View Full Version : WILL NSA Scandal topple New Zealand Government?!??! LIVE

09-15-2014, 12:46 AM
Update: Tube


Its all on folks.

Less than a week out from the election, the NZ Prime Minister may be about to get caught in a huge lie.

And in New Zealand, that will get you un-elected fast.

Greenwald, Snowden, Assange, Dotcom, addressing a rally of the Internet Mana party at the Auckland town hall ahead of the election next week.

Note the Prime Minister promised to resign if proof of Mass Surveillance was produced.

Bonus Round: Includes excoriation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

Guarantee you wish you had party leaders to vote for like these.

09-16-2014, 08:08 AM
Bump :)

09-16-2014, 10:31 AM
I don't know why this hasn't received more attention here. It was pretty interesting hearing Greenwald and Snowden on the panel going point by point of all the lies and deceptions PM John Key told in order to try to cover up New Zealand's involvement as one of the 5 eyes and Xkeyscore. Of course now the Key administration and himself are vehemently denying everything just before election. It was fascinating to watch and listen to Greenwald talk about all the attacks he received from PM Key within a few days of arriving in New Zealand.