View Full Version : Cliven Bundy Denied Bail

03-22-2016, 07:56 AM
Nevada: Judge Denies Release for a Bundy in a Conspiracy Case (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/us/nevada-judge-denies-release-for-a-bundy-in-a-conspiracy-case.html) New York Times - ‎14 hours ago‎
A son of the rancher Cliven Bundy was ordered to remain in federal custody while awaiting trial after pleading not guilty on Monday in United States District Court on charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

Another Cliven Bundy son, 3 others face Nevada charges (http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/03/another_cliven_bundy_son_3_oth.html) OregonLive.com - ‎15 hours ago‎
LAS VEGAS -- Another son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and three other men who were arrested in Idaho have arrived in custody in Las Vegas to face federal charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

Nevada rancher's son pleads not guilty in 2014 standoff; judge declines to release him (http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/34188013-75/ranchers-son-mel-bundy-may-ask-judge-for-release-to-await-nevada-standoff-trial.html.csp) The Register-Guard - ‎22 hours ago‎
LAS VEGAS — A son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy pleaded not guilty Monday in U.S. District Court, and was ordered to remain in federal custody ahead of trial on charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

03-22-2016, 08:27 AM
Got me thinking what exactly is considered "the right to a speedy trial?"

The conditions seem to be...

Criminal defendants have the right to a speedy trial. In Barker v. Wingo, 407 U.S. 514 (1972), the Supreme Court laid down a four-part case-by-case balancing test for determining whether the defendant's speedy trial right has been violated. The four factors are:

1: Length of delay. A delay of a year or more from the date on which the speedy trial right "attaches" (the date of arrest or indictment, whichever first occurs) was termed "presumptively prejudicial," but the Court has never explicitly ruled that any absolute time limit applies.

2: Reason for the delay. The prosecution may not excessively delay the trial for its own advantage, but a trial may be delayed to secure the presence of an absent witness or other practical considerations (e.g., change of venue).

3: Time and manner in which the defendant has asserted his right. If a defendant agrees to the delay when it works to his own benefit, he cannot later claim that he has been unduly delayed.

4: Degree of prejudice to the defendant which the delay has caused.

In Strunk v. United States, 412 U.S. 434 (1973), the Supreme Court ruled that if the reviewing court finds that a defendant's right to a speedy trial was violated, then the indictment must be dismissed and/or the conviction overturned. The Court held that, since the delayed trial is the state action which violates the defendant's rights, no other remedy would be appropriate. Thus, a reversal or dismissal of a criminal case on speedy trial grounds means that no further prosecution for the alleged offense can take place.


If I'm not mistaken Ammon has asked to proceed post-haste. Therefore the prosecution would have to begin trial within a years time unless conditions allowed an extension?

03-22-2016, 09:14 AM
Nevada: Judge Denies Release for a Bundy in a Conspiracy Case (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/us/nevada-judge-denies-release-for-a-bundy-in-a-conspiracy-case.html)

New York Times - ‎14 hours ago‎
A son of the rancher Cliven Bundy was ordered to remain in federal custody while awaiting trial after pleading not guilty on Monday in United States District Court on charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

Another Cliven Bundy son, 3 others face Nevada charges (http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/03/another_cliven_bundy_son_3_oth.html)

OregonLive.com - ‎15 hours ago‎
LAS VEGAS -- Another son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and three other men who were arrested in Idaho have arrived in custody in Las Vegas to face federal charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

Nevada rancher's son pleads not guilty in 2014 standoff; judge declines to release him (http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/34188013-75/ranchers-son-mel-bundy-may-ask-judge-for-release-to-await-nevada-standoff-trial.html.csp)

The Register-Guard - ‎22 hours ago‎
LAS VEGAS — A son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy pleaded not guilty Monday in U.S. District Court, and was ordered to remain in federal custody ahead of trial on charges stemming from an armed confrontation with government agents in April 2014.

Where's Rand on this? Oh yeah.....

03-22-2016, 09:48 AM
Rand Paul, Cliven Bundy are ‘in tune with each other’?

07/01/15 08:42 AM—Updated 07/01/15 01:06 PM

“In general, I think we’re in tune with each other. I don’t think we need to ask Washington, D.C. for this land. It’s our land,” Bundy told the AP after his meeting with Paul.
Some of the initial reports suggest their “meeting” was fairly innocuous, with Bundy simply attending a Rand Paul event in Nevada. Candidates can’t always control who shows up at a gathering open to the public, so it wouldn’t necessarily be the senator’s fault if Bundy appeared at a campaign Q&A session.

But according to Bundy, there’s far more to it.

The right-wing rancher, who doesn’t even recognize the legitimacy of the United States government, told Politico that he had a private, 45-minute discussion (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/rand-paul-cliven-bundy-meeting-119576.html) with the Kentucky Republican. In fact, according to Bundy, Paul hosted the Q&A, after which Bundy claims to have been “escorted by Paul’s aides to a back room where he and the Republican 2016 contender spoke for approximately 45 minutes.”


If Elected, Rand Paul Plans to Take Federal Lands Away from the ‘Big Huge Government Bully’


in october

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAGQAZAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAIDBAUBBwj/xAA4EAACAQMCBAMECQMFAQAAAAABAgMABBEFIQYSMUETUWEUIn GBBxUyQlKRobHRJGJyI2Oy4fBD/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgQAAQMFBv/EACIRAAICAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDIRIxBEEiMhMzYf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Aujyp6g0gvenDFed7HTu1NmmhhXMsir5ZP WqWuapDpGnvdOOZ/sxxk4528vh50B2 sz3U5muWd5HOSx2C gHYeVb4vHc1y9AuVaCi 1eWKctbW0s3kR0/KmR8U3obE1uVK9fd6frVe0uoWwAJCc9c4zRZpumC4hDTRIc9Mj NMPjFU0XFNvRVsOJ3wPcR/Pcr 9EOmcU2txIIpHMMnYOdm BrB1DhYswktQA43wOlYOo6fd2q/1cPu5 0E2 dVFRfQT5I9YM4dOtD ohTPkUE6FxDcaRepBeTvLp82ys7l/CPbB3OPTtRhJKszZU0GaLoiacSPFLFPxSxSQI0ClT6VSyFMCui kPKmXEot7aWY9I0Zj8hmjSt0RnmnHepSXutvbqcQ2n moHdvvH89vlWTZQ87KHcjPYU2FHnlaSTLOx5j6k75q7bofE2Fd lVGKihft2FPD1jGbiPOWAPnXpunoGQKowANq830CaTmRFGe21e haf4ixpnZqSy7kOY9I2Ftmx0zUc9nHMnJKgceop687KrZwR5V1 y/nVpIu2AnFfBzCOS50tQyn3mhPQ1zhdZDp0bSkk47mjWXn5TgZo btFEc93EARyTEj4EA0GV/CgJL2WcUq73pUlRRwUqdiu1CFEfCoNQg9qsLi3DcnioULeWdqs AAjrVXWLxdPsHuGXn5WUBPxb1pHckTXsHbjT4Y7Llj0uJLUNyL IinxvLmLZ3 dYE2lXcF6EtyswO4B90n/ujzUvbb6yUaTKRG 8jxn3gDv28xipZ9JtU8Focvhd2bufOnI5XHs3yYoy6H8NRQWtk vPayxy4y7snN/xztWj9d2cEpHOrleoU7j4jrUunxgBA2wxTdW0CK998OO3UDehX ydsktaRNLxDFHFz zyY74HSpLLX7a PLAx5sfZbrQvqWgXEjokOo3viZPuhiVbPnjaptC0C s9SjhuLgtz7864PIB8e56fOtuKrsyT/gVS36KuGKrnbfasgxMl9dSFgUlKsuPhg/tWBxLBfR6wYUhF0qMuSSV25Qeg/itSG48NUUByu4xgNvnopHz/ACoMuJuOgZTL5pUuvT9aR2HWue0QWaVcpVKIVRisjieCS5traK LvMOY mD/NdGqp IGregleIBetCw5bRlCHOSzb528tv0NNYsU3K0gXKK7ItPuYNLK C 5oowMJcL90fhPpV72iOSbngfmhf3o28wd6c1oJFltriP34 qHfI6j9KpPy2 EUYRdlHoOlTfsdtao1ElIOCcVZtpuZuTmA9azFJljyp3HeuRPI k4ooovTNi8eK0t2meblHTYbk0oJobZVfxkVyQXy2WNVh4Uzf1I DAjlVT5d6wNR4dtVu0lRZXOdnZzlPnWtWZ2kGF54Juo7hcMcDm 9ayre0t7a1ggjj3hLYkJ3OfT/AN1qPxfY7A I32SACe5qj9agdxQZpTS4ownFWaw2PWnfOsb61X8QpfWyjuKV4 so1XdVOC1Kha71xRMRzD86VGsE6B5ICLa5nkhLyuRnblrW4J4h HD2vxyysRZT4juAv3RnZx6qd/hmh83S8 I1A5h oqJm59zg5rtRio9CrbbPo3UbBLhEngKLKuPDIGFIPY/wBp3/xOfOg6 iPiSxMrJLE2CjdR5fxn at/RfxB9aaMbKeTN7ZDlIO5aLs O/4WHU4HetfiTSPa4hc221zEuA eqnorHuD93y6Gs83jqfyj2bYs3HT6BvS3wxjJ HqKux5LSYXLDpQ4l3JbXJDAqyHBU9Qc7g/rW3pmoxPeMrMPeO2e9I8WnseU00UdX0zXCfFsLlGQruqkhlNZe jy8SW rLBdztNaCPmkB3Cn4kZo8kszIC8FxyMOmDVe48aK2ke dPDjUszDsAMk1tGWqM2ldgfxhqrLNBZwnHIviS4P3j0H5fvQ/7ZN2NQXFw9/PPcyE80rlsHsOw QwKl0rlecI Oveini1aM4ZalTOm7mI6/rSjmu5pVhhV3lY4VFGSaK7Ph326RUhC 9uWPRR60WaFoul6RJLHBJDJfp9p3PLjPYUrzXpDEnFAdY/R9qV3B49/cLbSsc FnJA9fWlRpfLrRuCViRl7ckgxiu0XKZl OL9nz7dI0O3UL7ynzp6ONmHQjNQQyZLQSHY9PQ12EFFaFvtI1d Q54Q8K60dB1211AMwiRuWUL1KHY49R1HqBX0DG6yRo8BDRMCwK DOQftED1O3avmNW2xXuH0U6sNV4YW1c5n04iFlDYLJ/8AM mAMDz5cGiiyD JtDjmcXEIWPYbjcEfwOzfe6dRuMewSRykDaRDjr0Neo3ESzREs B4eObdSAP7iOoGfu9VO9Al2kTa2UtJf9S0flc9eRh2PYkd8d84 rHyIxS5M1xyfRUl176pxHqM4SRFB5G 3g9Dy9cetYnEvFyahYyWNokqibHiSPtlc5wPjVf6UX5 I7e/tclHsowyAbrys4P5YI VC9ueZcxe8h3MR7eoqo4ookssnot2R35DUltBPJfxw2qlpXb3Q KitoJpJlFqjzMxwFUZNeo8McOppURubwA3jjB/wBseVBmyrGi8cXM3NFsbS10YWt0gmZ1Hik7cxqw15ZWFqfZYgv wG/51Te4YFY4CCfOrcN5ZrF/U7yd1xtXOjsbaB244ljEpDy7ilWxLf2Afa0iHxQVyiouz50u9p kcDBP8ANS6iOW3iuFJEgblyO4pUq65zR0bFolY9SKO/oevJoOLDboR4NxbP4iEbHlKlT8Rk/nSpVEQ9g1 5lsdMvLm3bE0cvhKx7HYc/wDlg4zQPoVrGdVm5Mx4hLNyHHOwJ3PrSpVl5f62Hi wL8cxLFxPLACSnglhnsSxb92NUuB9FtNY4ogs7syCBl5mWNsZO T6UqVFD6IF9ns1ro n6LGY9Otkjzkl8ZY/E9ay5p5JGCs2zdcUqVcnI25nQxrRQv5ngPhxYUY6jrUumxrKff ye/WuUquATL728AO8EbHzYZNKlSogD/2Q== (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-sej-public-lands-debate-20151028-story.html)Control of federal lands emerges as an issue in the GOP ... (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-sej-public-lands-debate-20151028-story.html)

Los Angeles Times-Oct 28, 2015
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are among those who have strongly

cruz ran an anti-BLM network ad in February in Nevada
Rand Paul Loyalists Sit Out The GOP Race In Nevada (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwit7fat0NTLAhUBJh4KHU9kCWcQqQIIHygAMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Frosiegray%2Fra nd-paul-loyalists-sit-out-the-gop-race-in-nevada&usg=AFQjCNHaFev_h1DHMYwTU_94aJeqWhCNoA)


When Cliven Bundy started his showdown with the Bureau of Land Management, he quickly attracted a slew of high-profile backers (http://www.thewire.com/politics/2014/04/a-list-of-cliven-bundys-supporters-now-that-we-know-hes-a-pro-slavery-racist/361154/): Republican Senators Dean Heller, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul; Texas Governor Rick Perry; and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has since become governor. But Bundy’s hand was weak—after all, anyone who claims he isn’t governed by the Constitution and refuses to pay land fees for decades has a weak claim, to say nothing of the jarring image of armed men holding off law enforcement.http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/the-decline-of-the-bundy-rebellion/423693/

Standoffs and occupations in the United States through the years (http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/04/us/standoffs-occupations-through-u-s-history/)CNN-Jan 4, 2016
... the Bureau of Land Management, which said Bundy illegally tended ... Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky, flocked to his defense.

more recently in February Rand's name is still appearing as a supporter on the issue

Many Republican officials, including Sens. Dean Heller (Nev.) and Rand Paul (Ky.), applauded Bundy and his makeshift militia — Heller called them “patriots.” The group also won praise from the conservative media.

according to Bundy, there’s far more to it.

The right-wing rancher, who doesn’t even recognize the legitimacy of the United States government, told Politico that he had a private, 45-minute discussion (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/rand-paul-cliven-bundy-meeting-119576.html) with the Kentucky Republican. In fact, according to Bundy, Paul hosted the Q&A, after which Bundy claims to have been “escorted by Paul’s aides to a back room where he and the Republican 2016 contender spoke for approximately 45 minutes.”

A Paul campaign spokesperson denied this version of events, though the denial didn’t specifically address whether or not the senator met specifically with Bundy. Paul spokesman Sergio Gor told (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/rand-paul-cliven-bundy-meeting-119576.html?hp=r3_3) Politico, “There were no scheduled meetings at Senator Paul’s stop in Mesquite. He spoke to many people who came to this public event, none for 45 minutes and none planned.”

But that doesn’t fully address the situation. Does this mean Rand Paul had an unscheduled meeting with Bundy? Maybe the two met privately, but their discussion was briefer than Bundy claims?

I reached out to a campaign spokesperson for clarification, but I have not yet heard back.

For his part, the rancher added (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/rand-paul-cliven-bundy-meeting-119576.html?hp=r3_3) he only expected to briefly exchange pleasantries with the senator, and he was pleasantly surprised to have a lengthy, substantive conversation with the GOP presidential candidate.


03-22-2016, 04:11 PM
We don't deserve men like Bundy in this country. They are far to good for most of us.