View Full Version : Bill O’Brien for Speaker

07-01-2014, 01:38 PM
from June 25 via email, subject line = Congratulations on Your Candidacy

Dear Colleague,

Congratulations on signing up as a Republican State Representative candidate. I look forward to joining you in Concord, as the 2015-16 session will provide our state an enormous opportunity to expand freedom and grow the New Hampshire Advantage.

As you may know, I will be seeking to serve you as Speaker by running for that office when we gather together for our caucus in December. Today, I want to offer a vision on what we can accomplish next session.

Serving as Speaker during 2010-2012, we achieved historic gains in fiscal responsibility, market reforms and individual liberty. We closed a $900 million deficit without increasing one tax or fee. We reduced or eliminated 20 taxes and fees. We also passed 80 laws that lightened regulations on businesses and citizens.

Contrary to myths invented by Democrat operatives, our efforts were appreciated by the people of New Hampshire. In the aggregate, of all the discrete New Hampshire Republican election campaigns in 2012 – House Republicans, Senate Republicans, Republican candidates for Congress and the Republican nominees for President and Governor – House Republicans achieved the highest percentage of votes; a remarkable record given that we outperformed all other offices above us on the ballot.

So, the people of New Hampshire didn’t reject House Republicans’ efforts when we were in the majority, but those efforts did come with a cost to those of us on the 2010-2012 Republican House team. As all of you and I will do again, we sacrificed time, years out of our careers and, when the Democrats and legacy media chose, personal reputations, but we did so because we were doing what was right. Having spent so much time in Concord during those two years, when we didn’t gain a majority, I decided to leave the caucus leadership to those who, having seen the good that could be achieved through energetic, conservative leadership, I hoped would continue the journey.

Unfortunately, we didn’t see the type of liberty-focused leadership that many had hoped for. With a rather narrow majority, Democrats were able to get many liberal agenda items, such as increasing the gas tax and expanding ObamaCare here in New Hampshire through the House without the type of fight principled conservatives should have delivered. Thankfully, some in the House Republican Alliance carried the torch for limited government, economic freedom and stopping tax and fee increases. However, there should have been a caucus-wide unifying effort to block the advances of encroaching spending and regulation.

Watching this, I realized that we needed to focus on restoring a liberty-minded, movement conservative to head the House Republicans. After discussing the matter with leaders of many conservative groups across the state, I received tremendous encouragement to seek the office of Speaker this year. The opportunities to advance our freedoms are great, but only with leadership that has a clear direction of where we can, and should, make New Hampshire the “Live Free or Die” state not just on our license plates, but as a model of reform for the nation.

We stand at the cusp of what should be a great election for Republicans because the philosophical foundation of the liberal philosophy once again has been shown to be built on a malevolent quicksand of lies, socialistic misconceptions, and European concepts of individual subservience to government. We need to use the upcoming majority to secure our elections laws, so that the fraud of 100,000 same-day registrants coming to New Hampshire to vote will not again steal our voting franchise. We can reform public employee pensions, so that government will not be bankrupted by its employees. We can pass a Right to Work law to give our workers back the freedom they deserve. We need to use our majority to further free the market, so that job growth and our young people can return to New Hampshire.

As Speaker, I will join with a large team of Republican representatives to achieve these goals, but to do so we need a leadership team that understands the need for political courage and public policy focus; a team that will not default to “not being as bad as Democrats” as the definition of Republican success.

I will reach out to each of you to ask that you join us as part of this team dedicated to achieving a vision of New Hampshire as the shining example of limited government, fiscal responsibility and individual rights that is the promise of our history and our party.

Over the next several weeks, I will be announcing those representatives and candidates who already are part of this team. I ask you to contact me and join us so that, united and empowered, all of us will provide dynamic, strong Republican leadership for New Hampshire.

Please let me hear from you and let me know how we might work together to achieve what you and I seek by offering our time, careers and perhaps even reputations in service to New Hampshire.

Sincerely yours,
Bill O’Brien

Rep. William O’Brien
Hillsborough District 5

(Mont Vernon and New Boston)
P.O. Box 154
Mont Vernon, NH 03057
Tel. (603) 620-xxxx