View Full Version : The Blaze: The Tea Party goes to Ferguson

08-28-2014, 03:10 AM
After Hearing What a Tea Party Group Recently Did in Ferguson, You Likely Won’t Be Surprised That You Haven’t Heard About It

Members of St. Louis Tea Party with Dellena, owner of 911 Beauty Salon in Ferguson (Credit: Bill Hennessy/Facebook)

The story won’t spark controversy or make many front pages, but there is some good happening in Ferguson, Missouri, in the aftermath of the unrest following the police-involved shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Many local businesses in Ferguson were vandalized, looted, and even set on fire as demonstrators took to the streets to protest the shooting. Sadly, innocent business owners have been left to foot the bills. This is where the St. Louis Tea Party realized they could help.

The group spread the word of the “BUYcott” event on Facebook, hoping to get at least 20 people to show up and spend their hard-earned money at local Ferguson businesses on August 21. They apparently ended up with a group of about 40 “(mostly) white people” — and something amazing happened.

They reportedly targeted small businesses who “were hit hard by violence–violence committed (mostly) by out of town agitators, criminals, vandals, and hooligans.”

Bill Hennessy, one of the tea party members who attended the event, later wrote about his experience in Ferguson and how their presence made residents rethink their preconceived notions of the tea party:

A gentlman (my age) in the salon (husband?) asked who we were with. I told him “St. Louis Tea Party.”

“Tea party?” he said. “You bad boys,” and chuckled. Then he looked at me, very serious. He said, “The tea party came up here to do this?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said. “we don’t want to see Ferguson go south.”

He laughed. And he looked at me. Then he was quiet, lost in thought for a minute. When he came out of it, he was like our best friend. Laughing, giving us crap about stuff, telling stories. He admitted baseball can be like “watching grass grow.”

In that moment of reflection, I’m sure he was trying to reconcile “tea party” with what he was seeing–four white people, ages 18 to 50, laughing, spending money, empathizing.

That moment made the whole event worthwhile.

Post by St. Louis Tea Party.

So, why did they do it?

Because, Hennessy writes, “you can’t change the world in your living room.”


Also KMOV has a story with video here:

08-28-2014, 03:17 AM
Looks like they are going back with a scheduled event this Saturday Aug 30 for anyone in the area that is interested.
Saturday, August 30 at 9:00am in CDT
W. Florrisant and I-270

Here is their facebook page;

One of the members websites;

St. Louis Tea Party Part of my haul. Some shops lost almost all their inventory, but insisted we not leave empty handed. And we had to force them to take money. God bless Dellena

https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s261x260/10451909_796578323697984_9149292535372555834_n.jpg ?oh=6fd75585ef23d3e02353c665a3c92019&oe=54681558

08-28-2014, 03:35 AM
Honestly this is exactly the types of activities that Ferguson needs right now, and as an additional benefit, talk about an excellent opportunity to discuss causes where many there will agree on such as the militarization of police which not many political leaders have talked about. And also a chance to talk about some of the things Rand Paul has recently proposed in terms of making changes to the justice system that would have direct impact on the lives of some in these communities vs. just talking in platitudes. Topics that no one, except for Rand Paul and a few others are pushing legislation on, it's win-win.





