View Full Version : OANN wants to know what you want for the next pres - will broadcast

08-15-2014, 10:38 AM
They are broadcasting answers. What have we got to lose. At worst we find out how controlled they are and in which direction.

We could send a group e-mail, but tons of individual e-mails would probably be better.


They bill it as "draw up a list of demands and let us voice them for you".

Lets draw up a list of issues. brainstorm on how to fix the country. Return it to the greatness it once was.

We demand:

A president that will not sign a piece of legislation written by lobbyists. All legislation must be personally written by the elected representative.

A president that will veto any legislation sponsored by an elected representative or senator where they sponsored it and it benefits one of their top ten donors.


A president that will not commit troops for more than 3 days without a congressional declaration of war.

I'm going to add to this OP/list... jump in!


You close 90% of overseas military bases. Pre-positioned war supplies are to be maintained and staffed. Upgraded as needed. R&D and upgrading should be a regular program. So should cycling in reservists for periodic training on new tech. Contracts for bases are to be maintained, but at a skeletal crew or just on contract.