View Full Version : More Effective Liberty Language - No.003

02-12-2015, 12:33 PM
No. 3: Drunks and Junkies

Here's something you may hear a lot of: "These politicians are just idiots! They keep screwing everything up!"

Is John Boehner an alcoholic? Probably. Is Nancy Pelosi popping pills? Her behavior gets pretty weird at times.

But never let someone get away with dismissing our politicians as incompetent morons. Most of them are actually smarter (in certain ways) than you or I, they know exactly what they're doing, and every word and action is carefully calculated... sometimes to even make you think they're stupid.

As far as outcomes, what looks like failure to you and I is actually success for them. The Middle East is falling apart? News flash: they want it to. "Flawed" policies at home are destroying the middle class? News flash: That's what they were shooting for.

Of course it's a lot easier and less scary for average people to be dismissive, and that's where we'll continue to get blindsided if we let ourselves.