View Full Version : Soon you will be held liable for your child's behavior

09-12-2014, 09:22 AM
Yes, we have many too many mentally ill and immature people masquerading as parents but this direction is not the answer. Hypothetically speaking, you could be the best parent in the world and if your son or daughter is a sociopath there is little you can do.


To fail at that job is a crime, he believes. He’s recently taken his certainty to court, suing Justin Robinson’s parents for, essentially, being bad parents. He has also turned to Change.org and the New Jersey Legislature, advocating for “Autumn’s Law,” which would punish such parenting with prison.

“Parents who ignore the warning signs of their children’s propensity toward violence are direct contributors to their minor children’s murders,” his petition reads. “If the minor who murdered my daughter was properly treated, parented, disciplined and supervised my daughter would probably be alive today.”

Or, as his lawyer put it, “If you’re going to raise a murderer, you’re going to take responsibility.”

It is a controversial point of view, rooted in society’s ever-changing expectations of parenting — and the increasing impulse to right wrongs with lawsuits. Are today’s parents too lenient, creating a generation of undisciplined kids? Or too hovering, creating fragile, dependent children? Are parents too quick to blame their children’s quirks and missteps on “issues”? Or is our mental health system not equipped to respond to the rising need of families for help? What is a parent’s responsibility for and toward a child as he gets older? Is it bad parenting to insist on knowing everything about your children? Or bad parenting not to?

Ronin Truth
09-12-2014, 09:28 AM
Crappy parenting really needs to be recognized and acknowledged.

tod evans
09-12-2014, 09:47 AM
Seeing as how the state is raising more and more kids will it's employees be held accountable as well?

09-12-2014, 10:01 AM
Parents are already responsible for their children. How is this any different?

09-12-2014, 10:11 AM
“Governments who ignore the warning signs of their employees propensity toward violence are direct contributors to their employees' murders,” his petition reads. “If the employee who murdered Kelly Thomas was properly treated, parented, disciplined and supervised Kelly Thomas would probably be alive today.”

Or, as his lawyer put it, “If you’re going to raise a murderer, you’re going to take responsibility.”
