View Full Version : 101 Reasons: Liberty Lives in New Hampshire (Full Film)

Keith and stuff
11-19-2014, 11:53 AM
You might remember the very long thread about the 101 Reasons to Move to New Hampshire if you Love Liberty. The reasons were turned into an informative, yet entertaining 61 minute film.

The film combines the 101 Reasons list with success stories from movers to the state as well as interviews with proponents of the Free State Project (http://freestateproject.org/). Davis and Perfetto conducted nearly 70 interviews with people including author James Bovard, financial expert Peter Schiff, Ben Swann, Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson, Liberty.me CEO Jeffrey Tucker, and writer Bill Buppert. The film also shows the move-in party for the founder of the Free State Project.


The back story of the 101 Reasons is that the document was originally created as a way encourage people to vote for New Hampshire during the FSP's which state vote. The idea was that the top liberty activists in the world would vote on which state they should encourage 20,000 liberty activists to move to. New Hampshire won that vote and the FSP adopted an amended version of the 101 Reasons. The 101 Reasons have been updated several times, but it is still possible that 1 or more of the reasons is slightly inaccurate.

11-19-2014, 11:59 AM
Nice, Keith. Thanks.

Keith and stuff
11-19-2014, 12:03 PM
If you enjoyed the film and want to ask Davis and Perfetto, the co-creators, questions, the film will be shown at the Liberty Forum 2015. Dozens of the people featured in the film will also be at Liberty Forum, many likely in the audience for the screening.

Liberty Forum 2015
March 5th - 8th, 2015
Manchester, NH

If you want to know more about Liberty Forum 2015, watch this 5 minute video.


11-20-2014, 08:39 AM
Watched this film when it came out. Very well done!

Keith and stuff
12-05-2014, 10:17 PM
Here is the Fedbook page for the film.