View Full Version : America’s Founding Principles Are in Danger of Corruption

07-05-2015, 01:28 AM
by former Senator Gary Hart!



Welcome to the age of vanity politics and campaigns-for-hire. What would our founders make of this nightmare?

Four qualities have distinguished republican government from ancient Athens forward: the sovereignty of the people; a sense of the common good; government dedicated to the commonwealth; and resistance to corruption. Measured against the standards established for republics from ancient times, the American Republic is massively corrupt.

From Plato and Aristotle forward, corruption was meant to describe actions and decisions that put a narrow, special, or personal interest ahead of the interest of the public or commonwealth. Corruption did not have to stoop to money under the table, vote buying, or even renting out the Lincoln bedroom. In the governing of a republic, corruption was self-interest placed above the interest of all—the public interest.

By that standard, can anyone seriously doubt that our republic, our government, is corrupt? There have been Teapot Domes and financial scandals of one kind or another throughout our nation’s history. There has never been a time, however, when the government of the United States was so perversely and systematically dedicated to special interests, earmarks, side deals, log-rolling, vote-trading, and sweetheart deals of one kind or another.

Recent months have seen, in effect, the legalization of Watergate. Who would have thought, forty years after the greatest political scandal and presidential abuse of power in U.S. history, that the Supreme Court of the United States would rule the practices that financed that scandal were now legal?

The five prevailing Supreme Court justices, holding that a legal entity called a corporation has First Amendment rights of free speech, might at least have required the bought-and-paid-for candidates to wear sponsor labels on their suits as stock-car drivers do. Though, for the time being, sponsored candidates will not be openly promoted by Exxon-Mobil or the Stardust Resort and Casino but by phony “committees for good government” smokescreens.

“Just because it is legal doesn’t make it right” should be carved above every congressional doorway, every cabinet department, and even the White House itself.

Ronin Truth
07-05-2015, 05:28 AM
Ya think? :rolleyes:

07-05-2015, 06:12 AM
Geez, Gary, where ya been?? This ain't nothing new...

Perhaps you've been distracted?

07-05-2015, 12:02 PM
I know..... HSS!..... Holy Sheep Shit!

It was like being in the twilight zone reading it, maybe it's a good sign, when it gets so bad that even the other pirates start jumping ship.

I have to say, this was supposedly from Sept 12, 2001 and he came straight out and said... this is what Bush Sr. said and now this is happening, hmmmm....


07-05-2015, 01:26 PM
The founding principles have been in danger of corruption since Day 1.

07-05-2015, 01:45 PM
Dear Rip Van Winkle: Welcome to the 21st Century.

07-06-2015, 11:13 PM
Well that happens when you mix principles with foreign interventionism/oppressionism.

07-07-2015, 12:27 AM
The founding principles were for a strong central government... I don't see how that's been corrupted.

07-07-2015, 01:18 AM
2 words for Gary Hart: Whiskey Rebellion

It's been a failure from the get go.

Ronin Truth
07-07-2015, 05:09 AM
That ship has already sailed, LOOONG, LOOONG ago.:mad: :(