View Full Version : C-SPAN Washington Journal - going to be talking about blackouts - up next

09-10-2014, 06:36 AM
I believe it's from the perspective of a terrorist attack on the electric grid.


09-10-2014, 06:47 AM
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act
Shield Act <== more important one

3B in next 5 years to slightly harden the grid to point of preventing rolling blackouts. All the TV's, cars, cell phones and computers (think cash register) will fry though...

Oh yeah - the mil and gvmt is already hardened. The civilian grid it totally vulnerable. Why am I not surprised :rolleyes:


09-10-2014, 07:22 AM
A large solar flare or an EMP pulse could take out the electrical grid for a few months to a couple of years. (Worst case scenario - keep in mind that parts of FL lost it's grid some years ago due to a hurricane. It took 8 months to get back up... We don't make electrical transformers in this country any more...)

Here is the really cute part... You know the "smart grid" that's being shoved down our throats all over the country? it makes us more vulnerable, like 100% guaranteed total blackout.
