View Full Version : 'Straight Pride' Posters Appear On Ohio's Youngstown State University Campus

04-24-2015, 08:29 AM
Students at an Ohio university say they were "blindsided" earlier this week after homophobic messages appeared around campus.

I fail to see anything "homophobic" in this poster.....


Then again I must be a "dominant societal cohort" that just doesn't get it.

The YSU student government association released a statement after the incident criticizing the "straight pride" posters:

When individuals belong to dominant societal cohorts (Caucasian, male, heterosexual, etc.) it is very easy to state "We have nothing against your sexual orientation" and to claim that efforts to raise awareness are "annoying." For minorities who every day face discrimination and marginalization, such efforts are necessary -- without zeal and persistence, sociology teaches that minority concerns very easily go by the wayside. Thus, dismissing the efforts of LGBTQIA students to push for equitable treatment as unnecessary is dangerous because it catalyzes discrimination, whether meant to do so or not.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/23/straight-pride-posters-youngstown-state-university_n_7120038.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp0000059 2

04-24-2015, 08:40 AM
I fail to see anything "homophobic" in this poster.....


Then again I must be a "dominant societal cohort" that just doesn't get it.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/23/straight-pride-posters-youngstown-state-university_n_7120038.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp0000059 2


That's priceless. If you "just don't give a f**k", well surprise, b***h, you're a homophobe!

04-24-2015, 08:42 AM

That's priceless. If you "just don't give a f**k", well surprise, b***h, you're a homophobe!

Calling me "b***h" insults my feminist pride. You need sensitivity training. Reported.

04-24-2015, 08:52 AM
Yes, one can say "why don't you just keep your sexual preferences to yourself." And there is truth to that. But on the other hand, heterosexuals have never been imprisoned or executed for their sexual orientation so they never had to band together and push back at the mainstream culture. In a very real sense, prohibition of homosexuality led directly to the gay pride parade. If there had never been persecution of homosexuals, there would never have been a gay pride movement. And since there never has been persecution of heterosexuals, a "heterosexual pride" event is just stupid.

On the other hand, heterosexual fornicators and sodomites HAVE been persecuted historically, so a "Fornicator Pride" or "Sodomite Pride" event would make sense.

04-24-2015, 08:57 AM
This is a very dangerous poster. If not stopped here, could quickly spread across America.. churches, pizza places etc.

04-24-2015, 09:18 AM
Pride about one's sexual preferences is silly. (sorry HB)

04-24-2015, 09:20 AM
Gosh, did they wear ass-included chaps?

04-24-2015, 09:21 AM
Pride about one's sexual preferences is silly. (sorry HB)

My wife is hot, I'm quite proud of that.

04-24-2015, 09:25 AM
Yes, one can say "why don't you just keep your sexual preferences to yourself." And there is truth to that. But on the other hand, heterosexuals have never been imprisoned or executed for their sexual orientation so they never had to band together and push back at the mainstream culture. In a very real sense, prohibition of homosexuality led directly to the gay pride parade. If there had never been persecution of homosexuals, there would never have been a gay pride movement. And since there never has been persecution of heterosexuals, a "heterosexual pride" event is just stupid.

On the other hand, heterosexual fornicators and sodomites HAVE been persecuted historically, so a "Fornicator Pride" or "Sodomite Pride" event would make sense.

There's never been persecution of homosexuals, either.

04-24-2015, 09:54 AM
I don't buy the notion that past persecution means everyone must overcompensate today. That gets into the Oppression Olympics mindset and the zeitgeist that glorifies The Victim. Actually few people have floated through life without any adversity. True equality would be when no one notices you or gives you special treatment.

Marijuana users have had more consistent persecution than homosexuals and continue to be arrested even today. For the most part they just want to be left alone, and they don't display an organized desire for attention when laws have changed in their favor.

04-24-2015, 10:14 AM
Well what some homosexuals seem to think is that everyone has to accept them as normal people. But some of us think that gay sex is sick as in disgusting and entirely wrong from a biological point of view.

So this whole over the top campaign to force people to accept that sick behavior as "normal" is going to fail and in my experience will backfire as people who otherwise wouldn't think about homosexuality as a part of their normal thoughtprocess are now having it slammed down their throats.

I don't care what you do in your private time. But if you are going to tell me what you do, and I think it's nasty, I'm gonna tell you that. You dont want me to tell you how I feel about your private business, then don't tell me anything about it.

Fuck a bunch of gay pride.

04-24-2015, 10:51 AM
Well what some homosexuals seem to think is that everyone has to accept them as normal people. But some of us think that gay sex is sick as in disgusting and entirely wrong from a biological point of view.

So this whole over the top campaign to force people to accept that sick behavior as "normal" is going to fail and in my experience will backfire as people who otherwise wouldn't think about homosexuality as a part of their normal thoughtprocess are now having it slammed down their throats.

I don't care what you do in your private time. But if you are going to tell me what you do, and I think it's nasty, I'm gonna tell you that. You dont want me to tell you how I feel about your private business, then don't tell me anything about it.

Fuck a bunch of gay pride.

So you don't like this? How could you not?


04-24-2015, 10:52 AM
So you don't like this? How could you not?

 gYHCggHRwlHRcYITEhJSkrLi4uHB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGywlICQyLywvLzQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwtLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIALcBEwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAADAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQYAAwcBAgj/xAA/EAABAgQEAwYDBwMDAwUAAAABAhEAAwQhBRIxQVFhcQYTIoGRoT KxwQcUI0LR4fBScoJisvEVkqIkM2PC4v/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAQIFAAb/xAA0EQACAgEDAQYFAgYCAwAAAAABAgARAwQhMRIFEyJBUWEycZ HB8IGxBhRC0eHxodIjUpL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AItNKZaik/C7pMXPY+ozzJdrgEO+5ERs+rTOQLeIX6wz7N1ndzEFNgfYwpZj Qo8To2FvMlzAraYoDyMZS17K7uZr+U8RwPONGC1YTKmLaxnfMi NnaCmZlja/6xwcobE4qDsY3SY2JMJ6Kae7JBdmtyh7S0C1h05fVj8oaTKrQD IVnyDH2FR6vDpw/J7p/WJnHMTmS1FHwkBze99uUGRepqE5V6thKfNHtFOzTEgB0g+JX5Q 2z7l45lNxgvqfWKHs/wBpWCUTFWJCUFnLksBbbntFdbhz4sJyYxdcjzr2hGwULJnTwY9 icocXQSyVpUdwCD8oonhLS6nvl3Ug+h2gmAHBnsZGRkNSsyNc7 SNkaao+ExV/hMleYrwkOtZ6QZi2HonyyiYAQeMCYWnVXExsqcTCUqKh8PCF8d d3R84VxbT8/drcLlyKtcqWXSG/eJiuOZZbpFbjs1EypmzFKdyWSjxK1LB9B7nlCL4CxIkv+VPinH 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04-24-2015, 01:12 PM
I don't buy the notion that past persecution means everyone must overcompensate today. That gets into the Oppression Olympics mindset and the zeitgeist that glorifies The Victim. Actually few people have floated through life without any adversity. True equality would be when no one notices you or gives you special treatment. .

I'm not saying it's a GOOD thing. Pride of any kind is properly considered a vice by most spiritual traditions.

I'm simply pointing out that there is a historical reason for homosexuality becoming a political movement and distinguishing it from heterosexuality. And hence the stupidity of the poster. A better poster would say something like "OKAY! we are sorry for all the putting you in jail and mental institutions and stuff. But that's all over now so can we just get back to keeping sex in the bedroom?"

Marijuana users have had more consistent persecution than homosexuals and continue to be arrested even today. For the most part they just want to be left alone, and they don't display an organized desire for attention when laws have changed in their favor.

Very interesting that you should draw this analogy. Not more than two days ago a collegue of mine was in my office bitching about how the medical mj people are constantly trumpeting how wonderful mj is and that they should just shut up about it. I made the idential point then that I have made about gay pride: if you hadn't spent a hundred years ruining people's lives over smoking a few flowers they wouldn't have to have a political and social movement. I even drew the analogy in the opposite direction to the gay movement. Same thing, in my opinion. When you try and police lifestyle choices, don't bitch when the people you have been messing with get organized and fight back.

04-24-2015, 01:14 PM
So you don't like this? How could you not?


People do stupid, repulsive, self-destructive things with their freedom. Mind your own business. Problem solved.

04-24-2015, 01:18 PM
SOME People do stupid, repulsive, self-destructive things with their freedom. Mind your own business. Problem solved.


Some people do some simply amazing and miraculous things that benefit all of mankind. But yes. In both cases. Mind your own business and problem solved.

Christian Liberty
04-24-2015, 01:20 PM
Yes, one can say "why don't you just keep your sexual preferences to yourself." And there is truth to that. But on the other hand, heterosexuals have never been imprisoned or executed for their sexual orientation so they never had to band together and push back at the mainstream culture. In a very real sense, prohibition of homosexuality led directly to the gay pride parade. If there had never been persecution of homosexuals, there would never have been a gay pride movement. And since there never has been persecution of heterosexuals, a "heterosexual pride" event is just stupid.

On the other hand, heterosexual fornicators and sodomites HAVE been persecuted historically, so a "Fornicator Pride" or "Sodomite Pride" event would make sense.

"Persecution" of perversity... lol...


04-24-2015, 01:22 PM
People do stupid, repulsive, self-destructive things with their freedom. Mind your own business. Problem solved.

I can't see the pic but this attitude is wrong.

You are supposed to love your neighbor. If he's doing wrong things you're NOT supposed to mind your own business you're supposed to tell them they are doing wrong things. If you let your neighbor wallow in self-destructive behavior, you're not "respecting their privacy" you are hating them. Plain and simple.

Leviticus 19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.


04-24-2015, 01:23 PM
Pride about one's sexual preferences is silly. (sorry HB)

Condolences to you and eduardo as well, comrade.

04-24-2015, 01:35 PM
I can't see the pic but this attitude is wrong.

You are supposed to love your neighbor. If he's doing wrong things you're NOT supposed to mind your own business you're supposed to tell them they are doing wrong things. If you let your neighbor wallow in self-destructive behavior, you're not "respecting their privacy" you are hating them. Plain and simple.

Leviticus 19:17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.


You can rebuke them all you want. Just don't murder them or lock them up.

For those who are somehow under the impression that homosexuality has not been the subject of persecution, here is Douchebag Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the SCOTUS writing in Bower v. Hardwick, a case upholding a Georgia law outlawing sodomy for homosexuals:

"As the Court notes, ante at 192, the proscriptions against sodomy have very "ancient roots." Decisions of individuals relating to homosexual conduct have been subject to state intervention throughout the history of Western civilization. Condemnation of those practices is firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian moral and ethical standards. Homosexual sodomy was a capital crime under Roman law. See Code Theod. 9.7.6; Code Just. 9.9.31. See also D. Bailey, Homosexuality [p197] and the Western Christian Tradition 70-81 (1975). During the English Reformation, when powers of the ecclesiastical courts were transferred to the King's Courts, the first English statute criminalizing sodomy was passed. 25 Hen. VIII, ch. 6. Blackstone described "the infamous crime against nature" as an offense of "deeper malignity" than rape, a heinous act "the very mention of which is a disgrace to human nature," and "a crime not fit to be named." 4 W. Blackstone, Commentaries *215. The common law of England, including its prohibition of sodomy, became the received law of Georgia and the other Colonies. In 1816, the Georgia Legislature passed the statute at issue here, and that statute has been continuously in force in one form or another since that time."

Warren went out of his way to write a concurring opinion just to point out that consensual homosexual conduct is WORSE than rape.

04-24-2015, 01:41 PM
"Persecution" of perversity... lol...


Anyone who claims there is no moral difference between rape and consensual sodomy is either a liar or an idiot.

04-24-2015, 01:58 PM
There used to be a large group of gays wearing pink helmets at the St Pat's parade in Chicago. Between the fruitcakes trying to march next to us, and the drunkards lobbing beer bottles at us, it all made for a very interesting/entertaining parade.

I'm not gay, I dont understand it, but I dont take an issue with it. I could care less - gay people dont get special treatment from me, nor do they get mistreatment. As with most collectivist action, the net effect of their activism is probably self segregation. Its really a shame.

I've often wondered why so many people are so outward about their sexuality. I'm kind of ignorant on these things - unless someone's completely flamboyant, its almost impossible for me to distinguish a gay person. I guess they may be trying to identify themselves to others? Being a very small subset of the population may make it difficult to get a partner if one doesn't "advertise".

The late Greg Giraldo - RIP / NSFW


Christian Liberty
04-24-2015, 02:07 PM
Anyone who claims there is no moral difference between rape and consensual sodomy is either a liar or an idiot.

Not "the same" but both are completely perverse and unnatural. The idea that one can be "persecuted" for either is a completely modern and utterly absurd idea.

04-24-2015, 02:15 PM
I want the word "gay" back.

04-24-2015, 02:19 PM
Not "the same" but both are completely perverse and unnatural. The idea that one can be "persecuted" for either is a completely modern and utterly absurd idea.

How many gay people did Jesus kill?

Sam I am
04-24-2015, 02:25 PM
Not "the same" but both are completely perverse and unnatural. The idea that one can be "persecuted" for either is a completely modern and utterly absurd idea.

The difference is that when it's rape, there's at least 1 non-consenting party. When it's consensual anything, by definition, all of the parties are consenting.

that all parties involved consent is the only thing that really matters.

04-24-2015, 02:29 PM
I think the poster is hilarious. :D

04-24-2015, 02:32 PM
People do stupid, repulsive, self-destructive things with their freedom. Mind your own business. Problem solved.

Yes and so should the homosexuals.

04-24-2015, 02:43 PM
I'm not saying it's a GOOD thing. Pride of any kind is properly considered a vice by most spiritual traditions.

I'm simply pointing out that there is a historical reason for homosexuality becoming a political movement and distinguishing it from heterosexuality. And hence the stupidity of the poster. A better poster would say something like "OKAY! we are sorryfor all the putting you in jail and mental institutions and stuff. But that's all over now so can we just get back to keeping sex in the bedroom?"

Why should they apologize for something they did not do? What evidence do you have that the people who are displaying the poster, put anyone in jail, mental institutions and "stuff"?

Very interesting that you should draw this analogy. Not more than two days ago a collegue of mine was in my office bitching about how the medical mj people are constantly trumpeting how wonderful mj is and that they should just shut up about it. I made the idential point then that I have made about gay pride: if you hadn't spent a hundred years ruining people's lives over smoking a few flowers they wouldn't have to have a political and social movement. I even drew the analogy in the opposite direction to the gay movement. Same thing, in my opinion. When you try and police lifestyle choices, don't bitch when the people you have been messing with get organized and fight back.

Hardly anyone gives a crap who or what someone wants to have sex with behind closed doors, as long as it isn't a child. However, that isn't enough, is it, for many gays. They want us all to watch and have their perversion presented as a non-perversion to our school children.

Now, I know that some of you are going to get your panties in a twist over this and frankly, I don't care. I do believe that homosexuality is a perversion and a sin, just like so many other things are. I wouldn't want those things taught as being okey dokey, dandy, to school children, either.

So, go do whatever behind closed doors. But, stop trying to force the rest of us to condone your* actions.

* gay activists

04-24-2015, 02:49 PM
"dominant societal cohort"

This is still cracking me up. I might have to get a t-shirt made.

04-24-2015, 02:54 PM
I think Acala's point, which is a good one, is that the things you are complaining about that they are doing is a reaction to how society treated them in the past. People who didn't like homosexual activity put them in prison and murdered them. If that had never happened, gay people probably wouldn't be acting out quite so much - they wouldn't have an arguably legitimate reason to try and get so much attention.

So Acala's point was, that even though it is debatable whether they should still be using their past persecution to gain attention in the present, it is still essentially the fault of those who imprisoned and killed gay people in the past for why are able to go after so much attention now.

So don't blame gay people as much as the anti-gay people who have and may continue to want to persecute them in the future. They don't have to be the people who made this poster for that to be a legitimate argument.

04-24-2015, 02:55 PM
Not "the same" but both are completely perverse and unnatural. The idea that one can be "persecuted" for either is a completely modern and utterly absurd idea.


mad cow
04-24-2015, 03:59 PM
When individuals belong to dominant societal cohorts (Caucasian, male, heterosexual, etc.)

What do they think the 'D' in BDSM stands for?

I'm being discriminated against!

04-24-2015, 04:08 PM
What do they think the 'D' in BDSM stands for?

I'm being discriminated against!

Dominants unite! Next thing you know the Submisives are gonna want equality. And that is un-natural.

04-24-2015, 04:15 PM
I think Acala's point, which is a good one, is that the things you are complaining about that they are doing is a reaction to how society treated them in the past. People who didn't like homosexual activity put them in prison and murdered them. If that had never happened, gay people probably wouldn't be acting out quite so much - they wouldn't have an arguably legitimate reason to try and get so much attention.

So Acala's point was, that even though it is debatable whether they should still be using their past persecution to gain attention in the present, it is still essentially the fault of those who imprisoned and killed gay people in the past for why are able to go after so much attention now.

So don't blame gay people as much as the anti-gay people who have and may continue to want to persecute them in the future. They don't have to be the people who made this poster for that to be a legitimate argument.

Bullshit. Many want special rights.

04-24-2015, 04:23 PM
How many gay people did Jesus kill?


04-24-2015, 04:27 PM
Not more than two days ago a collegue of mine was in my office bitching about how the medical mj people are constantly trumpeting how wonderful mj is and that they should just shut up about it. I made the idential point then that I have made about gay pride: if you hadn't spent a hundred years ruining people's lives over smoking a few flowers they wouldn't have to have a political and social movement. I even drew the analogy in the opposite direction to the gay movement. Same thing, in my opinion. When you try and police lifestyle choices, don't bitch when the people you have been messing with get organized and fight back.
I confess I haven't been around MMJ folk very much. But I haven't noticed them organizing public parades and awareness weeks nearly as frequently as the sexual identity groups.

Anyway, for something a little more light-hearted ...


04-24-2015, 04:28 PM
How many gay people did Jesus kill?

Jesus didn't kill anyone....yet.

But he will. And just based on raw statistics they'll likely be some gay people in the mix.

The world hasn't seen the Lion of Judah yet.

04-24-2015, 04:36 PM
Jesus didn't kill anyone....yet.

But he will. And just based on raw statistics they'll likely be some gay people in the mix.

The world hasn't seen the Lion of Judah yet.

All Heaven's gonna break loose.


04-24-2015, 04:51 PM
Bullshit. Many want special rights.

That wasn't my argument - my argument was that if gay people hadn't been persecuted, that they wouldn't have any legitimate reason, perceived or otherwise, to be asking for equal rights or any special type of rights because they were already being treated equally.

04-24-2015, 05:10 PM
That wasn't my argument - my argument was that if gay people hadn't been persecuted, that they wouldn't have any legitimate reason, perceived or otherwise, to be asking for equal rights or any special type of rights because they were already being treated equally.

Not necessarily. People demand special rights of all sorts regularly for hosts of silly reasons. Off the top of my head-a "right to privacy". SMDH.

04-24-2015, 05:20 PM
Not necessarily. People demand special rights of all sorts regularly for hosts of silly reasons. Off the top of my head-a "right to privacy". SMDH.

I don't think that is a comparative analogy. Is there a group who has never been persecuted to any extent that goes around telling everybody about how they need to be treated equally or whatever when they always have been and society pays attention to them?

As far as right to privacy, that depends - if I have a letter in a safe on my property, I have a right to keep that letter private. You don't have a right to come look at my letter, neither does the government. I have the right to protect my property.

If I print the private letter out in 96 point font and post it up on the door of City Hall, I don't have the right to claim that the letter be private.

Christian Liberty
04-24-2015, 05:28 PM
I think Acala's point, which is a good one, is that the things you are complaining about that they are doing is a reaction to how society treated them in the past. People who didn't like homosexual activity put them in prison and murdered them. If that had never happened, gay people probably wouldn't be acting out quite so much - they wouldn't have an arguably legitimate reason to try and get so much attention.

So Acala's point was, that even though it is debatable whether they should still be using their past persecution to gain attention in the present, it is still essentially the fault of those who imprisoned and killed gay people in the past for why are able to go after so much attention now.

So don't blame gay people as much as the anti-gay people who have and may continue to want to persecute them in the future. They don't have to be the people who made this poster for that to be a legitimate argument.

Or really what you mean is that its God's fault.

How many gay people did Jesus kill?

How many years did Jesus spend as a civil magistrate?

The difference is that when it's rape, there's at least 1 non-consenting party. When it's consensual anything, by definition, all of the parties are consenting.

that all parties involved consent is the only thing that really matters.

I used to agree with this, but then I realized that open perversion degrades society far more than libertarians think it does.

04-24-2015, 06:03 PM
I think the poster is funny.

Gays using government to force acceptance are just as bad as the christians using government to force hatred.

Slave Mentality
04-24-2015, 06:30 PM
Jesus didn't kill anyone....yet.

But he will. And just based on raw statistics they'll likely be some gay people in the mix.

The world hasn't seen the Lion of Judah yet.

A loving and forgiving God indeed!

04-24-2015, 07:10 PM
I used to agree with this, but then I realized that open perversion degrades society far more than libertarians think it does.

You mean like men shaving their faces?

04-24-2015, 07:12 PM

04-24-2015, 07:13 PM
Are you all so out of touch that no one here has a friend that has been beaten in public for nothing other than being suspected of being gay?

04-24-2015, 07:20 PM
Are you all so out of touch that no one here has a friend that has been beaten in public for nothing other than being suspected of being gay?

This place is a GD echo chamber.
98% of the country is being sodomized by the government, yet RPF is more concerned about the 2% who choose to sodomize each other.

mad cow
04-24-2015, 07:28 PM
Are you all so out of touch that no one here has a friend that has been beaten in public for nothing other than being suspected of being gay?

Absolutely not,nor have I ever heard about any such thing amongst everybody I know.
New Zealand sounds like a rough neighborhood.

Patrick Henry
04-24-2015, 07:38 PM
I want the word "gay" back.

I never use this word to define homosexual. I am tired of the english language being bastardized.

04-24-2015, 07:42 PM

04-24-2015, 07:44 PM
"Pride" is for people who are insecure and seek validation, people who cry bully and want the world to sympathize with their victimhood.

04-24-2015, 07:50 PM
I don't think that is a comparative analogy. Is there a group who has never been persecuted to any extent that goes around telling everybody about how they need to be treated equally or whatever when they always have been and society pays attention to them?

As far as right to privacy, that depends - if I have a letter in a safe on my property, I have a right to keep that letter private. You don't have a right to come look at my letter, neither does the government. I have the right to protect my property.

If I print the private letter out in 96 point font and post it up on the door of City Hall, I don't have the right to claim that the letter be private.

You're thinking of persons and property. That is a legit right and has existed at least since the beginning of classical liberal thought. "Privacy" in the broadest sense can't be a right by its nature. No court or philosopher has been able to justify such a right rationally (that is, with sound reasoning absent of flawed and/or fallacious reasoning).

04-24-2015, 07:56 PM

I never use this word to define homosexual. I am tired of the english language being bastardized.

Meh. Semantic shift is a reality and inevitability of human language. (except perhaps synthetic languages like Esperanto) We just have to deal with it, painful as it may be. Other sadly hijacked/shifted words include "liberal", "anarchy", and "***".

(ETA: Why is RPFs censoring "f@g"? :confused:)

Christian Liberty
04-24-2015, 08:17 PM
Are you all so out of touch that no one here has a friend that has been beaten in public for nothing other than being suspected of being gay?

That's clearly wrong. Nobody's disputing that. Of course, in today's society the "gay" part gets emphasized and the whole "on mere suspicion" thing gets ignored.

04-24-2015, 08:26 PM
This place is a GD echo chamber.
98% of the country is being sodomized by the government, yet RPF is more concerned about the 2% who choose to sodomize each other.

Way to twist what has been said.

04-24-2015, 08:34 PM
That's clearly wrong. Nobody's disputing that. Of course, in today's society the "gay" part gets emphasized and the whole "on mere suspicion" thing gets ignored.

Yes, they should wait until they have concrete evidence before needlessly beating the shit out of someone.

04-24-2015, 08:39 PM
This place is a GD echo chamber.
98% of the country is being sodomized by the government, yet RPF is more concerned about the 2% who choose to sodomize each other.
The culture war is every bit as important - if not more so.

04-24-2015, 08:52 PM
Way to twist what has been said.

Thanks. Care to untwist what I wrote? What is being said? Is this the marquis issue in 2015? Or yet ANOTHER distraction?

04-24-2015, 10:25 PM
Thanks. Care to untwist what I wrote? What is being said? Is this the marquis issue in 2015? Or yet ANOTHER distraction?

Man, don't you know it's 1988 all over again? We need more Dan Quayle and Pat Buchanan's "culture war" if we want to beat those Democrats!

04-24-2015, 11:42 PM
Thanks. Care to untwist what I wrote? What is being said? Is this the marquis issue in 2015? Or yet ANOTHER distraction?
If you're talking in the sense of an election issue, then its meaningless. The point is a larger one, that rampant degeneracy has never improved the civilization it spawned from, and has much more often been a force in its decline. Ignore at your own risk.

04-25-2015, 12:36 AM
I dont understand people's reasoning...
black pride = good. white pride = bad.
gay pride = good. straight pride = bad.
christian pride = bad. muslim pride = good.
women pride = good. men pride = bad.

I dont quite understand what would make one generic group's pride different from another generic group's pride if we are all equal lol.

04-25-2015, 12:58 AM
I dont understand people's reasoning...
black pride = good. white pride = bad.
gay pride = good. straight pride = bad.
christian pride = bad. muslim pride = good.
women pride = good. men pride = bad.

I dont quite understand what would make one generic group's pride different from another generic group's pride if we are all equal lol.

People are not treated equally. When they are, most of this will die.

Nope, not a single one. I haven't had any friends that I know of that have done the beatings either.

Well go find one and talk to one.

04-25-2015, 01:33 AM
I dont understand people's reasoning...
black pride = good. white pride = bad.
gay pride = good. straight pride = bad.
christian pride = bad. muslim pride = good.
women pride = good. men pride = bad.
Cultural Marxism. Get acquainted with the term, it explains so much.

I dont quite understand what would make one generic group's pride different from another generic group's pride if we are all equal lol.
None of us are equal either, BTW.

04-25-2015, 03:58 AM
The poster says what I have been saying for a long time.

04-25-2015, 03:59 AM
Thanks. Care to untwist what I wrote? What is being said? Is this the marquis issue in 2015? Or yet ANOTHER distraction?

You claimed that people here cared about whether two men sodomized each other.

Let me repeat...

Hardly anyone gives a crap who or what someone wants to have sex with behind closed doors, as long as it isn't a child. However, that isn't enough, is it, for many gays. They want us all to watch and have their perversion presented as a non-perversion to our school children.

Now, I know that some of you are going to get your panties in a twist over this and frankly, I don't care. I do believe that homosexuality is a perversion and a sin, just like so many other things are. I wouldn't want those things taught as being okey dokey, dandy, to school children, either.

So, go do whatever behind closed doors. But, stop trying to force the rest of us to condone your* actions.

* gay activists

04-25-2015, 05:28 AM
Have you ever considered that this:

They want us all to watch

Is blowback from this:

So, go do whatever behind closed doors.

04-25-2015, 07:40 PM
I'm not saying it's a GOOD thing. Pride of any kind is properly considered a vice by most spiritual traditions.

I'm simply pointing out that there is a historical reason for homosexuality becoming a political movement and distinguishing it from heterosexuality. And hence the stupidity of the poster. A better poster would say something like "OKAY! we are sorry for all the putting you in jail and mental institutions and stuff. But that's all over now so can we just get back to keeping sex in the bedroom?"

Jail? Mental institutions? When did this happen, the middle ages?

04-25-2015, 09:14 PM
I think Acala's point, which is a good one, is that the things you are complaining about that they are doing is a reaction to how society treated them in the past. People who didn't like homosexual activity put them in prison and murdered them. If that had never happened, gay people probably wouldn't be acting out quite so much - they wouldn't have an arguably legitimate reason to try and get so much attention.

So Acala's point was, that even though it is debatable whether they should still be using their past persecution to gain attention in the present, it is still essentially the fault of those who imprisoned and killed gay people in the past for why are able to go after so much attention now.

So don't blame gay people as much as the anti-gay people who have and may continue to want to persecute them in the future. They don't have to be the people who made this poster for that to be a legitimate argument.

I think people are blowing up the "gay persecution" in the past way out of proportion. How many people actually got arrested for sodomy? I know there was a S.C. case involving a Texas law against sodomy, but I don't remember the nature of the alleged offense. Even still, though, the sodomy law applied to everyone, not just gay people, so I continue to hold that there has never been any institutionalized government persecution of gay people as a group.

As for the supposed hate crimes against gays, I think all Ron Paul supporters should know better than to call that "persecution." Secondly, how prevalent was that, really? Murderers will murder for just about anything, so I don't see the parallels here between the bigotry gays faced and the bigotry black people faced. The whole persecution of gays thing is a myth.

04-25-2015, 09:20 PM
That wasn't my argument - my argument was that if gay people hadn't been persecuted, that they wouldn't have any legitimate reason, perceived or otherwise, to be asking for equal rights or any special type of rights because they were already being treated equally.

They still don't have any reason. They never did. There was no "persecution." It's just being used as an excuse despite being very minor in comparison to what black people went through. You can expect a few bigots here and there but it got blown out of proportion as some sort of widespread societal problem even though it wasn't.

04-25-2015, 09:22 PM
I don't think that is a comparative analogy. Is there a group who has never been persecuted to any extent that goes around telling everybody about how they need to be treated equally or whatever when they always have been and society pays attention to them?

The fact that they're being listened to is just a result of the propaganda in their favor. "***** eye for the straight guy", anyone?

04-25-2015, 09:24 PM
Are you all so out of touch that no one here has a friend that has been beaten in public for nothing other than being suspected of being gay?

I must be out of touch because I have no idea what you're even referring to. When has that ever happened?

04-25-2015, 09:30 PM
That's clearly wrong. Nobody's disputing that. Of course, in today's society the "gay" part gets emphasized and the whole "on mere suspicion" thing gets ignored.

Except it doesn't happen. When has anyone been beaten in public to the cheers of the crowd for being gay? It's not a societal problem until that happens.

04-26-2015, 06:50 AM
Except it doesn't happen. When has anyone been beaten in public to the cheers of the crowd for being gay? It's not a societal problem until that happens.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_violence_against_LGBT_people_in_the_Uni ted_States


04-26-2015, 04:36 PM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_violence_against_LGBT_people_in_the_Uni ted_States


I don't see anything at those links about gays being beaten in public to the cheers of the crowd.

04-26-2015, 05:21 PM

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_violence_against_LGBT_people_in_the_Uni ted_States

The acts of individual deranged psychotics is not necessarily a comment on the civilization they come from.

04-26-2015, 05:37 PM
How many gay people did Jesus kill?

Since Jesus didn't specifically address homosexuality (as far as I know) some people like to use this to excuse their perversion.

However I don't see where he specifically addressed beating your wife, rape, beastiality, etc. either.
In Jesus encounter with the woman at the well it's apparent that God's design for sex was between a husband and a wife. Furthermore Christ's words aren't the only divinely inspired words. The apostle Paul addresses the sin of homosexuality.

04-26-2015, 06:01 PM

Sam I am
04-26-2015, 06:06 PM
I dont understand people's reasoning...
black pride = good. white pride = bad.
gay pride = good. straight pride = bad.
christian pride = bad. muslim pride = good.
women pride = good. men pride = bad.

I dont quite understand what would make one generic group's pride different from another generic group's pride if we are all equal lol.

To be realistic, the 'straight pride' poster wasn't so much about pride in being straight as it was about making fun of gay pride. That last paragraph of the poster removed all plausible dependability that his was the case.

04-26-2015, 06:19 PM
"Pride" is for people who are insecure and seek validation, people who cry bully and want the world to sympathize with their victimhood.

So what happened to you? You're not expressing any of your progressive pride on this forum. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I thought the progressive proudly trumpeted the virtues of progressivism. :confused:

04-26-2015, 06:58 PM
So what happened to you? You're not expressing any of your progressive pride on this forum. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I thought the progressive proudly trumpeted the virtues of progressivism. :confused:

I'm not progressive and I don't have to express my pride about anything (not off my head at least).

04-26-2015, 07:05 PM
A loving and forgiving God indeed!

Don't forget "Just God", since that's the relevant part to my post.

You reap what you sow. You have to seek forgiveness to get it. If you go through life being a douche and unrepentant you get what's coming to you. I don't know why anyone would want it any different.

Do you disapprove of justice or something? Or do you just enjoy mocking God in general?

04-26-2015, 07:05 PM
I'm not progressive and I don't have to express my pride about anything (not off my head at least).

No need to be ashamed, comrade.

04-26-2015, 07:06 PM
The acts of individual deranged psychotics is not necessarily a comment on the civilization they come from.

And the police raids on gay establishments in the 40s, 50s, and 60s?

What about separate sentencing guidelines for the same crime?

04-26-2015, 07:14 PM
And there is truth to that. But on the other hand, heterosexuals have never been imprisoned or executed for their sexual orientation so they never had to band together and push back at the mainstream culture..

Lie or ignorant. There has been quite a bit against even heterosexual orientation.

04-26-2015, 07:15 PM
And the police raids on gay establishments in the 40s, 50s, and 60s?
Five, six decades ago that might have been a problem, yes. The culture has changed considerably since the mid-20th century - mostly for the worst In my opinion, but I digress.

What about separate sentencing guidelines for the same crime?
Such as?

04-26-2015, 07:33 PM
Five, six decades ago that might have been a problem, yes. The culture has changed considerably since the mid-20th century - mostly for the worst In my opinion, but I digress.

The whole point is why they act the way they do. Gay pride parades honor the anniversary of a police raid on a gay establishment. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots)

Such as?


04-26-2015, 07:52 PM
Lie or ignorant. There has been quite a bit against even heterosexual orientation.

Imprisoned or executed??

04-26-2015, 07:57 PM
PRB and The Count,

I don't really know why you're on this site, either paid or doing this as part of your job. There are people who are going to be on this site with multiple points of view. It's hardly monolithic here. So, threads like this really do not fit your goal of discouraging members here or even attempting to drastically diminish site traffic.

Your anti-liberty progressivism does not fit threads like this. You need to dig deeper and work harder if you want to make your impact here. Now get your asses in gear and be more productive. Thank you.

04-26-2015, 08:15 PM
PRB and The Count,

I don't really know why you're on this site, either paid or doing this as part of your job. There are people who are going to be on this site with multiple points of view. It's hardly monolithic here. So, threads like this really do not fit your goal of discouraging members here or even attempting to drastically diminish site traffic.

Your anti-liberty progressivism does not fit threads like this. You need to dig deeper and work harder if you want to make your impact here. Now get your asses in gear and be more productive. Thank you.


You know this site gets like 1/1000th of the traffic that Huff Post gets. Let's not take ourselves too seriously. We are the island of misfit toys. If there actually are some informant types assigned to this site I feel sorry for them and would like to make them as comfortable as possible.

We are not William Wallace, or V for Vendetta, or Aragorn.

We are the musicians on the titanic.

04-26-2015, 08:29 PM
The whole point is why they act the way they do. Gay pride parades honor the anniversary of a police raid on a gay establishment. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots)
I'm well aware of the Stonewall riots, but it has no relevance in the modern cultural paradigm, especially with my fellow millennials I'm not saying there has never been institutional brutalization of gays, I'm saying it's not not something we have to contend with now. Gays have no more to fear from the state than modern black nationalist groups do.

That isn't a double standard in law, it was a decision that struck down unenforceable statute. When was the last time pre-03 that someone was actually prosecuted for "sodomy"?

04-26-2015, 08:33 PM
Let's not take ourselves too seriously.

I was thinking that too. I just wonder why this group takes this site so seriously. I really think it's to keep numbers from swelling. Imagine a Paul campaign with a huge forum presence instead of what it is now. It really makes a statement. These guys post religiously on this site. I even offered bets to them where the loser leaves the site for good. None of them took me up on it. I even lowered the stakes to one month, and still no takers.

Huffington Post is relatively new in the decades old media landscape. Daily Paul shut down and Freesteader is more theoretical, so that leaves RPF as pretty much the forum for Paul. You could really see it grow in the next 18 months, so expect to see more anti-liberty people here.

04-26-2015, 08:46 PM
I'm well aware of the Stonewall riots, but it has no relevance in the modern cultural paradigm, especially with my fellow millennials I'm not saying there has never been institutional brutalization of gays, I'm saying it's not not something we have to contend with now. Gays have no more to fear from the state than modern black nationalist groups do.

Again, the discussion was about why gays do the things that they do. That's why.

That isn't a double standard in law

The law stated that, for the same sex act, it was either legal or illegal depending on the genders of the people involved. Texas repealed its statute that made all anal and oral sex illegal regardless of genders and replaced it with a new statute where oral and anal sex was only illegal if both people involved were of the same gender.

Here's another example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_v._Limon

it was a decision that struck down unenforceable statute. When was the last time pre-03 that someone was actually prosecuted for "sodomy"?

You... realize that that is what this case is about, that the thing that caused the case was a prosecution for sodomy?

04-26-2015, 09:52 PM
PRB and The Count,

I don't really know why you're on this site, either paid or doing this as part of your job.

If you don't know, you can ask, and try to be a little open minded if you really want to know, instead of accusing.

I am on here for the same reason others are : to share news and discuss issues that matter to me, to get Rand Paul and other liberty minded politicians elected.

I am not paid to be on here, and "doing it as part of a job" would also mean being paid, why is that so hard for you to imagine or understand?

There are people who are going to be on this site with multiple points of view. It's hardly monolithic here.

Apparently monolithic enough that you'd be so sure I'm a fake or paid shill.

So, threads like this really do not fit your goal of discouraging members here or even attempting to drastically diminish site traffic.

I am not here to discourage members or diminish traffic, although I'd like it if the liberty movement had less conspiracy theorists, 9/11 truthers, chemtrailers.

Your anti-liberty progressivism does not fit threads like this. You need to dig deeper and work harder if you want to make your impact here. Now get your asses in gear and be more productive. Thank you.

What anti-liberty progressivism???

04-26-2015, 09:59 PM
I was thinking that too. I just wonder why this group takes this site so seriously.

If you keep thinking there's an evil monkey in your closet, you'll keep pulling your hair trying to figure this out.

Instead, consider we're just like you, people with free time to chat, why is that so hard?

I really think it's to keep numbers from swelling. Imagine a Paul campaign with a huge forum presence instead of what it is now.

Imagine? Are you saying a forum's presence isn't as big as it can or should because of some people on here??

It really makes a statement. These guys post religiously on this site. I even offered bets to them where the loser leaves the site for good. None of them took me up on it. I even lowered the stakes to one month, and still no takers.

I got nothing to gain by betting with you. I post as much as you do, somehow I'm the bad guy.

Huffington Post is relatively new in the decades old media landscape. Daily Paul shut down and Freesteader is more theoretical, so that leaves RPF as pretty much the forum for Paul. You could really see it grow in the next 18 months, so expect to see more anti-liberty people here.

I'm sure with more people coming, more opposition will too, I argue with anti-liberty people too, why do you insist i am one of them?

04-26-2015, 10:00 PM
You... realize that that is what this case is about, that the thing that caused the case was a prosecution for sodomy?

this case cased Ron Paul to make a famous quote.

"Ridiculous as sodomy laws may be, there clearly is no right to privacy nor sodomy found anywhere in the Constitution."

04-26-2015, 10:02 PM
If you don't know, you can ask, and try to be a little open minded if you really want to know, instead of accusing.

I am on here for the same reason others are : to share news and discuss issues that matter to me, to get Rand Paul and other liberty minded politicians elected.

I am not paid to be on here, and "doing it as part of a job" would also mean being paid, why is that so hard for you to imagine or understand?

Apparently monolithic enough that you'd be so sure I'm a fake or paid shill.

I am not here to discourage members or diminish traffic, although I'd like it if the liberty movement had less conspiracy theorists, 9/11 truthers, chemtrailers.

What anti-liberty progressivism???

Damn dude, I did not know the shamefulness of progressivism got so bad to the point of denial. I always thought the strategy of labeling Democrats as "liberal" really missed the mark, especially since "conservatives" contributed equally to freedom loss.

Guess it really is embarrassing to identify as liberal any more. :confused:

04-26-2015, 10:18 PM


04-27-2015, 02:13 AM
Damn dude, I did not know the shamefulness of progressivism got so bad to the point of denial.

I am not a liberal or progressive, I can't imagine how I could be, but people who are, ought to be ashamed.

I always thought the strategy of labeling Democrats as "liberal" really missed the mark, especially since "conservatives" contributed equally to freedom loss.

No, conservatives don't contribute equally to freedom loss. But there's other reasons being a liberal is immoral and shameful.

Guess it really is embarrassing to identify as liberal any more. :confused:

I am not a liberal, so I don't like to be thought of as something I'm not.

04-27-2015, 03:52 AM
No, conservatives don't contribute equally to freedom loss. .

I disagree. You progressives are always trying to compare progressives as being qualitatively different than many Republicans. This site is filled with examples where both love government. Read some of them and understand what being liberty minded is all about.

04-27-2015, 03:39 PM
This poster is one of the most awesome things ever.
Good to see people standing up to the gay mafia which is nothing but a front for international communism.