View Full Version : A Liberty Activist Goes To Hollywood

08-07-2014, 04:32 PM
It's been a long journey from Tallahassee, Florida to here, but it's all about the journey for me!

I've been involved behind the scenes of a number of media projects, events and organizations over the past years since I first "went liberty", (one of them as some of you may remember was a real disaster, but I learned a lot!) and have really focused on media after working on a few political campaigns - because when any movement has won the day in past history, it has been because of something in the media that became popular and pushed the culture, and then the culture pushed the political class. The environmental movement had animated films like FernGully and the Captain Planet cartoons, hippies had their music, and the American revolution had a pamphlet. I think it’s vital we support liberty media with mainstream potential if we're ever going to win popular support and be more than a movement that supports politicians.

So what do we got? Uncle SAMta :)

I recently made it official and am working with AJ Viviana and Sean Springer from PlayBlast Productions to bring the animated feature film "Uncle SAMta" to the big screen. They've written a very compelling script, and have extensive animation experience, Sean having previously worked on films such as Shrek 2, Prince of Egypt, and Iron Giant, etc, and AJ a number of video games.

The concept trailer can be found here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll0zyMTN8Og

And the story line and other info can be found here -


Here’s a few updates since I joined the team –

1 The Kickstarter campaign advertised in the video promo is over and we've launched plan B – I'm introducing them to investors and they are crowd funding independent of Kickstarter at the unclesamtamovie.com website. (they take bitcoin too!) Anyone interested in investing can contact me at zakcarter@benswann.com

2 Casting - Friends “Anita Gunn” - http://politichicks.tv/author/anitagunn/ - and Britt Hysen - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2761083/ (also cast in roles) have agreed to help us connect with the celebrities and their agents that AJ and Sean want for the lead roles.

3 Music – James Grundler - http://jamesgrundler.com/ - writes and coaches behind the scenes at American Idol, has written for Westlife and other pop artists and has had his music featured in numerous TV shows and movies. We haven’t decided which vocalist(s) he’ll be writing music for on this one yet, but we have options. I also co-manage his band - http://iamgoldenstate.com/ - so we're good on music!

4 Distribution - undetermined at this point, but we'll get there! We are projecting a late 2015 or 2016 release.

(The other film project I've been working with "The Gray State" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy7FVXERKFE - is all systems go, and is just waiting on lawyers before going into production! Freaking hurry up, lawyers!:)

For Liberty!

08-07-2014, 07:16 PM
Looks interesting. I hope it's a fun and approachable film.

I want to ask how's the Liberty movement around the Hollywood areas? Is there a thriving community of like minded people there?

08-11-2014, 10:50 AM
There's a few of us, and Britt Hysen is working on something that I think will bring a lot more out of the liberty closet!