View Full Version : Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

03-05-2017, 11:26 AM
This seems like escalation in attacks, top headline on Drudge today:

Lock Him Up? Lawmakers Renew Calls for James Clapper Perjury Charges

https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/ac12053/2147483647/thumbnail/970x647/quality/85/?url=%2Fcmsmedia%2Fd8%2Fd7%2F215ac6024680baecaff16 29c96fc%2F161117-editorial.jpg Protesters hold placards behind Director of National Intelligence James Clapper during an October 2013 congressional hearing. JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

Some lawmakers reacted to the long-expected resignation announcement (https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2016-11-17/dni-james-clapper-to-retire-leaving-donald-trump-with-another-national-security-vacancy) from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Thursday by wishing him an eventful retirement, featuring prosecution and possible prison time.

The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.
