View Full Version : Government: We’ll Decide What’s Best For You

01-15-2016, 07:12 PM
Image Credit: ZeroHedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/01-overflow/20160115_plan.jpg)

Before you discredit the information based on its source, please keep in mind that Infowars is similar to many other media outlets and are not always the source of the information. I thought this article was quite well written and understandable by the layman.


The literature on market imperfection and market failure is voluminous, ever-growing, and filled with Nobel laureates. Identify a new source or instance of market “failure,” and you’re likely to win a Nobel Prize, or so it seems.

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception, by Nobel Laureates George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller, presents the thesis that we are overly confident in unregulated markets and that entrepreneurs accrue profit by preying on hapless consumers, exploiting “our weakness in knowing what we really want” through the market’s tendency “to spawn manipulation and deception.” Mavens of manipulation themselves, Akerlof and Shiller claim many, if not most people — especially the poor — are irrationally exuberant and are induced into buying things they really do not want. How do they know what the consumer really wants, one might ask? The answer is that anything the authors would not do themselves is ipso facto not in the best interest of the consumer. In fact, it is something that “no one could possibly want.”

We’ll Decide What’s Best For You
Their opening chapter is an exercise in convoluted methodology. In it, Akerlof and Shiller obliterate any distinction between adroit entrepreneurship/marketing and deception/fraud. The most fundamental problem, however, is that Akerlof and Shiller think that what people really want is what is (objectively) good for them. They refuse to recognize that even if consumers were aware of the costs of eating Cinnabon — their bête noire in the opening chapter — and consuming a high calorie meal devoid of nutrients, they still might choose to eat Cinnabon. In their paternalist fervor, they cannot fathom that some people, in some places, at some times, might be willing to make such a trade off.


Rejecting Mises’s economic tautology that business owners stay afloat by satisfying consumer preferences through voluntary exchange, they believe that, instead, business owners compete for who can best deceive their customers. They call Cinnabon’s efforts to attract customers by making their product more desirable and available in convenient locations “phishing.”

Is the alternative, then, to mandate that businesses instead locate their stores in inconvenient locations, where they are less likely to sell their products to increase market efficiency? No answer is forthcoming. Also never answered by the duo is, if advertising is so effective at deceiving consumers, why do firms not spend nearly all of their budgets on advertising? Wildly exaggerating the problem they present, Akerlof and Shiller even think that the cumulative effect of “phishing” that companies like Cinnabon do through luring people in with the aroma of their cinnamon rolls may be as significant as the financial crash of 2008.

“Information Asymmetry” or Just Division of Labor?

They also maintain that the incompetence of the average person prevents them from wisely investing their funds. What they do not show is that a disinterested bureaucrat spending someone else’s money has an incentive to invest carefully, which they simply assume. No matter that an individual has knowledge of his time, place, and preferences that a bureaucrat cannot have, regardless of whether or not consumers make systematic cognitive errors. What they call informational asymmetries, i.e., the different levels of knowledge among consumers and producers, should properly be called the division of labor and knowledge in society, which underpins all markets and gives us a basis to make exchanges in the first place. It is for the very reason, namely that producers of goods know more about the goods they produce, that we purchase from them. Hence, in criticizing information asymmetry in markets, they are criticizing all exchange. Akerlof and Shiller habitually succumb to this Nirvana fallacy, holding up the utopian ideal of perfect information as their (unreachable) model, and then when markets fail to reach this ideal, assume that this justifies government intervention, never giving us a reason why these systemic cognitive biases and information asymmetries can be avoided by bureaucrats more than they can by the average consumer.


Full article on link.


Do you really want someone else in Govt controlling every aspect of your life when they have absolutely no incentive to provide for you a life that really benefits you? The other side of the coin here is that if they are in a position of power, that position will be targeted by those who can profit by telling you how to live your life. If you eat bacon, you pay more for insurance, for example. This results in laws being passed where your eating habits are legally subject to the approval of someone else, who will profit from telling you how to live your life. This is the consequence of the elimination of privacy, the end of personal prosperity, and every subjectively determined wrong thing that you ever do (three felonies per day) will be used to deplete you of the things that make your life worth living.


Occam's Banana
01-15-2016, 08:47 PM
Do you really want someone else in Govt controlling every aspect of your life when they have absolutely no incentive to provide for you a life that really benefits you?

As true as it may be, the problem isn't so much that they have no incentive to provide for you a life that "really benefits you."

The problem is that even if they did have an incentive to do so, they still wouldn't have any intersubjectively valid way of deciding what "really benefits you."

The other side of the coin here is that if they are in a position of power, that position will be targeted by those who can profit by telling you how to live your life. If you eat bacon, you pay more for insurance, for example. This results in laws being passed where your eating habits are legally subject to the approval of someone else, who will profit from telling you how to live your life.

It is important to note that the problem here is not that you might have to pay more for insurance (if, say, you eat bacon). If the consumption of bacon increases the likelihood of an event against which you wish to insure yourself, then it is entirely reasonable for insurors to charge you more for coverage if you eat bacon. The problem here is when coercion is inserted into the equation - for example, by forcibly prohibiting people from eating bacon, or by forcibly preventing insurors from raising premiums for bacon eaters ...

01-15-2016, 09:02 PM
I read earlier today the Feds are getting ready to pass a law that one drink will be the legal limit for driving while impaired.

01-16-2016, 04:55 AM
I don't know why everyone thinks the government doesn't care about what is best for you. Just look at the last several years. We now have free health insurance, more energy efficient everything, they are working on controlling guns for our safety. They are busy fighting ISIS over there so they don't have to fight them over here. Etc etc.