View Full Version : Amnesty Strategy Unveiled

08-18-2015, 01:34 PM
Very revealing.


As an artist, Rodriguez created the “Butterfly” symbol seen on the shirt she’s wearing. The butterfly graphic is the perfect example of how the left uses art and culture to promote a policy agency: the butterfly is used by illegal immigration activists as a visual symbol for migration. The goal is to erase the difference beween legal migration and illegal immigration. It’s a classic cocktail of far-left culture tactics: hiding reality through the use of iconography mixed with redefining language.

In this video, Rodruquez and illegal alien writer Jose Antonio Vargas dicuss the butterfly symbol and brag about direct actions by Presente.org, including getting illegal immigration critic Lou Dobbs fired from CNN.

In her talk, Rodriguez lays out how the left successfully changed the narrative on same-sex marriage with a one-two punch of culture war and policy change. She decribes how using pop culture figures like Ellen Degeneres coming out on her sitcom in the 1990s, changing language from the word “homosexual” to “gay,” and driving this entire agenda through a sympathetic liberal media, LGBTQ activists were able to normalize homosexuality and ultimately impact political change.

Then Ms. Rodriguez explains how she and other pro-illegal immigraiton actvists are using this exact same playbook in their push to dismantle U.S. immigration law. Rodriguez tells her leftist audience that, by pressuring the media to replace the word “illegal” with “undocumented,” they are achieving very quick policy change, citing President Obama’s executive action on the “Dreamers” (illegal immigrants brought into America as children) as an example.

She tells her audience: “If you have any doubt that pushing the narrative can actually change policy, this is a great example that it can; that by pushing the narrative, by telling our stories, we can change policy.”
