View Full Version : Converted 2 people today maybe 3

12-05-2007, 01:06 AM

12-05-2007, 01:27 AM
That war isn't about protecting the country...if it was why to all the other candidates leave our borders wide open? If you want to protect our country secure our borders first not other countries. Ron Paul's plan would protect our country in several different ways, instead of getting side tracked into nation building. He keeps his eye on the ball and would hunt down our real enemies. Tell your co-worker you hunt down terrorists with good police work, world cooperation, and the special forces...not rolling out the tanks like its WW II. That's how we caught Ramse Usef. At the sametime by focusing in on our enemies we cut down on killing innocent people and occupying countries which incites the next generation of terrorists. It's a multi front approach Paul would take. Think of terrorists as a fly and Bush policy is to take the biggest sledge hammer you find to try to kill it...bottom line the fly is too fast and gets away. Paul's approach would be to use a swatter, fly paper, and to shut the screen door.


1. Our borders are wide open so how serious are these candidates about or security really?

2. Paul wouldn't get distracted by nation building other countries and would focus on real threats.

Mental Dribble
12-05-2007, 01:29 AM
We have the strongest military in the world. We can keep them from coming here simply by enforcing strong border protection and working with other countries to share security data

12-05-2007, 01:39 AM
I would just explain to him that there's a reason why they hate us. Then explain the importance of bringing troops home and protecting our borders. If he just can't get past that, then let him be. He has the right to think what he wants. Plus it may put him off more if you become too aggressive. If he's really interested in getting the right person in office, he'll look more into Ron Paul.

12-05-2007, 01:55 AM
Please do not just convince them. Complete the "conversion". Get them to register on the campaign website, make sure you can contact them on the day of your primary, and make sure they are registered to vote.

Talking to people is good, but take it to the next step. Ask them to vote for Ron Paul. One of the grassroots training videos highlighted that people don't vote, because no one asks them.

Get these people to count when we are weighed and measured.

12-05-2007, 02:10 AM
Work on the 2 you've already convince to become active volunteers like yourself. Encourage them to vote in the primaries. Oh and honestly move on from the pro-war guy, it's most likely a waste of your time.

Just Come Home
12-05-2007, 02:12 AM
Was at work today and someone brought up politics in the lunch room so I naturally had to chime in about DR. Paul. 2 of them immediately took to his get out of Iraq and abolish the IRS ideas. Converted them from Hilary to Dr. Paul. Now the other was all about staying in Iraq and "fighting them over there" kinda guy. He liked Dr. Pauls ideas on the IRS and the FED but he said he could not support him because of his get out of Iraq policy. I told him to do more research on Dr. Paul which he said he would do, but I just could not sway him on Iraq...any good ideas on that?

Just ask him if he would then consider supporting the candidate who will clearly define victory in Iraq. Tell him the important thing here is the troops. If we can't get them out, then they at least deserve someone who will clearly communicate why they're there, and what the definition of victory is.

12-05-2007, 03:08 AM
Just let him know we are going bankrupt like the Soviet Union did. Our military is split basically 50-50 on Iraq. About 50% want to get out now, 50% don't mind the current course of staying. Give him Rudy's Reading list...if he reads, that will open his mind.

12-05-2007, 03:39 AM

12-05-2007, 04:44 AM
That war isn't about protecting the country...if it was why to all the other candidates leave our borders wide open? If you want to protect our country secure our borders first not other countries. Ron Paul's plan would protect our country in several different ways, instead of getting side tracked into nation building. He keeps his eye on the ball and would hunt down our real enemies. Tell your co-worker you hunt down terrorists with good police work, world cooperation, and the special forces...not rolling out the tanks like its WW II. That's how we caught Ramse Usef. At the sametime by focusing in on our enemies we cut down on killing innocent people and occupying countries which incites the next generation of terrorists. It's a multi front approach Paul would take. Think of terrorists as a fly and Bush policy is to take the biggest sledge hammer you find to try to kill it...bottom line the fly is too fast and gets away. Paul's approach would be to use a swatter, fly paper, and to shut the screen door.


1. Our borders are wide open so how serious are these candidates about or security really?

2. Paul wouldn't get distracted by nation building other countries and would focus on real threats.

I love the fly analogy... I think I'll use that.

To add to it, as an intro... it's not like we're fighting someone strong here. These people have no army, no navy, no air force. They are not some strong tiger-like beast that needs to be beat down with massive force. They're a ragtag group of indivuals using box cutters, dynamite, small arms... like flies--dangerous flies, but flies nonetheless.... then your analogy. :P