View Full Version : Ben Garrison Legal Fund Needs Our Help!

12-09-2014, 09:54 AM

Internet trolls have been attacking cartoonist Ben Garrison since 2009. Their goal is to ‘turn’ him into a white supremacist Nazi, thus ruining his reputation and business. They’ve stolen all of his copyrighted cartoons and defaced them into anti-Semitic and racist hate images, which they spread on social media. Trolls have attacked Ben’s wife, Tina, and their son. Even Ben's fine art paintings have been photoshopped into hate memes.

In 2014 alone, trolls have created 10 Facebook impersonation pages. These pages featured defaced Ben Garrison cartoons, Ben placed into Nazi uniforms and quotes of hate attributed to Ben. It takes time and effort to remove libel. Sites such as 4chan and Reddit refuse to remove libel against Ben.

I've seen some of the evidence, and some actors involved are either Democrat operatives or really dedicated to the Democrat party. Their goal is pretty apparent: use the claim of free speech to both libel Ben Garrison and disrupt his free speech.



12-10-2014, 05:25 AM
Ignoring the trolls didn’t work, so Ben decided to put together a legal team. A cyber investigator tracked down a few of the main ringleaders. Ben has amassed a great deal of evidence, but justice is expensive. Ben wants to clear his name and hold the perpetrators accountable. Trolls and cyberbullies are abusing free speech, which could prompt government to step in and end anonymous free speech for all of us on the Internet.
