View Full Version : Rand Paul vs. WSJ neocon on Morning Joe

09-20-2016, 10:36 AM

09-20-2016, 11:43 AM
Bret Stevens is one of the most deplorable neoconservative propagandists out there. Of course all he wanted to do was turn the discussion around to Iran. Standard neocon propaganda. He talked about how Yemen is a great exporter of terrorism while ignoring the Saudis support for 9/11 and much of the Salafist terrorism in the world. And his talk about the Saudis fighting a war for us and it's saving our troops is ludicrous. As if the US has a need or responsibility to have troops in Yemen, and the Saudis have saved us. :rolleyes:

You could hear him in the background while Rand was talking saying "I want to go after this..."

09-20-2016, 12:24 PM
I really don't understand the meme of "Iran is the greatest exporter of terrorism." It is abundantly obvious that the U.S. holds the title; just look at what all the U.S. - funded groups are doing with their weapons

Chester Copperpot
09-20-2016, 01:01 PM
THank you OP for posting a thread that brings this site back to its roots a bit...

09-20-2016, 05:21 PM
Did the neocon just bring up the free market in the debate? well, I guess he should have no problem with the US selling weapons to Iran amiright?

Also didn't Rand bring up in his other interview with Sen Murphy something about the law allowing weapon sales for the weapons to only be used for defense purposes? Lastly, why should I care if the alleged Iran proxies are winning in Yemen.

09-20-2016, 06:42 PM
So the Saudis are our mercenaries? and yemen is a proxy war against Iran?

Then what's the end game of this whole thing? Do you even have a plan? Of course you don't.... neoconservatives never do.

09-20-2016, 07:29 PM
Love those fake digitally imposed flags behind "Joe"...

09-20-2016, 07:45 PM
Anybody listens what this idiot is saying? We have Houthis ..... and then we have Al-Qaeda ... who are allies of .... Al-Qaeda. @5:20

09-20-2016, 08:06 PM
Is astounding how brazen the robotic neocon is to declare that we have hired a mercenary army to fight undeclared and unconstitutional wars. I don't know how Rand Paul has the patience to sit there and listen to him. He laughed at one point to point out to the ridiculousness, then at the end, when the neocon stopped talking, he had the look on his face that read "what a f$&@!%G idiot."

Personally, I think it's time that Rand starts speaking out more assertively and putting to task these establishment shills, since that is what many apparently want. The fact that Trump is powerful is because Americans want a cowboy right now. If they realized how sick they actually were, they would seek out a doctor.

Rand does not need to get unrailed. He can be cool, and forceful, with sobriety and concern. The people want a leader who is a warrior, the same way Putin is so well loved in Russia.

Rand Paul is light years ahead of most politicians in Washington with regards to his knowledge and wisdom about the ideals of liberty and constitutional republic government which gave birth to this nation and made it so great.

But Americans don't want a Calvin Coolidge. They want a Teddy Roosevelt. This is the state of America today.

Rand needs to show he has the knowledge to beat them in a battle of words and facts, and the courage to do so.

But I defer to his decision, since I believe he will do that which is fruitful and right.

09-20-2016, 08:18 PM
How refreshing to see a liberty lover actually prepared for an interview.

09-21-2016, 11:49 AM
Rand is always a breath of fresh air. At least I can still come to this subforum for some sanity.

09-21-2016, 12:16 PM
lol...... exchange went Rand (substantive reply to a question) then Brett (propaganda rebuttal) then Rand (substantive rebuttal) then Brett (complete non-rebuttal)

That last non-rebuttal by Brett was priceless, he repeated what he said before which Rand had already addressed, and had absolutely nothing else to say..

09-21-2016, 12:25 PM
Rand is really trying to get my write-in vote THIS cycle!

He's on a great pace lately.

I hope people remember this in 2020 when we start kicking the guy again for not being libertarian enough.

09-21-2016, 12:27 PM
I think that is because when someone is part of the MSM and their self-congratulating, and self-aggrandizing enclave, I think he kind of loses touch with reality and the ability to think for himself.

09-21-2016, 02:50 PM
So the Saudis are our mercenaries? and yemen is a proxy war against Iran?

Then what's the end game of this whole thing? Do you even have a plan? Of course you don't.... neoconservatives never do.

No endgame is a core point. No endgame means no end, which is what Theye want. Lead the world to beat itself to death, then move in and take over for real.

09-21-2016, 06:55 PM
The indigenous Houthis are the natural enemy of al qaeda in Yemen. It is because we are working with the Saudis to destroy the Houthis that al Qaeda in Yemen has flourished. When it comes to al Qaeda in Yemen, the Saudis look the other way: they do not fight against al Qaeda. Historically the Houthis only wanted representation in the Yemen government: they repeatedly asked for a political solution way before this war ever started. The Saudis and the U.S. only want a puppet dictator there and they are doing everything they possibly can to deny any type of democracy. Additionally there is little evidence to support that Iran is fully supporting Yemen's Houthis; and i agree with the comment regarding "Iran being the greatest exporter of terrorism". Iran hasn't attacked another country in hundreds of years; people always say this on the MSM but never explain what their facts are.

09-21-2016, 11:04 PM
That last non-rebuttal by Brett was priceless, he repeated what he said before which Rand had already addressed, and had absolutely nothing else to say..
No depth of understanding, yet this guy is a "Foreign Affairs Columnist" on cable news all the time

09-29-2016, 02:03 PM
Wow - one against four.

Forget the unconstitutionality, 9/11, the admitted proxy war not declared, the human rights violations. Just sell the stinking weapons - if not us then the Russians will!

The bloodthirsty are never satisfied.