View Full Version : 4.3 million put ron paul from 2% to 7-8%, what will dec 16th do?

12-03-2007, 07:52 AM
I think we all need to donate hard on the 16th. I've been seeing a lack of enthusiasm about the 16th lately, maybe because we are all donating so much in other areas that we have lost centralization. I think we really need to hit the 16th money donation with as much donations as possible!!! We saw for ourselves just how much he rose in the polls after nov 5th, I think if we hit a nice 5 million or so on the 16th (we defiantly have to beat our first record) it will catapult him into the double digits in the polls. Then after we beat our Nov 5th day and have a raise in the polls then we will have another huge day when they announce us as having the most money for the quarter! LET'S MAKE DEC 16th THE DAY RON PAUL WON!

Can we get the enthusiasim and carisma back into the Dec 16th donation day?


12-03-2007, 07:53 AM
i think the enthusiasm will pick up immensely as we approach dec. 16th

i think all rp supporters understand how much Nov 5th changed the campaign, and how important dec. 16 is.

12-03-2007, 07:54 AM
Yes I agree, though you said November 16th at the end of your post, haha.

12-03-2007, 07:55 AM
oops sorry :)

how do we get these youtube video's viral again? We really need to pick one and start getting it viral. Do we need chuck to do this? lol

12-03-2007, 08:02 AM
It will catapult us into double digits, probably 15%+.

12-03-2007, 08:11 AM
We're going up to 15%.

12-03-2007, 08:13 AM
That's why we need to start promoting it again big time! I think we need to chill out on all the other fund raisers, except maybe the drive for 5 as that’s not much money and is very important, and start channeling all of our energy toward this event so that it will leave an even bigger impression on Americans and their vote!

12-03-2007, 08:20 AM
I think more fence sitters will certainly be less dismissive towards him afterwards. Then, when the quarterly FEC reports come out, I'll be fun to see how big of a boost he gets when it's announced that he's #1. :)

12-03-2007, 09:45 AM
Great! so is everyone still on board to donate that day? Is it going to be a great day? I hope so! As long as we can spark that flame that spread so rapidly on november 5th.

12-03-2007, 09:56 AM
I'm totally enthusiastic about the Dec 16th donation day!

12-03-2007, 10:22 AM
Awesome! I just want it to go over with a huge bang! I think it will lift our spirits as well and get us back on the right track! I think everyone wants to have a good idea for paul witch is great but I think it kind of divides us too much. I think one big donation day is something we can all come together with and fight for. This is going to be a huge battle that NEEDS to be won however we are going to need everyone dec 16th to make this happen.

Pete Kay
12-03-2007, 10:46 AM
After the Florida debates I read a news article about some local Ron Paul supporters. One was a new Ron Paul supporter that was a Florida businessman that hasn't donated yet to the campaign. He said that he heard about Ron Paul after the 5th and then heard about the December 16th and is donating the maximum amount on the 16th.

This got me thinking. How many other first time donors are just waiting for the 16th? How many of them are big donors? It would take just 1000 donors. dropping the maximum of $2300 to add up to 2.3 million! Peter Schiff sent out his email to 60 thousand people after the 5th. Many of them are financially successful investors. What if 2000 donated the maximum on the 16th? That's 4.6 million dollars just from 2000 people! Add in the 40 thousand or more small donors and we could be on the path to massive tsunami of donations on that day. Seriously if we get over 7 million, it will be humongous news. Is it possible? I think so.