View Full Version : Brad Hoff “The mainstream media writing about the conflict in Syria just completely failed

06-18-2015, 10:29 AM
Truth In Media exclusive:

Military veteran and journalist Brad Hoff has a unique perspective of Syria after living there off and on for years.

“I ended up settling down in Syria, and loved the culture, loved the people,” he said to Joshua Cook in an exclusive interview.

Hoff said that of course he saw problems there, but the typical stereotypes that he had of the region shattered.

“Got really interested in how the media was covering Syria, and that’s what really got me involved in writing about the place,” he explained. “The mainstream media writing about the conflict in Syria just completely failed on so many fronts.”

Listen to whole interview: http://truthinmedia.com/exclusive-brad-hoff-discusses-dia-report-mainstream-media-coverage-of-syria/

06-18-2015, 10:39 AM
Just completely failed at what?

Just completely failed the truth? Just completely failed to sell the U.S. public a war there? Or, having abandoned the truth early in order to try to sell the war instead, did they fail both?

And they report on their own failing reputations with such wide-eyed wonder at this inexplicable situation.