [Arabic], [Archived], Smart News [Arabic], [Archived], Syria news desk [Arabic], [Archived], SHRC [Arabic], [Archived], RBSS (2) [Arabic], [Archived], Orient news [Arabic], [Archived], Alsouria [Arabic], [Archived], Syrain Observatory for Human Rights [Arabic], [Archived], Syrian Mirror [Arabic], [Archived], Syrianpc [Arabic], [Archived], Qasioun [Arabic], [Archived], Raqqa24 [Arabic], [Archived], Syrian Network for Human Rights [Archived], ShammaTV [Arabic], [Archived]

I repeat, it's only one place to look, but there aren't many, so what's there is valuable, no matter which way it's slanted.

04-19-2017, 11:02 PM
Schrodinger's casualties are simultaneously both dead and alive until observed by dannno.

04-20-2017, 12:06 AM
Had pledged to myself to wait 100 days before criticizing Trump's policies but may have to break that pledge given recent war mongering activities. Is he being plied too hard by neocons or by Ivanka/Kushner etc? Didn't think neocons could blackmail/initimidate hm given his massive personality. Or does he get thrill/ego massage from use of "big, beautiful" bombs? Is he being bribed by last DGP's owners?
Still hope these were beginner's blunders and he will not drag America/world into more wars violence like the last puppet of neocons did.

Trump: "No child of God should ever suffer such horror" (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509736-Trump-quot-No-child-of-God-should-ever-suffer-such-horror-quot&)

On Wednesday, standing with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Trump echoed that sentiment.
"Young children dying, babies dying, fathers holding children in their arms that were dead, dead children," Trump said. "There can't be a worse sight, and it shouldn't be allowed."

US general admits US airstrike killed 100s of civilians in Mosul
Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:45PM
Relatives react near the bodies of civilians killed in an airstrike, during a battle against Daesh terrorists, in Mosul, Iraq March 17, 2017. (Photos by Reuters)

Children killed in Gaza using US supplied bombs




TSA Agent "Screening" Young Boy (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?509105-TSA-Agent-quot-Screening-quot-Young-Boy&)


Jeremy Scahill Slams Fareed Zakaria on CNN: If He Could Have Sex With That Missile Strike, He Would (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?502216-Erection-2008-Video-Surfaces-Of-Obama-Flaunting-His-Junk-to-Reporters-on-Campaign-Plane&p=6452536&viewfull=1#post6452536)

Controversial: Drone Killings a Sexual Thrill for Obama (http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/22945)

"Every Time I Think About Those Kids It Gets Me Mad"

04-20-2017, 03:41 AM
25 minutes from 'no civilian casualties' to 'only a few children.'

Once again, TheCount quotes someone for words they never uttered. Neg rep.

Had pledged to myself to wait 100 days before criticizing Trump's policies but may have to break that pledge given recent war mongering activities. Is he being plied too hard by neocons or by Ivanka/Kushner etc? Didn't think neocons could blackmail/initimidate hm given his massive personality. Or does he get thrill/ego massage from use of "big, beautiful" bombs? Is he being bribed by last DGP's owners?
Still hope these were beginner's blunders and he will not drag America/world into more wars violence like the last puppet of neocons did.

[Rest of post that is excellent]

Once again, Enhanced Deficit comes through with clear and cogent posts that are honest and cut to the chase. Plus rep.

04-20-2017, 06:59 AM


THEN: Get rid of TTP
NOW: Might be bringing it back.

THEN: Man made climate change is fake.
NOW: Man made climate change is real.

White House sidewalk to be closed to public permanently. - Reuters


04-20-2017, 07:25 AM
Clearly, I was saying "Civilians? I imagine so, yes" I was imagining that yes, there were likely civilian casualties, but I don't trust the sources that are providing the information so I don't know to what extent that is true if at all. It was a conversational tone and didn't translate well to text but I thought it was pretty clear that is what was meant.

Truth about not translating to text well-

When TheCount said: you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians? And you answered: I would imagine so, yes. it looks like you are agreeing that the airstrikes killed no civilians.

That was also my understanding from your posts about no big deal targeting the airfield.

Welcome to the Internet. ;)

04-20-2017, 07:29 AM
Once again, TheCount quotes someone for words they never uttered. Neg rep.

Read posts #141 and #150

04-21-2017, 03:31 AM
Read posts #141 and #150

I already saw that. TheCount's quote is not in there. This is not the first time that he has done this. He and his posts are worthless. He is a net loss and drag on this forum.

04-21-2017, 10:39 AM
I already saw that. TheCount's quote is not in there. This is not the first time that he has done this. He and his posts are worthless. He is a net loss and drag on this forum.

You mean these quotes?

Originally Posted by TheCount
Are you proposing that the United States is executing a campaign of airstrikes that is entirely without human cost?

Civilians? I would imagine so, yes.

Originally Posted by TheCount
you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians?

I would imagine so, yes.

04-21-2017, 11:09 AM
My suggested headline for this article - "Trump isn't able to kill kids fast enough. Needs Saudi Arabia's help."


The United States wants new commitments from Saudi Arabia to improve its targeting procedures to minimize civilian casualties in its part in the Yemen civil war as it weighs resuming sales of precision-guided munitions to Riyadh, U.S. officials told Reuters.

An announcement of the weapons sale had been anticipated last month, but objections by mostly Democratic lawmakers and human rights groups have complicated the matter, the U.S. officials and others close to the issue said.

"We want the Saudis to show that they are committed to use these things properly," said one U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

At issue is the sale of about $390 million worth of guidance systems made by Raytheon Co that convert "dumb" gravity bombs into precision-guided munitions that are supposed to more accurately hit targets.

Nearly 4,800 civilians have been killed in Yemen since the latest round of conflict began in March 2015, most of them by the Saudi-led coalition seeking to restore ousted President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, the United Nations human rights office said in March.

The conflict pits Iran-allied Houthi rebels against the government backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

A representative of the Saudi Embassy in Washington declined comment on discussions with Washington over the precision-guided weapons.

The Saudi government has called allegations of civilian casualties fabricated or exaggerated, and has said the coalition follows rigorous rules of engagement.

A group of U.S. senators introduced legislation on April 13 to set new conditions for U.S. military support for Riyadh.

"The Saudis are important partners in the Middle East, but they have continued to disregard our advice when it comes to target selection and civilian protection," Democratic Senator Chris Murphy said in a statement.

The U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of diplomacy with Saudi Arabia, declined to specify what additional safeguards they were seeking to avoid civilian deaths and injury.

The first official said the commitments could come in the form of a letter from Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.

"This is an unconditional sale. There are no conditions attached. The decision has been made to let the sale go through," a second U.S. official said.

The official said the United States was in "regular dialogue" with Saudi Arabia on the issue of civilian casualties "and specific steps on how to do this."

In the past, Washington has pressed Riyadh to take more care in targeting; abide by "no strike" lists of off-limits areas; and promptly investigate reports of civilian casualties.

U.S. President Donald Trump's predecessor Barack Obama suspended the arms sale in December after an estimated 140 people were killed when planes struck mourners at a funeral in the Yemen capital, Sanaa, in October 2016. The Saudi-led coalition received incorrect information from Yemeni military figures that armed Houthi leaders were in the area, a coalition probe found.

Asked about the new commitments being sought from Riyadh, the State Department did not respond directly.

"The Saudi-led coalition is supporting the legitimate Yemeni government and defending itself from Houthi incursion into Saudi territory," a State Department official said.

The official said that the Saudi government "is taking measures to improve its targeting processes" and adopting measures for recording reports of civilian casualties.

A White House spokesman declined comment.

(Additional reporting by Yara Bayoumy, Phil Stewart and Patricia Zengerle; editing by Grant McCool)

04-21-2017, 11:10 AM
I'm sure the Saudis will use these weapons for self-defense only.

Trump/Saudi Collusion: Laying Plans For More War In The Middle East (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?508631-Trump-Saudi-Collusion-Laying-Plans-For-More-War-In-The-Middle-East)

04-21-2017, 02:29 PM
You mean these quotes?

That's not what TheCount quoted.

04-21-2017, 02:54 PM
That's not what TheCount quoted.

If it's THIS quote-

25 minutes from 'no civilian casualties' to 'only a few children.'

Then I answered it:

Quote Originally Posted by dannno View Post
Clearly, I was saying "Civilians? I imagine so, yes" I was imagining that yes, there were likely civilian casualties, but I don't trust the sources that are providing the information so I don't know to what extent that is true if at all. It was a conversational tone and didn't translate well to text but I thought it was pretty clear that is what was meant.

Truth about not translating to text well-

When @TheCount said: you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians? And you answered: I would imagine so, yes. it looks like you are agreeing that the airstrikes killed no civilians.

That was also my understanding from your posts about no big deal targeting the airfield.

Welcome to the Internet. ;)

04-21-2017, 03:29 PM
If it's THIS quote-

Then I answered it:

That does not answer why he put words in quotes that no one uttered.

Working Poor
04-21-2017, 06:06 PM
It's a great big cosmic joke.

04-21-2017, 08:42 PM
Truth about not translating to text well-

When @TheCount (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/member.php?u=58229) said: you believe that they are conducting airstrikes in urban areas in Syria and these airstrikes never kill any civilians? And you answered: I would imagine so, yes. it looks like you are agreeing that the airstrikes killed no civilians.

That was also my understanding from your posts about no big deal targeting the airfield.

Welcome to the Internet. ;)

Ya, I recall thinking about how TheCount was essentially asking me if any civilians died, but formed in the question in a way where the answer "no" is actually "yes". Could be subconscious, but to me that is a manipulative way to ask a question on a forum so I decided to answer in a way that would make it clear what I meant, but I should have been more clear by adding "Yes, some civilians may have died" or something along those lines.

As far as targeting an empty airfield, yes you got that right, that's what was targeted. There were reported civilian casualties, which if true is unfortunate.

04-21-2017, 08:51 PM
There were reported civilian casualties, which if true is unfortunate. I have my doubts about these accidental casualties sometimes. These so call smart missiles that are designed to reduce casualties on actual mission critical strikes hit some civilians on accident because this missed? How are these smart missiles missing a non moving target?

Can't we hit non moving targets with dumb rockets? We won't find out what's really going on until FOIA gets released if we are still a country then. There was A FOIA today that said the FBI uses the 702 program to "google" people, and when a lawyer asked them why they don't justify the reason they are searching an Americans records like the CIA and NSA do they say they don't do it because if they had to justify using it every time they used it they wouldn't use it as much.

H. E. Panqui
04-22-2017, 11:27 AM
...helmuth, how do i live unicarcerated, not under a bridge, not in a refrigerator box, etc., without using the federal reserve notes, tokens, etc.?...

[...i get a hoot out of some goldbugs who plead 'your dollars are/will soon be worthless...you need gold'...as they proceed to convince me to give them my dollars in exchange for their gold...republicrats are a hoot...] ;)

04-24-2017, 07:44 AM
...helmuth, how do i live unicarcerated, not under a bridge, not in a refrigerator box, etc., without using the federal reserve notes, tokens, etc.?... You use a Midas Liquid Gold Card.


This is a card which you can use anywhere, to pay for anything, backed 100% by gold.

[...i get a hoot out of some goldbugs who plead 'your dollars are/will soon be worthless...you need gold'...as they proceed to convince me to give them my dollars in exchange for their gold...republicrats are a hoot...] ;) Believe me, I know what you mean. I am not one of those.

05-24-2017, 10:07 AM

Here's some of this month's haul so far -


There's worse at the link at the top of the post if you care to see it.


That might have been some bad reporting/mis-communication, Trump just spoke against violence against civilians in no ambiguous terms:


07-13-2017, 07:47 PM

I, Zippyjuan, do hereby disavow what Donald Trump says in this video because Danno says it is Soros Propaganda. The words in the video are definitely not mine and I do not agree with them.

I already provided my answer in the post above (edited), I believe it is a valid and correct answer, like I said you know I am right you are just in denial. Zippy's purposely deceptive posting style isn't going to get him off on technicalities in my book.

If zippy disavows the George Soros propaganda, and goes back to the thread to post that he disavows it, then I'll take his name off the list. If the mods want me to remove the list, I will do so as well.

04-20-2018, 07:04 AM
You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

12 month update: still not the peace president.

Superfluous Man
04-20-2018, 08:18 AM
This was worth a -rep. If you truly don't give a crap who dies as long as trump looks good, maybe reexamine your life.

You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to undergroundrr again."

04-20-2018, 09:10 AM
12 month update: still not the peace president.

I wish I had been wrong.

04-20-2018, 11:19 PM
Whatever happened to MOAB news? There was just one drop months ago in Afghan freedom land and since then there has been no news of any more drops.

To be devil's advocate, is it possible he is not going along some extremist decisions with his own volution and was under duress?

"The Screws Turn on Trump after alleged chemical attack in Douma" (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?521138-The-Screws-Turn-on-Trump-after-alleged-chemical-attack-in-Douma&)

04-21-2018, 12:55 AM
How'd I miss this nauseating little bit of virtue signaling over people nobody here really cares if lives or dies other than to the extent they can be politically leveraged?

For those paying attention to the nuclear stand-down in North Korea, Trump may well already be the peace president.

But those people over there don't count because they can't be used by frothing mouth breathers to pretend they are better than he.

04-21-2018, 02:26 AM
How'd I miss this nauseating little bit of virtue signaling over people nobody here really cares if lives or dies other than to the extent they can be politically leveraged?

For those paying attention to the nuclear stand-down in North Korea, Trump may well already be the peace president.

But those people over there don't count because they can't be used by frothing mouth breathers to pretend they are better than he.
He should get a Nobel Peace Prize for sure after everything he has done.

04-28-2018, 03:05 PM

Is it possibe he has flip flopped on this since winning elections like some other things?

05-14-2018, 11:34 PM
Is stable genius himself running the ongoing mideast 'peace process' or his anti-nepotism championing son-in-law (who was called 'a ***ing idiot' by Billl Maher recently) is in charge?


05-19-2018, 06:02 PM
Protection of civilian populations of local reaces is not necccesarily always responsibility of occupying freedom force under UN Geneva conventions but violelnce of longest war post MOAB droppings continues despite US media blackout.

Air Force Deletes Yanny vs. Laurel Tweet About Afghan Air Strike
Inverse-19 hours ago

Dozen Afghan Security Personnel Killed In Taliban Attacks
May 18, 2018

UK may double troops in Afghanistan after Donald Trump request

US asks for reinforcements after Taliban resurgence

Ewen MacAskill Defence correspondent
18 May 2018 06.50 EDT

The UK government is considering doubling the number of troops deployed in (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/18/uk-may-double-troops-in-afghanistan-after-donald-trump-request#img-1)Afghanistan (https://www.theguardian.com/world/afghanistan) in response to a request from Donald Trump (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/donaldtrump) for reinforcements in the face of increasing gains by the Taliban.

Britain has about 600 troops in Afghanistan (https://www.theguardian.com/world/afghanistan) at present, mainly based in Kabul training officers and not engaged in combat. There is also a small contingent of special forces.
The new deployment could see hundreds more return to Afghanistan. The UK withdrew almost all of its combat troops from the country (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/oct/26/uk-troops-camp-bastion-afghan-forces-13-years-helmand) in 2014.
Faced with a Taliban (https://www.theguardian.com/world/taliban) resurgence, the US, which has about 15,000 troops in the country supporting the Afghan military, asked the UK and other Nato countries last summer to send reinforcements. Britain responded with an extra 85.

Britain cannot send its young to Afghanistan simply because Trump demands it | Owen Jones

Later in the year, Trump renewed the plea and the proposed new UK deployment is in response to that request by the US president. The hundreds more British troops are expected to be involved in training rather than combat.


Air Force apologizes for tweet citing A-10s, deadly Afghan offensive, Yanny v. Laurel debate

By Elizabeth McLaughlin

May 17, 2018

The Air Force apologized Thursday for a tweet from its official account that appeared to make light of a deadly U.S. military operation in Afghanistan by referencing the viral pop culture debate "Yanny v. Laurel."

Early Thursday morning, the Air Force tweeted, "The Taliban Forces in #Farah city #Afghanistan would much rather have heard #Yanny or #Laurel than the deafening #BRRRT they got courtesy of our #A10."

The "deafening #BRRT" mentioned in the tweet was an apparent reference to the sound an air cannon aboard the A-10 makes when it strafes ground forces.

At least 11 killed in back-to-back bomb attacks at Afghan cricket match

8:35am May 20, 2018


At least 11 people have been killed when three back-to-back explosions struck a cricket stadium in eastern Afghanistan.

WARNING: This story contains graphic content
The detonations occurred in the country's Nangarhar province, where hundreds had gathered for a night time tournament during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
https://imageresizer.static9.net.au/22Z-gns32h8hraqBBgCbUMGre0E=/500xnull/smart/http%3A%2F%2Fprod.static9.net.au%2F_%2Fmedia%2F201 8%2F05%2F19%2F22%2F12%2F20180519001346346733origin al.jpgSeveral bombs detonated at a cricket match in Afghanistan have killed eight people, including one child. Picture: AAPAttahullah Khogyani, spokesman for the provincial governor, said about 45 others were wounded at the sports stadium late Friday night in the provincial capital Jalalabad.
The event's organiser, Hidayatullah Zaheer, and a number of other local officials were among the dead.


05-21-2019, 05:09 PM
You maybe right and 6-12 months from now, trump will become the peace president. Right now, he's a hardcore murderer like McCain and Obama. On steroids.

24 month update: still not the peace president.

05-21-2021, 03:26 PM
Israel’s air strikes targeted entire families in Gaza — but U.S. media won’t pursue the story

By James North May 21, 2021

Palestinians mourn over bodies of Salha family who were killed after Israeli air strike in Deir al-Balah in the center of Gaza Strip, on 19 May 2021. Photo by Ashraf Amra. (c) APA Images.
Amira Hass is one of the most impressive and experienced journalists in Israel/Palestine. She writes for the respected daily Haaretz, where on May 19 she made an extraordinary charge (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/gaza-israel-wiping-entire-palestinian-families-hamas-1.9820005) — that the Israeli military, as part of its air assault on Gaza, “is wiping out entire Palestinian families on purpose.”
So far, no mainstream U.S. media outlet has followed up on her report. Their failure is journalistic malpractice.
Hass, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, actually lived in Gaza from 1993-97, and afterward published the valuable Drinking the Sea in Gaza (1999). She obviously still has excellent contacts there. This latest report starts by observing that 15 Palestinian families in Gaza lost multiple family members during the Israeli bombardment:
Parents and children, babies, grandparents, siblings and nephews and nieces died together when Israel bombed their homes which collapsed over them. Insofar as is known, no advance warning was given so they could evacuate the targeted houses.

Hass contrasted this lack of warning with Israel’s policy toward the high-rise towers in Gaza, where the military did phone residents an hour or so in advance, directing them to evacuate. She then reported an almost unbelievable fact: the Israeli army and the Shin Bet intelligence service actually “have current phone numbers for people in each structure slated for destruction.” Under the Oslo Accords, the Gazan authorities are required to give the Palestinian population registry to the Israeli Interior Ministry. In what must be an unprecedented (and sickening) new feature of war, Israel’s army “knows the number and names of children, women and elderly who live in any residential building it bombs for any reason.”
She speculated that the Israeli military targets residences that it alleges have some connection to Hamas, “even if all it had was a telephone, or just hosted a meeting.” She concluded that to the Israel military:
. . . once the “importance” of a Hamas member is considered high and its residence is defined as a legitimate target for bombing — the “allowable” collateral damage, in other words the number of uninvolved people killed, including women and children — is very broad.

Amira Hass’s article cries out for follow up reporting by U.S. journalists. Now that the ceasefire is in place, The New York Times, for instance, could ask Iyad Abuheweila, its courageous man in Gaza, to visit the ruins of the abu al Ouf family home, where the father, Ayman, an internal medicine doctor, died, along with 12 of his relatives. Hass named all 12 victims, who ranged in age from 9-year-old Mir to Amin, aged 90. (Abuheweila’s own harrowing first-hand account (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/21/insider/gaza-airstrike-reporter.html) in today’s paper further undermines Israel’s assertion that it aimed only at military targets.) Times reporters in Israel could work their sources inside the military, to seek clarification and justification for knowingly destroying entire families. The paper could also interview professors and legal scholars who study the ethics of warfare, and ask them to opine on “allowable collateral damage.”



20 May, 2021

Gaza death toll reaches 232, including 65 children, and 1,760 injured due to ongoing Israeli airstrikes; 50,000 families have been displaced, 24 health facilities suffered partial or complete damage, Gaza Ministry of Health reports.
US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is reportedly preparing to introduce a resolution (http://v) to halt U.S. sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel, following a similar resolution (https://mondoweiss.net/2021/05/tlaib-aoc-pocan-lead-effort-to-block-arms-sale-to-israel/)from House democrats, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)

In Strike That Killed 5 Children, Israel Said It Took Out Gaza Militant. - The New York Times

Nov. 15, 2019
