View Full Version : FoxNews avoids Fast Track Trade Authority is unconstitutional

06-04-2015, 07:05 AM
Wednesday evening during the 6 o’clock hour, FoxNews reported on the president’s strategy to secure fast track trade promotion authority in the House. But instead of reporting that the powers which the president wants to exercise as mentioned in the “Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015” (Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority which just passed the Senate) are powers exclusively placed in Congress’ hands, FoxNews decided to ignored the proposed usurpation of power and switched the subject by talking about the Pacific Rim free trade deal, which is an entirely different matter than Obama seeking to usurp Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority.

It seems our big media is intentionally avoiding any discussion concerning the unconstitutionality of fast track trade promotion authority as found in the “Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015”. However, our Constitution is crystal clear with regard to who is in charge of regulating commerce with foreign nations!

Congress is assigned exclusive power to "regulate commerce with foreign nations".

Congress has exclusive power to enact legislation.

Congress also has exclusive power to lay and collect tariffs at our water's edge.

And, all bills raising revenue [and this includes decisions affecting tariffs] shall originate in the House of Representatives.

The above provisions of our Constitution, having been placed in Congress’ hands, exclude the president from exercising such powers. The irrefutable fact is, there is no provision in our Constitution allowing the president to negotiate regulations of commerce with foreign nations and then molding them into a Bill and sending it to Congress for an approval or disapproval by a mere majority vote.

Bills regulating commerce, which is statutory law, are to be authored by Congress, debated, amended as needed to reflect the interests of the States and the people, and when passed by both Houses are to be sent to the President for his signature or veto. This is how our representative system of government is supposed to work under our Constitution.

In effect, Fast Track Trade Promotion authority proposes to allow the president to exercise Congress’ legislative powers with reference to regulations of commerce, and leave Congress with the president’s approval or veto power, and as such, circumvents the States and People’s representatives from their constitutionally assigned legislative powers.

FTTPA is a blatant attack upon our representative system of government with respect to making laws regulating commerce with foreign nations. And yet, FoxNews continues to ignore this attempt by the President to usurp Congress’ assigned powers.

The bottom line is, a constitutional amendment would have to be passed to allow the president to exercise the powers contained in the current Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority Bill that just passed the Senate. So, why is FoxNews not reporting that our Senate has passed a Bill [the “Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015”] which proposes to allow the president to usurp Congress' exclusive powers? Why is there no objections from FoxNews concerning the Senate’s proposal to circumvent our representative system of government by allowing the president to usurp Congress’ exclusive legislative powers as applied to regulations of commerce?

To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

06-05-2015, 03:52 PM
It seems apparent by now that our big media personalities are in the tank for the advocates of FTTPA. Even FoxNews' media personalities seem to avoid discussing the unconstitutionality of Fast Track Trade Authority being exercised by our president. I say this because I have not heard one peep from Chris Wallace, Bill O'rielly, Sean Hannity, Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley, Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Juan Williams, Megyn Kelly, or Neil Cavuto, how Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority proposes to allow the president to usurp Congress' exclusive legislative powers with regard to making laws regulating commerce with foreign nations.

Just the other day (6-4-15) Neil Cavuto had Ted Cruz on and failed to ask him why he voted to allow Obama to usurp Congress’ legislative powers in addition to excluding the States and People’s representatives from preforming their constitutionally assigned legislative functions___ creating a bill regulating commerce with foreign nations, debating it, amending it to reflect the general welfare of the United States and the best interests of the American people, and then sending it to the president for his signature or veto. Instead, Ted Cruz voted to allow the president to exercise Congress' exclusive legislative powers while leaving Congress with the president’s veto power, and this vote under TPA, to approve what the president has cooked up, only requires a majority vote by Congress and not the constitutionally required two thirds approval as commanded by our Constitution for deals with foreign nations our president would like to make the law of the land.

TPA as written in the “Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015” is an irrefutable and blatant attack upon our representative system of government and our Constitution's separation of powers, and yet, FoxNews media personalities are not questioning Republican candidates running to be president who are now in the Senate [Rubio and Cruz] why they voted for this nefarious and unconstitutional power being handed to our president! WHY?


" I believe that there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ___ Madison Elliot`s Debates, vol. III, page 87 (http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=lled&fileName=003/lled003.db&recNum=98&itemLink)

06-09-2015, 06:36 PM
This evening, Bret Baier, host of Fox News’s Special Report, while interviewing Majority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, gave him a pass when discussing an important issue concerning Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority. When the issue came up Mitch McConnell said he really wasn’t too concerned about what’s in Obama’s deal with foreign nations because Congress gets to read it and vote to approve or disapprove the deal.

What Mitch McConnell did not say is, under the currently proposed Fast Track Trade Promotion Bill which just passed the Senate, Obama’s deal with a number of foreign countries merely requires a majority vote to become law, and not the two-thirds approval required by our Constitution for any deals which our President consummates with foreign countries!

And why did our wise founding fathers require a two-thirds vote? Hamilton explains why in Federalist No. 75 with respect to the President’s treaty making authority. Hamilton points out the President was not granted an arbitrary power to make “CONTRACTS with foreign nations, which have the force of law” because he:

“might sometimes be under temptations to sacrifice his duty to his interest, which it would require superlative virtue to withstand. An avaricious man might be tempted to betray the interests of the state to the acquisition of wealth. An ambitious man might make his own aggrandizement, by the aid of a foreign power, the price of his treachery to his constituents. The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which concern its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States.”

So instead of Bret Baier questioning Mitch McConnell on the constitutionality of the “Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015” which lowers the necessary vote threshold to a mere majority vote for a deal cooked up by the President with a number of foreign countries, which irrefutably violates our Founders expressed intentions, Bret Baier decided to give Mitch McConnell, a Washington Establishment and Global Governance Operative, a pass.

As I write this, Paul Ryan is on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren . . . will the two thirds vote requirement be brought up? I doubt it.

Well, Greta allowed Paul Ryan to also avoid addressing the unconstitutionality of lowering the two thirds vote threshold to a simple majority.

Now tell me Fox News is not in the tank for our Washington Establishment Global Governance crowd.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

06-10-2015, 11:35 AM
Fox News is running an ad promoting Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority as being a conservative idea to advance free trade. The truth is, FTTPA is not a “conservative” idea nor is it about “free trade”. It’s about creating a managed trade, managed by a group unelected by the American People who represent the interests of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation, and a majority of whom are foreigners!

This crap started with the NAFTA, and for the proof of what I have just stated above see Establishment of Binational Panels (http://www.sice.oas.org/trade/nafta/chap-192.asp#An1901.2) which were created under the NAFTA, and who now regulate America's commerce with foreign nations instead of Congress [the States and People’s elected representatives] as mandated by our Constitution.

Fast Track Trade Authority is to enhance the above “managed trade”, which is not managed by the Congress of the United States [the States and People’s representatives] who have exclusive power to regulate commerce with foreign nations. Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority is a proposal to circumvent Congress’ exclusive power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and have internationalists dictate the rules for America’s commerce with foreign nations.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.