View Full Version : SWC rebuke? O Mini-me fading in Maryland

11-04-2014, 10:27 PM
Call it swc rebuke or alleged dronegangsta rebuke or just plain rebuke. For a change this drudge headline sticks.

It looks good that party of moderate neocons have lost 7 seats so far.

OBAMA MINI-ME IN MARYLAND FADING... (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/2014/md/)


Barack Obama makes a rare campaign appearance this election season, the crowds leave as soon as he begins to speak..

Governor 69% in
http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/elections2014/MD_G00_R_L_HOGAN.streams_tablet_x_small.png R Larry Hogan 53.4% 687,047
http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/elections2014/MD_G00_D_A_BROWN.streams_tablet_x_small.png D Anthony Brown 45.1% 579,328
