View Full Version : #BLM Demands Black City Councilwoman Resign. For Talking Black-on-Black Crime?!

08-04-2016, 10:44 PM

Nobody is safe from leftist outrage mobs these days, not even leftists themselves (see Caitlyn Jenner Endorses Ted Cruz. Gay Liberals RAGE!). So it’s not terribly surprising when things like this happen. An African American, elected official attempted to have an honest discussion about race and policing. She happens to agree with #BlackLivesMatter when it comes to police reform, just not the whole “all cops are racist” shtick. So she laid down some facts and statistics regarding racial profiling.


One of the things brought up was the racial profiling issue… I support my community, but let me just tell you what I want to do is make sure we know that there is more black on black shootings in our nation than ever before — 340 shootings and murders in Chicago the first six months, 120 shootings and murders in Memphis the first six months, 28 homicides here in San Diego.

Black on black crime is an issue, and that was never addressed. That’s why when someone says, “Do you think there is racial profiling?” Yeah, because blacks are shooting blacks. They’re not going to stop a white male. They’re not going to stop an Hispanic male or an Asian. They’re going to stop an African-American. That’s what they’re going to stop because those are the ones that are shooting.

She was, of course, referring to a recent meeting with BLM and friends. They dumped social justice demands on her quicker than Shaun King dumps self tanner on his skin. Seems as though she took a rational, well thought out approach to a touchy subject. The round-about subject being if “black lives matter” why aren’t we talking about black-on-black crime? Also, if racial profiling is a problem, but blacks are the ones committing the crime… wouldn’t the police look into black suspects? Sounds like a decent strategy, but of course BLM’s response?


Logic? Facts? Saying “black-on-black crime”? Can’t be tolerated. So, naturally, BlackLivesMatter put together a ten point plan on how to curb violence and racial profiling, then presented it thoughtfully, with the visual aids of PowerPoint and several bar charts.

Just kidding. They wore “resign or else” t-shirts and walked up to a microphone to say things. Here, see for yourself:



Or else? Whatever could that mean? Considering BLM’s track record, it could be anything from “we’ll shoot you dead,” to “we’ll riot in the streets.” Because justice. Not as mandated by rule of law, but feelings. Meanwhile this poor councilwoman? She gets lambasted for pointing out facts. Turns out when it comes to justice, to finding the truth, #FactsDontMatter.

That was her first mistake, because of course…
