View Full Version : NSA Spying Has Strong Approval From Young People

01-27-2015, 01:16 PM
Don’t take for granted the support for whistleblower Edward Snowden among Millennials. NSA spying receives more support from people under 30 years old than any other age group according to a new Pew Research poll. People aged 18-29 approved of the NSA at a rate of 61 percent compared to just 40 percent from the 65 and older crowd. From the article at Pew Research Center:

Favorability ratings for the National Security Agency (NSA) have changed little since the fall of 2013, shortly after former NSA analyst Edward Snowden’s revelations of the agency’s data-mining activities. About half (51%) view the NSA favorably, compared with 37% who have an unfavorable view.

Young people are more likely than older Americans to view the intelligence agency positively. About six-in-ten (61%) of those under 30 view the NSA favorably, compared with 40% of those 65 and older.

Read the whole article here. (http://www.people-press.org/2015/01/22/most-view-the-cdc-favorably-vas-image-slips/#views-of-the-nsa-little-changed-from-2013)


01-27-2015, 03:02 PM
I fear the day when my generation comes to power. As bad as prior generations have been (politically), my generation is filled with misguided SJWs and cancerous Progressives whose foreign policy is just as bad as the Neo-Conservative's.

Hell, I just read an article today in my campus' newspaper where a student argued that the United States should intervene in Nigeria and take out Boko Haram. I wish I could say that this was just an isolated voice, but the Progressives, SJWs, and Third Wave Feminists dominate my generation. A "humanitarian" foreign policy is perhaps worst type of foreign policy, but these goofs don't realize that.

I get why Ron has faith in the youth (which he experienced first-hand at his campaign rallies), but those people are merely a small school of fish that constantly swim amongst sharks.

Democracy is just a terrible concept.

01-27-2015, 03:10 PM
About six-in-ten (61%) of those under 30 view the NSA favorably, compared with 40% of those 65 and older.

Not surprised. Public schools have trained them to accept constant surveillance.

War on Kids


01-27-2015, 03:15 PM
Ok when the 70+ warmongers shuffle off this mortal coil, do please do America a favor and take the under-30 statemongers with you. Thankyouverymuch.

01-27-2015, 03:19 PM
Ok when the 70+ warmongers shuffle off this mortal coil, do please do America a favor and take the under-30 statemongers with you. Thankyouverymuch.

Yeah, and take the 40% of geezers with 'em. I hear North Korea is a statist paradise.

01-27-2015, 03:31 PM
They have been conditioning these kids for 30 years to accept surveillance. People keep on saying the public schools have failed...no they haven't-- not for the ones who want impose tyranny and oppression.

01-27-2015, 06:08 PM
Statistics say what you want them to say. This is ONE source, and it isnt Pew, its probably the fucking CIA.

While it is worthwhile to share stories like this, it is so we can address the falsehood of the story itself. It is Group Think Propoganda. The intention is a manipulation of perception. "Oh, if everyone accepts being Spied on as part of their daily activity but me, there must be something wrong with me, thus, I should accept being Spied on also." That is the intent of news stories like this, and there is nothing wrong with you because the majority does NOT actually believe that being Spying on is tolerable. So lets try a different statistic, just so I can come up with different numbers. Of people that actually THINK, only 4.2% have no problem with Total Surveillance. And that number is quite accurate as well, but it does not reflect reality, it reflects what I want it to say and thus, is just as Group Think Propoganda as the original article. See, the problem is that there was a mathematical Divide and Conquer there you may not have caught. The keyword there was THINK. Most children do not think. At all. They are taught not to. They are taught Input Output without entertaining any ideas as they are presented. They do not challenge. They are taught to repeat the raw form of the idea as closely as possible, and step by step procedures. There is absolutely NO THINKING involved in School. So where the statistic I threw out falls apart is that most peple do not Think, therefore it doesnt represent the majority.

Any statistic can be manipulated to reflect anything you want. Lets take 100 random people. And they can actually be random. Then, instead of calculating a real number, we come up with a Target Number for an Opinion on some particular Topic. Lets say that target number is 68%. That would mean that 68 of the 100 people surveyed need to express the same opinion. Now, lets pick a Topic. Outlaw Tobacco. You cant sample everyone because you arent gonna get the numbers you want. So you divide and conquer, and by doing so, exclude any whose opinion does not match the number that you want. So you have 100 people to survey, but you do NOT survey all 100 people. You survey just the Progressives of the group. That takes you down to say 40 of the 100 people, but the opinions they express bring you closer to the numbers you want. You rephrase your question, not to make Smoking Illegal, but make it a loaded question. "Should Govt do something about people smoking?" Now, the Progressives will be more inclined to call for Govt Intervention. Note: Im not trying to pick on Progressives, just using the Group Label as an Example ONLY, so you can use what ever group you want. Next, lets get that number even higher, so you take your 40 people and find out which ones have never ever smoked, so those that have quit are now excluded and their votes dont count. Youre left with say 32 people of your original 100, because 8 currently smoke, or used to smoke. So your statistic is now 65% of Non Smoking Progressives think Smoking should be illegal, but only when they are asked the question "Should Govt do something about people smoking?". Repeat the same process until you get 65% up to 68%, just find another commonality in your sample of people and divide out those who dont meet "other" criteria. So say you divide out those that do not have a 4 year college education. You divide out 13 people but it gets you closer to your target number. Now you are only asking 19 people of an original sample size of 100 people. Theyve been divided by Progressive (example group), Non Smokers (duh), with four years of College (military doesnt count). Then you ask them your question, and bingo 68% of that particular group that has been subdivided will give you your target number.

The division in the actual news article posted is "Young". Notice that they have not polled either you or I, but a small sample size. Youth will typically accept EVERY idea because they have not had alternate sources of information, nor lived long enough to think for themselves and come to a different conclusion. If they sampled "Old People" your statistic would be VERY different. What is important here is that most people completely miss the way the group is divided, and what they hear is that "all people", not just the subdivided group support spying. It works very well, except for people like us on this Forum. Most people do NOT support NSA Spying, but that is not what the numbers will show. Of those people that do NOT support NSA Spying, most will understand that it does put the individual at a much higher risk, but are unable to think well enough to support their conclusions as to why Spying is so dangerous for the average individual. What is said and what people hear are very different. Then the question is again rephrased to instill Group Think Propoganda and people hear "The Majority of ALL People want Tobacco to be made completely Illegal, period." The number itself does not make a bit of difference. Be a part of the flock and blindly accept the ideas that you are supposedly supported by your assigned group. Think what you are told to think.

Any time that a person has an opportunity to exclude themselves from target groups that are met with any form of hostility, the point of view of those people is not considered. I didnt stick up for them because I am not a Progressive. I didnt stick up for them because I am a smoker / ex smoker / chew tobacco. I didnt stick up for them because <insert any reason> not a Jew, do nothing wrong (more propoganda), dont drive a foreign made car (typically democrat leaning), etc. Then when the powers that be come for them, there is no one left to stick up for them. If we really wanted a better statistic, try asking Non Americans. Like Jews that live in Germany. We will end up with a much different number that shows NSA Spying does NOT have strong approval from young people.

This is the result of Big Data

Big Data knows people better than people know themselves. In its current form, it allows for more effective Propoganda. Big Data enables these statistics to be determined by finding unexpected corrolations. For example, people with heavy democratic leaning policies and self identify as Democrat are more likely to buy a BMW than a Ford. Not sure if that is real or not, but again, it is just an example, as are all the rest. Democrats are also much more likely to eat Yogurt. So if you want to support some opinion that is supposed to be blindly adopted by Democrats, then you find who owns BMWs and eats Yogurt, and use them as your sample. Hire Frank Lutz to ask loaded questions and you get your target number of your poll. Once the results of the poll are presented to the public, act as if no division ever occured and rephrase the question back to its original form. 83% of people think that Illegal Immigrants should receive free Medical Treatment. The idea sounds pretty offensive, but because you are not part of the majority, the intent is to get you to change your self concluded opinion with the statement that explains the statistic. But this is only the first step of Big Data.

The second phase of Big Data has nothing to do with opinions. Once all this data is available, it WILL be subject to the approval of someone other than yourself. This is Enslavement by Data. Your physical actions and very thoughts can be scrutinized by any who have access to your Data. If you watch Duck Dynasty, youre probably a non libertarian Republican, and will be spoonfed ideas that you are most likely to respond to. The "Customized Advertisement". Basically, more propoganda. The third and last phase of Big Data utilizes the Monopoly on Violence to alter your perceptions through the threat of Physical or Monetary Violence. If you do not comply in Lock Step with instructions from your Employer and your Health Care Provider, you will be either fined, fired from your job, or imprisoned. This would be due to any number of things that are not Crimes. Such as eating too much bacon, too much salt, smoke, overweight, unattractive, or expressing a wrong opinion. You'll never be told that you are being imprisoned because you are too fat. You will be imprisoned and told something else, any of the Three Felonies Per Day you already commit. It is not difficult to get a truly innocent person to believe that they have committed a crime. And as long as eating bacon presents a risk to your owners, you will be held accountable for not making them the maximum level of profit for your owners. Most of this will be automated. Since it is far too time consuming for another human to decide what is right and what is wrong for every action of your everyday life, it will be left to the determination of a series of algorithms in a computer. You piss, your internet ready hands free toilet samples your piss, checks for illegal drugs and sodium levels, and phones home to a data warehouse, where another computer gets access to the relevant information about your urine and will "modify your behavior" according to statistical models of maximum profitability. If your insurance rates need to be raised, it will be determined by a computer. If your credit score needs to be adjusted, it will be done so by a computer. If showing you less advertisements for unhealthy food will result in you eating less bacon, then you will see less advertisements for bacon, or will use scare tactics to persuade you to purchase and consume less bacon. Extend Bacon to EVERY aspect of your life, where EVERY aspect is monitored and manipulated by computers in order to maximize profits from what ever part of what ever company owns that part of you.

Most people will not be able to spot the subtle manipulations. They will think that they are "Free". It wont matter to people that they are not really free, as long as they Believe themselves to be free. This type of control will only be known by a very small group of people as to its true intetion. This small group of people will also rationalize and maintain that what they are doing is the best possible course of action for the world. They think that by maintaining absolute control over every human being on the planet, where Violence is Controlled, that the world will be a safer place and ensure the long term survival of the human race. Big Data is key to maintaining a Monopoly on Belief. The Belief that one thinks of themselves to be Free. The Belief that their opinion matters, statistics are factual, we need Govt to tell us exactly what to do and how to live, their Money has value, and their Violence is Legitamized. For those that start to "wake up" and Belief no longer holds sway over them, the next step comes from the Monopoloy on Money, where it is used to determine the outcome of a persons actions. Fines will be imposed for violations of their Monopoly on Belief and people will be labeled with Psychological Disorders. And if the Money doesnt work, there is always the Monopoly on Violence to eliminate the individual or remove them from society where they can do the least harm to the Status Quo. The Monopoly on Belief that results from Big Data is the ultimate form of control, and it permeates everything. Make no mistake that those that truly run the State have made every conceivable effort to extend the Monopoly on Belief to the Church, where they dont tell you God exists or doesnt exist, but everything else where worshipping Organized Religion becomes State Worship. The same ideas are repeated in Church that are repeated by State: Obedience will be rewarded. It has nothing to do with the actual existece of God. What they do is "make religion better" the same way as they "make this country better" by making everyone flat ass broke and dependant on the State for every action a person can take. God exists, AND by obeying both the Church and the Govt, you are a good person. Emotional Dependancy and manipulation. Church needs money. It is a measure of how effective your loyalty to a Controller is. Then comes the Bacon. Do you eat too much Bacon? Retain the idea that you are "Free", and use subtle manipulations to modify your behavior. Dont offer you coupons for Bacon, or threaten to increase your Health Insurance Premiums for having a sodium level that is too high. If you reject both Belief and Money and decide to eat bacon anyway, they only come after you where your behaviors become a threat by pointing the finger at those who are truly responsible for your enslavement.

This is what American "Young People" are not taught. This is why they think they have Freedom and Spying is just fine. The idea has been purposefully excluded from their Indoctrination and they are constantly taught to be dependant on those who do not produce or provide for the greater good of the people. They are parasites and have the brightest and the best among their ranks. They dont care about Money. They dont care about doing the right thing; they already sincerely believe unto themselves they are doing the right thing. They control the opposition to validate their existence. They dont care about your Religion as so long as they can infiltrate what ever your religion is as a means of extending the Belief in the State, which is why Atheists and Free Thinkers are such a threat to them. They dont care about stopping most wars, nor do they care about Revolution. The Revolutions will be co-opted and used to distract in every way possible attention from those who proclaim themselves to be the true Owners of this planet. Revolutions will be directed toward their Shadow Puppets, but never at the real men behind the curtain, and nothing will change. They profit from Wars and benefit from most Revolutions, destablizing regions, and controlling you. Technology is making this so much easier for them to do. We entertain ourselves to death instead of understanding the way they think and how to effectively resist. The less we think, the less we care about the consequences of Total Surveillance, Total Monetary Control, and Total Violence, as so long as the sheep are shown some small degree of validation of our own existence, which will always further their agenda.

They need us more than we need them, and that is their Achilles Heel. I do not need to be surveilled 24/7 to be a good person, or even to survive. Neither do you. Recognize the control for what it is. Realize that without Privacy, you can have no true Freedom. Do not go quietly into this good night, rage against the Dying of the Light. The Dying Light of Liberty. For when the idea of Freedom dies in your mind, it will be dead forever more.

01-27-2015, 06:28 PM
Statistics say what you want them to say. This is ONE source, and it isnt Pew, its probably the fucking CIA.

While it is worthwhile to share stories like this, it is so we can address the falsehood of the story itself. It is Group Think Propoganda. The intention is a manipulation of perception. "Oh, if everyone accepts being Spied on as part of their daily activity but me, there must be something wrong with me, thus, I should accept being Spied on also." That is the intent of news stories like this, and there is nothing wrong with you because the majority does NOT actually believe that being Spying on is tolerable. So lets try a different statistic, just so I can come up with different numbers. Of people that actually THINK, only 4.2% have no problem with Total Surveillance. And that number is quite accurate as well, but it does not reflect reality, it reflects what I want it to say and thus, is just as Group Think Propoganda as the original article. See, the problem is that there was a mathematical Divide and Conquer there you may not have caught. The keyword there was THINK. Most children do not think. At all. They are taught not to. They are taught Input Output without entertaining any ideas as they are presented. They do not challenge. They are taught to repeat the raw form of the idea as closely as possible, and step by step procedures. There is absolutely NO THINKING involved in School. So where the statistic I threw out falls apart is that most peple do not Think, therefore it doesnt represent the majority.


Well stated.

01-27-2015, 06:37 PM
I agree with the above. Justin Beaver has strong approval too among the young. That doesn't mean he is an artist. We live in a republic, not a democracy. Majority rule and minority rights. I tell everyone I can this fact and often.

01-27-2015, 06:38 PM
Not surprised. Public schools have trained them to accept constant surveillance.

War on Kids



01-27-2015, 07:01 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

01-27-2015, 07:02 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

The Hunger Games?

01-27-2015, 07:05 PM
The Hunger Games?

Not really. The surveillance state acted as an ally in that movie. That one guy would have died without it.

01-27-2015, 07:13 PM
I agree with the above. Justin Beaver has strong approval too among the young. That doesn't mean he is an artist. We live in a republic, not a democracy. Majority rule and minority rights. I tell everyone I can this fact and often.

We live in a republic? Could've fooled me.

01-27-2015, 07:13 PM
I remember being 21 and hearing older people complain about our rights being eroded... it didn't make sense to me. I couldn't see it at the time. I think as people grow older, they gain perspective. I am not too worried about this generation. In fact I think they will come around quicker than generation before.

01-27-2015, 07:16 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

Eagle Eye?

01-27-2015, 07:34 PM
Eagle Eye?

Never heard of it. Searched it up, and it looks like nearly everyone who saw it thought it was a rotten egg. In such a case it is likely to have the opposite effect.

01-27-2015, 07:35 PM
Never heard of it. Searched it up, and it looks like nearly everyone who saw it thought it was a rotten egg. In such a case it is likely to have the opposite effect.


01-27-2015, 07:42 PM
Never heard of it. Searched it up, and it looks like nearly everyone who saw it thought it was a rotten egg. In such a case it is likely to have the opposite effect.

I thought it was a great movie, myself.


01-27-2015, 07:43 PM

Heard of that one. Good movie, but only hipsters are into mid 80's movies anymore. Ask 30 non-hipster millennials about Brazil and you'll probably get 29 blank stares.

01-27-2015, 07:45 PM
I thought it was a great movie, myself.


Doesn't qualify. The person doing the surveillance in that movie is NOT the government.

01-27-2015, 07:47 PM
Heard of that one. Good movie, but only hipsters are into mid 80's movies anymore. Ask 30 non-hipster millennials about Brazil and you'll probably get 29 blank stares.

Hey, I'm not a hipster.:eek:

01-27-2015, 07:49 PM
Hey, I'm not a hipster.:eek:

How many under-30's are into cerebral non-thriller dystopian movies from 1985?

01-27-2015, 07:50 PM
How many under-30's are into cerebral non-thriller dystopian movies from 1985?

My kids liked it, there's two.

01-27-2015, 08:05 PM
Eagle Eye was kind of close to Total Surveillance, but made the AI the evil, and not the people who control the AI.

Hunger Games was also kind of close in the idea of Dystopian Future for those that Disobey.

Brave New World and 1984 were just a bit out of date in the specifics of technology, but concept remains very very close. Hybrid of the two with more specifics would be better suited. Problem is that young people have absolutely no interest in anything if it wasnt invented in the last three months. One year old? Totally out of date and wont be interested.

If Grey State comes out, it will probably be closer than anything else we have seen yet, but also may miss some key elements, possibly just due to time constraints. It doesnt help that the director was just Suicided.

01-27-2015, 10:22 PM
Fuck everything about that propaganda poll. I am young, and not a single other young person I know is down with the NSA--REGARDLESS OF STRIPE (I met an avowed Marxist and even he, hypocritically I might add, hated the NSA). Seriously, don't believe these polls--I like to think of these polls as one pawn on the board in the chess game most people are not aware is being played against them. That chess game isn't life, but a system within life. Artificial rules demarcated from nature's vast possibilities. What is really funny is that they all them polls. They give you polls to read while they slip a different kind of poll into your anus.

William Tell
01-27-2015, 10:27 PM
I fear the day when my generation comes to power.

Same here, our generation sucks on average.

01-27-2015, 10:27 PM
How many under-30's are into cerebral non-thriller dystopian movies from 1985?

Holy shit. How many were there from that year?

01-27-2015, 10:29 PM
I fear the day when my generation comes to power. As bad as prior generations have been (politically), my generation is filled with misguided SJWs and cancerous Progressives whose foreign policy is just as bad as the Neo-Conservative's.

Hell, I just read an article today in my campus' newspaper where a student argued that the United States should intervene in Nigeria and take out Boko Haram. I wish I could say that this was just an isolated voice, but the Progressives, SJWs, and Third Wave Feminists dominate my generation. A "humanitarian" foreign policy is perhaps worst type of foreign policy, but these goofs don't realize that.

I get why Ron has faith in the youth (which he experienced first-hand at his campaign rallies), but those people are merely a small school of fish that constantly swim amongst sharks.

Democracy is just a terrible concept.

My suggestion to you is to teach yourself survival skills. Our generation (I'm guessing you're about my age or younger) doesn't know how to go on living more than 30 seconds without an I-droid phone. Survival skills will be useful in the coming collapse, and when disease and famine kill off most of our generation, we'll have the majority again.

That's the way I see it, but I hope I'm not being overly optimistic.

01-27-2015, 10:42 PM
Holy shit. How many were there from that year?

Not many but I did like a lot of moves that year.


Occam's Banana
01-27-2015, 10:50 PM
Young people are more likely than older Americans to view the intelligence agency positively. About six-in-ten (61%) of those under 30 view the NSA favorably [...]

Maybe they think "NSA" = "National Selfies Agency" ...

01-27-2015, 11:19 PM
I don't know if this is accurate, but it wouldn't surprise me. My generation is one of the most politically toxic to ever exist. One good thing from that though is I think that the next generation will rebel against the awful progressive political climate that their parents bring them into.

01-27-2015, 11:21 PM
What do people expect? Many young people put their bare butts on their Instagram accounts. And many more watch TV shows that glorify spy agencies and their ability to know absolutely everything there is to now about the "bad guys." This is just the result of government tax dollars at work. And some of yall think the government is too incompetent to carry out a conspiracy. :rolleyes:

01-27-2015, 11:23 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

I wish more people saw A Scanner Darkly

01-27-2015, 11:31 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

Somehow the Internet has to roll over and replace the old guard Broadcast News Media. Maybe when the older generation passes away, that audience will be lost.

The least I hope for is that younger people don't take Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or Megyn Kelly seriously. We might be better off is the media is replaced with Video Bloggers and Podcasters ranging from the The Young Turks to Dan Carlin's Common Sense or even The Ron Paul Channel. I think the best thing about any of these shows is they're more likely to be self-produced rather than rely on a Ted Turner or Rupert Murdoch to back them up.

Christian Liberty
01-28-2015, 12:09 AM
I fear the day when my generation comes to power. As bad as prior generations have been (politically), my generation is filled with misguided SJWs and cancerous Progressives whose foreign policy is just as bad as the Neo-Conservative's.

Hell, I just read an article today in my campus' newspaper where a student argued that the United States should intervene in Nigeria and take out Boko Haram. I wish I could say that this was just an isolated voice, but the Progressives, SJWs, and Third Wave Feminists dominate my generation. A "humanitarian" foreign policy is perhaps worst type of foreign policy, but these goofs don't realize that.

I get why Ron has faith in the youth (which he experienced first-hand at his campaign rallies), but those people are merely a small school of fish that constantly swim amongst sharks.

Democracy is just a terrible concept.

Indeed. Monarchy would be a step in the right direction*. At least then everyone knows who the king is and who to blame when stuff screws up, plus he would have a genuine stake in his government "working" and there wouldn't be voters who would be able to demand bread and circuses.

*A genuine Republic would still be better. But we need better people. The core of the problem is people suck.

01-28-2015, 12:18 AM
Indeed. Monarchy would be a step in the right direction*. At least then everyone knows who the king is and who to blame when stuff screws up, plus he would have a genuine stake in his government "working" and there wouldn't be voters who would be able to demand bread and circuses.

*A genuine Republic would still be better. But we need better people. The core of the problem is people suck.

I think for it to work, there needs to be a different kind of election/voting system. The current system is way to easy for a strong minority to dominate.

Maybe part of the blame is on the People, but the other half is the mainstream choices pitched to the public by the media are awful. It's no wonder many people would rather not vote then choose from 2 assholes.


01-28-2015, 12:22 AM
I think for it to work, there needs to be a different kind of election/voting system. The current system is way to easy for a strong minority to dominate.

Maybe part of the blame is on the People, but the other half is the mainstream choices pitched to the public by the media are awful. It's no wonder many people would rather not vote then choose from 2 assholes.


Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.

01-28-2015, 12:33 AM
It definitely doesn't take an Astrophysicist to figure this one out. This has been long in the making.

"I've come to believe that genius is an exceedingly common human quality, probably natural to most of us... I began to wonder, reluctantly, whether it was possible that being in school itself was what was dumbing them down. Was it possible I had been hired not to enlarge children's power, but to diminish it? That seemed crazy on the face of it, but slowly I began to realize that the bells and the confinement, the crazy sequences, the age-segregation, the lack of privacy, the constant surveillance, and all the rest of national curriculum of schooling were designed exactly as if someone had set out to *prevent* children from learning how to think and act, to coax them into addiction and dependent behavior."

– John Taylor Gatto

01-28-2015, 12:42 AM
I think the Poll is B.S. I distinctly remember the NSA going to the school and college job fairs and getting harassed, and I'm sure those are not isolated incidents. Maybe those kids are in the 40% but I somehow think the youth no where near 60% in it's approval. Damian is right polls can be manipulated and rigged to get the outcome you want.

Regarding Dystopian movies, those are all the rage right now with all the teens. Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Divergent all came out just in the last couple years. Hollywood can't churn them out fast enough. And those are just a few, there are more Dystopia teen books that aren't movies. Even the recent Planet of the Apes movies have a dystopian plot.

Divergent is a good initial read regarding the topic of must conforming and what happens if you don't conform to their rules, and how everything is for the good of the system and that's how leaders can justify their actions. I read the trilogy though and they go downhill, by the 3rd book I found it annoying IMO.

01-28-2015, 01:34 AM
All of those dystopias are totally fantastic though. Fantastic in it's proper definition not the current vernacular. None of the currently popular dystopian movies seem plausible, nor do they point to the current security apparatus. There was a movie years ago "Enemy Of The State" that seems more in line with what I am talking about. A fantastic maze that changes and kills people every night does not seem anything like our current reality.

The one thing that currently popular dystopias have in common is that they are completely implausible in reality. Originally, the whole point behind creating dystopian fiction was to point to the ills of current society and serve warning. The ones that Hollywood is churning out today are all completely in the realm of fantasy.

01-28-2015, 01:56 AM


01-28-2015, 02:02 AM
Captain America: Winter Soldier was a surprisingly dystopian movie that takes direct aim at the corruption and malevolence of the NSA, straight out of the Enemy of the State playbook.

Mani, I was in 香港 the other day, and wow! It's so different than I imagined. So many 老外, 每个人说了英文。一月可能我回去到香港我买你一瓶啤酒

01-28-2015, 02:23 AM
I was poking around online from searching up those two trailers.

It looks like Sony wants to to a MiB4 without Will Smith, but with a 21 Jump Street crossover.

I would rather have my eyeballs carved out with toothpicks than to lay eyes on anything having anything to do with any kind of Jump Street. Sony, this is the best way to guarantee that MiB4 is the one I will never, ever watch under any circumstances.

01-28-2015, 02:31 AM

Excellent film, not just because of the message, but because it was a real fun watch too. SO many message movies forget to make the film actually watchable too.

Weird fact about Enemy of the State: Jon Voight's character's birthday is clearly seen on his ID. The date is 9/11

01-28-2015, 02:51 AM
Excellent film, not just because of the message, but because it was a real fun watch too. SO many message movies forget to make the film actually watchable too.

Weird fact about Enemy of the State: Jon Voight's character's birthday is clearly seen on his ID. The date is 9/11

I was born on 9/11 myself. :)

01-28-2015, 02:55 AM
I'd like to see the questions because they don't seem to square with other replies from, apparently, the same survey:




01-28-2015, 03:03 AM
Utter and complete stupidity is still an option.

Weston White
01-28-2015, 03:22 AM
What is privacy, i.e., what does it actually mean to have privacy?

Privacy is oppositional to surveillance.
Privacy is an immutable right—one of a myriad founded in divinity.
To exercise privacy is to constrain intrusion, judgment, and scrutiny.
To behold privacy is to deny the government of its chilling effects over its populace.
Privacy is fundamental to the exercise freedom—privacy is freedom’s quintessence.

Ergo, without the provision of privacy there is zero freedom to be had.

Occam's Banana
01-28-2015, 03:32 AM
I'd like to see the questions because they don't seem to square with other replies from, apparently, the same survey:

This observed "lack of squaring with other replies" is only problematic if one assumes logical consistency among poll respondents.

Sadly, such an assumption may not be warranted ...

01-28-2015, 03:36 AM
Maybe they think "NSA" = "National Selfies Agency" ...
This is making more and more sense.

Ronin Truth
01-28-2015, 09:56 AM
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

01-28-2015, 12:27 PM
I agree with the above. Justin Beaver has strong approval too among the young. That doesn't mean he is an artist. We live in a republic, not a democracy. Majority rule and minority rights. I tell everyone I can this fact and often.

We live in anarchy with a tyrannical pervasive network of gangs purporting themselves to be a republic while selling the ideas of a democracy to the uninitiated.

01-29-2015, 09:37 PM
We live in a republic? Could've fooled me.

Tell me about it. You and the rest of the American people

01-29-2015, 10:15 PM
Captain America: Winter Soldier was a surprisingly dystopian movie that takes direct aim at the corruption and malevolence of the NSA, straight out of the Enemy of the State playbook.

Mani, I was in 香港 the other day, and wow! It's so different than I imagined. So many 老外, 每个人说了英文。一月可能我回去到香港我买你一瓶啤酒

It's awesome! Please do let me know!!

01-29-2015, 11:53 PM
I highly doubt it.

01-30-2015, 02:59 AM
Statistics say what ever you want them to say. Period.

Dystopian Movies: Despite the loss of the Director, we would all do well if Gray State ever makes it out.

01-30-2015, 06:14 AM
Stalinization. A large percentage of our children have been corrupted. Be sure to teach yours otherwise.

02-01-2015, 04:18 AM
Story is now on Slashdot. Only relevant because of some of the comments...


In other news, Satan is viewed positively by those who have never heard of him...

Maybe they meant NASA?

Alternate subject line for you: "Naivete inversely proportional to age", or "Young people proven yet again to be generally unwise, don't know the difference". The NSA has it's own propaganda machine, and guess what? Apparently it's working, what a shocker. There is an entire generation out there who have been raised to believe that 'not sharing' is anti-social and a symptom of some sort of mental illness, and that only people with something to hide want 'privacy'. Organizations like the NSA, and companies like Facebook and other so-called 'social media', which really are just data collection services for the government and marketers, are playing the long game of indoctrinating young people into the concept that their natural, normal need for privacy is wrong, bad, and an illness; if they're allowed to continue this, the next generation may not even know of such a thing as 'privacy', and maybe even react violently to the idea, like someone is, ironically, trying to take something away from them. They don't get that the world they live in is becoming more and more like a prison or a zoo, with them being the ones behind the bars, being watched 24/7/365. Meanwhile they're also being taught to not think, not question anything, to not work things out themselves, to ask an 'authority figure' instead; someone I used to work with had a phrase for people like this: 'Monkey button-pushers', people who can be taught to do a task, but that don't (or can't) understand really what they're doing. People have too much done for them, are less and less incentivised to actually learn how things work, learn skills, or to think creatively.

The 65 and older generation were Vietnam era draft bait. Knowing the government could pull your 18 year old ass out to die in the jungles of Southeast Asia tends to color your perception a bit.

People here like to mock the boomer generation, but having 50,000 of your cohort die in that war does give you a different prospective on things.

Just a few sample quotes that I didnt even cherrypick. Slashdot crowd doesnt seem to believe this Disinformation either. Good on them!

02-01-2015, 04:54 AM
Is it just me, or do kids these days, for the most part, really do have nothing to hide? (nothing illegal, anyway)

They are by and large exemplary law abiding citizens. And those that aren't, ... strive to be.

02-01-2015, 08:14 PM
Is it just me, or do kids these days, for the most part, really do have nothing to hide? (nothing illegal, anyway)

They are by and large exemplary law abiding citizens. And those that aren't, ... strive to be.

Nothing to hide infers that they know what is deemed "Right" and "Wrong". They do not, and will not, and can not, not until it is too late.

Three Felonies per Day.

02-01-2015, 08:25 PM
I hate to say this, but the one thing that would reverse this trend is a dystopian hollyweird movie that plays up the surveillance state as ultimate evil. Such a movie goes big, the under-30's approval of the NSA drops to 20%. :rolleyes:

I disagree. One movie isn't going to make a big difference. We have a whole culture that revolves around the acceptance of surveillance. The whole culture needs to change before that one movie can have any real relevance.

02-01-2015, 08:29 PM
I disagree. One movie isn't going to make a big difference. We have a whole culture that revolves around the acceptance of surveillance. The whole culture needs to change before that one movie can have any real relevance.
Perhaps, but that's how you change the culture.

02-01-2015, 08:30 PM
Never heard of it. Searched it up, and it looks like nearly everyone who saw it thought it was a rotten egg. In such a case it is likely to have the opposite effect.

Minority Report?

02-01-2015, 08:37 PM
Minority Report?

That's a good one. I'll bet most anti statists have watched it and it was impactful. I think the message it left in people's minds though was more an indictment of the idea of pre-crime than anything to do with surveillance though. I notice that whenever they start talking about arresting people for potential crimes nowadays, people I would never have expected start growling about pre-crime. So I think that example actually helps demonstrate the point.

02-01-2015, 08:42 PM

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

02-01-2015, 08:51 PM
Perhaps, but that's how you change the culture.

Movies are really just a reflection of the culture, not a creator of the culture. Even though they do play a large part in propaganda, they are usually preceded by a popular notion created through other means, such as talking heads in the media and elsewhere that create the notion in the minds of people which is then propagated and made widespread by movies.

02-01-2015, 08:53 PM
Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

"If education is beaten by workforce training, civilization dies." - CS Lewis

02-01-2015, 09:03 PM
Nothing to hide infers that they know what is deemed "Right" and "Wrong". They do not, and will not, and can not, not until it is too late.

Three Felonies per Day.

Let me put it a different way. They think they have nothing to hide, much more than previous generations...