View Full Version : Postcards announcing "The blimp is coming"

12-02-2007, 01:43 AM
Imagine, every house in New Hampshire getting a postcard or a tri-fold brochure telling them the facts about Ron Paul.:cool: They would also have a blimp picture and inform them that the blimp will be arriving soon: Go see it! We could have the sent out to arrive the day before it arrives in each city of new hampshire. I have ran the numbers and I believe we CAN do this. I found a cheap rate for printing AND mailing at gotprint.net (http://gotprint.net/g/showStaticPage.do?page=order_mailing_services.html )

4x6 to 6x11 postcard = 26.6 cents
Brochures (tri-ford) = 29.2 cents

I checked with the census data, New Hampshire has only half a million (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/33000.html). This will build up the excitement and anticipation for when the blimp does arrive.

474,606 postcards = 126,245 dollars:D
474,606 brochures = 138,566 dollars