View Full Version : Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times

07-04-2015, 11:07 AM
IDEAL ARYAN INFANT: Hessy Levinsons Taft’s photograph was selected by the Nazi party for the front cover of their Sonne Ins Haus publication, but Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda machine never discovered she was Jewish, 1935.

Are we really bound to the set of genes that we received from our parents? Or can we overcome what we were given? What are the factors that activate or deactivate certain genes? How can we control the expression of our genetic make-up to promote our health and the health of our children? Can we trust everything we hear about the benefits of genetic research?

Is there a dark side to genetics? Is there reason to suspect hidden motivations of certain groups who want us to be convinced that our genes, and only our genes, control every aspect of our health and well-being? Is it wise to believe that we have no other options than to suffer while scientists look for genetic cures for all that ails us?

Hitler was strongly influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution and by Americans who were promoting eugenics. He closely followed the teachings of university professors in the United States who were teaching eugenics and using the principles of Darwin’s theory of evolution to form a “superior” race of people in America. The previous article questioned whether there remains a link between the eugenics movement of the past and modern genetic science. Do they still share common goals?

Adolf Hitler Addressing the Reichstag, Dec 11, 1941 – Speech against American President Roosevelt

The superior race that American eugenicists and Adolf Hitler envisioned was intended to be free of disability, poverty, and chronic illness. It was to be a “beautiful” race of people (as they saw it) that consisted of men and women with blond hair and blue eyes. They would be a select class of people who were physically perfect, physically fit, intellectually superior, and financially prosperous.

Modern eugenics does not seek to create a superior race, but it does have the potential for creating a superior class of people who will be distinguished by the absence of certain diseases, which they will call “health.” They will possess a certain set of traits that someone among them has determined to be “best” for humanity.

Both movements sought, and are seeking, to achieve high and lofty goals supposedly for our benefit. They promise to provide rapid restoration for all that ails us. They seek to improve the defects that exist in humankind and create a future in which disease, illness, and poverty will only exist in the memories of older generations, because genetic defects will have been corrected or eliminated. [1]

The previous article noted that the theory of Darwinian evolution and its implementation through eugenics disregards individual and personal choices concerning human reproduction, and it devalues human life itself. Darwinism and eugenics replace the love-based commitment between family members with allegiance to the state. They replace the worship of God with the worship of eugenic principles and evolutionary theory. They turn the hearts of the people away from valuing and protecting human life, and desensitize society to death. They teach people to accept the fact that the lives of some people must be sacrificed for the greater good of the “superior” ones who remain.

At the heart of the eugenics movement was a deep seated belief in the superiority of the white race, and the need for eliminating other races that they determined to be inferior. It called for the cleansing of the white race as well to eliminate all people and families who showed evidence of having defective genetic material (germplasm).

Additional Similarities between Eugenics and Modern Genetics

I am struck by certain similarities between the old eugenics movement and the “science” of modern genetics as it is now known. Let’s take a look at a few additional similarities that were not discussed in the previous article.

Both Eugenics and Genetics Claim to be “Scientific”

Eugenicists were convinced that their observations were based on rigorously applied scientific methods. They believe that the human traits they observed were all directly tied to the human germplasm.

They assumed that the environment where people lived, the food people ate, the lifestyle they chose, the educational opportunities that were provided, etc., had very little to do with the quality of the human life that would result. The balance between “nature versus nurture” was heavily weighted toward “nature.”

This means that they believed that a nurturing environment could not overcome the power of one’s germplasm (genetic material), and thus, people were destined to have the same negative traits as their parents. Nature would always rule over nurture. It didn’t matter how well people were treated by other people in society or whether they were given opportunities to change, they would always remain defective.

If we look at the general marketing of modern genetics, we see the same claims. We are told that genetics is a science, just as the eugenicists once said. We are also told that our genes set the stage for everything in our lives, and we must live with the defects we received at conception, which control our illnesses.

It is true that genetics uses lots of scientific jargon, and uses advanced chemistry and highly sophisticated scientific equipment to study and manipulate genetic material. Geneticists, like most other professionals with PhD level training, could easily dominate and control most any conversation having to do with their field of expertise when speaking to non-scientists. However, just because they use scientific techniques and use a technical language filled with scientific jargon, does not mean that everything they say and all of the principles they use are accurate, logical, or true.

A hundred years ago, eugenicists were equally able to dominate conversations, and they were fundamentally wrong on many points regarding the inheritability of traits that did not involve the germplasm. For example, their claim that black persons in America lived as an underclass in poverty was caused by their deficient germplasm was nothing but racist ideology squeezed into the box of “scientific” jargon.

The lynching of Laura Nelson in Okemah, Oklahoma, on May 25, 1911. District Judge Caruthers convened a grand jury in June 1911 to investigate the lynching of the Laura Nelson and her son. In his instructions to the jury, he said, “The people of the state have said by recently adopted constitutional provision that the race to which the unfortunate victims belonged should in large measure be divorced from participation in our political contests, because of their known racial inferiority and their dependent credulity, which very characteristic made them the mere tool of the designing and cunning. It is well known that I heartily concur in this constitutional provision of the people’s will. The more then does the duty devolve upon us of a superior race and of greater intelligence to protect this weaker race from unjustifiable and lawless attacks.”

During the years when the eugenics movement was having a powerful political influence in America, 1900-1945, there were some scientists who were seriously looking to understand inheritance and the function of germplasm. However, the field of eugenic studies was dominated by those who were pushing a racist agenda dedicated to the creation of a superior race. I also imagine that today, there are genetic scientists who are working at the level of pure scientific research to understand the many mysteries of genetic activity in human DNA. However, others, perhaps the majority, have become captive to the special interests of corporations, and are following an agenda dedicated to controlling human genetic material for the sake of creating products, making extremely high cost drugs, and managing human behavior.

Pharmaceutical Companies and Genetic Research

Most proponents of corporation-based modern genetics continue to cling to a belief that the environment plays a very small role in human development. In their minds, the “nature versus nurture” argument continues to be heavily weighted toward the unchangeable contribution of nature. Genetics seems to convey the idea that there is a gene for everything; the totality of who we are and who we will become is predetermined by our personal configuration of genes. They don’t always say this explicitly; but it is the thrust of their message. [2]

The pharmaceutical industry sees genetics as the cash cow that will deliver extraordinarily high profits that will provide for their future prosperity. They are speaking about gene-based therapies that will be individually made to match the genetic needs of each patient. They speak of correcting and replacing genetic abnormalities to restore health and to perhaps even strengthen the human genetic make-up. They are developing genetic science for the sake of making a profit. [3]

For those of us on the outside of the pharmaceutical industry and on the outside of genetic research, we must wonder if their intention is to somehow control the expression of life itself and to give the “highest quality” of human perfection to those who have the greatest ability to pay for it.

Eugenics and Genetics Sit Side by Side

If every illness is ultimately genetic as pharmaceutical companies and other corporations are telling us, then we have no hope for sustaining health unless we can afford to purchase it. We have no hope for solving social problems unless someone fixes the genes that cause our human dysfunction. On this common ground, modern genetic science and its predecessor eugenics sit comfortably side by side. The former proponents of eugenics and the modern proponents of genetics see a scientific world in which the control and manipulation of genes is the answer to every problem.

The natural progression of genetic science is intended to lead directly to the perfection of humanity. Eugenicists tried to perfect humanity through sterilization, intentional breeding, and execution of “deficient” human beings. Modern genetics will attempt to create the super human by direct manipulation of genetic material. [4]

One thing is for sure, genetic technology and genetic manipulation are expensive endeavors. Who will be the recipients of the fruit of modern genetic research? Will it be the average person, or will it be those who have the ability to pay for genetic improvements for themselves and their offspring?

Who Will Define the “Perfect Combination” of Genes?


The plan to manipulate the human genome to “improve” human DNA and therefore human functioning raises many questions. In the effort to create a perfect person without defects, how do we know what is perfect? Who will decide? Who will produce the first generation of perfect humans? What will be their position in society? What will happen to the less genetically perfect people? How will we keep the imperfect people from weakening the more “perfect human bloodlines” that modern genetic science will try to develop?

Will modern genetics lead to programs of sterilization as in past generations where “inferior” people were prevented from mating with genetically “superior” people? Will we end up heading toward the creation of a new master race similar to the one that Adolf Hitler and the other eugenicists of his era envisioned? Is modern genetics going to become another form of human breeding for those who have the resources to “order” children who meet the designer specifications of parents and social planners?

The Genetic Myth: Not Everything is in the Genes

In 2003 scientists announced the completion of human genome mapping. They then went to work to find the specific genes that cause certain illnesses and traits, so that gene-based therapies could be created. They are heading down the same road that previous generations of eugenicists followed – human perfection through genetic modification.

The road they are traveling is actually a dead end. We now know that health is not just a matter of the presence or absence of certain genes, but whether the genes are able to express their normal function in the human body.

We now know that there are many factors that influence the functioning of our genes. Diet, exercise, exposure to toxic chemicals, age, lifestyle, and even exposure to sunshine have a direct influence on whether our genetic make-up will function properly. The effect of external factors on genetic functioning is called Epigenetics.

Epigenetics is a More Accurate Form of Scientific Research


In the past, most genetic researchers and eugenicists focused on the quality of the germplasm or genes, and largely disregarded the influence of environmental factors. They saw the unfolding of human traits and destiny as a matter of nature and scoffed at the idea that defective people could be transformed through living in a nurturing environment.

They believed that people were hopelessly stuck with the genetic composition that nature provided, and would never be able to advance beyond their inherited genetic composition.

Today we know that environmental factors have powerful effects on every aspect of human life. Health and illness are controlled by factors that activate or deactivate certain genes. New research is uncovering the role of epigenetics in a variety of human disorders and fatal diseases.

Dr. Joseph Mercola has discussed epigenetics in several articles. Dr. Mercola stated:

The Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2003, discovered that we have nowhere near enough genes to account for all the biological functions in the human body, and the reason for this is because genes do not operate as previously predicted. In a nutshell, having a “cancer program” in your DNA does not automatically mean you’re destined to get cancer. … Simply having the genetic information does not mean it will be expressed.

As it turns out, [Dr. Mercola explained further], any given gene can create and encode tens of thousands of different proteins, and it is these proteins that dictate cell function. What’s most important here is that the types of proteins encoded is dependent on the environment in which the cell finds itself.

In fact, the epigenetic influences appear to be most powerful. These are the factors that cause your genes to actually be expressed and produce the proteins they encode for. A toxic environment will cause a gene to produce different proteins than a non-toxic environment for example.

That said, [Dr. Mercola added] according to more recent research, the picture is likely even more complex. Researchers have now discovered that while each person has one major genome, on the cellular level you can have multiple different genomes, depending on the tissue. [6]

We also have learned that epigenetic changes can be passed on to our children. This means that children are not born as a completely clean genetic slate. The environmental exposure and lifestyle of parents produce changes in gene expression and this can also be passed on to our children for one or more generations. So, it is not just genes that are passed on to children, but the fact that some genes will be active and others will be inactive.

This also means that all the unhealthy things that we have done to ourselves will be reflected in the next generation.

Our consumption of the Standard American Diet, our lack of exercise, our history of emotional traumas, our drug and alcohol use, our use of vaccines, our exposure to chemical toxins, our use of pharmaceutical drugs, our use of perfume and scented laundry products, our false beliefs, our negative thoughts, our impure intentions, the absence or presence of a relationship with God, etc. will all have an effect on the expression (functioning) of our genes. These effects can then be passed on to our descendants. Our genes will not have changed, however their activity will have been dramatically altered by our experiences and our lifestyle.

Genetic Expression is not Permanent: Possible to Reactivate Genes

The good news is that genetic expression is not permanent. It is possible to reactivate genes that have been suppressed by the poor choices and stressful lives we have lived. We are not hopelessly stuck in a prison of our own genetic material. We can have hope, and we can make changes that can dramatically improve our health, our happiness, and yes, even our prosperity. The choices that we make in how we nurture ourselves and our children can correct faulty genetic expression and enable our genes to function as they were intended.

Environmental factors have powerful effects over our genes, and we don’t have to wait until genetic science learns how to “fix” our genes.

Special Interest Groups Want Us to Tremble in Fear about Our Genetics

There are many special interest groups who want us to tremble in fear about our “helpless condition” regarding the genetic basis of illness. Which of us has the genes for cancer? Which of us has the genes for Alzheimer’s? Which of us has the genes for heart disease? Which of our children has the gene for autism or learning disabilities? The list goes on and on. They want us to turn to corporation controlled genetic researchers in the same way that Dorothy turned to the great wizard of Oz. They want us to turn to the pharmaceutical industry and say, “What should we do? What should we do! Please help us!”

If we tremble in fear over the potential illnesses that might attack us from within our own DNA, then we will be easily controlled by the propaganda of corporate interest groups. They want us to feel helpless and to have little hope for health unless scientists find a genetic cure for all that ails us.

The dominant public relations program that is being carried out in the conventional media is constantly turning our attention toward the genetic basis of illness, and dissuading us from considering epigenetics. They want us to believe two lies. First, “All our illnesses have their origin in our genes.” Second, they want us to believe, “It doesn’t matter what we eat, what we drink, where we live, what products we put on our bodies, the substances we breathe into our lungs, etc., because any problems we have are ultimately caused by our genes.”

What is the truth that lies behind these two lies? What is the truth that lies behind the curtain of genetic deception?

It is a simple fact – it is rarely our genes (by themselves) that are making us sick and killing us through chronic illness – it is primarily the effect of our environment. It is external factors that are making us sick, stealing our vitality, damaging the ability of our children to learn and thrive, weakening our fertility, and consuming our financial resources with overpriced and often ineffective medical treatments, many of which do more harm than good.

Chemical manufacturers want us to believe that their chemicals aren’t making us sick, because it is really our genes that are causing our illnesses.

Vaccine manufacturers want us to believe that their vaccines can’t be making us and our children sick, because vaccines are safe, so they say, and if someone claims harm, then it must be their bad genes.

Agribusiness wants us to believe that the glyphosate they use and the genetically modified crops they grow can’t harm us, because illness comes from our genes.

The manufacturers of processed foods want us to believe that the hundreds of chemical additives that they mix into their “food” concoctions can’t harm us, because the real cause of chronic illness is genetic.

Manufacturers of wireless communication devices want us to believe that their products can’t harm us, because no one gets cancer unless they already have a cancer gene.

Manufacturers of highly toxic conventional skincare products, perfume, household cleaning products, scented laundry products, etc. all want us to believe that the toxic chemicals these products contain can’t harm us unless we have a rare genetic susceptibility, which means these products play no part in our problems.

All these interest groups, and the U.S. regulatory system that supports their claims, have a vested interest in keeping the curtain of the Wizard of Oz closed tight. If we keep believing that it is our genes that make us sick, then these groups don’t have to worry that people might stop purchasing their products, or even worse, might sue them for health-related damages.

They want us to believe that our genes are the reason for our illnesses, and to doubt that external factors could be making us sick. They want us to conclude that we have no right to sue because they are not responsible for the fact that it was our parents who gave us a bad set of genes. They want us to doubt our own perceptions about the cause of autism, and to just believe that autistic children are simply the unfortunate recipients of defective genes.

These corporate entities don’t have to conclusively prove that their products are harmless – all they need to do is raise doubt in the mind of the public and in courtroom juries. A little doubt will go a long way to prevent most people from seeing the truth and acting on it.

Modern Genetics Used to Manipulate Behavior

Former Mainstream Media News Anchor Brian Williams.

The same thing happens with conventional mainstream media sources. We see bits and pieces of truth about the dark side of modern genetics, but have trouble believing that the media is deceiving us with genetic propaganda. Powerful corporate interests, just like the Wizard of Oz, are commanding the public to “not look at the man behind the curtain.” They are trying to use the media to make us all believe that genetics is the ultimate solution to all of our health problems.

In 2004, the science writer, John Horgan published an article entitled, ““Do Our Genes Influence Behavior? Why We Want to Think They Do.” I will share one of his insightful comments. John Horgan was a senior writer at Scientific American and wrote for numerous other well-known scientific publications. He currently is the Director of the Center for Science Writings at Stevens Institute of Technology. He described the pattern in which grand announcements are made about the discovery of certain genes, but how proof of those discoveries often doesn’t materialize after the announcements. This pattern is called propaganda, which is put forth to build a false set of beliefs in the mind of the public. He noted:

Researchers have announced the discovery of “genes for” attention-deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, manic depression, schizophrenia, autism, dyslexia, alcoholism, heroin addiction, high IQ, male homosexuality, sadness, extroversion, introversion, novelty seeking, impulsivity, violent aggression, anxiety, anorexia, seasonal affective disorder, and pathological gambling. So far, not one of those claims has been confirmed. That should not be surprising, given that complex traits and disorders are almost certainly caused by many different genes interacting with many different environmental factors. [13]

In 2013, Jonathan Latham, PhD, reported a request for proposals from the U.S. government regarding the search for a gene that is apparently of great interest to our government. He reported:

The US National Human Genome Research Institute last year put out a call for evidence asking geneticists to support a search for predispositions to “behavioral adherence” to expert advice (i.e. compliance). [14]

In other words, the funders of genetic research are asking genetic scientists to find a gene that they could potentially manipulate, which would cause people to become more compliant to advice offered by experts. They are looking for a gene that would prevent us from looking at the Wizard behind the curtain and disregarding what our senses and our mind are telling us. They are looking for a gene that could be activated in such a way that we would blindly follow the instructions that government gives to us.

October 1938: Hitler (standing in the Mercedes) drives through the crowd in Cheb (German: Eger), part of the German-populated Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia, which was annexed to Nazi Germany because of the Munich Agreement.

They want us to fall into line just the way the German population during the era of the German Third Reich blindly obeyed Adolf Hitler without looking behind the curtain. If corporations and the government say, “Don’t look behind the curtain,” then this gene will prevent most of us from tugging on the fabric of deception, that is, unless our little dog happens to jump out of our arms and show us the truth.

Is Modern Day American Genetics Leading us Down the Same Path as Nazi Germany’s Eugenics?

Full Article (http://healthimpactnews.com/2015/mapping-the-genome-and-modern-genetics-eugenics-repackaged-for-modern-times/).

07-04-2015, 12:08 PM
If we combine Eugenics and Transhumanism then this will lead to a caste system in society. If people do not get the "Modifications" then they will be at a disadvantage to people who do have them. Eventually you will have to get them in order to function in society. I am also concerned that the government will have a monopoly on these "Modification" services.