View Full Version : Mayfield family plans lawsuit, charges against city of Madison & its police department

07-01-2014, 07:32 PM
Mark Mayfield's family plans to sue or bring charges against the city of Madison, its police department or "anyone responsible" after Mayfield's apparent suicide Friday.

Mayfield's relatives, already angered over his arrest in May in the U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran photo scandal, say Madison police were trespassing when they showed up at his home in Ridgeland after he apparently shot himself. They say Mayfield's arrest was politically motivated by supporters of Cochran and drove him to suicide.

Friends, family and his attorneys have said his arrest was politically motivated and his treatment by Madison authorities – including his bond being set at $250,000 -- was overboard.Reeves, said: "I've been an attorney for 32 years, and they don't set drug dealers' bonds that high."


07-01-2014, 08:11 PM
Friends, family and his attorneys have said his arrest was politically motivated and his treatment by Madison authorities – including his bond being set at $250,000 -- was overboard. Reeves, said: "I've been an attorney for 32 years, and they don't set drug dealers' bonds that high."

Absolutely political motivated and we are witnessing first hand how the Thad Cochran-Barber family cabal run corruption in Mississippi politics.

$1/4 of million bail? :eek: Fuck the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution... regards, Mississippi "JUST-US" system.

Sue the living shit out of all those racketeering corrupt government cronies... wrongful death and pile on the rest for good measure.

07-01-2014, 08:14 PM
Godspeed to them. Hope they find a jurisdiction where they can get a fair hearing.

07-01-2014, 08:59 PM
IMHO, stuff like this has been going on in our Judicial/Political system forever.

This will not change until we finally, finally hold those responsible for this crap accountable.