View Full Version : Romney is no free market guy

12-03-2007, 10:48 PM
Several "free market" Republicans tell me they only perceive Romney and Paul as free market guys. I've countered with these facts on Romney. Got anything else?

* wants gov't to pick and choose which energy solution will work. (subsidization of companies that lobby)
* has said he thinks the minimum wage is a good idea. (subsidization of union labor + dead weight loss created by people that want to work but can't)
* wants to "privatize" social security by having approved accounts that you can invest in. (subsidization of companies that lobby)
* mandated health insurance (subsidization of unhealthy)
* central planning for the job needs of the country by balancing federal aid disbursements for college loans (subsidization of industry lobbies that are on the
list, as they'll pay below the market price for labor)
* pro farm subsidies
* supports affirmative action (subsidies based on race and gender)