View Full Version : An Open Letter to hdr22@clintonemail.com

03-14-2015, 07:35 PM
WASHINGTON — SINCE open letters to secretive and duplicitous regimes are in fashion, we would like to post an Open Letter to the Leaders of the Clinton Republic of Chappaqua:

It has come to our attention while observing your machinations during your attempted restoration that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our democracy: The importance of preserving historical records and the ill-advised gluttony of an American feminist icon wallowing in regressive Middle Eastern states’ payola.

You should seriously consider these characteristics of our nation as the Campaign-That-Must-Not-Be-Named progresses.

If you, Hillary Rodham Clinton, are willing to cite your mother’s funeral to get sympathy for ill-advisedly deleting 30,000 emails, it just makes us want to sigh: O.K., just take it. If you want it that bad, go ahead and be president and leave us in peace. (Or war, if you have your hawkish way.) You’re still idling on the runway, but we’re already jet-lagged. It’s all so drearily familiar that I know we’re only moments away from James Carville writing a column in David Brock’s Media Matters, headlined, “In Private, Hillary’s Really a Hoot.”


Normally I don't think very highly of Maureen Dowd but this is an epic ass-ripping that deserves to go viral - read the whole thing, but put your drink down first

03-14-2015, 08:20 PM
Normally I don't think very highly of Maureen Dowd but this is an epic ass-ripping that deserves to go viral - read the whole thing, but put your drink down first

What I learned today: Droit du seigneur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droit_du_seigneur) refers to a supposed legal right in late medieval Europe allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women.

The context in which I first encountered it:
You started the “Guernica” press conference defending your indefensible droit du seigneur over your State Department emails by referring to women’s rights and denouncing the letter to Iran from Republican senators as “out of step with the best traditions of American leadership.

None of what you said made any sense. Keeping a single account mingling business and personal with your own server wasn’t about “convenience.” It was about expedience. You became judge and jury on what’s relevant because you didn’t want to leave digital fingerprints for others to retrace. You could have had Huma carry two devices if you really couldn’t hoist an extra few ounces. You insisted on piggybacking on Bill’s server, even though his aides were worried (http://www.wsj.com/articles/clinton-private-email-plan-drew-concerns-early-on-1426117692) about hackers, because you were gaming the system for 2016. (Or even 2012.)”

Nice. Gotta love someone who can drive in a spike without a single internet picture meme.