View Full Version : emails reveal deal in blood' with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before

10-18-2015, 04:00 PM


The classified document also discloses that Blair agreed to act as a glorified spin doctor for the President by presenting ‘public affairs lines’ to convince a sceptical public that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction – when none existed.In return, the President would flatter Blair’s ego and give the impression that Britain was not America’s poodle but an equal partner in the ‘special relationship’.


One of the worst parts is reading that GW scumbush wanted to fly the dragon lady (u2 ) over Iraq painted in UN colors with the hopes that it would be shot down so he had his reason for war. Stories like this just confirm yet again how dirty and fucked up our own government is, add this to dumb ass Obama bombing hospitals for an hour and... History is going to look on us with shame and wonder why the citizens didn't revolt and why we supported this criminal system.

10-18-2015, 04:04 PM
But Iraq was selling oil for something other than petrodollars! How can the Fed print them like there's no tomorrow if there's no artificial demand for them created by the U.S. military destroying any country that has the temerity to sell their oil for whatever thing of value the buyer offers?

10-18-2015, 05:08 PM
The Iraqi war was fought for the Bush and House of Saud klans.

10-18-2015, 05:15 PM
The Iraqi war was fought for the Bush and House of Saud klans.

The Bushes were paid to have a dog in that fight.

Yes, certainly the bin Ladens (royal house of Saud). But also the Rothschild clan. The Fed and the petrodollar figured large in the thing. It's no coincidence that every time a nation threatens to sell oil for other than dollars, the sabers get rattled.

And let us not forget that Hussein asked the Bush Administration for permission to invade Kuwait, and was told we didn't give a damn about the place. There's another conspiracy fact of which we have the memorandum proof.

10-19-2015, 11:39 AM
This was hardly a secret to anybody paying attention for the last 12 years. 2003 - David Kelly "suicide" - http://www.theinsider.org/news/article.asp?id=0406

10-19-2015, 12:27 PM
This was hardly a secret to anybody paying attention for the last 12 years. 2003 - David Kelly "suicide" - http://www.theinsider.org/news/article.asp?id=0406
