View Full Version : After Crying “Conspiracy Theory,” CNN Touts North American Union

William Tell
01-30-2015, 03:01 PM
http://www.thenewamerican.com/media/k2/items/cache/f07202b8037a7fc979257d8ac1745a49_M.jpg (http://www.thenewamerican.com/media/k2/items/cache/f07202b8037a7fc979257d8ac1745a49_XL.jpg)

Just a few years ago, it was all a baseless “conspiracy theory.” Now, promotion of a European Union-style merger between the United States, Mexico, and Canada is being shouted from the rooftops — by U.S. taxpayer-funded globalists writing in the very same media outlet, CNN, that tried to ridicule GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul over the North American Union issue just a few years ago. Indeed, according to the recent opinion piece (http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/26/opinion/martinez-kurtz-phelan-north-american-passport/index.html) by two mid-level operatives for the “New America Foundation,” the future of the United States does not rest with the U.S. Constitution, “We the People,” or even the Supreme Court. Instead, it “lies in North America,” claimed New America’s Andrés Martinez and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan.

“This is not a geographic truism, but a strategic imperative,” the duo argued. “The United States, Canada and Mexico are bound by a shared economic, environmental, demographic and cultural destiny.” In recognition of what they refer to as North America’s “shared destiny,” Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan propose the establishment of what they call a “North American passport.” The radical passport scheme would eventually facilitate the erasing of U.S. borders in exchange for “North American” borders — a plot that has been underway for years with the “Beyond the Border” initiative and other schemes. “Much like the EU passport,” the tax-funded globalists wrote, the new North American passport would ultimately allow citizens to “travel, work, invest, learn and innovate anywhere in North America.”

Apparently, at least in the minds of globalists paid with Americans’ tax dollars, the economies of the United States, Mexico, and Canada are “far more integrated” than recognized by the current immigration system — or lack thereof, in light of Obama’s imperial decrees purporting to nullify U.S. immigration laws. So, phasing out U.S., Mexican, and Canadian passports and replacing them with a single North American one would merely serve to “align our laws with reality.” Of course, it is true that, thanks largely to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), U.S. sovereignty has already suffered a severe blow. Unelected North American “tribunals,” for instance, already purport to overrule state and federal laws enacted by the American people’s elected representatives. North American bureaucracies are proliferating, too.

However, Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan claim to view the subversive attack on the independence of the American Republic as a positive development. NAFTA, they explained, “has created an integrated manufacturing platform and labor market.” But it must go much further, the “New America” duo argued, exploiting any conceivable pretext to eliminate self-government and national sovereignty. “This potential must be leveraged regionally, with cross-border infrastructure investments and environmental planning,” they wrote after discussing oil production in the “North American region.” Apparently, corruption-riddled and Big Government-plagued Mexico is America’s “lynchpin” to “relations with the countries of Central and South America.” So, they argued, give up your sovereignty and merge with Mexico!

“The inception of NAFTA marked an important step toward leveraging these geographic realities for a shared North American success,” continued Martinez, who resigned from the Los Angeles Times amid a scandal, and Kurtz-Phelan, a former policy adviser on then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff. “But the promise of NAFTA has fallen short in a critical respect; while trade and investment have grown, the barriers to movement have remained too high for the people who help drive and stand to benefit from that growth.”

Of course, both globalists know full well that the people of all three countries would overwhelmingly reject any such scheming — probably laughing them out of the room as kooks, if not seeking prosecutions for trying to surreptitiously subvert the independence of their own nations. So the people must be defied. “As evidenced by the recent political firestorm over President Obama's executive move to allow more undocumented workers to avoid deportation, it would take farsighted and courageous political leadership in all three countries to press for a North American passport,” they wrote, as if defying the Constitution, the oath of office to uphold it, and the will of the people somehow represented “courage” rather than lawlessness. In fact, they argued that abolishing the borders between the United States and its neighbors would “help alleviate our contentious domestic immigration battles.”

The fact that the radical anti-sovereignty screed promoting deeper North American integration was published by CNN, though, is especially ironic. During the 2007 GOP presidential debates, CNN selected a question for Ron Paul asking him if he really believed in the “conspiracy theory” about ongoing efforts to build a North American Union. The effort to ridicule Paul backfired, big time, after he offered an excellent answer making the questioner look foolish. But the attempt did not go unnoticed. Some years later, official U.S. government documents from the embassy in Canada leaked by WikiLeaks revealed that long before that debate, top federal officials were working hard with their counterparts in Canada on plots to create a regional currency, subvert national constitutions, and eventually create a North American regime.

More recently, after spending years dishonestly dismissing criticism of their machinations as “conspiracy theories,” top globalists have been much more open about the potentially treasonous plot. “After America comes North America,” disgraced former General and CIA boss David Petraeus said confidently last year in answering a question about what comes “after” the United States. “Are we on the threshold of the North American decade, question mark? I threw that away — threw away the question mark — and boldly proclaimed the coming North American decade, says the title now.” He also boasted about how the three economies have been put “together” over the last 20 years as part of the “implementation” of NAFTA. Globalist mouthpiece Henry Kissinger, meanwhile, recently outlined his vision of a “New World Order” that would first have to divide the globe up into regional regimes.

While much of the scheming has come from the global government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, the taxpayer-funded New America Foundation appears to be playing a growing role in pushing the outlandish plot. Google boss Eric Schmidt, whose search engine stands accused of increasingly working to hide alternative media voices that oppose “North America” scheming, serves as chairman of the foundation’s board of directors. The outfit’s top funding sources included unwitting American taxpayers, forced to contribute more than $1 million — potentially much more, the foundation does not say — in 2013 alone through the U.S. State Department. Various other federal agencies also contributed taxpayer dollars. Another top source of funding was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, infamous for promoting abortion, population reduction, globalized and federalized education standards, and more. Bailed-out megabanks, globalist tax-exempt foundations (Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, and more), billionaire extremist George Soros, the World Bank, Big Media, various tax-funded universities, and other sources also finance the outfit.

And as the name suggests, a “New America” is indeed what they are pushing for — a new America without self-government, individual rights, national sovereignty, or the principles upon which the old America was founded. Just consider the farewell address by America’s first president, George Washington. “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world,” he told the young nation. Now, globalists are pushing not just for “permanent alliances,” but the outright surrender of U.S. independence to merge with “North America” and eventually, the world. The scheming has been underway for generations, mostly in the shadows. But, as the final phases approach, much of the agenda is now being touted openly in establishment media organs such as CNN and beyond.

Ronin Truth
01-30-2015, 03:18 PM
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=North+American+Union&gbv=2&oq=North+American+Union&gs_l=heirloom-hp.13..0l10.24792187.24798812.0.24803734. . loom-hp..2.18.2780.V2WJMqLng7A

01-30-2015, 03:24 PM
Imagine that...we, tin-foil hat nuts were right, yet again.

01-30-2015, 03:41 PM
Imagine that...we, tin-foil hat nuts were right, yet again.

I dont wear a Tin Foil Hat, you have to use Aluminum cuz it is paramagnetic, unlike Tin! Sheesh! :p

01-30-2015, 06:02 PM
So I should fire my psychiatrist after all these years? :)

01-30-2015, 06:06 PM
So I should fire my psychiatrist after all these years? :)

That wont help him as an individual. The best course of action is a very heavy daily dose of an appropriate SSRI, like POT.

01-30-2015, 06:11 PM
And all the truth deniers are nowhere to be found in this thread, of course. Cowards.

01-30-2015, 06:13 PM
And all the truth deniers are nowhere to be found in this thread, of course. Cowards.


01-30-2015, 06:22 PM
This is the kind of thing Rand should sing from the highest mountain. He would begin to be able to call out the other elitist agendas with far less backlash.

01-30-2015, 06:24 PM
Then lets add some fuel to the fire.

Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam) was also "just a Conspiracy Theory". Lusatania was a "Conspiracy Theory". JFK's assassination was "a Conspiracy Theory". Nixon's Watergate Scandal was the one that coined the term "Conspiracy Theory" where he accused Woodward and Bernstein for exposing the TRUTH, but until it was proven, it was "just a Conspiracy Theory". If you arent Paranoid, you arent paying attention. Truth is the Enemy of the State. Now, as far as Truth Deniers being nowhere to be found, this is also known as "Foot In Mouth Syndrome". They have nothing to say because they are unable to speak, literally "speechless". The real conspiracy is that the Truth Deniers are in a Conspiracy against themselves. One can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

01-30-2015, 06:27 PM
Then lets add some fuel to the fire.

Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam) was also "just a Conspiracy Theory". Lusatania was a "Conspiracy Theory". JFK's assassination was "a Conspiracy Theory". Nixon's Watergate Scandal was the one that coined the term "Conspiracy Theory" where he accused Woodward and Bernstein for exposing the TRUTH, but until it was proven, it was "just a Conspiracy Theory". If you arent Paranoid, you arent paying attention. Truth is the Enemy of the State. Now, as far as Truth Deniers being nowhere to be found, this is also known as "Foot In Mouth Syndrome". They have nothing to say because they are unable to speak, literally "speechless". The real conspiracy is that the Truth Deniers are in a Conspiracy against themselves. One can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

Conspiracies are commonplace on this planet. You can't separate human beings from conspiratorial behavior. When the wife embarks on an extramarital affair with the milkman. Conspiracy. When your son ignores his curfew and escapes out the back window. Conspiracy. Just think about the all underhanded events that we see go on locally. Now multiply these trivial events by 1000 when real money and power is involved.

01-30-2015, 06:32 PM
Let's revisit the word conspiracy.

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Now why would a group with unsavory motives attempt to do something unlawful or harmful out in the open? Does that make any sense?

01-30-2015, 06:33 PM
So I should fire my psychiatrist after all these years? :)

Hiring one would be a first mistake.

01-30-2015, 06:36 PM
And all the truth deniers are nowhere to be found in this thread, of course. Cowards.

Make a mental note of who does not respond to this,, and who does, and how.

01-30-2015, 06:37 PM
the foremost authority on conspiracy theories...



William Tell
01-30-2015, 06:41 PM
Y'all conspiracy theorists are worrisome, what other crimes will you be theorizing next? Murder? robbery???

Working Poor
01-30-2015, 06:58 PM
I dont wear a Tin Foil Hat, you have to use Aluminum cuz it is paramagnetic, unlike Tin! Sheesh! :p

But you can get a good deal on tin foil:

William Tell
01-30-2015, 06:59 PM
But you can get a good deal on tin foil:

I'm worried about toxins... :(

01-30-2015, 07:30 PM
“The United States, Canada and Mexico are bound by a shared economic, environmental, demographic and cultural destiny.”

What a bunch of pure, unadulterated bullshit. There is a massive gulf between the Mexico and the US is every one of those categories. It amazes me that people can look at obvious facts and just claim the world is just the opposite. I'd be most worried if I was Canadian, getting saddled with the dead weight that is the US and Mexico would be a disaster for them.

How can people look at the corruption and crime in Mexico and desire political union with them is beyond me. Mexico is just one or two steps out of the third world for fuck's sake. Does the EU need to completely collapse for people to realize it was never a "common market" and never a good idea?

Still though, despite the insane rantings of two CNN journalists, I don't see this as something imminent, not yet at least. If it is on the horizon, the open-border zealots are going to only hasten its arrival-and that includes many conventional libertarians. It's one thing to want open borders in a theoretical future libertarian society (I don't want that under any circumstances though), it's quite another to advocate for that today and push for such legislation as part of the libertarian cause. If you like the globalist assholes that run things, want the movement to be co-opted and don't mind being their useful idiots, keep it up.

01-30-2015, 07:39 PM
What a bunch of pure, unadulterated bullshit. There is a massive gulf between the Mexico and the US is every one of those categories. It amazes me that people can look at obvious facts and just claim the world is just the opposite. I'd be most worried if I was Canadian, getting saddled with the dead weight that is the US and Mexico would be a disaster for them.

How can people look at the corruption and crime in Mexico and desire political union with them is beyond me. Mexico is just one or two steps out of the third world for fuck's sake. Does the EU need to completely collapse for people to realize it was never a "common market" and never a good idea?

Still though, despite the insane rantings of two CNN journalists, I don't see this as something imminent, not yet at least. If it is on the horizon, the open-border zealots are going to only hasten its arrival-and that includes many conventional libertarians. It's one thing to want open borders in a theoretical future libertarian society (I don't want that under any circumstances though), it's quite another to advocate for that today and push for such legislation as part of the libertarian cause. If you like the globalist assholes that run things, want the movement to be co-opted and don't mind being their useful idiots, keep it up.

Mexico is basically where the U.S. will be in 10 to 20 years. I can totally understand why CNN wants to accelerate the process.

01-30-2015, 07:40 PM
And all the truth deniers are nowhere to be found in this thread, of course. Cowards.

Honestly, has any regular poster around here ever denied the NAU? I thought that one was completely a given around here.

01-30-2015, 07:43 PM

01-30-2015, 07:45 PM
the foremost authority on conspiracy theories...


Hee hee. 11 one-star reviews out of 17.

01-30-2015, 07:46 PM
If you took the fools in Mexico and Canada and add them to our fools, you could theoretically burn the remainder of the constitution.

01-30-2015, 07:48 PM
Indeed, according to the recent opinion piece by two mid-level operatives for the “New America Foundation,” the future of the United States does not rest with the U.S. Constitution, “We the People,” or even the Supreme Court. Instead, it “lies in North America,” claimed New America’s Andrés Martinez and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan.

Gotta love it when two people from demographics that combined make up barely 15% of the entire US population (hispanic and jewish) are claiming authority to decide for the other 85% where their future resides.

01-30-2015, 07:55 PM
Mexico is basically where the U.S. will be in 10 to 20 years. I can totally understand why CNN wants to accelerate the process.
Because of open immigration and the drug war, that may be true. Not everywhere in the US, there'll still be enclaves that are mostly native. The entire Southwest is doomed unless there is some serious policy change on immigration. It's going to get real ugly, and if libertarians don't rethink the idealistic dogma on borders, the movement is going to be partly culpable.

01-30-2015, 07:56 PM
Because of open immigration and the drug war, that may be true. Not everywhere in the US, there'll still be enclaves that are mostly native. The entire Southwest is doomed unless there is some serious policy change on immigration. It's going to get real ugly, and if libertarians don't rethink the idealistic dogma on borders, the movement is going to be partly culpable.

I was referring to the level of corruption primarily but I agree with your analysis.

01-30-2015, 07:59 PM
Gotta love it when two people from demographics that combined make up barely 15% of the entire US population (hispanic and jewish) are claiming authority to decide for the other 85% where their future resides.
Hispanics alone make up 17%, and they're going to be a lot more in twenty years if policy doesn't change. They know they're going to be a very important voter demographic, and eventually, a majority, and they make no bones about it. Go to a La Raza rally if you want to see America's future. It's very chilling.

01-30-2015, 08:01 PM
Hispanics alone make up 17%, and they're going to be a lot more in twenty years if policy doesn't change. They know they're going to be a very important voter demographic, and eventually, a majority, and they make no bones about it. Go to a La Raza rally if you want to see America's future. It's very chilling.

I don't mind hispanics. I just wish they weren't progressive zombies. But all the polls say otherwise.

01-30-2015, 08:35 PM
I don't mind hispanics. I just wish they weren't progressive zombies. But all the polls say otherwise.

Same, but the political ideology that many of them share should be reason enough to at least implement an extremely strict immigration policy towards all. Allowing a constant stream of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America to enter the United States, who will more than likely vote Democrat, is just asking for our country to fall into the abyss. Yes, both parties are awful, but the Democrats are by far the worst, and they'll only get worse as the SJWs enter their political ranks. The Democrats will only get worse with time, whilst the GOP might only get better with time if the pieces fall into place.

It's pretty ironic how the open borders crowd constantly claim for liberty and the like, but have no problem with allowing anti-liberty voters to constantly stream through the southern border. Pragmatism instead of dogmatism is your friend here.

Now would be an ideal time for a real nationalist movement to rise up and crush all of those who believe in ideas like the North American Union.

01-30-2015, 08:45 PM
Same, but the political ideology that many of them share should be reason enough to at least implement an extremely strict immigration policy towards all. Allowing a constant stream of immigrants from Mexico and Latin America to enter the United States, who will more than likely vote Democrat, is just asking for our country to fall into the abyss. Yes, both parties are awful, but the Democrats are by far the worst, and they'll only get worse as the SJWs enter their political ranks. The Democrats will only get worse with time, whilst the GOP might only get better with time if the pieces fall into place.

It's pretty ironic how the open borders crowd constantly claim for liberty and the like, but have no problem with allowing anti-liberty voters to constantly stream through the southern border. Pragmatism instead of dogmatism is your friend here.

Now would be an ideal time for a real nationalist movement to rise up and crush all of those who believe in ideas like the North American Union.
That would be great, but the cultural Marxist left is infecting libertarianism. Look at the bleeding-heart "libertarians", who are being touted by my fellow millennials as "libertarianism finally growing up" and other assorted nonsense. Yeah, the problem with the movement this whole time is that it wasn't infected with feminism, egalitarianism and multiculturalism :rolleyes: So glad these ex-socialists have joined the movement to show us the error of our ways. There was a time when most libertarians would be at home at a meeting of the John Birch Society. I'm happy to put aside differences with people who disagree and work toward like minded goals, but pandering to progressives will hurt the movement in the long run. I don't know why these left-libertarians don't see that.

01-30-2015, 08:52 PM
I don't mind hispanics. I just wish they weren't progressive zombies. But all the polls say otherwise.
I don't feel any acrimony toward any group of people, but I also don't blindly claim that all groups are the same regardless of what the truth is. Choosing an ideological stance over reality is what Marxists do.

01-30-2015, 08:54 PM
Biggest problem we have is when people adopt Labels.

There are really only two ways to think of this. Either for Bigger Government, or for Smaller Government. Both sides of our biggest political parties, Republicans and Democrats are for Bigger Governments. And it is one of the underlying issues as to why anyone we vote into office doesnt fix anything. A few are for smaller government, but they are shunned even by their own party. The majority of both parties are for ever increasingly bigger and bigger Govt, never ever smaller. Conclusion: Labels are a distraction.

01-30-2015, 09:03 PM
I don't know why these left-libertarians don't see that.

Because they're dogmatic. They'll stick to the libertarian tenant of open borders even if it is completely counter-productive to what they claim to desire. This wouldn't be a problem if those coming over the southern border were mainly Conservatives and could perhaps benefit our movement. But they're just the opposite politically, which is why Progressives are the ones who continuously call for amnesty and the like. Open borders will lead to Progressives permanently seizing power. That's not xenophobia; that's reality.

I've always said that the key to ultimate success for this movement is to build a coalition amongst white and black Americans. There is immense potential in a populist appeal towards many that live in cities like Detroit, and it's African-Americans that will be impacted the most as immigration continues. Hammer home the point that Progressives and Democrats have ignored their needs and cries for so long, opting to house and provide for illegals while African-American children starve and live in poverty as the city that they live in crumbles to the ground around them. The Progressives can have all of the Hispanic vote that they want, but they cannot win if they lose even a quarter of the African-American vote and they've alienated themselves from the White vote.

01-30-2015, 09:05 PM
Biggest problem we have is when people adopt Labels.

There are really only two ways to think of this. Either for Bigger Government, or for Smaller Government. Both sides of our biggest political parties, Republicans and Democrats are for Bigger Governments. And it is one of the underlying issues as to why anyone we vote into office doesnt fix anything. A few are for smaller government, but they are shunned even by their own party. The majority of both parties are for ever increasingly bigger and bigger Govt, never ever smaller. Conclusion: Labels are a distraction.

I generally don't vote since all roads lead to ruin with both parties, but the democrat party is definitely the expressway to hell. They really don't hide what they desire. The republican party is more like a series of service roads that get you to that undesirable destination at a slower pace.

01-30-2015, 09:06 PM
I don't feel any acrimony toward any group of people, but I also don't blindly claim that all groups are the same regardless of what the truth is. Choosing an ideological stance over reality is what Marxists do.

Everyone throws around the "Marxist" label like some do Hitler. Granted they were both horrible and common governmental systems..

But Socialism is the present reality,,In Mexico, in Canada, and in the US. Most of the world is Socialist of some flavor or another.

I wish people would stop pretending that this country was not. It has been a Socialist country since the early 1900s.

If we educated people about that rather than some (fantasy) boogieman.. perhaps there would be enough to counter the socialist influences.


Make the argument Liberty v Authority.. Then show them every Authoritarian government in history.

See how many really want that.. Perhaps if necessary,, by showing them who is the real authority.

01-30-2015, 09:12 PM
I don't feel any acrimony toward any group of people, but I also don't blindly claim that all groups are the same regardless of what the truth is. Choosing an ideological stance over reality is what Marxists do.

I think it's more of an understanding of where they are coming from. Environment and culture play a huge role in the forming of a mentality.


01-30-2015, 09:12 PM
I sometimes say that Democrats are liberal progressives that want to ban the Bible, while Republicans are liberal progressives that want to enforce it at gunpoint.

01-30-2015, 10:16 PM
Hispanics alone make up 17%, and they're going to be a lot more in twenty years if policy doesn't change. They know they're going to be a very important voter demographic, and eventually, a majority, and they make no bones about it. Go to a La Raza rally if you want to see America's future. It's very chilling.

63% of the population is white, 13% AA. I'm not terribly worried about what someone in that 17% declares (much less the 2% jewish) is the future. Strikes me as more divide and conquer and giving outsized voice to politically chosen mouthpieces that have no business deciding anything for anyone.

Anybody that hasn't seen this video really should. It applies on so many levels.


01-30-2015, 10:42 PM
That would be great, but the cultural Marxist left is infecting libertarianism. Look at the bleeding-heart "libertarians", who are being touted by my fellow millennials as "libertarianism finally growing up" and other assorted nonsense. Yeah, the problem with the movement this whole time is that it wasn't infected with feminism, egalitarianism and multiculturalism :rolleyes: So glad these ex-socialists have joined the movement to show us the error of our ways. There was a time when most libertarians would be at home at a meeting of the John Birch Society. I'm happy to put aside differences with people who disagree and work toward like minded goals, but pandering to progressives will hurt the movement in the long run. I don't know why these left-libertarians don't see that.

Out of rep

01-31-2015, 12:05 AM
Hispanics alone make up 17%, and they're going to be a lot more in twenty years if policy doesn't change. They know they're going to be a very important voter demographic, and eventually, a majority, and they make no bones about it. Go to a La Raza rally if you want to see America's future. It's very chilling.

When USA and Mexico is predominantly hispanic, then it is much easier to become one "union". or whatever. =|

01-31-2015, 04:49 AM
New currency on the way?

01-31-2015, 04:58 AM
I don't mind hispanics. I just wish they weren't progressive zombies. But all the polls say otherwise.

Welfare State + Open Borders = Recipe for Disaster

Lets be perfectly clear. There is NO INTENT of them saving what is left of the USA. NONE. They keep the name the same as the "name change" is when stupid people start to wake up. For example "Patriot Act". Ignorant people truly think that has something to do with Patriotism and has no subversive intentions of undermining our Rights. Back to the USA. Change the Name to something else. Greater America. Mot people will go "meh". Change it into Tyrannyland and then and only then will people start shitting thier pants. The intent of NAFTA or NAU or however it is spelled out will keep the geographical country names the same so the majority of people stay asleep, but the intent is to destroy every defense against any form of tyranny what so ever in one foul swoop. Destruction is the intent. Consistency is the Illusion. This country is already dead. Its spirit is dead. What it stands for is dead. Its practices only keep its spirit from rising from the grave. Tearing down the borders of all three countries will successfully destroy all three countries. Many in Mexico are going to be all for this as they have the most to gain, and they dont listen to US voters at all anyway.

As the G-Man in the Half Life series put it "wake up and smell the ashes". Problem is that even then I dont think those that are still asleep will wake up. Waking these people out of their perpetual state of denial is gonna take a monster Paradigm Shift, and the next economic collapse / wabble / fluxuation / whatever the fuck we wanna call it will probably be the very last one.

01-31-2015, 10:38 AM
ive been laughed at over this topic as far back as 2007 when i first learned about it. well, i doubt the fuckers that laughed will even know or care now anyway.

01-31-2015, 03:40 PM
Everyone throws around the "Marxist" label like some do Hitler. Granted they were both horrible and common governmental systems..
I'm talking about actual, literal Marxists in the post you quotes. The history of Marxism is a long, long history reality clashing with the theory, and the adherents scrambling to explain it away.

Marxism was empirically disproven in the early 20th century when NONE of Marx's predictions of what capitalism would become panned out. Marxists then revised the theory, which is why you'll hear them say things like "Marx was wrong, but only Marxists can understand why!" These revisions lay down the foundation for Leninism, Stalinism and even fascism.

But Socialism is the present reality,,In Mexico, in Canada, and in the US. Most of the world is Socialist of some flavor or another.

I wish people would stop pretending that this country was not. It has been a Socialist country since the early 1900s.

If we educated people about that rather than some (fantasy) boogieman.. perhaps there would be enough to counter the socialist influences.
Mexico maybe, but Canada and the US (along with the rest of the West) are mixed economies. There are socialist programs, but if it was socialist, there would (among other things) be much more outright nationalization, every industry would be unionized and the economy would be way worse off. Calling the modern system "socialist" allows leftists to just dismiss the criticisms, because they think we don't know what we're talking about.

02-01-2015, 11:46 AM
CNN is now NAU truther.

02-01-2015, 09:26 PM

02-01-2015, 09:56 PM
Honestly, has any regular poster around here ever denied the NAU? I thought that one was completely a given around here.

I was in an argument with an "open borders" type once who thought the NAU was just a right wing scare tactic.

02-02-2015, 04:22 AM
I was in an argument with an "open borders" type once who thought the NAU was just a right wing scare tactic.

If it's nothing but a charade and scare tactic for conservatives, the propaganda is deeper than I thought. That would be a supremely well orchestrated "scare" show.