View Full Version : Bernie Sanders is BERNING

04-01-2016, 12:09 AM
This depiction of the founding fathers in reference to Bernie Sander's quote on how America was "founded on fairness" is hilarious!


Bernie Sander's admits he is also an honorary woman.

04-01-2016, 06:30 AM
...Bernie Sander's quote...

Bernie Sanders' quote

Bernie Sander's admits...

Bernie Sanders admits

Come on, man. We're smarter than Trump supporters and we want it to show. Work with us.

04-01-2016, 06:48 AM
Bernie Sanders' quote

Bernie Sanders admits

Come on, man. We're smarter than Trump supporters and we want it to show. Work with us.

04-01-2016, 10:06 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIXy...ature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIXyBr3-af0&feature=youtu.be)

Bernie Sander's admits he is also an >>

No room for comedy here? It is tough to get through to anyone on the left as it is. How else can one open up the door to the hearts that beat for liberty, but that are now encased in darkness?

04-01-2016, 10:39 AM
Bernie Sanders' quote

Bernie Sanders admits

Come on, man. We're smarter than Trump supporters and we want it to show. Work with us.

Trump supporters tend to be smarter than Sanders supporters, so if we are actually smarter than Trump supporters, we shouldn't be defending the only person running who is crazier than Trump. It's science dude. :p

04-01-2016, 10:50 AM
Trump supporters tend to be smarter than Sanders supporters, so if we are actually smarter than Trump supporters, we shouldn't be defending the only person running who is crazier than Trump. It's science dude. :p

The video puts a hammer and sickle on bernie sanders. How on earth can anyone think that is DEFENDING Sanders? I guess any attempt at amusing sarcasm to penetrate the thick skull of the left is just missed here...


04-01-2016, 12:25 PM
Well, it kind of was founded on the belief that the government should be fair to all citizens of the nation. The problem is that Bernie thinks it is fair to rob from Peter to give to Paul if he determines Paul needs it more.

04-01-2016, 01:21 PM
Well, it kind of was founded on the belief that the government should be fair to all citizens of the nation. The problem is that Bernie thinks it is fair to rob from Peter to give to Paul if he determines Paul needs it more.

The ideal was "equality under the law", that a rich man should receive equal treatment in having to follow the laws of the nation as any poorer citizen. Bernie thinks there should be equal economic outcomes and has misled people that appear to be ignorant of US history and the founding fathers entirely...into believing Washington and Jefferson were somehow closet socialists!!