View Full Version : According to poll, authoritarianism main unifying factor of all Trump supporters

01-27-2016, 05:59 PM

Political pollsters have missed this key component of Trump’s support because they simply don’t include questions about authoritarianism in their polls. In addition to the typical battery of demographic, horse race, thermometer-scale and policy questions, my poll asked a set of four simple survey questions that political scientists have employed since 1992 to measure inclination toward authoritarianism. These questions pertain to child-rearing: whether it is more important for the voter to have a child who is respectful or independent; obedient or self-reliant; well-behaved or considerate; and well-mannered or curious. Respondents who pick the first option in each of these questions are strongly authoritarian.
Based on these questions, Trump was the only candidate—Republican or Democrat—whose support among authoritarians was statistically significant.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533#ixzz3yUauD941

01-27-2016, 06:08 PM
So Trump supporters believe in authoritarianism?
Well that figures it.

01-27-2016, 06:09 PM
You don't need a poll with strategically geared questions to figure this out, all you need to do is listen to the stuff that his supporters say on that brainless echo-chamber over on Breitbart. These people want to be ruled, they want a cult of personality, yet they don't want to hear about it from anyone else.

01-27-2016, 06:14 PM
It's no secret that Trump is driving a very populist message. Sometimes when you see those little diamond shaped political spectrums that show liberalism on the left, conservatism on the right, libertarianism at the top, they might show either populism opposite libertarianism at the bottom or they might show authoritarianism. They two words are almost interchangeable.

Wikipedia shows evidence that scholars have linked fascism to populism, and it makes perfect sense:


01-27-2016, 06:15 PM
We're screwed.

01-27-2016, 06:21 PM

Say he becomes President and he doesn't build the wall or ban muslims... are his supporters going to go berserk and get out the pitchforks? It'll be interesting to watch their heads explode. Or it'll be interesting to see them realize they voted in a fascist in the making.

01-27-2016, 06:22 PM
as I said in another thread:

trump's main constituency: angry and xenophobic voters who finally see somebody they can project all their hopes onto because he is angry too but also incredibly vague when it comes to actual policy proposals or he flat out lies.

they themselves not only have no conservative principles, they have no interest in real policy change or supporting true citizen legislatures no matter how good they are..

these people are begging for a dictator. these people are the reason dictators have ever been a thing in the first place. they are sheep in every sense of the word yet a tad more dangerous due to the unbridled anger towards problems which they do not understand at all and therefore could never support real solutions to fix.

01-27-2016, 06:32 PM

Say he becomes President and he doesn't build the wall or ban muslims... are his supporters going to go berserk and get out the pitchforks? It'll be interesting to watch their heads explode. Or it'll be interesting to see them realize they voted in a fascist in the making.

No, they will just blame the Democrats.

01-27-2016, 06:36 PM
Say hello to the Trumptskyites!! :mad:

Anti Federalist
01-27-2016, 06:38 PM
Gee, what a surprise.

01-27-2016, 06:38 PM
I agree that this article is stating the obvious. Its title, referring to "one weird trait...," implying that there's anything surprising about the poll's findings is silly.

But it's still nice to have the poll that shows this.

01-27-2016, 06:40 PM
We're screwed.

Not if we can help it! But the trend does look really dangerous! Reminds me of the book "The Plot Against America"! Charles Lindbergh vs FDR. A 49 state sweep for Lindbergh. :(