View Full Version : do we stop with Ron Paul, or keep the message alive??

12-01-2007, 04:12 PM
I was complaining about Trevor collecting emails in another thread, which is of course not very productive and somewhat negative in general, but in reading about the couple candidates running for various offices that spoke with Trevor, it dawned on me to research these two guys.....both are big supporters of Ron Paul and the "message" of freedom and liberty....both openly support Ron Paul for president....

I will admit I have not researched to any real degree, but it seems to me, that these forums, and the message, can carry on into other projects and other candidates.

For now we focus on the task at hand of course, but after seeing what a collection of such random people can do here online in a presidential campaign, does anyone doubt we could have massive influence in electing congressional candidates who support the same message of freedom, smaller government, and non-intervention?

We could actually change Washington I believe....and it is easy to believe after seeing what we have done so far with this presidential campaign.

Dean Santoro (http://www.politicalgateway.com/cand.php?id=684)

http://Ted Terbolizard/ (http://terbocongress.org/)

12-01-2007, 04:49 PM
It'd be cool to see a forum based on the senate and congress races. I'm definitely down for supporting some legislators.

12-01-2007, 04:58 PM
We as a group could EASILY influence congressional races...Even with Ron Paul in office, he won't be able to do much if congress is against him....if just these two guys got support...how many more that think like Ron Paul would step up all over the country knowing that they will be backed by voice and money?

We could seriously change Washington one person at a time if we wanted.