View Full Version : Rand Paul Speaks at Conservative Policy Summit

01-13-2015, 07:41 PM

Impressive command of an often brushed over issue. Really gets the audience thinking!

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke about judicial restraint and activism. He noted conservatives' belief in judicial restraint but argued that the court should protect individual liberties. He also said the Supreme Court was right in its decision to strike down Jim Crow laws in the Brown decision and called the Plessy v. Ferguson decision wrong.

Senator Paul was followed by a discussion on national security with Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK).

This program took place at a conservative policy summit hosted by the Heritage Action for America. "Opportunity for All, Favoritism to None" took place on January 12-13, 2015, at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

01-13-2015, 09:45 PM
Wow, nice change of pace from the typical stump speech. Rand was entirely comfortable switching gears and doing a great speech on the role of the supreme court and the separation of powers. Best part -- he didn't even mention the man coming over the hill singing.

01-14-2015, 03:23 AM
He's putting it on the record what types of Federal judges he would nominate.

r3volution 3.0
01-14-2015, 02:50 PM
That was an important speech; as CPUd said he's saying out his criteria for judicial appointments. It's being misrepresented in the teocon media, though, since "judicial activism" is one of those buzzwords that causes them to froth at the mouth (without thinking about or understanding the issue at all). Anyway, his comments on free trade agreements in the Q & A were good as well. tl;dr = it's not perfect, but on balance its worthwhile to move incrementally toward free(er) trade.