View Full Version : Got Milked? US ‘Defense’ Spending 2017 - Thomas L. Knapp,

06-11-2016, 06:54 PM
Deeper in the story, however, we find meatier objections: The $600 billion bill “denies the Defense Department’s request for a new round of military base closings” and Senate Armed Service Committee chairman John McCain (R-AZ) “plans to propose an amendment that would add nearly $18 billion to the defense budget to pay for additional ships, jet fighters, helicopters and more that the Pentagon didn’t request.”

Don’t expect anything different from this year’s crop of presidential candidates. Donald Trump believes the bloated US military needs to be “rebuilt.” Hillary Clinton hasn’t met a war she didn’t love since Vietnam. Even “libertarian” vice-presidential candidate William Weld, running on a second Republican ticket, avers that he and running mate Gary Johnson believe “a bedrock responsibility of the US government is to maintain the most powerful military in the world, by a wide margin.” Given that the US is separated from all credible military threats by two oceans, Weld’s line is clearly the usual political class pandering.

If voting won’t fix the problem this November, what next? Well, the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee has some ideas for next April.



06-12-2016, 12:18 AM

Remember Ron Paul trying to explain that?


06-12-2016, 08:07 AM
Given that the US is separated from all credible military threats by two oceans, Weld’s line is clearly the usual political class pandering.

Geographical barriers only work if you defend them. Mountains have passes. Don't bother to check those traveling through them, or turning a blind eye to those who sneak past the border gates, and you may as well have plains instead of mountains.