View Full Version : Dems - One War Not Enough

06-29-2007, 09:09 AM
Redeployment... you been hearing it.

On Darfur...
Did you hear Hillary Clinton call for new Iraq? "no fly zone, etc." Remember the 90's? And besides... if we want to talk about Africa, let's talk about Africa.

When we show up we do not help (well, we help people to their grave I suppose)! Zimbabwe, Congo, Sudan, these are conflicts that we started. I encourage everyone to go look into the CIA's history in this area. Another war, another occupation is not the answer for Darfur! And as far as the genocide goes, you're 5 yrs. too late. The sad realities of this nation have been turned into a cause celeb, an excuse to continue the perpetuation of the global war machine.

Please, Please, Please, for the people of Darfur, do not be fooled again.

Agree with him or no, please for the good of the nation and all peoples on earth watch Farrakahn's 2002 NOI address.

Sir VotesALot
06-29-2007, 05:40 PM
It's no coincidence that Angelina Jolie and Hilary Clinton are both members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

06-29-2007, 06:16 PM
The Dems like to meddle in Africa. Keep a watch on Ethiopia too.