View Full Version : Does Anyone Wish to Help Me With Something?

Working Poor
07-25-2015, 11:50 AM
I posted a Ron Paul article on a site that is over ran by Obama supporters titled: Ron Paul: "The poor grow in numbers as the middle class shrinks and the privileged class that benefits from government spending and government control of the monetary system thrives.

There is a person posting on the article that is way down on Ron and I would sure like to post something that he could not dispute or at least make him think before he speaks again he is posting under the screen name JayCFO-3768452 in a section for posting called "Absolutely No Boundaries" if you want to join the site that is fine with me or you can post something here that I could copy and paste or put into my own words. Of course I will quote you unless you want to remain anonymous please specify if you don't want to be quoted or if you want to be quoted. Thanks for your ideas and your help. Of course reps given to all who reply with a good counter argument. I know we have some really smart people here who are very knowledgeable about the economy.

Here is the article Ron Paul says the rich are getting richer (http://lisafrequency.newsvine.com/_news/2015/01/12/28446697-ron-paul-the-poor-grow-in-numbers-as-the-middle-class-shrinks-and-the-privileged-class-that-benefits-from-government-spending-and-government-control-of-the-monetary-system-thrives-againstcronycapitalismorg)

07-25-2015, 12:02 PM
Casting your pearls of wisdom before the swine, is just a waste of pearls and pisses off the pig, WP

07-25-2015, 12:05 PM
It cannot get the link to work. :(

Working Poor
07-25-2015, 12:47 PM
It cannot get the link to work. :(

Sorry about that Donna I tried it and it works fine for me.

07-25-2015, 01:06 PM
Why don't you post JayCFO argument here ?

Working Poor
07-25-2015, 01:50 PM
Why don't you post JayCFO argument here ?
I can do that too give me a few minutes....

Working Poor
07-25-2015, 02:13 PM

JayCFO-376845213 days ago


comment author avatar

In reply to: GS hermit #1.4

Now perhaps you should check and see how much support the Koch's have given the Paul's (it ain't much).

Why? I already know I'd find 'very little' DIRECTLY given to his campaigns but...

dark money isn't called 'dark' because of ethnicity but because it's 'untraceable'...

and you really think Ron would never 'accept' Koch's pet non-profits financing his campaign platforms? ... through 'education' advertising... which you bought hook line and sinker.

Wow, you might want to light up another bowl buddy!

Ron is no different than ISIS (other than the killing part) trying to 'reshape' America the way he thinks everyone else should live... that is.. under austerity, as long as he gets want he wants, personally...

Once again, a Libertarian is someone who is all for 'limited' government, as long as they are getting 'their' benefit.

On whether the fed is audited or not...this is what pisses me off so much about you Ron Paul banging cymbalists BEFORE investigating. The FED is ALREADY AUDITED!!!!!!.. in MANY different ways!!!!!! See below for references (unfortunately, I doubt you'll actually work hard enough to research those support references, simply because you believe Ron Paul's the political messiah).

I am a CPA (that doesn't stand for "can't pass again") and, therefore, have seen and audited many financials. Ron is simply wrong on the audit piece. He, and many others, believe the FED harms the economy and wants to 'kill it' and replace it with "what again?" As you, yourself, said, he's a 'politician', which means he'll do and say anything to get reelected before telling you the 'truth'.

As to Ron being a constitutionalist versus libertarian... sure, he is a constitutionalist... in how HE interprets it, which is states' rights before federal... and that is precisely why he fails at the national level.. there ARE MANY issues that belong at the federal level, with the Federal Reserve being one of them, that the states would 'bastardize' for their own political, and most often, plutocracies. The point being... it's ok in state A to discriminate against blacks or whites or ... in hiring practices but not in state B... I had hoped the civil war had settled that state versus federalism but, unfortunately, we have politicians like Ron Paul framing the issue that you are losing something because the federal government is hindering you... when, in fact, we should have more federal intervention... especially with economics

ie The economic solution is to link progressive federal tax rates to their employees 'livable wages', benefits and full-time staffing percentages.. in other words, if you are making millions, or billions, don't put your bottom employees on the government tit.. pay them a livable wage, with benefits, and you'll get a tax break, otherwise 'society' (via government) WILL want to 'assist' those bottom paid employees and we'll need to tax them more to 'transfer' that assistance for those very billionaire employees. Think Walmart making billions while paying their employees low wages and little, if any, benefits.

This federalism / state and economic issue is at the heart of libertinism which suggests we all should be 'self-sufficient' and 'mandate' others to do so, regardless of status of life, and is referenced in the ancillary article - www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-fair-society/201108/what-s-the-ma

Ronin Truth
07-25-2015, 03:22 PM
rich getting richer

https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=rich+getting+richer&gbv=2&oq=rich+getting+&gs_l=heirloom-hp.1.0.0l9.19122562.19126890.0.19131890. .0.500.781.2-1j5-1.2.0....0...1ac.1.34.heirloom-hp..9.4.859.JwNpQQRzbMg