View Full Version : Boehner-Haters Heading Back to Congress With More Allies

08-27-2014, 07:18 PM
The anti-Boehner clan is on the way back to Washington (http://topics.bloomberg.com/washington/), and bringing reinforcements.

Ten of the 12 House Republicans (http://topics.bloomberg.com/house-republicans/) who didn’t support John Boehner (http://topics.bloomberg.com/john-boehner/)’s 2013 selection as speaker are cruising to November victories, despite the business community’s attempts to knock some of them off.

The other 2 Broun and Stockman lost the senate races and would have been re-elected in the house.

Jones beat back a challenge from Taylor Griffin, who was a Treasury Department official in President George W. Bush (http://topics.bloomberg.com/george-w.-bush/)’s administration.

“I do what I think is right, and sometimes I think there’s a price to be paid for it,” Jones said in an interview.

In eastern Georgia, radio talk-show host Jody Hice said (http://onlineathens.com/election/2014-07-08/hice-collins-debate-watkinsville-10th-district-seat) he’d support “new leadership with a backbone” instead of Boehner.

Representative Tom Petri, a member of the Main Street Partnership of Republicans, which promotes compromise, is retiring after 35 years and is likely to be replaced by Glenn Grothman, a state senator.
“I would have no problem looking for an alternative to Speaker Boehner,” Grothman said in a candidate debate Aug. 1. “I have no problem standing up to Republican leadership.”
