View Full Version : MSM Has Lost Control of the Narrative as NYTIMES/WAPO Attack Pizzagate Story

11-27-2016, 09:01 AM
The alternative media has the NY Times and Washington Post scared.
Both papers felt compelled to trash pizza gate and insist there is "nothing to see here"

http://fakenews.news/2016/11/27/ny-time-washington-post-debunk-pizzagate/ (http://fakenews.news/2016/11/27/ny-time-washington-post-debunk-pizzagate/)

The MSM is responding in a panic.

11-27-2016, 09:32 AM
what are we supposed to see here?





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> Hillary 2.0, social netwo...

Hillary 2.0, social network e giovani per riportare i Clinton alla Casa Bianca


E ora il nemico da battere si chiama: ineluttabilità. Ieri lo staff di Hillary Clinton ha annunciato quel che tutti sapevano. Sette anni dopo il terribile 2008, quando la favoritissima in campo democratico fu battuta alle primarie dal giovane outsider Barack Obama, lei ci riprova. Domani parlerà alla nazione, con un video diffuso attraverso i social media: YouTube, Facebook & C. Già in quel messaggio cercherà un tono umano, simpatico, seducente, motivante. Per dare il "la" a una campagna che deve essere molto diversa dalla precedente. Clinton parte, di nuovo, in pole position. Ma sa quanto sia pericoloso fare la corsa in testa, lo ha provato sulla sua pelle. Non ha un solo rivale che si sia dichiarato in campo democratico: c'è tempo, però questa solitudine in vetta dà un'idea della sua forza.

I movimenti della sinistra di base scalpitano e si agitano: MoveOn, Democracy for America, hanno lanciato Elizabeth Warren come possibile concorrente, ben più radicale. Per ora la Warren non ci sta. E tuttavia Hillary prende sul serio questa sfida alla sua sinistra. Parla sempre più spesso di diseguaglianze sociali, salari che ristagnano, mobilità bloccata, arroganza dei privilegiati: proprio i temi che hanno reso celebre la Warren che fu vicina al movimento Occupy Wall Street.

Calibrare un messaggio e un programma più spostato a sinistra — soprattutto in confronto al centrismo con cui governò suo marito Bill — è parte di questa costruzione di una Hillary 2.0. La "nuova Hillary Clinton" deve riuscire a ripetere i due exploit di Obama: le vittorie del presidente nel 2008 e nel 2012 furono costruite su una inedita "coalizione arcobaleno": donne, giovani, neri, ispanici, asiatici, gay. A parte le donne, che verso Hillary avranno un occhio di riguardo, le minoranze che diedero una spinta decisiva a Obama, sono tutte da riconquistare. Giovani, immigrati, neri: non è detto che si sentano trascinati da una signora 67enne, una professionista della politica di lungo corso, legata a doppio filo all'establishment, con il tocco "dinastico" che le viene dal cognome del marito ex-presidente. Questa era la vecchia immagine della Clinton. Quella nuova, va costruita pezzo per pezzo a partire dal video-annuncio di domani.
In America, da tempo le elezioni si vincono anzitutto sulle percentuali di affluenza alle urne. La regola è abbastanza semplice: se sale l'astensionismo, vuol dire che votano soprattutto i bianchi anziani, la componente più disciplinata e fedele, cioè un elettorato a maggioranza repubblicano. Perché vinca un democratico devono andare alle urne in massa tutti gli altri: la Nuova America, cioè le minoranze etniche e i giovani. Hillary deve concentrarsi su di loro, visto che il Tea Party ha già una solida presa sull'America Wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) di mezza età. Ma proprio la mancanza di rivali — almeno per ora — in campo democratico rischia di rendere il suo compito paradossalmente più difficile. Un vivace dibattito interno nelle primarie genera attenzione, alimenta passioni, quindi crea una dinamica che può alzare l'affluenza alle urne. L'ineluttabilità, se trasforma la prima parte della campagna di Hillary in una tranquilla passeggiata verso l'incoronazione del suo partito, susciterà più sbadigli che entusiasmi. Per fortuna ci penseranno i repubblicani a concentrare su di lei il fuoco nemico, in modo da creare almeno un po' di eccitazione. Dall'affaire Bangasi alle email distrutte, hanno già cominciato a sollevare scandali. Su una cosa dovranno essere cauti: la tentazione del sessismo. Guai se gli attacchi contro Hillary dovessero apparire come un'offensiva contro di lei in quanto donna, questo errore potrebbe essere fatale nell'America del 2016.

La missione più importante per Hillary è proprio questa: dimostrare che si può infrangere l'ultimo "soffitto di vetro", come gli americani chiamano quel limite invisibile eppure reale che ostacola l'ascesa delle donne. Questo è l'aspetto più entusiasmante della sua campagna: le dà una dimensione storica, la corsa per abbattere l'ultima barriera.

Mentre il suo video-annuncio verrà diffuso, domani Hillary sarà già sul terreno: nello Stato dell'Iowa, il primo ad ospitare le primarie (in forma di "caucus"), quello che nel 2008 la costrinse ad un umiliante terzo posto dietro Obama e John Edwards. Questa volta Hillary non vuole correre rischi, non lascerà nulla al caso, starà attenta a non snobbare nessuna constituency. Il suo programma elettorale guarderà in particolare ai temi economici, per tentare di riconquistare quella middle class impoverita, impaurita e scontenta, che perfino dopo cinque anni di ripresa e 15 milioni di posti di lavoro creati, continua a soffrire d'insicurezza: il suo potere d'acquisto ristagna da trent'anni. Intanto il suo stratega elettorale John Podesta ha inaugurato un nuovo stile anche con la stampa: preparando spaghetti alla puttanesca per i giornalisti. Un'altra "constituency" che in passato non ha avuto rapporti facili con il clan dei Clinton.

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via google translate

Hillary 2.0, social networks and youth to bring back the Clinton White HouseFROM OUR CORRESPONDENT NEW YORK.

And now the enemy to beat is called: inevitability. Yesterday the staff of Hillary Clinton announced what everyone knew. Seven years after the terrible 2008, when the most favored in the Democratic field was defeated in the primaries by the young outsider Barack Obama, she tries again. Tomorrow will address the nation, with a video posted through social media: YouTube, Facebook & C. Already in that message will seek a human tone, sympathetic, seductive, motivating. To give the "the" in a campaign that has to be very different from the previous. Clinton aside, again, in pole position. But she knows how dangerous it is to do the race in the lead, has tried on her skin. Not only has one rival and have been declared in the democratic camp: there is time, however, this loneliness at the top gives you an idea of ​​its strength.

The movements of the base left prancing and bustle: MoveOn, Democracy for America, have launched Elizabeth Warren as a possible competitor, far more radical. For now, Warren does not fit. Yet Hillary takes seriously this challenge to his left. more and more often speak of social inequality, stagnating wages, blocked mobility arrogance of the privileged: precisely the themes that have made the Warren who was close to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Calibrate a message and a program moved to the left - especially in comparison to the centrism with which ruled her husband Bill - he is part of this building a Hillary 2.0. The "new Hillary Clinton" must be able to repeat the two exploits of Obama: the victories of the president in 2008 and 2012 were built on an original "rainbow coalition": women, young people, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays. Apart from women, and towards Hillary will have an eye on, minorities who gave a decisive boost to Obama, are to be regained. Young people, immigrants, blacks: it is said that they feel driven by a 67 year old lady, a longtime practitioner of politics, tied hand in glove establishment, with the touch "dynastic" that comes from the surname of ex-president husband . This was the old image of Clinton. The new one must be built piece by piece from the video-announcement tomorrow.

In America, by the time the elections are won primarily on the percentage of voter turnout. The rule is quite simple: if it goes the turnout, it means that they vote especially white elderly, the most disciplined and loyal component, ie a majority Republican electorate. Why win a democratic must go to the polls en masse all the others: the New America, that is, ethnic minorities and young people. Hillary must focus on them, as the Tea Party has a solid grip on America WASP (white anglo saxon protestant) middle-aged. But the lack of rivals - at least for now - in the democratic camp is likely to make his task paradoxically more difficult. A lively internal debate in primary generates attention, feeds passions, then creates a dynamic that can raise the turnout. The inevitability if becomes the first part of the Hillary campaign in a peaceful stroll towards the coronation of his party, will raise more yawns than enthusiasm. Luckily we think Republicans us to concentrate on her enemy fire in order to create at least a little 'excitement. Dall'affaire Bangasi the destroyed mail, have already begun to raise scandals. One thing must be cautious: the temptation of sexism. God help us if the attacks against Hillary were to appear as an offensive against her as a woman, this error would be fatal America of 2016.

The most important mission for Hillary is this: to show that you can break the last "glass ceiling", as the Americans call that invisible yet real limitation that hinders the rise of women. This is the most exciting aspect of his campaign: gives a historical dimension, the race to break down the last barrier.

While its video-ad will be circulated tomorrow Hillary will already be on the ground: at Iowa State, the first to host the primaries (in the form of "caucus"), the one that in 2008 forced her to a humiliating third place behind Obama and John Edwards. This time Hillary does not want to take risks, do not leave anything to chance, he'll be careful not to snub any constituency. His electoral program will look in particular on economic issues, groped to regain the middle class impoverished, frightened and unhappy, that even after five years of shooting and 15 million jobs created, continues to suffer insecurity: its power purchasing stagnated for thirty years. Meanwhile, his electoral strategist John Podesta has also inaugurated a new style with the press: preparing spaghetti puttanesca for journalists. Another "constituency" in the past has not had easy relations with the Clinton clan.

11-27-2016, 09:36 AM
Putanesca means whore in Italian- literally whore's sauce!

11-27-2016, 09:48 AM
Putanesca means whore in Italian- literally whore's sauce!

It means "in the style of a prostitute" meaning a sauce with "all dressed up fancy and pungent" / "everything in it" / "all the fixin's"

its spaghetti marinara + anchovies and capers

anecdotally offered by prostitutes in italy as an incentive to get men into their brothel

I don't really see how this relates to clinton being involved in kiddieporn

11-27-2016, 10:22 AM
It means "in the style of a prostitute" meaning a sauce with "all dressed up fancy and pungent" / "everything in it" / "all the fixin's"

its spaghetti marinara + anchovies and capers

anecdotally offered by prostitutes in italy as an incentive to get men into their brothel

I don't really see how this relates to clinton being involved in kiddieporn

it doesnt (related to kiddieporn) My understanding of the term is it is what prostitutes fixed up for themselves to eat in between clients

11-27-2016, 10:41 AM
While high profile attacks from notorious NYT/WaPo may automatically lend it some credibility, still confused about the pizzagate story.

On a sidenote, came across this photo browsing other thread, is this doctored or real?


11-27-2016, 11:01 AM
While high profile attacks from notorious NYT/WaPo may automatically lend it some credibility, still confused about the pizzagate story.

On a sidenote, came across this photo browsing other thread, is this doctored or real?

Actually I dont think the NY times or Wapo stories lend pizzagate credibility- they actually categorically say its 100% false.
What is interesting is that they bothered at all to respond which itself may lend credibilty!If its BS why respond
Re the photo, many of the photos were supposedly taken from employees of the pizza company's instagram accounts.
There is a tremendous amout of "research" out there. I only briefly looked at it- not enough to make a conclusion

11-27-2016, 11:15 AM
It means "in the style of a prostitute" meaning a sauce with "all dressed up fancy and pungent" / "everything in it" / "all the fixin's"

its spaghetti marinara + anchovies and capers

anecdotally offered by prostitutes in italy as an incentive to get men into their brothel

I don't really see how this relates to clinton being involved in kiddieporn

the link wasn't hyperlinked- here it is http://fakenews.news/2016/11/27/ny-time-washington-post-debunk-pizzagate/

11-27-2016, 11:28 AM
Actually I dont think the NY times or Wapo stories lend pizzagate credibility- they actually categorically say its 100% false.
What is interesting is that they bothered at all to respond which itself may lend credibilty!If its BS why respond
Re the photo, many of the photos were supposedly taken from employees of the pizza company's instagram accounts.
There is a tremendous amout of "research" out there. I only briefly looked at it- not enough to make a conclusion

They are in a very awkward position since they screwed up the election reporting. They also want to show that the alternative media is putting out fake news. To not respond to it would actually show it might have credibility and to respond to it could mean its credible. They are in between a rock and hard place.

11-27-2016, 11:50 AM
They are in a very awkward position since they screwed up the election reporting. They also want to show that the alternative media is putting out fake news. To not respond to it would actually show it might have credibility and to respond to it could mean its credible. They are in between a rock and hard place.
Agree there are three things going on
- loss of readership- realization that more people read "fake news" than their stuff
- an attempt to gain the high ground by pointing out "fake news" (what if it turns out to be true?)
-they need to defend the current power structure as they support their operations, rather than readership