View Full Version : Browns NFL player wears "justice for Tamir/Crawford" Cops DEMAND Apology

12-16-2014, 01:28 AM
So it's not just Ferguson cops pissed Rams NFL Players did the "hands up don't shoot" message, a Cleveland football player wears a Tshirt asking for Justice for 2 people killed by cops and again the Police are going ape shit about it.

Sensitive much???

So the cops blow away a guy in the store for holding a toy gun (not pointing it at anybody), and then blow away a kid for similar reasons, and so far there's no answer to death of these men, there does not seem to be much accountability....So an NFL player wears a shirt asking for justice...

And now the cops are pissed and asking the Browns or the NFL to punish him and make him accountable for his expressing his right to free speech. Interesting how that works huh...

Lesson learned....If the cops kill someone...whatever you do, don't bring it up. Don't ask for justice, don't ask questions, don't make symbolic gestures, don't video record it. Otherwise the cops will come after or be very upset and at minimum: DEMAND you apologize, DEMAND you get punished and DEMAND you SHUT THE FUCK UP.


The shirt upset the Cleveland Police Union, as the president of the organization demanded an apology.

"Somebody needs to apologize I mean they're sending a statement out to our police officers who are protecting and serving all the time and they're unfairly picking out two police officers that had to respond to a male with a gun."
said Police Patrolman Union President Jeff Follmer.


Jeff Follmer, the president of the Police Patrolman Union in Cleveland is demanding an apology for Andrew Hawkins decision to practice free speech.

Follmer issued the following statement Sunday, after the game:

It’s pretty pathetic when athletes think they know the law. They should stick to what they know best on the field. The Cleveland Police protect and serve the Browns stadium and the Browns organization owes us an apology.

(Athletes knowing the law? That's pathetic to you? It's pathetic to you that someone questioned the actions of officers who seem to get away with drive by shooting kids and gunning down guys at walmart like their playing gears of war. Questioning that is Pathetic to you???)

12-16-2014, 04:18 AM
It would start to get real interesting if some of them would start wearing "justice for Iraqi and Afghanistan children" shirts.

Weston White
12-16-2014, 05:03 AM
Interesting, David Knight of Infowars had recently noted that unlike the Second Amendment the First Amendment does not require registration, background checks, fees, training classes, tests, and licensing to use it; and that certain legislatures have been calling for the licensing of ‘reporters’ and of Japan’s recent crackdown on whistleblowers and of the media personnel involved in publicly disseminating such information that lengthy prison sentences were imposed to cooperate with the backdoor-door demands of American officials.

Hey there Mr. Follmer, FTFY: "It’s pretty pathetic when civilians think they know the law..." Say, if they do refuse to apologize will your agency stop protecting and serving the stadium and should your agency deny such protection and service for their stadium, would that truly be such a bad thing?

12-16-2014, 07:14 AM
You know, since America worships football, and since football is dominated by black players, and since the media refuses to see this as anything other than a "black white" thing, I hope this kind of protest catches on across the league. What are the rogue cops and their sycophant supporters going to do? Boycott football?

Of course what would really be cool is if black people realized that anti-gun laws and anti-gun groups are a big reason why these two black males are dead. That and the "See something/say something" nanny state. If there was more freedom to open carry across the country, and if more blacks open carried, the next 911 call might go like this. "Police. Help! There are 30 black people here in Walmart with guns! What are they doing? Well some are at the register paying for their stuff. That's right. They're armed with guns and giving money to the checkout lady. Hello? Hello? 911 did you hang up on me?"

Weston White
12-16-2014, 07:48 AM
That is a great realization. Aren't the police really shooting themselves in their feet in their handling of public relations on this matter? Being that it is being billed as a black v. white, racial issue. What is it that these police unions and blue fraternal brotherhoods really stating to the public; is it that the public opinions of black professional athletes matters not a lick to them, because they are so dumb anyways, and that those uppity blacks need to check their speech--and had better do it all while graveling?

12-16-2014, 09:03 AM
Jeff Follmer, the president of the Police Patrolman Union in Cleveland is demanding an apology for Andrew Hawkins decision to practice free speech.

Follmer issued the following statement Sunday, after the game:

It’s pretty pathetic when athletes think they know the law. They should stick to what they know best on the field. The Cleveland Police protect and serve the Browns stadium and the Browns organization owes us an apology.

Well, when you are protected for being ignorant of the law it's ok to call someone pathetic for being "ignorant" of your law.

-Supreme Court rules, 8 to 1, that even though the officer was mistaken about the law, he still had the right to pull the man over and search his car, because he *thought* it was against the law to have a tail light out.

12-16-2014, 09:51 AM
Deleted b/c I just realized it was already posted. :)

Occam's Banana
12-16-2014, 09:57 AM
The shirt upset the Cleveland Police Union, as the president of the organization demanded an apology.

"Somebody needs to apologize. I mean, they're sending a statement out to our police officers who are protecting and serving all the time and they're unfairly picking out two police officers that had to respond to a male with a gun," said Police Patrolman Union President Jeff Follmer.

Tamir Rice did not have a gun, you jackass. You and your buddies weren't "protecting and serving" shit by killing him.


Jeff Follmer, the president of the Police Patrolman Union in Cleveland is demanding an apology for Andrew Hawkins' decision to practice free speech.

Follmer issued the following statement Sunday, after the game:

"It’s pretty pathetic when athletes think they know the law. They should stick to what they know best on the field. The Cleveland Police protect and serve the Browns stadium and the Browns organization owes us an apology."

It's pretty pathetic when cops think they know the law: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?464878-Supreme-Court-Sides-With-Police-In-4th-Amendment-Case-Arising-from-Officer%92s-%91Mistake-of-Law%92

But I'll bet you're not gonna piss & moan & whine & bitch about any of that, though, are you, you mealy-mouthed fuck?

Henry Rogue
12-16-2014, 10:01 AM
Jeff Follmer, the president of the Police Patrolman Union in Cleveland is demanding an apology for Andrew Hawkins decision to practice free speech.

This goon has got a lot of nerve. :mad: He is as culpable as the low life murderous thugs he represents.

12-16-2014, 10:07 AM
It would start to get real interesting if some of them would start wearing "justice for Iraqi and Afghanistan children" shirts.

Not a responsible protest it would be as things tend to get out of hands in protests for the children.

US streets could not bear such protests looking at recent such protests:

Click here to view the original image of 999x777px.
(http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=children%20drone&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=Zi8NhxAZCcdzdM&tbnid=3os0vAY--oYXjM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhpmonitor.blogspot.com%2F2013%2F0 3%2Fhuffpost-us-drone-policy-is-suffering.html&ei=eanOUYzuOIrs9ATcrYHYAQ&bvm=bv.48572450,d.eWU&psig=AFQjCNGTMwPxvaB5YPzkbff1rfU1NqvEMg&ust=1372584663393824)http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Hv5F5G2rPjY/UTjs9RJw1OI/AAAAAAAANYY/M0ZV407FSVQ/s1600/droneC1.PNG

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUTExQWFhUXFh8aFxcXGRoXGhgaHRoaGR0YHh 4bHCggGBwlHBcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0kHyQsLC8sLCwsLCwsLC4sLCwsLCwvLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wtLCwsLCwsLCwtLSwsLDAsLCwtMf/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFBgcCAQj/xABLEAABAwIEAwQHAwcKBgEFAAABAgMRAAQFEiExBkFREyJhcQ cUMoGRobEjUsFCcpKy0dLwFRYkMzRic7PT4RdDU4LC8aIlNTZ1 g//EABoBAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAxEQACAgEDAwEGBQQDAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMQRBURMFIjJhof AUcYGRsRVSwdEjYrL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMNp5h2FPvkhhl10p1UG0KWQDsTlBimdW70WYk61iVshtxaEuv tpcCSQFpzeyrqNTpQEJc8O3bYUpy1uEJSApRU0tISCSASSnQEg iT0NcHA7mY9XekN9rHZrnsv+rt7H97atotS9eniK3W+NHUNtKf cKW2kB58gSZyp0jbpUliLJRdvIkEp4by5kmUmFrEg8x0NAYI5g tylkPm3eDJ2dLaw2ZMDvxl1Om9It4e6psupacLYVkLgSooCjEJ zRGbUab61sfEuOXD2Hi8sVpctFWYtLu2VmPqyti4EhQg6xmjaD qPZjeAsQRb4L27gzIaxdpahvolLJJA5kbjxFAZpiOC3DGUvsPM 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QNigp1JnflVNesbl1kvKv1m6ctLdx5HYtBv1Zx3uNoMd1SCSrQ CT51Njhm7RfLQb9zW7bdSsMsElblu8hThBRAI7JaIGkaxNAfPi 9z51zV+xVTWK4patC6deS4EtKdWy2ypPeWYCWwEkazJ11PSpQ+ je0BLvrTxtgw+4VdkntAq3dQ0tMZoIlZIPhQGW0VqaPRfbodWh +7WEKuWra3UhoErceaS8krBV3UgKAPUgnSmD3o8abtVKduSm57 K4dbQEjsim2WUKSVFU51QSIH01AzuitJ4q9HDLKV+rXC3HGX2m XUOICRL6QpBSoHX2hIjr01kv+EjX8piyFwstqtVPBzKmc6XeyK I2gH60BklFXHHeC/VsLtr5SlB151SFNECEgFwAzuSQ2D76p1AFFFFAFXv0altTGJML fYZU9bpQ2X3EtJKs8xKvDpVEooDdcaxe0uHClN+2z/9UQpLyHEAp7PD0thwT/y+2QEFcZdTSeI8QMW6b15Dlmq7XZ25eShTbjLtwHlheVJMLVlh RAGmh3msPmiaA23B8cZcsmWfWLZt9yxeA7RaEtod9ZS4ELBMIk ahJGoBpy5iNm9cOJaurRtLOKWt0SpaWm1ttW6EOFoxlWc6VaDz 5isJmnWHIQpYS5mg6DLEySAN+VQ3SsvCGuSiu5tWMcVWz1s6yH 2Ozcw65WDnSl3te2zttTIUCoGeyO8bU4xLFwcZtbhV/YKs0OwgIeZ7RE2ygpThGuXMkiVKOqkjmKx+4w9r7UJK5bTzIgn 9lePYUgJUQTIQhQkiJUSDOm2lZ+tH7+/mdr9mZ1fG19/F3/5ZcsTuWWXMDtzcMOKtnip5bTgW0gLuUrH2mg0SCT0qw8XcQo7a yWu8tnnkYopbS2XEKS1ZqUnuuFEJB2mdYnU61lOJ2TSAQlRzpI BCo7wOsilLfC0FKFEqjsytQESYI0Hxp6sasj+nZnkeNVa53+df 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5lGfw+NRSHSAUjZUT7jNKi9WNjyA8o2+lAP23SSonuwlULjeFD w5V62Zb1MyF6Rvrv4RTH19UzCdoiNNTJ0868N8qIASN9hsDuB0 oCTVuTHsqOXQadyfrQhMpzQCYSqPvKyH/37qjDfrkHTTw30jXrpR68vw3BGm0aAeVAKWSyA4oaq7vzVr8ad fkEZYlLhI8QdPhTBF4oHQJ8o03n4ij11cEaazrGuu499AS1ygQ 4rqiPhIP4UyZUElKTpCSSYnKpXM+Qge+kDiC/DnpHWJ+lJJuVBRVpJmZ1BnlQEh2igHAYBBTttqdfj+NONydhlU oAxsMs1ELulHNP5UT7tq7VfrPTnOm8iCT4xQEl2ebOnmQnXqcp M/KurpcapEyUiOogmKi036xG2kcugI/GhN+sdNgBptAgHzoB0gfatafkDT3KpWZSknc9nPj3jUeL5Wm0p iDGunjXov1TOmwEQIEbQPCgJFR3ESMqzEbkL0rlajmzaRkUUmN RtofKmHry4jTzjXUydfOhV+omdOekaGd56zQEl2ejmglXMbaJB n4mk0uFRSCdC0SdOeommPr65BkaT5a6VwLpWm2icvu/g0BJqOVGigO6iFRM6Hw510j2UbHRvTmJO/v2qNTfKAiEkQBBE7bV4L1Q6bJG33TIoCSABQeoCz7iVD8BSGKe ydoC4HUd3bbamgvFeGxHuUZNcv3SlCDHXQRJiJPuoBCiiigCii igCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCii igCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigCiiigP/9k= (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.datehookup.com%2FThread-1165186.htm&ei=e4ORVIwliO6DBMm6g6AJ&bvm=bv.82001339,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNEMvMkMlmE29GH0n5TTiBK68nLrLQ&ust=1418908880185417)


tod evans
12-16-2014, 10:08 AM
Here's a picture of this fine upstanding apologist....

Jeff Follmer, the president of the Police Patrolman Union in Cleveland


12-16-2014, 10:44 AM
It would start to get real interesting if some of them would start wearing "justice for Iraqi and Afghanistan children" shirts.

All this talk of putting cameras on cops. Our troops need them too.

12-16-2014, 10:57 AM
Here's a picture of this fine upstanding apologist....


Just another skinhead.

Occam's Banana
12-16-2014, 11:13 AM
Here's a picture of this fine upstanding apologist....


Just another skinhead.

He's a blue supremacist.
"Blue Pride! Blue Power!"

12-16-2014, 11:13 AM


Occam's Banana
12-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Will Grigg is in da house ...

Cleveland Police Union Thug Cop-splains Blue Privelege
William Norman Grigg (16 December 2016)


Law enforcement is a career that selects for people of severely limited intellect. (http://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) Even in that undistinguished company, Jeffrey Follmer, president of the Cleveland Patrolman’s Association (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/cleveland-police-union-head-tamir-rice-shirt-pathetic), is a gopher mound among the Himalayas.

Follmer is marginally verbal and displays no capacity for critical thinking. In most occupations, these traits would be a liability. In law enforcement, they earned Follmer the title of “detective.” More importantly, they equipped him to learn the Killer Cop’s Catechism of Self-Justification well enough to recite it on cue, as he did in an interview last night on MSNBC’s “All In” program. (http://crooksandliars.com/cltv/2014/12/cleveland-police-union-chief-calls)

Speaking – perhaps “grunting” is a more suitable expression – on behalf of the privileged purveyors of state-licensed violence, Follmer demanded an apology from Cleveland Browns player Andrew Hawkins, who strode to the field Sunday wearing a T-shirt protesting the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was “armed” with a BB pistol.

The 9/11 call that summoned the police made mention of the fact that the “gun” appeared to be a toy. The officers rolled up to the playground where Rice was minding his own business and shot him within two seconds of their arrival – then, in keeping with standard procedure, lied in their official reports. (http://blog.simplejustice.us/2014/11/27/dead-wrong-about-tamir-rice/) Tim Loehmann, the officer who killed the child, had been terminated by a department in another city because he couldn’t meet its undemanding standards of firearms proficiency and emotional stability (http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2014/12/cleveland_police_officer_who_s.html). Loehmann and Officer Frank Gramback, his accomplice in the killing withheld aid from the victim, allowing him to die in agony (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2854617/Cops-shot-12-year-old-Tamir-Rice-dead-holding-BB-gun-did-not-aid-watched-lie-agony-died-just-hours-later.html).

None of these facts penetrated Follmer’s hyper-dense, highly polished, and thoroughly uncluttered skull. All that matters to him is that the killing of Tamir Rice had been ruled “justified” by the department, and that Hawkins had “dissed” Follmer’s fraternity of privileged thugs (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/15/jeffrey-follmer-cleveland-browns_n_6330990.html).

Like most people in his profession, Follmer defines the powers of a police officer in terms of what they have permission to do to members of the public, rather than what they are supposedly required to do on their behalf:

“How about this? Listen to police officers commands, listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” Follmer said, ignoring the fact that Tamir Rice didn’t have time to comply with any commands (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/15/tamir-rice-mother-shot-police-orders). “I think that eliminates a lot of problems….I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it, and if you’re wrong you’re wrong, and if you’re right, then the courts will figure it out.”

From Follmer’s perspective, the police are never wrong, and when Mundanes are “right” the courts will “figure it out” – posthumously, in an ever-increasing number of cases.

12-16-2014, 01:32 PM
Here's a picture of this fine upstanding apologist....


lex luthor!

12-16-2014, 01:37 PM
Holy Shit... they're all Skinheads now.

Christian Liberty
12-16-2014, 01:40 PM
What is it with police trying to silence critics of the police lately?

Weston White
12-16-2014, 01:43 PM
Oh he used bold, he be soo mad!

Seriously though, that dude is seriously suffering from delusions of grandeur.

12-16-2014, 01:57 PM
Oh he used bold, he be soo mad!

Seriously though, that dude is seriously suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Yes, another obvious illogical-phallus-he.

12-16-2014, 02:41 PM
I would like to see the list of officers who died trying to save children's lives. I'm sure McNesby has the list somewhere......

12-16-2014, 10:34 PM


Awesome Cartoon....

Awful letter. I've never seen such sensitive heroes before. They are the most thinly skinned heroes on the planet.

Commentary Cartoon - demand apology.
Justice Tshirt for dead people murdered (included an unarmed child) Demand apology.
Hands up don't shoot gesture. Demand Apology.

I love how these cops demand an apology and then add, "We keep you safe!!!"

12-16-2014, 10:39 PM
Here's a picture of this fine upstanding apologist....


Richard Cranium.

12-16-2014, 10:40 PM
Will Grigg is in da house ...

Cleveland Police Union Thug Cop-splains Blue Privelege
William Norman Grigg (16 December 2016)


Law enforcement is a career that selects for people of severely limited intellect. (http://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) Even in that undistinguished company, Jeffrey Follmer, president of the Cleveland Patrolman’s Association (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/cleveland-police-union-head-tamir-rice-shirt-pathetic), is a gopher mound among the Himalayas.

Follmer is marginally verbal and displays no capacity for critical thinking. In most occupations, these traits would be a liability. In law enforcement, they earned Follmer the title of “detective.” More importantly, they equipped him to learn the Killer Cop’s Catechism of Self-Justification well enough to recite it on cue, as he did in an interview last night on MSNBC’s “All In” program. (http://crooksandliars.com/cltv/2014/12/cleveland-police-union-chief-calls)

Speaking – perhaps “grunting” is a more suitable expression – on behalf of the privileged purveyors of state-licensed violence, Follmer demanded an apology from Cleveland Browns player Andrew Hawkins, who strode to the field Sunday wearing a T-shirt protesting the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was “armed” with a BB pistol.

The 9/11 call that summoned the police made mention of the fact that the “gun” appeared to be a toy. The officers rolled up to the playground where Rice was minding his own business and shot him within two seconds of their arrival – then, in keeping with standard procedure, lied in their official reports. (http://blog.simplejustice.us/2014/11/27/dead-wrong-about-tamir-rice/) Tim Loehmann, the officer who killed the child, had been terminated by a department in another city because he couldn’t meet its undemanding standards of firearms proficiency and emotional stability (http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2014/12/cleveland_police_officer_who_s.html). Loehmann and Officer Frank Gramback, his accomplice in the killing withheld aid from the victim, allowing him to die in agony (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2854617/Cops-shot-12-year-old-Tamir-Rice-dead-holding-BB-gun-did-not-aid-watched-lie-agony-died-just-hours-later.html).

None of these facts penetrated Follmer’s hyper-dense, highly polished, and thoroughly uncluttered skull. All that matters to him is that the killing of Tamir Rice had been ruled “justified” by the department, and that Hawkins had “dissed” Follmer’s fraternity of privileged thugs (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/15/jeffrey-follmer-cleveland-browns_n_6330990.html).

Like most people in his profession, Follmer defines the powers of a police officer in terms of what they have permission to do to members of the public, rather than what they are supposedly required to do on their behalf:

“How about this? Listen to police officers commands, listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” Follmer said, ignoring the fact that Tamir Rice didn’t have time to comply with any commands (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/15/tamir-rice-mother-shot-police-orders). “I think that eliminates a lot of problems….I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it, and if you’re wrong you’re wrong, and if you’re right, then the courts will figure it out.”

From Follmer’s perspective, the police are never wrong, and when Mundanes are “right” the courts will “figure it out” – posthumously, in an ever-increasing number of cases.

Dammit! Used up my rep already....:( Thanks for the heads up.

12-16-2014, 10:41 PM
Richard Cranium.

Mike Hunt.

12-16-2014, 10:55 PM
They are very collectivist in this when they say something to the effect, "calling for justice in these 2 cases insults ALL police officers." Can they ever admit they have some very bad apples? The football player wasn't insulting the police, just two bad officers. However Jeffery Follmer and other police officials constantly defending two bad cops will eventually turn people against all cops.

It's like saying if you dislike Obamacare it's because you hate the president because he is black.

12-16-2014, 10:56 PM
Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaa.... What a bunch of foulking babies!!! How about the "goons" apologize for ANYTHING???

12-16-2014, 10:57 PM
Mike Hunt.

Is there something you would like to share with us JK? :D

12-16-2014, 11:06 PM
They are very collectivist in this when they say something to the effect, "calling for justice in these 2 cases insults ALL police officers." Can they ever admit they have some very bad apples? The football player wasn't insulting the police, just two bad officers. However Jeffery Follmer and other police officials constantly defending two bad cops will eventually turn people against all cops.

It's like saying if you dislike Obamacare it's because you hate the president because he is black.

Worse yet, Hawkins is calling for Justice...He never even INSULTED the 2 officers.

Here are his words:

I was taught that justice is a right that every American should have,” Hawkins, 28, told reporters Monday. “Also, justice should be the goal of every American. I think that’s what makes this country. To me, justice means the innocent should be found innocent. It means that those who do wrong should get their due punishment. Ultimately, it means fair treatment.

“So a call for justice shouldn’t offend or disrespect anybody. A call for justice shouldn’t warrant an apology.”

It's fascinating that these cops are freaking out when people ask for justice. They are not even directly insulting the officers. The Tshirts don't say, "Fuck the police." "Police are shit." or whatever else insult. These guys are asking for the dead people to have their voices heard. And YET THAT is enough to get these cops panties in a wad.

Occam's Banana
12-16-2014, 11:17 PM
It's fascinating that these cops are freaking out when people ask for justice. They are not even directly insulting the officers. The Tshirts don't say, "Fuck the police." "Police are shit." or whatever else insult. These guys are asking for the dead people to have their voices heard. And YET THAT is enough to get these cops panties in a wad.

The fact that they feel they have to present these rabid denunciations is a very good sign, IMO.

It means they're really starting to get worried. Of course, that escalates the danger for us mundanes.
But what are they gonna do - beat or kill us with impunity? They can already do that ...

But it also means that they think they've got something to be worried about. And they do. Sooner or later, something's gotta give ...

Christian Liberty
12-16-2014, 11:35 PM
They are very collectivist in this when they say something to the effect, "calling for justice in these 2 cases insults ALL police officers." Can they ever admit they have some very bad apples? The football player wasn't insulting the police, just two bad officers. However Jeffery Follmer and other police officials constantly defending two bad cops will eventually turn people against all cops.

It's like saying if you dislike Obamacare it's because you hate the president because he is black.

Would it be unreasonable to say the cops who have a problem with this are "bad" as well?

Of course, I think they're all bad to some extent. Nobody should be a police officer right now...

12-17-2014, 01:59 AM
Interesting, David Knight of Infowars had recently noted that unlike the Second Amendment the First Amendment does not require registration, and licensing to use it;

It does if you are going to assert your first amendment right to peaceably assemble.

12-17-2014, 03:14 AM
It does if you are going to assert your first amendment right to peaceably assemble.

Of course you have the right to peaceably assemble, that is your constitutional right! We only ask you get the appropriate permit. And don't carry any signs larger than 4x5. And don't stand in any areas designated as non protesting areas, which is the entire area besides that 10X10 space behind the city hall parking lot. And no wearing masks. Oh and only during the appropriate hours of 5pm and 6pm. Oh and no dancing.

A Son of Liberty
12-17-2014, 04:30 AM
It's seldom you see such a complete and total FAIL captured on video as the murder of Tamir Rice.

First, the moron driving the car put himself, his passenger, the vehicle, and the child (not that they cared, obviously) in danger by crashing through the sidewalk and into the park. He very easily could have lost control of the vehicle.

Second, the passenger lept out of the vehicle directly into the path and unobstructed line-of-sight of their apparent villain. Had Rice really been a "bad guy", said officer would have been leaping to his death.

Third, even crashing into the park as they were, even the dimmest of wits would have been able to differentiate a 12 year old boy from a "man with a gun".

And on and on...

Yet the "thin blue line" rushes out to defend them? Pathetic.

Had they really believed they had a potential shooter on their hands, what they should have done was approach cautiously from a safe distance, pointed the vehicle in the direction of the supposed perp, exited the vehicle, trained their weapons on him, and gave him calm, clear instructions to put down the weapon, and allow him time to do so.

12-17-2014, 04:48 AM
Had they really believed they had a potential shooter on their hands, what they should have done was approach cautiously from a safe distance, pointed the vehicle in the direction of the supposed perp, exited the vehicle, trained their weapons on him, and gave him calm, clear instructions to put down the weapon, and allow him time to do so.

Well that would have taken all the fun out of it. It's fun to play war and be a hero killing bad guys when you know the other side is probably not a threat.

12-17-2014, 06:43 AM
There is an interesting battle taking place here. Two groups usually protected by knee jerk political correctness. Black Americans and Police officers. These are two groups that you aren't supposed to say anything bad about.

The way the media is making this: If you are for justice for the two slain people-- you are anti-cop. If you think the police responded reasonably-- you are anti-black. You are not pro-liberty, pro anything... instead you are either anti-black or anti-cop.

I'm wondering if one group will emerge as the more politically correct group, or if the purpose of this is to really drive a wedge.

12-17-2014, 06:50 AM
There is an interesting battle taking place here. Two groups usually protected by knee jerk political correctness. Black Americans and Police officers. These are two groups that you aren't supposed to say anything bad about.

The way the media is making this: If you are for justice for the two slain people-- you are anti-cop. If you think the police responded reasonably-- you are anti-black. You are not pro-liberty, pro anything... instead you are either anti-black or anti-cop.

I'm wondering if one group will emerge as the more politically correct group, or if the purpose of this is to really drive a wedge.

The rule of the antis.

Paint every side with negative slang and soon you'll find there is nothing but pro-antism running amok.

tod evans
12-17-2014, 07:35 AM
There is an interesting battle taking place here. Two groups usually protected by knee jerk political correctness. Black Americans and Police officers. These are two groups that you aren't supposed to say anything bad about.

Guess I'm the odd duck again..:o

I'll regularly say un-PC things about both those collectives, as well as many others!

12-17-2014, 08:26 AM
It does if you are going to assert your first amendment right to peaceably assemble.

In that case they are called "permits," not "licenses." See they don't even start with the same letter!! Only you weird liberal-tarians would think requiring a "permit" amounts to 'requiring the government's permission.' Libtards. :rolleyes: /s

12-17-2014, 08:42 AM
There is an interesting battle taking place here. Two groups usually protected by knee jerk political correctness. Black Americans and Police officers. These are two groups that you aren't supposed to say anything bad about.

The way the media is making this: If you are for justice for the two slain people-- you are anti-cop. If you think the police responded reasonably-- you are anti-black. You are not pro-liberty, pro anything... instead you are either anti-black or anti-cop.

I'm wondering if one group will emerge as the more politically correct group, or if the purpose of this is to really drive a wedge.

I've been stuck on "driving a wedge" since the Brown No-Bill. Since the Brown case first went viral we have seen exponential increases in wedging from on-high. Every new 'event' brings a new escalation in force driving those wedges. It's one of the reasons I have taken a 'more aggressive stance' at trying to repel wedges at RPF's lately. Maybe Theye are trying to wedge everyone apart right now, and if so, I think the least-broken coalition needs to be the liberty coalition. For a whole host of great reasons.

12-17-2014, 08:52 AM
It does if you are going to assert your first amendment right to peaceably assemble.

too bad you ended your post like that...i was expecting an 'however'... at the end...

fail dude...

btw...i was born in Seattle 1951....irrelevant i know...however...

12-18-2014, 08:49 AM
It is encouraging that attorney hired by Tamir's family has not arrested yet by ddg's puppet masters.. as happened in case of Miriam Carey.

http://sandrarose.com/images21/tamir-rice-475x639.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsandrarose.com%2F2014%2F11%2Fnot-again-police-kill-12-year-old-boy-playing-with-toy-pistol%2F&ei=GOmSVIrnM4OlgwSpvIGoDQ&bvm=bv.82001339,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGTsy3t0hq1nhgqEND5fl5viHmuog&ust=1419000443062163)