View Full Version : The State Needs Willing Servants To Do Its Dirty Work

04-14-2015, 08:37 AM
Why do people accept the "just doing my job" excuse from the agents of the state? Do you have any friends/family/acquaintances that work for the state? How do you handle it?

I think social shunning would be a nonviolent, effective way to discourage people from accepting these positions. Thoughts?

The State Needs Willing Servants To Do Its Dirty Work
By Laurence M. Vance

He didn’t carry out these gross human rights abuses, but his willing servants did. They did his dirty work for him.

Just like employees of the U.S. government do its dirty work.

The U.S. government didn’t listen to Americans’ phone calls, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t read Americans’ e-mails, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t torture detainees at Guantanamo, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t rendition prisoners to other countries to be tortured, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t invade and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t kill millions of “gooks” in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t bomb wedding parties in Afghanistan, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t kill hundreds of civilians with drone strikes in Pakistan, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t kill ten times as many civilians in Afghanistan via drone strikes as manned jet fighters, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t perform experiments on Americans without their knowledge or consent, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t confiscate millions of dollars worth of Americans’ cash and property in the name of fighting the war on drugs, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t firebomb Tokyo during World War II and kill 100,000 Japanese, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t oversee the infection of Guatemalans in the 1940s with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t orchestrate the overthrow of the democratically elected prime minister of Iran in 1953, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t operate secret CIA foreign prisons, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t kill thousands of children in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan with bombs and drone strikes, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t intern tens of thousands of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t assassinate anyone, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t drop atomic bombs on Japan that vaporized hundreds of thousands of people, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t entrap Americans and entice them to commit crimes, Americans did.

The U.S. government didn’t unleash terror, chaos, and instability in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen, Americans did.

Americans who were willing servants of the state did these things and do these things. They sold their soul for a government paycheck, and some continue to do it every week. And I haven’t even mentioned the evil doings of state and local government employees who willingly did and do the dirty work of these governments for a paycheck.

Employees of the U.S. government’s NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, DEA, TSA, and especially the DOD are not public servants, they are a public menace.

The state needs willing servants to do its dirty work. Don’t be one of them. And don’t excuse the actions of these government hirelings because they are just doing their jobs. Cursed be their jobs.


Christopher A. Brown
04-14-2015, 10:21 AM
The strategy at the following link amounts to sociopolitical shunning while also setting the ultimate example of American unity around constitutional intent.

Participate in agreement upon prime constitutional intent that has ultimate function for defense of the republic.


The state needs confused sheep to focus only on problems, enabling it's willing servants do their dirty work. Don’t be a confused sheep enabling the servants and infiltrated state, stand with solution and strategy to implement it within a lawful and peaceful revolution.

04-14-2015, 03:08 PM
This is pretty much what I already do. Anyone serving the cause of tyranny is someone I will not voluntarily associate with.

Christopher A. Brown
04-14-2015, 06:24 PM
This is pretty much what I already do. Anyone serving the cause of tyranny is someone I will not voluntarily associate with.

Serving the cause of tyranny has become an occupation that includes lots of false attacks on tyranny, distractions in the form of obsessive focus on the sensations of problems.

I think we can see it in operation in this thread.


The thread is about a military operation in the southwest. I do not approve of such operations, it is a waste of money, and talking about it is a waste of time.

It's actually quite possible that is why the operation exists, besides an exercise, is to give those occupied with creating distractions to the Americans peoples efforts to unify, to pose tyranny, need new, fresh, sensations to distract people with.

The tyrants of the infiltrated government ONLY need to stop Americans from unifying with effective opposition against the tyranny. The tyrants do not care how much Americans know about what the they are doing. Such knowledge only serves to alert the vigilant. In our case we have masses of sheep that are inundated with fearful facts which constantly distract them from any effective opposition.

My position is that any American that does not have their head in the sand, KNOWS there are serious problems, and is looking for effective solution.

Why would an American that knows of such problems avoid a solution that is based in constitutional law, common knowledge and action independent of partisan manipulation? True, the sheep tendency when confused is hard to avoid, but still, can we have an entire forum full of such Americans?

04-14-2015, 06:33 PM
True, the sheep tendency when confused is hard to avoid, but still, can we have an entire forum full of such Americans?

Did I just read this second chunk of spam in a four-poster thread correctly? You're saying we must be sheep because real men would obediently follow bleating wherever you led them by hook or by crook?

Christopher A. Brown
04-15-2015, 12:11 AM
Did I just read this second chunk of spam in a four-poster thread correctly? You're saying we must be sheep because real men would obediently follow bleating wherever you led them by hook or by crook?

Real and sincere Americans capable of critical thinking will immediately recognize and accept the ultimate purpose of free speech as enabling unity adequate to altering or abolishing government destructive to unalienable rights. They will agree and accept it as prime constitutional
Intent worthy of unifying around and using for testing officials.

Your efforts to cognitively distort my intent are a FAIL Tulsa pistol.

Do you agree and accept that the ultimate purpose of free speech is to enable unity adequate to alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights?

04-15-2015, 06:35 AM
Real and sincere Americans capable of critical thinking will immediately recognize and accept the ultimate purpose of free speech as enabling unity adequate to altering or abolishing government destructive to unalienable rights. They will agree and accept it as prime constitutional
Intent worthy of unifying around and using for testing officials.

Your efforts to cognitively distort my intent are a FAIL Tulsa pistol.

Do you agree and accept that the ultimate purpose of free speech is to enable unity adequate to alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights?

Asked and answered in another thread long ago. A thread which was, whether you're rational enough to see it or not, more consideration than this topic actually deserves.

Our corrupt federal government will never all run to Oman screaming, 'Oh my God! We're doomed! Everyone signed a petition saying they agree completely with Christopher A. Brown!!'

Suz, I Realize that flagging posts is absolutely not your style, but this was an interesting topic before the thread got jacked, and I would consider it a personal favor if you would ask the mods to have this whole threadjack removed to the thread where it belongs:


Because this is no place to discuss whether the 'ultimate purpose' of free speech is to allow us to tell each other what our politicians are really up to, or whether the 'ultimate purpose' is to create some kind of nebulous 'unity' which this character can't even define.

Christopher A. Brown
04-15-2015, 09:28 AM
Asked and answered in another thread long ago.

No. And any link will simply show a bunch of agents losing an argument.

If that's not true, post the link.

Now you evade doing something that is easy as posting "yes". You have an agenda mr. Pistol.

Christopher A. Brown
04-15-2015, 11:42 AM
I would consider it a personal favor if you would ask the mods to have this whole threadjack removed to the thread where it belongs:


Because this is no place to discuss whether the 'ultimate purpose' of free speech is to allow us to tell each other what our politicians are really up to, or whether the 'ultimate purpose' is to create some kind of nebulous 'unity' which this character can't even define.

Your link to my efforts to get recognition for the logical, lawful, ultimate purpose of free speech DOES NOT EVEN HAVE argument against the definition provided. The thread actually defines everything it purports to, but cognitive infiltrators use the tactic, "we can't understand" to try and induce others to fail to understand.

My posts are fully aligned with the topic of the thread here, mr. pistol, "willing servant", pretending to be a real or sincere American while actually opposing efforts to restore constitutional government placing the people in control of the state.

Christopher A. Brown
04-15-2015, 11:29 PM
I think social shunning would be a nonviolent, effective way to discourage people from accepting these positions. Thoughts?

Good thread Suz!

Made me think about the facts you point out. Americans did do those things. They did them for two reasons, one, they thought because the government was doing it, it must be okay and they really had no blame, two, they got paid to do it.

You are correct, those Americans should carry some blame. But, I'm wondering how effective to our real goal that will be. I mean it simply causes alienation and may drive them closer to government because they feel no one else accepts them.

Considering those potentials, shunning might not get the desired effect. Which is to make it so Americans stop doing those things. In some ways it about getting Americans to stop believing in government just because it's government.

Americans need to ONLY believe in and obey government that is fully constitutional. That government will rarely ask them to do things they should not do.

But how to educate Americans in what government should be doing? How to educate them into how to stop government from even thinking about doing unconstitutional things,

Therein is the linkage of this topic to this thread.


What it does is make a giant scene around American awareness of constitutional intent. And a very aggressive legalistic challenge to all state and eventually federal officials to be constitutional, OR ELSE we will see you impeached.

Those Americans active with this, have an opportunity to get vocal about the things corrupt unconstitutional government gets unthinking/feeling Americans to do. In that process they can shame the Americans that were "willing servants".

In that process, they will be educating Americans, specifically the friends, neighbors and family of the "willing servants". Those speaking out against unconstitutional officials can mention "willing servants", and give them an opportunity to know the error of their ways, while also providing opportunity to rise above the ignorant obiedient mentality that made them "willing servants", by joining into the new American definition of constitutional Intent that propells the lawful and peaceful revolution it is our duty to conduct.

04-17-2015, 11:41 AM
The problem is you will ostracized not the other way around.

The vast majority support the government in one realm or another, and they fixate on that portion as the "Good". The lazy welfare king or queen will focus on welfare and free health care. The closet wannabe murderer will focus on the "heroic" role of the military. The old will focus on their precious medicare, and social security. Etc.... Etc....

In reality, IMO, it's like 9:1 or higher that replaced god with gov. They don't explicitly state such, or even acknowledge their highest belief, but the qualities they assign to gov lead to that conclusion. Gov can absolve you from the sin of murder if done in Gov's name. Gov will carry you when you are to weak to care for yourself. Gov cares for all, and ensures your rights. All the land, skies, and water, belong to Gov, and gov grants you the temporary right to use its land. Only gov knows the lessons your kids should be taught. Gov dictates what is right and wrong to ingest.

Kneel, worship. Gov is all.

04-17-2015, 01:52 PM
In reference to the OP, something like 20% of the population owe their pay check to the government. That is Federal, state or local employees as well as contractors and those companies who's sole customer is the government.

When society gets enough leaches, it bleeds out and collapses.

There are other kinds of leaches. Look at the ratio of people that do billing/insurance paperwork vs medical staff at your local doctors office, for example or those that consider welfare a lifestyle.

This country is truely F'd!


Christopher A. Brown
04-17-2015, 09:38 PM
The problem is you will ostracized not the other way around.

How about showing us how that would go related to Americans creating constitutional government?

Since the purpose of free speech is fundamental to the constitutions intent as derived from the inclusion of a Article V, the codified law expressing the intent if the Declaration of Indepence to alter or abolish, we should start there.

The thread supports the ideals of the constitution and that Americans have been badly used, against their (albeit unknown principles) to take MANY actions against those ideals.

The thread topic suggests shunning them. I personally think shaming them will work better and will start with you if you'll have it that way.

I assert that once Americans know the truth which will happen once the purpose of free speech begins to manifest, all that you assert will no longer have basis. What you assert has basis in dysfunction, that I agree with. But that a majority Americans will ostracize people who are working for the Ideals, I disagree, but only after Americans know the truth.

So will you fail to support the truth and constitutional government to maintain your correct perceptions of the current dysfunction? Or, will you accept that the truth leading to ideals materializing are far better and that through seeing the purpose of free speech manifest, those ideals can begin to become reality?

Christopher A. Brown
04-17-2015, 09:44 PM
In reference to the OP, something like 20% of the population owe their pay check to the government. That is Federal, state or local employees as well as contractors and those companies who's sole customer is the government.

When society gets enough leaches, it bleeds out and collapses.

There are other kinds of leaches. Look at the ratio of people that do billing/insurance paperwork vs medical staff at your local doctors office, for example or those that consider welfare a lifestyle.

This country is truely F'd!


Okay, you recognize the problems. Can you recognize the solution to them as something enabled by the ultimate purpose of free speech?

That purpose being to enable unity adequate to alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights.